It hurts, it hurts.

Venus is flying in front of my eyes, and birds are singing in my ears. Apart from the faint feeling that I am crying in my mind, even Qin Zhao who supported her and asked her repeatedly, only felt it after tens of seconds. out. Gritting his teeth tightly, he tried his best to protect his hands around his ankles. He raised his sweaty and pale face and looked at Qin Zhao. After a while, he lowered his voice after the dizziness subsided a little. Said: "I'm sorry..."

As soon as Qin Zhao turned the corner, he saw Li Moyu buried his head here, his hands were about to touch his right ankle, trembling all over. Regardless of being out of breath, he ran in front of her with white eyes and mouth wide open, and before he could adjust his breathing, he put her on her lap and asked in a hurried voice: "Mo, Mo Yu, what, what's the matter?" ..." Li Moyu's low wail was the only answer to him, and when he followed Li Moyu's hands to look at his feet, he realized that Li Moyu's right foot had been twisted exaggeratedly to the outside of his calf. No wonder Li Moyu, who was able to jump up to Iveco, didn't respond to his repeated calls. It turned out that his ankle was severely dislocated and hurt. What Qin Zhao didn't expect was that the first thing Li Moyu said when he raised his head was sorry!

With his right foot severely dislocated, Li Moyu is still saying sorry for not rescuing Ye Qingling, and a super bodyguard like him...


These three words were like a knife, instantly cutting through the steel shell that had sealed Qin Zhao for three years and never spared love and pity for hostile women. It made him never remember that the reason why Li Moyu appeared here was because he was greedy for his jade ring finger, and he dared to maintain his identity, so he was a hostile member who blatantly revealed his plot with him, Ye Qingling's super bodyguard. The second person who killed the vampire bat... All in all, all in all, Li Moyu has indeed moved the sky, the earth, and Qin Zhao...

"It doesn't matter?" Qin Zhao didn't know why, he knew that Li Moyu might have conflicts with him in the future, and even thought of killing her yesterday to avoid future troubles, but at this moment when he looked at Li Moyu with a pale face and dripping cold sweat , There is still a faint pain in my heart. That kind of pain is a bit like the feeling of being at a loss when seeing his mother Song Pingxia suddenly lying on the ground that day, so Qin Zhao, who is usually eloquent, just keeps asking her if it's okay.

Putting his hands under Li Moyu's armpits, Qin Zhao half-dragged and half-carried her to the side of the mountain, letting her lean on the mountain. When holding her and moving towards the mountain, Qin's hand inevitably pressed Li Moyu's plumpest place tightly, and felt a slight tremor of her body, but in this extraordinary period, always Qin Zhao, who likes to pretend to be stupid as a magic weapon, can only calm Li Moyu's embarrassment by not changing his face.

You can do such a bold gesture of doing things, and you can say it out loud, and you can be ashamed just to take advantage of it. Alas, women, women, your heart is like a needle in the sea... Brother, I have to pretend that I don’t understand. Qin Zhao muttered in his heart and pressed his hands, squatted down and first rolled up the white sweatpants for her, exposing his calf, which was definitely white enough to be bullied by Frost Saixue, and then carefully loosened her shoelaces. open.

"Bite your mouth later... Well, it's better to bite the cuff of your clothes, because it will hurt a lot when you put back the dislocated ankle." Qin Zhao first took off the shoes, and gently rubbed the swollen ankles with his hands. After feeling that it was just a dislocated ankle, the problem was not serious but it definitely hurt, then he told Li Moyu without raising his head: "I really can't put a stone in my mouth."

"You, you just put a stone in your mouth. I'm fine, I'm fine, I can still hold on, it's just a dislocation." Li Moyu wiped the cold sweat off his face with his hands and said, "Actually, I can handle it myself. , are you going to chase Mr. Ye first?"

"Isn't it just a dislocation? Look at what you said so lightly. There are many kinds of dislocations. Forget it. I'll explain to you later. As for Mr. Ye, I think if they want to harm her, they can just shoot her. There is no need to go through such a big setback. The reason for hijacking her like this, hum, is nothing more than using her to ask for something. Don't worry, I can guarantee that they will definitely be waiting for us in front."

After recognizing Nokaku Yamaguchi and Michiko, Qin Zhao knew why Ye Qingling was abducted. Those hateful and greedy Japanese were nothing more than wanting to pull fingers. As long as they hadn't got the jade finger, Qin Zhao could guarantee that Ye Qingling would be safe and sound, just like Li Moyu willingly risked his life to save her because the jade finger had not been obtained yet. This time it fell into the hands of the Japanese. Although the shock must have been greater than last time, and even some kind of harassment, there is no way to worry. Apart from mobilizing the army once, even Qin Zhao himself couldn't think of any perfect strategy. But when the police or the army come, will those guys come and die? Can Ye Qingling get out of danger this time like last time? do not know.

In the time Qin Zhao explained, he took off Li Moyu's socks. The soles of the feet, which were quite delicate yesterday, are now like steamed steamed buns, with a strange purple-blue color shining on the oily skin, when Qin Zhao's hand touches them, Li Moyu's body trembles.

"Are you ready?" Qin Zhao looked down at the foot, supported Li Moyu's heel with his left hand, and grabbed her toe with his right hand, shaking gently and slowly: "Put the sleeve into your mouth , lest I bite my own lips."

"Hmm." Li Moyu made a nasal sound, lowered his head and closed his eyes, and bit the clothes on his right arm.

At this time yesterday, she took the initiative to put her legs on Qin Zhao's legs, her face was like peach blossoms, but today her heart was beating non-stop, like an innocent little girl who had never met a man, it's strange .

"Oh, I don't know if they will come here." When Li Moyu tensed his nerves and prepared to meet the excruciating pain, when he heard Qin Zhao suddenly say these words for no reason, he couldn't help being taken aback. When she subconsciously asked him who they were talking about, she heard a light click on her right ankle... Then the piercing pain turned into cold sweat and a nasal hum was expressed by Li Moyu.

Although Li Moyu is the daughter of a high-level executive, she has never loved red makeup or armed forces since she was a child, and she has won the All-Award several times in the Russian special training camp, but she is a girl after all, and a snake will be afraid of pain Girls who cry.

"Oh..." Li Moyu let out a low voice similar to doing that kind of thing after the heart-wrenching pain, tears rolled back and forth in his eyes, if it wasn't for Qin Zhao still moving the injured ankle for her , she would not hesitate to bury her head and cry to dilute the pain that did not belong to her. This pain... used to be borne by her father's guards and her hippopotamus and others.

"Is it better?" Qin Zhao raised his head with a smile, and at the same time quickly rubbed her feet with his right hand to achieve the effect of using friction to generate heat, so that she could get better as soon as possible. Get well soon and still have to go after Ye Qingling...

Itching, itching, a strange itching came from the back of the foot that Qin Zhao rubbed vigorously. Seeing the instep of his feet being 'ravaged' by a mustache with a nasty appearance, Li Moyu suddenly shrank his feet forcefully: "You, don't look at my feet..."

Qin Zhao was stunned, and he asked a word that he had slapped himself impulsively when he thought of it for a long time: "Isn't it? It's just touching your feet! What have you done with so many men? I'll give you your feet." What's the matter with touching, and I can't touch..." At this point, he stopped abruptly, stood up without saying a word, turned around and looked at the road when he came, pretending to be careless and said: "Why haven't they Catch up? Hey, do you think that little boy named Fu Yi is mentally handicapped..."

"You, get out!" Li Moyu hissed and interrupted Qin Zhao, and then Qin Zhao heard a bang, accompanied by her muffled groan.

What's wrong? Qin Zhao turned around in puzzlement, just about to apologize sincerely to Li Moyu, but found that the foot that was just attached to her had changed back to its original appearance. It's just that this time because of the bare feet, a layer of skin was scratched on the snow-white feet, and some soil was also stained, and blood stains were faintly seeping under the soil.

", what do you mean?" Qin Zhao never dreamed that the ankle that was connected to her just now was dislocated again. Judging from Qin's rich experience in picking up girls, maybe, maybe, it's because what he said just now stabbed this girl's self-esteem? In order not to admit her feelings, she kicked the injured foot on the mountain cruelly.

"Hmph," Li Moyu sneered, his eyes turned to the sky, and his lips trembled incessantly from the pain from his feet: "Yes, I'm a poor woman who can do everything she can and is ridden by thousands of people. , I really shouldn't say that kind of bitch to my helper. Although I am hopelessly slutty, I don't like to say those words from someone's mouth. If Someone who thinks healed me has the right to say that to me, then I'd rather pay someone back by getting hurt again."

"Didn't you, me, I just say that? Are you self-torturing like this?" Qin Zhao really didn't expect Li Moyu to do this, just because of his unintentional words, he was playing self-torture! Looking sideways at the rapidly swollen foot, he said coldly: "Since you like pain and persist, then I won't accompany you." go ahead.


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