Qin Zhao closed his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Moyu who was driving from the corner of his eyes. Her driving skills are very good, not only fast but also very stable. The hands holding the steering wheel were calm yet flexible. Qin Zhao knew at a glance that in addition to eating with chopsticks, these hands may be used for guns and steering wheels every day. He was even sure that Li Moyu would never waste too much time on her face with her flawless hands. It can be seen from her plain face that she does not apply any rouge or powder, this woman has absolute confidence in her appearance, she does not need to use those cosmetics to beautify herself, a typical modern version of Concubine Yang and her second sister

Just as Qin Zhao thought, Li Moyu never put on rouge or lipstick. In the past, when she faced any man, as long as her eyes flowed and she smiled lightly, she would make him focus all his attention on her. She has always believed that it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time to fiddle with those cosmetics every day. She has no shortage of money. But time, she definitely knows how to cherish it better than anyone else. However, this self-confidence, which has been maintained for thirty years, was a little shaken when faced with an unknown security guard.

Li Moyu took advantage of the car turning to change gears, and gently rubbed the outside of Qin Zhao's legs with the back of his hand a few times. She has quite a lot of practical experience in this kind of man who wants to kill her right away, but pretends to be Liu Xiahui on the surface. In particular, that man's heartbeat would speed up, his face would blush, and his neck would pant heavily, as if he had been injected with chicken blood. But after the back of her hand, which can be called icy muscle and jade bone, repeatedly rubbed against Qin Zhao's leg with the message of "you come... let me", someone's performance made her feel uncomfortable for the first time. Tasted failure once. This guy named Song Yu, whose appearance is comparable to Song Yu's grandfather from 300,000 years ago, faced her open hearted teasing, not to mention blushing and gasping for breath, even covering his eyes slightly. Not a single lash of her eyelashes fluttered.

This man only showed great interest in her when he was guarding someone in the lobby of the company, but now that he took the initiative to give him a chance, he didn't even bother to open his eyes. Could it be that he is blind and can't see that there is a cute and cute girl beside him? Could it be that he doesn't care about his nose, so he can't smell the faint body fragrance inherent in this girl? Or is he just a half man who can't lift a gun, who has more than enough energy to deal with unintentional teasing?

Just when Li Moyu was becoming more and more unable to see through this mysterious man with a glimpse of mustache, Qin Zhao spoke. Say in a voice that can only be heard by two people: "Don't think that I can't see that you want to have sex with me. Although Song is a well-educated gentleman, he is definitely not Liu Xiahui. Kind of mentally handicapped. Of course, not the kind of trash who can't ride a horse or hold a gun. If you are interested in me, we can pick a good day to go to a secluded place to practice, and I will let you know, Some men hold it back just because they don't want to affect his job when he is dating a woman. This is a dedicated bodyguard."

The space inside the BMW is spacious enough, and the distance between the front seat and the row is enough for the people sitting behind to stretch their legs easily. In addition, the two daughters of Ye Qingling are meeting each other and muttering something, so even if Qin Zhao didn’t deliberately Keep your voice down, and the two behind you won't hear what they're talking about.

As long as you talk, I can deal with you. Li Moyu leaned closer to Qin Zhao with a smile on his face, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Actually, I would rather have sex with a man when I'm being watched, because that's really exciting, and Let me reach the peak very quickly."

...and there are people more shameless than me...

Even though Qin Zhao has been wandering around the flowers for many years, he has never met such an elegant and generous queen-like person who can speak out his "favorite" so bluntly! After swallowing hard, he decided not to close his eyes to hide anymore. How embarrassing would it be if people really misunderstood us as something bad? ! He opened his eyes and slightly turned his head to look at Li Moyu who was smiling and staring ahead: "Really? Then tell me, is your favorite pose on the top or the bottom?"

"I like you from behind." Li Moyu pinched the corners of his eyes at Qin Zhao with flowing eyes. Although his voice was lower than before, it was clearer, so clear that someone in Qin could hear her heartbeat suddenly speeding up. , There is also a vague panting sound in the breath: "Moreover, it is best to do it in the daytime, and on the balcony. Around the balcony, there should be enough wall mirrors, because then you will You can also admire your majestic posture when you are doing me in the back. As for me, in order to stimulate your majesty, I will stick my head out of the window and call when you are doing it... Hehe, let me Others understand that I am shouting. Of course, I am still a bit ashamed, um, the balcony must be above the fifth floor. I have tried several times, and only at this height can people produce the greatest effect. Curiosity. And only when other people are most curious, I will feel the highest peak coming... I am looking forward to this moment. But, you have to change back to your true colors, because I also hope You can reveal your true self above while revealing your true self below."

Rao Qin Zhao has experienced many battles, and he can play all the poses of "pushing a cart and rooting an old tree" like fire and pure, and he is barely hungry enough to be called a master of flowers. But after listening to Li Moyu's tough rules of the game, he felt like a virgin who had never seen a woman before. This is the first time that Qin felt embarrassed when talking about such things with women. So we can't do it...

"I didn't expect you to be so perverted. No wonder you keep such a charming face. It turns out that you know how to take care of yourself. I admire you, brother. I really admire her." The last admiration he said was that she not only could see through herself Except that the teeth are fake, and the whole person is not the same, he will never admit that the rules of the game Li Moyu said made him admire.

"It's good to say, good to say," Li Moyu smiled and slowly increased the speed of the car: "Maybe everyone came to Tianhe for a common goal, but I hope we will always maintain the closest relationship in the future, and It's not about conflicts over other things. Otherwise... I can't guarantee that I will willingly let you enjoy the taste that you will never forget after trying it once."

Li Moyu could see that Song Yu in front of him must be suspicious of her, so he simply made it clear: I did this job as a bodyguard for something. But at the same time, it also hinted at Qin Zhao: Since I dare to speak out, I naturally have a way to not be afraid of you and Ye Qingling telling the truth.

"It was a temptation just now, but now? Is it a threat?" Facing the threat of secretly not wearing clothes, Qin Zhao just twitched the corners of his lips contemptuously: "Since you have this confidence, then just do it, whether it is openly or not." But to be honest, I really don't want to break such a beautiful neck like yours." Since the other party dared to speak without fear, it meant that he was absolutely sure that he would not be able to bear the harm. What is she counting on? Qin Zhao's eyelids twitched.

"Hee hee, no matter whether it's lure or threat, anyway, I don't care who sent you, and I don't care whether you are protecting Ye Qingling or have other plans. But I can warn you, I, It’s an existence that you can’t afford to offend. Don’t say you can’t reach the level of fighting with me, even if you have a background as a member of the Central Committee, I won’t provoke you. I hope you can understand this, although I don’t know that you are Who, but I really don't want to be an enemy of someone who hides his murderous intentions in front of a beautiful woman like me, I hope you can understand my difficulties." Li Moyu looked up at the roadside sign that said 'Bihaiyuntian Villa Area' The big archway slowly slowed down the speed of the car and turned on the turn signal.

What is the origin of a woman who is not afraid of even the central government officials? UN special ambassador? But even if it is the special ambassador of the United Nations, if it harms the interests of China, I believe it will be nothing in an instant. So is this woman pretending to be bragging? But the calmness on her face when she revealed her intentions to others was obviously backed by self-confidence. Who is she? How dare you have the weight that even the central government officials can't afford? After the car drove into the small road leading to Qin's house, although Qin Zhao stared outside, he was actually wondering who this Li Moyu was.

"You don't have to think about it anymore, I can guarantee that what I said is not false...Of course, I can also guarantee that as long as you don't touch my bottom, I will let you taste that wonderful taste. You know , if you are brave enough, what you capture is not just a woman. But..." Speaking of this, looking at a group of people in front of a villa in front, a smile flashed in his eyes: "...but a woman The world, a world that is completely different from the real world."

"Cut, you're so awesome, why do you still do it yourself? You can just send someone to get it if you want it?" Qin Zhao put his legs together, he didn't want this woman to see the changes under him. However, it's nothing special to see it. If you don't respond to such a beautiful woman's blatant teasing, is that still a normal man?

"What do you mean by that? A woman like me who doesn't lack money, power and beauty, of course I need to find something to stimulate... Well, let's put it this way, I like games. Do you understand? I like playing games the most gone."

"Rich? Are you rich?" Seeing Li Moyu nodding his head to answer his own question, Qin Zhao asked directly, "Why do you want to play the flying wolf's finger when you are so rich?"

"You also know about Flying Wolf Pulling Fingers!?" Li Moyu's heart skipped a beat, but apart from a bit of haste in his tone, there was nothing unusual about the face looking at the rear view mirror: "How do you know that the game I want to play is for jade finger pulling?" ? Which one did you send?"

"Do you think you're a household registration police officer? Don't look at what you've said to me, but I don't intend to reveal anything to repay you." Qin Zhao replied lazily. Finally, they managed to win a round. It seems that at the critical moment, they still have to rely on thick-skinned and unreasonable.

Cut, after Li Moyu calmed down for a while, he said, "Even if you don't tell me who you are, don't worry, anyway, I have a way to make you show your true shape."

Before Qin Zhao could sneer at her arrogance, she heard Jing Hongxue say from behind, "Mr. Ye, what do you think the group in front are doing? Why are they gathered in front of our door?"

In fact, Qin Zhao also saw the crowd of men and women wearing migrant workers' clothes, but he could guess without asking with his feet that these people were entrusted by Li Moyu. According to the bloody plot in the book, these are some migrant workers who are asking for wages under an excuse. They blocked the entrance of the Qin family's villa, and when Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue got out of the car and asked what you were doing here, some female comrades would come up to ask for wages with the boss of Tianhe, and then they would say nothing at all. Ye Qingling would be shoved and shoved by those who shouted injustice. At that time, some people would quietly use their hands to test whether there was a jade finger on Ye Qingling's body.

It's boring, old-fashioned tooth loss. Since Qin Zhao already knew the other party's plan, there was no need to ask Li Moyu foolishly if you arranged this. Anyway, as long as those stinky men other than myself touch Ye Qingling and the others, I will reluctantly turn a blind eye and let them succeed. When you have nothing to do, sitting in the car and watching the performances of those mentally handicapped youths is also a good way to pass the time. Besides, the jade finger is not on Ye Qingling and the two of them, so touching it is useless.

If my guess is correct, you, a pervert, will definitely use your unique means to find Yuba. As for what flower you want to play with, that is your business. Thinking of this, Qin Zhao glanced at Li Moyu who was about to park his car in front of the crowd: As long as you can't find the jade ring for a day, I'm afraid you have to protect Jing Hongxue and the Qin family's villa. As for the old man and the old lady, if you think your life is too long, you can go to the Huaxia People's Liberation Army General Hospital to make a fuss, and I have absolutely no objection.

Qin Zhao just sat in the car like a grandpa, without even lifting his butt, watching Ye Qingling, Jing Hongxue and Li Moyu get out of the car one after another. Now that there is Li Moyu, the bodyguard who is destined to show off in order to gain the trust of Ye Qingling and the two of them, there is no need to trouble him, a super bodyguard.

At the entrance of the Qin family's villa, there are probably fifteen or six people who are not in ragged clothes, but definitely have the characteristics of migrant workers. Four or five women who are fairly neatly dressed are sandwiched between them, and they are managing the property with the electricity bill. The old man was yelling something there.

Bihaiyuntian Community does not have security guards who watch the night, but it does not mean that there are no paid property management staff. Qin Zhao knew this old man, his surname was Liu, and Jing Hongxue usually called him Uncle Liu when he collected electricity bills to take out to clean up the garbage. Now he is trying to stop a few people who look like migrant workers who want to climb into Qin's house and say that they will take a few valuable things to pay their wages.

"You, you are breaking the law by doing this!" Uncle Liu stood panting in front of the iron gate of the Qin family's villa. Call the police."

"Your old man, we are not afraid of calling the police. It has been a matter of course since ancient times to kill people and pay debts! Their Qin family owes us wages, why not pay us?" One of them had a little gray face on his face. , But upon closer inspection, it was clear that it was the woman who had deliberately wiped it off, screaming shrilly.

"Then you can, you can go to his company to look for it, or you can go to the court to sue them. But you can't make trouble here, this is a private residence, and you will bear legal responsibility if you break into a private house. Besides, if it is true Don’t I have to take responsibility if something goes wrong?” Uncle Liu also knows that some bad bosses like to default on migrant workers’ wages, and his old man usually despises those bad bosses with a big conscience, but now these migrant workers who come to ask for wages But it conflicted with his own job. Whether it is out of his own responsibility or to protect the interests of the owners, he has to stand up and stop them from committing crimes, right?

Those people who deliberately came to provoke, how could they listen to an old man talking here? Especially when one of them saw Ye Qingling and the others getting out of the car, they made a fuss. If it weren't for a beggar who was lying in front of the iron gate of Qin's house in a dazed state of fright, I believe he would have used his climbing skills to climb into Qin's house immediately.

"Go away, you beggar!" A woman kicked the beggar who was in the way without grace, and the beggar in pain hissed and yelled, "My mother!"

Poor acting skills, terribly clumsy! If watching TV, Qin Zhao will definitely tune the channel when he sees this. Because which migrant worker brothers and sisters who came out to make a little money dare to play tricks in the urban area? Although that person is a beggar, he is also a permanent 'resident' of the urban area, isn't he? A country woman begging for wages, dare to throw old punches at 'city people'?

The beggar clearly wanted to blackmail the beating person. Before the woman could withdraw her right foot, the beggar rolled over and hugged the woman's pant leg, sticking her dirty face against the woman's exposed skin. The white and delicate ankle in the air said: "It's okay, why did you break my ribs by kicking? Is it fun? You have to take me to the hospital to see the injury."

"What kind of injury can you be a poor beggar?" After the woman was hugged by the beggar's ankle, her face suddenly turned red, and she pulled her legs back vigorously, but she didn't want the beggar to hug her tightly. The calf, let out a loud howl, shaking the world: "Oh, my mother... This woman kicked and broke my ribs..."

Such a vicious migrant worker's wife would blush when a man hugged her leg? Qin Zhao, who was hiding in the car, looked at the corner of his mouth with a trace of sarcasm. But it was a coincidence that the beggar came here. Could it be that another force also got involved? As a super bodyguard, when there are ordinary bodyguards by his side, he doesn't bother to do such a trivial matter of sacrificing his status to persuade a fight. Besides, these people are originally playing oboe with Li Moyu. It's just that the appearance of this beggar didn't seem to be arranged by Li Moyu, did it? Interesting, interesting, they'd better be like a dog biting a dog, while I watched the fun.

Sure enough, Li Moyu frowned slightly when he saw the woman being left helpless by the beggar.

The woman who had been peeking at Li Moyu's face saw that the boss seemed very dissatisfied with her actions, she immediately turned pale, and stammered to the beggar, "You, you said that I broke your ribs with a kick, isn't that... bloody mouth? "

"Cut!" The beggar let out a long cut, and immediately stopped his howling voice and asked, "You said that people owe you wages, isn't that something out of nothing?" light. It's a pity that Qin Zhao didn't see him because he was blocked by the woman's body.

"Then, show me which rib of yours is short!?" The woman growled angrily, and after Li Moyu came, a beggar ran out to make trouble, causing Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue to stand there and stare coldly Looking at it, there was no intention of coming over to ask what was going on. This, isn't this contrary to the original plan? So, getting this damn beggar out of the way as soon as possible is the real deal.

The beggar grunted and let go of one hand, but the other hand was still firmly holding the woman's leg. He picked up the Chinese tunic suit produced in the 1980s on the left, and blood was oozing from the white vest that had begun to turn black: "Oh, it hurts me to death..." He wrote in his authentic Jiaodong accent. , while wiping the blood oozing out with his hands, he held it up high: "If you're not blind, you should recognize that it's blood..."

Duanduan is the reason why blood can be kicked without kicking, what's going on? The woman looked helplessly at Li Moyu again, although it was just a glance, it meant asking for instructions.

If Li Moyu doesn't show up at this time, not to mention that the beggar may have done it on purpose, even if the migrant workers finally put the beggar aside, there will be more and more onlookers at that time, and maybe the police will be called. If that's the case, if you want to fish in troubled waters and grope for Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue, you really have no chance.

"Hey, what are you all doing?" Li Moyu walked over with a dark face, and pointed at those people: "I am the private bodyguard of the owner of this villa. If you have any problems, just come to me. Who told you Illegal crowd gathering here? Ah!? You, and you," casually pointing to two male migrant workers: "Bring me the beggar to the hospital. As for the medical expenses, if Tianhe really owes you money, you can go It will be deducted from your wages at that time."

Not bad, not bad, clever enough, sent the beggar away with a few words, and at the same time showed that he was the bodyguard of the Qin family, if there was anything he could ask her to deal with, this was clearly setting fire to the Qin family. Qin Zhao was lazily lying on the seat, and the pair of polished leather shoes bought for 30 yuan were just casually protruding on the dashboard of the BMW car, looking at Li Moyu with great interest. A good but passable show.

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