"Song Yu, what are you doing sitting here? Why don't you open the door?" Just as Qin Zhao looked at the man kneeling and kowtowing outside the door with a standard gloating expression, Ye Qingling's voice came from behind the chair. The voice came with dissatisfaction and a little anger.

During the day, Qin Zhao gave Ye Qingling an impressive impression, but this was by no means a reason for her to be indifferent when she found him watching the car on fire on the road outside the door and the owner begging. When others need help the most, it's fine if you don't help, but it's a good idea to move a chair aside to watch the fun! It's downright morally corrupt.

"Boss Ye," Qin Zhao stood up from his chair after hearing Ye Qingling's voice, and when he turned around, he put on a humble mask on his face: "His car was burning late at night for no reason, and there are so many people beside him. The villa in my house came to our house to ask for help, don’t you think there is something tricky about it?”

Our gate?

According to Qin Zhao's thinking, this sentence is indeed correct. The Qin family villa is his home, and Ye Qingling is his fiancée. It is understandable for him to say this. But he really ignored the fact that Qin Zhao had "died" in Ye Qingling's heart as early as September 29th, and now he is the company's security guard Song Yu. So Ye Qingling couldn't help but be taken aback by the words 'at the gate of our house'.

Who and you are our family. She wanted to refute the wrong sentence in Qin Zhao's words, but the thumping sound made by the kneeling man in front of the door knocking his hair hard made her no longer have time to worry about it. It is said that saving people is like putting out a fire, not to mention that there is really such a big fire in front of us?

"Open the door quickly, and help him put out the fire." Seeing that the fire outside was getting fiercer, Ye Qingling hurriedly took out the double shelf where the boss and the Qin family lived and ordered Qin Zhao.

What do you know? Although this man kowtowed quite loudly, did you not notice that his forehead didn't look broken at all? What's more, the fire has been burning for such a long time, why is he the only one? Who has only one long-distance driver? And the delivery can be delivered to the villa area... Li Moyu's tricks are too clumsy, just coaxing a girl like you who doesn't stick to the sun. Qin Zhao glanced at the kowtowing man out of the corner of his eye, and knew that this man must have practiced hard kung fu similar to iron head kungfu. He kowtowed so loudly, but he didn't even rub off the oily skin on his forehead.

Seeing that Qin Zhao was still in ink. Ye Qingling was really angry, she turned around and stretched out her hand to Jing Hongxue: "Jing Hong, give me the key." Didn't I command you? Then I can let someone else open the door, right?

Although Jing Hongxue was also surprised why Qin Zhao refused to save him when he saw the fire, but for some reason, after what happened during the day, she developed a kind of blind trust in Qin Zhao. At this time, seeing that he didn't seem to reach out his hand at all, he began to have doubts about the fire burning in front of the house for no reason: "Mr. Ye, we, are we..." She wanted to ask if we should wait a little longer. Wait, wait until you find out what's going on before deciding whether to open the door to help people put out the fire.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, the car will explode. Jing Hong, what are you doing? How can you be like a security guard who has no higher education?" Ye Qingling said nothing. Thinking that Jing Hongxue didn't agree to open the door to help others like this, she became anxious and her tone became a little stiff.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingling would say that about herself in a hurry, Jing Hongxue blushed. Although it was late at night, Qin Zhao still caught the faint tears in her eyes.

Ye Qingling didn't notice this, but just stared at the fire outside, and still stretched out her hand to urge: "Hurry up, hurry up... Hey, I said you don't kneel here, and get out of the way of the door quickly, don't you!" Delay in opening the door to carry water." The latter sentence was addressed to the man kneeling on the ground and kowtowing.

I think Tang Seng in Journey to the West may be such a kind-hearted person. He was deceived by false appearances, and he still had absolute authority to issue orders. He only realized it after suffering a big loss. Seeing Jing Hongxue being urged by Ye Qingling to open the door, Qin Zhao could only shake his head and sigh helplessly like Sun Houzi: "Mr. Jing, I'll open the door." He lifted the chair blocking the door and took out the key Open the big lock.

"Thank you, thank you..." Seeing that the door was opened, the man kneeling on the ground jumped up and was about to run into the yard.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Qin Zhao stepped in front of him and said in a low voice, "Put out the fire and get out of here. Also, when you go back, tell you those accomplices who came in from the backyard that you can't find them here." What you want. If you dare to make trouble again in the future, if you catch one, I will break your legs."

The man was startled, opened his mouth a few times, but said nothing, but the surprise in his eyes further confirmed that what Qin Zhao thought was correct. Since this man is capable of such hard skills as iron head skills, he can't go wrong when he stretches out his hands. However, under the gaze of Qin Zhao's eyes with a disdainful smile, his scalp still feels numb. Guilty? No way, I have done more extreme things than this before, and I didn't have this kind of discomfort.

"Song Yu, don't waste your time there, you and I will find something to put out the fire together." Seeing that the door was opened, Ye Qingling yelled and turned around and ran to the room with the washing machine. Jing Hongxue and Li Moyu looked at each other, they didn't expect the calm-looking Ye always to be so impatient.

"Remember what I said." Qin Zhao slowly let go of the man's collar, and warned him with a sneer. When he turned around, he saw Jing Hongxue and Li Moyu urging him repeatedly. Next, a transparent rubber water pipe has been pulled out of the washing machine room.

The action is really fast enough. Qin Zhao gave a secret praise in his heart and felt amused at the same time. If Ye Qingling finds out that the bedroom on the second floor has been tossed and disfigured after a while, wonder if she will continue to maintain this great enthusiasm?

On the surface, the man was stunned by Qin Zhao's warning, and then ran into the courtyard rubbing his body.

On the left side in front of the living room door on the first floor, there is a large glass fish tank about two meters long. Originally, this fish tank was placed next to the sofa in the living room. It used to have seven or eight beautiful tropical fish in it, but since someone from Qin After returning home, I did not know where I developed the habit of flicking soot into the fish tank. God knows what sins those tropical fish who lived in Qin's house safe and sound for several years did in their previous lives, will meet Qin Zhao who has such a good habit in this life. After the silent resistance was ineffective, one after another walked towards the road of returning to the kingdom of heaven. After the sacrifice of the first batch of tropical fish, Qin Tianhe also scolded Qin Zhao for being violent. It can be seen that he still can't change the fact that he flicked soot into the fish tank and murdered the poor fish that he just bought. After being a prodigal son, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to buy fish to raise.

A big fish tank without fish in the living room is very uncomfortable to look at, so Qin Tianhe moved it under the window of the guest room in the courtyard, leaving it empty is better than having to empty it for several years Ashtrays for cigarette ashes are much better.

After Jing Hongxue moved into Qin's house and found the empty fish tank, she asked Song Pingxia curiously why she didn't bring a few ornamental fish into the living room. After Song Pingxia explained the "mystery" to her, although she didn't say she hated Qin Zhao's good habit, she also felt that this person was a bit perverted. By chance, when she pestered Qin Zhao to travel to Laoshan, she touched seventeen or eight large snails in the stream on the mountain, and brought back several large bags of soil with that expensive Mercedes. , Just use this spare fish tank as an excellent place to raise snails.

Qin Zhao responded with a contemptuous smile to Jing Hongxue's childlike hobby, but since then, no matter whether he flicked soot into the fish tank intentionally or unintentionally, those snails still use suction cups on the transparent glass of the fish tank every day. Take a walk and live a leisurely life. Because the water has not been changed for a long time, the snails are covered with moss. From the outside, the snails with long moss look like little green parrots in the water.

Now, when the *man ran into the yard and looked around, he first found this big fish tank that could hold several cubic meters of water. Seeing an iron basin for car washing in the corner of the yard, he ran over to pick it up. Maybe he didn't notice that Ye Qingling and the others had already pulled out the rubber water pipe, maybe he wondered whether there would be something the boss wanted in this fish tank, anyway, he just took the iron basin and stretched it in In the fish tank, one hand took the opportunity to touch it...

Qin Zhao, who had been following him and looked at him coldly, saw that as soon as he entered the yard, he ran towards the fish tank with an iron basin and stretched his hand in. When he narrowed his eyes and suddenly became murderous, he wondered how he knew that Yu Yu The wrench is hidden in the empty shell of an escargot in the fish tank.

On the eve before Qin Zhao's departure to Japan, in order to ensure that Yupanzhi would not be taken advantage of by Xiaoxiao, in the dead of night when Jing Hongxue was fast asleep, he cruelly invited a big snail to take a hot bath... Waiting for the unrepentant death After the snail exposed its body hidden in the shell to someone Qin, someone Qin put the jade wrench finger in the "home" where it lived for several years, sealed the mouth with mud, and put it in a corner of the fish tank.

Although Qin Zhao's behavior of stuffing the jade finger into the snail and then hiding it in the fish tank is not unprecedented or unprecedented, it is still a very clever way. He figured that even if someone sneaked into Qin's house while he wasn't home, he wouldn't think that Yu Chuanzhi was buried in a fish tank halfway in the field snails in the mud.

To his surprise, the man noticed the fish tank at the first sight. I don't know if he is too stupid or this man is too smart, anyway, when he reached into the fish tank, Qin Zhao grabbed a No. 8 steel nail in his hand, just waiting for him to fish out the one hidden in the mud A half-length snail was pierced into the back of his head with steel nails... Qin Zhaoke never regretted or hesitated to take someone's life with just a few gestures. Sometimes, the state cultivates them. Apart from giving them infinite amazing abilities, it also takes away their compassion as a normal person.

In fact, Qin Zhao was overthinking. Although this man has received many years of special training, he really did not expect that the jade wrench they so painstakingly sought would be in an inconspicuous fish tank. The reason why he stretched his hand into it was because he wanted to See if you can find the valve that prevents water from draining the tank. His current task is to get everyone in the Qin family to cooperate with his vivid performance to fight the fire and create chaos, so that the accomplices who came in from the backyard can take advantage of the chaos and climb into the house through the window to look for the jade wrench.

"Hey! What do you want to do!?" When Jing Hongxue dragged the rubber pipe and followed Ye Qingling out of the washing machine room, she happened to see the man groping in the fish tank, and immediately stopped him: "How much water is there? Let's talk There is no valve in this fish tank."

Oh, the man said oh, smiled embarrassingly, straightened up and turned around, and was jumped by Qin Zhao who stood silently behind him: "You, you..."

"What am I? Can't I watch you order in my house? If you fish in troubled waters and steal something, won't I, the bodyguard, be derelict?" Qin Zhao slowly put the steel nail in his hand back into his pocket, At the same time, I also breathed a sigh of relief: So this guy just wanted to release water. I thought you had seen through the good place I worked so hard to find for the jade pull finger.

"I just want to put some water to put out the fire." The man said in a hurry, missed Qin Zhao's body and ran to the door. I didn't know what happened just now, but when he bent down and put his hand into the fish tank, he felt a chill in the back of his head.

The Qin family villa has its own well. After the gate is closed, the water in the rubber pipe is like a water dragon. The man holds the one with its teeth and claws and throws it at the same flame with its teeth and claws. When the cold and the hot met, they made a squeaking sound and raised clouds of water vapor. The car may indeed be pulling clothes as the man said. Although the flame is suppressed by the water, the fire is too large and the water pipe is too thin. Where the open fire is extinguished by water, there will still be thick smoke in the car. There was a pungent smell of burning clothes.

Seeing Ye Qingling staring nervously at the car, Qin Zhao was secretly amused, knowing that she was worried about this man.

"You paid a lot of capital, right? Although this car of clothes can't be said to be brand-name goods, but with this car, it will cost more than a hundred thousand." Qin Zhao asked Li Moyu who was standing beside him with his hands behind his back: "What's next?" How many people came in? Be careful not to take the rest of the house by mistake, or I will demand compensation for Mr. Ye and you. "

When Qin Zhao asked questions, the owners who lived in this villa area were also awakened, and walked out in twos and threes. After seeing such a big fire, those male citizens showed their true qualities of good citizens to save lives and heal the wounded one by one. Watching the man pull the smoking clothes down from the car. Taking advantage of the chaos outside the courtyard, Li Moyu didn't have to deliberately lower his voice. He giggled and said, "It's only a few dollars, and it's not enough for me to maintain a pretty face." Looking back at the main building of the Qin family villa, she was very upset. Qin Zhao, who annoyed Qin Zhao, shrugged like a foreigner, and said lightly: "Don't worry, don't say that I have instructed them long ago. Except for jade fingers, anyone who dares to take things with cheap hands, I will kill you." Cut off his hands, cut off his left hand if he holds it in his left hand, cut off his right hand if he holds it in his right hand, and cut off his tongue if he holds it with his mouth. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you demolish the Qin family’s villa, as long as you can find a jade wrench.”

My good CDs and books that help ease my mood will be searched by those guys, right? I hope they put it back in the same place after the search... In fact, there is no need for this, Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue must have seen it long ago. But what's the point? Playing by yourself without breaking the law and saving money... Who told you to pester me all day but not let me go out to find girls?

Seeing Qin Zhao's silence, Li Moyu thought he was worried about financial loss, so he took a step forward and stood side by side with him: "Don't worry, sister, I'm not very rich, but I still bought dozens of villas like this I will find a way to compensate you when the time comes... I do this for your sake, I don't care so much about others."

"Thank you now for the sake of my face. If this is the case, I will feel at ease. If you make too much trouble, I am really embarrassed to explain to others. You came to Qin's house for your own purpose, and I Entrusted by others. Although we are against each other, I really don't want to offend a woman who is not even dared to mess with the central government because of your useless actions." Before Li Moyu could say anything, Qin Zhao took out another A cigarette was lit: "Actually, as a smart person like you, you should also know why you have to play it at night since I saw through the day's drama. You know it's futile, but you still do it stupidly, don't you?" Don't you want to have a good sleep?"

At this time, the goods on the car outside were unloaded with the help of others, and the clothes were spread on the road with the help of everyone. The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the *man was talking non-stop with a distressed expression. People around thank you. Li Moyu shook his head with a smile and said: "I didn't find what I was looking for in Mr. Ye and the others during the day. I knew that it would be useless to do it again at night, but if I didn't try, I would definitely not be able to sleep. think."

Well, Qin Zhao nodded and didn't say anything. Seeing Ye Qingling waving to him outside the door to signal him to drag the water pipe home, he sighed heavily and said, "Let's go, you made me do something wrong, it's supposed to be your job." You have to do it yourself."

"Stingy man..." Li Moyu curled her lips and muttered, but seeing that even Ye Qingling was there and wanted to do it, she couldn't do it even if she didn't want to touch the water pipe full of black ash, so she had to go out with her .

"Song Yu, I really don't understand, why do you just look on when you see others in need of help? Don't you know that it is a cruel thing to leave one's life alone?" After Qin Zhao closed the door, several people When she came to the washing machine room and washed her hands with the rubber pipe, Ye Qingling accused Qin Zhao of dissatisfaction and said, "Although I am very grateful for what you have done during the day, I feel that you are so insensitive to other people's difficulties... Very..." Very much, she didn't say anything, but everyone present could tell from Qin Zhao's increasingly ugly face that Ye Qingling was saying that he was very heartless and very...humane.

"Mr. Ye, if you continue to talk about me like this after going up to see your bedroom later, then I have nothing to say." Qin Zhao knew that Ye Qingling was indifferent to his indifference to others in need of help just now. When I got angry, I couldn't wait to start teaching him to be a caring and good person as soon as the work was done. He clearly knew that with Ye Qingling's eyes, he would not be able to see Li Moyu's tricky accusations, but he was still a little angry. So I thought of the character who was wronged many times by a monk and burst into tears many times and begged him not to blame him as a teacher. After saying this, regardless of Ye Qingling's complexion becoming ugly, and even Jing Hongxue's hesitation to speak, he just stared at Li Moyu coldly, then walked out of the room shaking the water droplets on his hands without looking back. .

"You, you... Am I still wrong? Let me see the bedroom? What do you mean?" If it wasn't because Qin Zhao promised Director Jiang to come to Qin's house during the day, no one else would want to come. If it weren't for Qin Zhao's handling of the migrant workers' troubles like a handsome guy in a BMW at noon, I believe Ye Qingling would have taken out the chief executive because of his inexplicable words. Throwing him out on the street for arrogance, even in the dead of night... he has to be thrown out. This kind of person's quality is too low. Not only does he not accept criticism, but he dares to give the boss a shame! Where in the world is there such an arrogant bodyguard? What's more, it's so ugly...

"Boss Ye, maybe there's something going on here, we'd better listen to him and go to the room to have a look." Jing Hongxue grabbed Ye Qingling's sleeve, bit her lip and said thoughtfully: " Maybe he saw something and we got him mad because we misunderstood him."

"Cut!" Ye Qingling gave a long cut: "Jing Hong, you don't need to explain anything to him, I think he is a little arrogant after getting our approval during the day, and always wants to show others how much he is. It's like having foresight, what will happen in our house in the middle of the night?" He wiped his body with his backhand without caring about the image of a lady, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at his attitude just now, what is this?"

"Boss Ye, maybe his thinking is reasonable. I've heard of similar things before. He deliberately took the opportunity to make trouble to lure the master out, and then entered the house from behind to steal things." Li Moyu had to say for Qin Zhao at this time. Let's talk, only she knows what's going on. If she doesn't do anything according to the truth of the matter at this time, maybe Ye Qingling will think that her bodyguard is not only in the face of things like that during the day It's useless, and she doesn't have the insight of a security guard at all, so she may have to be laid off.

"Are you talking about the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?" Ye Qingling was stunned when she heard Li Moyu say the same, and summed up the possibility she said with an idiom: "I think you are thinking too much."

What kind of tiger are you? After Li Moyu chuckled Ye Qingling's metaphor in his heart, he looked at her and said unconvinced, then go up and have a look, and then walk out of the door to the living room.

A moment later, a scream came from the second floor with his mouth covered with his hands, and at that time, Qin Zhao had already fallen asleep.

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