"Hey, they are filming TV dramas because they look familiar. They don't know how many times they appear on the TV screen every day. It's normal for you to look familiar." After Fu Yi explained to Qin Zhao why she looked at that toad After seeing them familiar, Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue had already walked into the set, and at this time Qin Zhao also let go of his arm, said hello to Jing Hongxue and walked to the set. Only then did he understand that Qin Zhao's real intention was not to want him to hold Ye Qingling's hand. Fu Yi snorted bitterly, but when Qin Zhao pretended to turn his head to ask Mr. Fu what's wrong, he changed into a smiling face and said that he was accidentally kicked by a small stone just now... …

The director of "Strategy of Busan" is an old man with thin hair on his head and a big beard on his chin, just like many third-rate directors who look awesome but actually pretend to be serious. At that time, he was pointing impatiently at the photographers and several actors and actresses on the set: "That so-and-so, let that so-and-so go to make up again! And that so-and-so, you lead them to find their feelings... Hey, you, come here." He pointed at Toad and said, "How are the extras I asked you to find?"

Toad just now looked like 'I'm an artist' in front of Qin Zhao and the others, but when he saw the bearded director, he put on a flattering smile and said, "Director Yang, I brought you here, that is, That's the one..." As he spoke, he glanced back at Qin Zhao, and said in a low voice with dissatisfaction, "It's the gentleman who plays the policeman who thinks that my salary is low... I agreed to give the three of them seven hundred yuan. .”

"Seven hundred yuan is seven hundred yuan. As long as the effect comes out, seven thousand yuan is also suitable." Director Yang glanced at Fu Yi and Ye Qingling, very satisfied with his vision, nodded and said: "Very good, I I'm very satisfied." Before the smug smile on Toad's face fully bloomed, he continued, "You can add the money you don't have enough." Then, without looking at him again, he turned and called the crew to prepare to start the film.

After the bearded director Yang called for preparations, a long-haired young man who looked like an artist came over immediately, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and began to explain the plot to the three of Qin Zhao, and at the same time handed Qin Zhao a police uniform, He whimpered at a tent set up with a shade net, and motioned for him to go there and change his clothes.

The plot is actually very simple, that is, Fu Yi and Ye Qingling play a couple in love. When they pass by a fast food restaurant where the police are drinking drinks, an Iveco minivan suddenly appears in front of them. The car stopped, and two gangsters wearing "Hao Shuang" brand women's stockings on their heads suddenly jumped out of the car. One of them lifted up the leather shoes with the "Everyone Wear" brand and kicked the male couple played by Fu Yi to the ground. , another gangster with a 'Ting Kuai' brand fruit knife caught the female couple played by Ye Qingling, and then the two joined forces while the male couple shouted 'what are you doing' on the ground, Like the black and white impermanence who was desperate for their lives, they dragged the female couple into the Iveco car with the words "the farmer's mountain spring is a bit sour" painted on the body. At this time, the policeman played by Qin Zhao suddenly saw this scene in the fast food restaurant, so when he slapped the table and shouted 'stop', a pistol was suddenly put on his forehead, and then the policeman could only watch helplessly. Speeding away with the female couple in the car...

"Do you understand?" The long-haired young man clapped his hands, and walked around Ye Qingling's face several times with encouraging eyes, until Qin Zhao, who had changed his clothes, blocked his gaze with a serious refrigerator face. Only then did he ask another question, "Do you understand?"

"I, I don't have a line, right?" Ye Qingling took a step back so that she could see the long hair who was a little bewildered by Qin Zhao's stare.

"Well, there is one sentence, similar to this gentleman." Long hair seems to have rarely seen a policeman with a sense of justice like Qin Zhao. When he saw Ye Qingling again, his eyes were all for the shadow of art: " This beautiful lady, you just need to cooperate with the actor who robbed you and make a few struggling movements, pretend to be overly frightened and shout "What are you trying to do!" to the kidnapper... See that Is there a banyan tree at the crossing?" The young man pointed to Ye Qingling: "When you get under that tree, your role is over."

Ye Qingling looked there, and it was about a hundred meters away. This section of the road may have been cleaned up by the crew on purpose. There was no pedestrian on the road, and all the tourists who had nothing to do to watch the excitement stood outside the cordon set up by two red ropes. And Li Moyu, who was wearing a pure white sportswear, was leaning against the big banyan tree at this time, with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and made a victory gesture towards her.

"Okay, I remember. Do you want to start now?" Perhaps infected by the atmosphere of acting in a TV series for the first time in her life, Ye Qingling is like a kindergartener who is about to be arranged by the teacher to perform on stage Like that, she looked excited, and even smiled while looking at the cameras that were shining the sun at her, with a charming and charming look.

"Oh, we have to wait for a while." Compared to guiding Fu Yi and Qin Zhao, the young man with long hair was not so enthusiastic, especially Qin Zhao, he just told him: "You sit in that fast food restaurant with a cup in your hand. With a bottle of mineral water of 'Nongfushanquan is a little sour', when you see this beautiful lady being hijacked, you just need to stand up and slap the table and shout 'Stop! The actor who pointed to your forehead will continue."

"It's as simple as that? Don't I have a gun in my hand? As soon as I yelled to stop, someone put a gun on my forehead, but I didn't even have a chance to draw the gun. How embarrassing is that?" Qin Zhao tidied up the police epaulettes , found out that he was still a second-level superintendent, and the second-level superintendent only had two words of lines, which was not as good as the male couple who was kicked. Anyway, he still had seven or eight words to say with a few whispers Singing... However, these two words can be worth more than two hundred, it seems that it is not a compensation.

"Hi!" The young man with long hair exclaimed, and said impatiently: "The plot needs it, and the acting is not real. Why should you be so serious? Here, go and sit in the fast food restaurant over there. Remember, you have to choose A table near the window."

I should have played the gangster who kicked him! Seeing that Ye Qingling had been held by Fu Yi and walked to the side of an intersection, Qin Zhao muttered something in his heart, and punched Jing Hongxue who was holding a can of drink and looking at him with a smile. After cooperatively raising the drink in his hand to celebrate, Qin walked towards the fast food restaurant with his eyes open. Why do you have to turn your eyes to the sky? Because we are playing the role of a policeman now. Policemen usually walk like this without looking at their feet.

"Everyone is in position, ready...to start the machine!"

Following the order of the bearded director, all the staff present were in a state of fighting, except for the occasional coughing of many people who were watching TV dramas on the side of the road, including the bearded director. The camera focused on Ye Qingling and Fu Yi who were coming from the intersection.

Qin Zhao took a bottle of mineral water drink handed over by Comrade Toad, and pretended to be tasting whether the drink was a bit sour as written on the outside of the bottle. And that toad stood near the window, waiting for the Iveco car to rush into the scene with his face facing out, and then began to point a gun to Qin Zhao's forehead.

"Hey! Boss, come on, come on, here's TV." Two punks riding mountain bikes with hair dyed in various colors yelled in the car. Their arrogant voices immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the bearded director and Qin Zhao, whose eyes were drawn to the sudden yelling.

It turned out to be her. Qin Zhao couldn't help smiling when he saw the man whom the two punks called the boss. This boss is exactly Cao Binger who stole his jade ring finger and caused him countless troubles. He has made a fortune from somewhere recently, and he is holding a digital camera in his hand, with his small nose proudly raised: "What are you calling? As if the boss has never seen a TV shoot."

"Cut!" The bearded director was very dissatisfied with the sudden yelling, and frowned in disgust, glaring at the two little bastards fiercely, but felt that the other party was an out-and-out little bastard with a tyrannical snake. It's not that a director like him, who is considered heaven in the eyes of third-rate actors, can afford it. So I had no choice but to yell "ka" angrily, and once again said to Ye Qingling and Fu Yi, who were puzzled, "Sorry, let's do it again."

Ye Qingling and Fu Yi had no choice but to go back to the place where they came from. After the bearded director said the beginning again, they pretended to be a pair of lovers whispering head to head, and reappeared in the scene locked by the camera.

"Wow! Boss, this woman is as good as you!" To the attitude of the bearded director, the two punks completely regarded him as farting, as if they were pointing at Ye Qing at the boss Cao Binger Ling, with a look of astonishment and envy. At this time, Cao Bing'er also recognized Ye Qingling, and found that she was the wife of that Qin, so she couldn't help but groaned softly, and then looked around, apparently looking for Qin Zhao.

At this time, an Iveco rushed over from the right side of the camera, and when it came to Ye Qingling, it suddenly made a harsh 'creak' sound, then the door opened suddenly, and two people jumped out of the car with a bang bang bang. Wearing a TV, the gangsters who often covered their faces with stockings were holding extended fruit knives in their hands. Although they couldn't see their expressions clearly, they definitely looked fierce and pulled Ye Qingling past him. One of them was stunned at Fu Yi kicked him with a bang, kicking him directly onto the blanket that had been laid on the ground long ago.

Why are you reluctant to kick hard? Qin Zhao touched the two mustaches on his lips, feeling very dissatisfied with the actions of the two dudes playing gangsters. However, to be honest, this kid Fu Yi has a bit of acting talent, and before that kick touched him, he was already squatting there with a painful expression on his face.

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