For such a stubborn and self-willed woman, if Qin Zhao hadn't been worried that she would be stupid and crazy and do stupid things that might threaten the safety of his family, he would have slapped her and spit at her viciously, saying whatever you want up. But in the face of Li Moyu, who dared to kick his own foot again cruelly, and dared to do what he said, Qin Zhao really didn't have the confidence to challenge her abnormal nerves. A crazy woman who has power, power and money but only pursues exciting games is a synonym for being difficult to mess with, isn't she?

Alas, Qin Zhao sighed in front of Li Moyu without any hesitation, turned around and squatted down silently: "Then can you hurry up? I'm afraid Ye, Ye will always be more dangerous after a long time."

"That's more or less the same!" Li Moyu smiled triumphantly, her tear-filled face was like a blooming white rose, pure and suffocating. He threw himself forward violently, not caring that his plump front breasts were firmly oppressing Qin Zhao's back, which had enjoyed all kinds of beauty. He wrapped his arms around Qin Zhao's neck, clasped a firm clasp with his slender fingers, and waited. Qin Zhao pressed his hands behind her hips, and her face turned red. She followed Qin Zhao to stand up obediently, and slightly tilted her right leg backwards: "Okay, let's go."

"Okay, let's go." Qin Zhao repeated her words depressedly, and then added his own dissatisfaction: "The starting price is a one-night lingering price, and every kilometer after that is a year's bedtime fee..." Now that the Li Moyu firmly controlled himself, he was not afraid to say a few hurtful words to vent his dissatisfaction. Qin Zhao has seen many beauties in the past few years, and even used bed techniques with many beauties from other countries to promote Chinese culture, but there is really no woman who makes his heart beat like this when he hugs his buttocks So powerful that he was afraid that Li Moyu would laugh at him for dreaming, so he had to speed up his running to cover up his rapid heartbeat.

Hearing Qin Zhao's 100% teasing complaints, Li Moyu was unexpectedly not angry anymore, but pressed his face tightly against his back, slightly closed his eyes, and a trace of a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, thinking: I really am She is not the kind of woman who can do her best, and I will let you know in the future.

As Qin Zhao's footsteps made a monotonous trampling sound on the road, during his half-hour running, except for seeing Gao Gao in the sky and seeing a sightseeing car passing by once, there was no car coming from behind or Come face to face. I really don't know whether it was Qin Zhao's fate or the influence of Li Moyu's silent thoughts not to come to the car. Anyway, in this half an hour, except for the sightseeing car above his head, he did not encounter a single car. Therefore, Qin can only be like an out-and-out stallion, carrying the burden of Li Moyu on his back on the way to save the beauty, scrambling hard.

Qin Zhao is not Popeye, even if he is Popeye, he has to eat spinach to gain strength. Since it wasn't Popeye who ate spinach, Qin Zhao, who had run for about seven or eight miles with Li Moyu on his back, during this half an hour, bead-sized beads of sweat rolled out from between his temples and hair. The cheekbones that stick to the face are even more sticky and uncomfortable. Except for the moment when he took out his mobile phone to pause, he hardly stopped his running pace. Even when Li Moyu told him that the mobile phone has no signal in the mountains, or you should take a break before talking, he still shook his head. Qin Zhao didn't know what happened to Ye Qingling during his delay. Thinking of Ye Qingling, he no longer dared to stop, and kept running, out of breath, with his throat getting saltier.

Li Moyu saw that he was so stubborn, and knew that he was worried about Ye Qingling's safety. When he wanted to ask you to let me go several times, he was suppressed by a strange thought that he would rather see him suffer than leave him. . She opened her lips several times, and finally when she turned a corner, she saw two cars parked on the side of the road ahead. Excited, he blurted out: "Look, there's a car over there!"

If we have a car, we can take a ride, so you don’t have to be so tired, although I hope you can carry me for the rest of your life... Li Moyu watched the yellow skin on Qin Zhao’s face slowly swell up and show signs of peeling off. There was an inexplicable burst of excitement, and she had a premonition that this Song Yu might show his true colors in Lushan today.

When Li Moyu saw and shouted that there was a car, Qin Zhao also saw it.

After seeing the big Benz with a familiar license plate behind him, Qin Zhao stopped slowly, took a few deep breaths, and then said bitterly: "I saw a car there. , look fifty meters to the right of the roof."

Li Moyu also understood at this time, the two cars she saw, the one in front was the Iveco that hijacked Ye Qingling. Following the direction Qin Zhao said again, her heart sank. She saw more than a dozen people standing there, and one of them was Ye Qingling wearing a light yellow tunic dress. At this moment, she was being 'accompanied' by two men in black with gleaming knives in their hands. Then, the woman in black who had shot her and left a scratch on her left cheek was standing on a stone and staring at them coldly. Behind the woman, are several powered gliders.

Not only did seven or eight more men in black appear out of thin air, but even the tools for retreat were prepared, which is enough to show that the kidnapping of Ye Qingling was well prepared.

Qin Zhao put Li Moyu down slowly, and said in a deep voice, "You wait here, I'll go up."

"No." Although Li Moyu's voice was not loud, it was absolutely determined: "I will go there with you."

"They have guns."

"There are two of us." Li Moyu firmly grasped Qin Zhao's left arm, and fixed his eyes on the woman who left her with a scratch.

Qin Zhao heard the determination in Li Moyu's words, stopped talking nonsense, let her hold his arm, and slowly climbed up the mountain in front of those people along a small path dug out in unknown years.

Not to mention that such a close range can completely cover the shooting range of the pistol, even with Li Moyu's arm tightly holding him, Qin Zhao couldn't make any effective evasive actions. But he didn't care that the two of them would be attacked by so many people. He just buried his head and walked to a relatively flat place seven or nine meters away from those people. The woman lying on the bed said calmly, "I'm here."

"I saw it, very good." Michiko raised her hand to look at the watch on her wrist, and replied in authentic Chinese that few people in China can speak: "You are really slow in coming, I will wait for you thirty-seven Minutes." After smiling, Michiko walked up to the pale-faced Ye Qingling's Ye Qingling, lifted her trembling chin with her hand, and said in an apologetic tone: "Mr. Ye, I'm so sorry, you The first two kidnappings in my life were related to me."

"You, you..." Ye Qingling experienced the feeling of being kidnapped once, but apart from trembling all over her body, she never saw the calmness she should have had once being kidnapped. Facing Michiko's provocation, she said with trembling lips After the four of you came out, he shook his head resolutely, letting his chin leave this woman's fingers. She didn't want to show her great fear in front of these gangsters, but she was really scared in her heart. Apart from not allowing you to touch my last bit of self-esteem, she really couldn't find any reason not to be afraid.

Are you counting on Song Yu and Li Moyu who rushed over? Ye Qingling didn't have any illusions about them. An ordinary security guard plus a female bodyguard hired from a bodyguard company had the courage to stand in front of these gangsters, which moved her very much. There is a huge difference between being moved and hoping sometimes, and the two cannot be confused at all.

"Since we are here, feel free to ask for any conditions you have. We will try our best to fulfill them, but you must not make things difficult for Mr. Ye." Qin Zhao squeezed Li Moyu's hand tightly, then let go and took a step forward. . As soon as he took a step, he saw the two men standing beside Ye Qingling put their knives across Ye Qingling's neck at the same time. The blades shone coldly under the sunlight, and Qin Zhao had no doubts about their sharpness.

"I know, the reason why you kidnapped Mr. Ye is definitely not to give her a knife." Qin Zhao stopped, wiped his ears that still hurt a little, but the blood must have solidified, and cursed again in his heart. After Li Moyu said "stinky bitch", she looked at Michiko with a smile and said: "This beautiful lady should be your head, right? Tell me, what do you need me to do for you, it will definitely satisfy you, as long as you let Ye Always make sure she is safe and sound." Look at what he said, it seems that Qin is a kind of poultry called a duck, dedicated to excluding women's needs and willingly dedicating everything to himself...

Michiko was too lazy to argue with him about these words. Although she was sure that the police would not come up before she left, she didn't want to engage in unnecessary verbal disputes here. After automatically filtering out Qin Zhao's nonsense: "I have two conditions that Mr. Ye must fulfill for me."

"All ears." Qin Zhao's mouth curled up into a smile, as if he was discussing business with his partners in a shopping mall. If it wasn't for the fact that the high-altitude sightseeing car suddenly stopped on the mid-air cableway hundreds of meters away, and there was a mirror-like reflection, He will definitely interpret this sincere and kind smile more perfectly. After seeing the flash of light, Qin Zhao felt that it should be the scope, the scope on the sniper rifle. Thinking that the other party had even arranged snipers on the high-altitude cableway, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Michiko didn't notice the sudden stop of the sightseeing bus at all, and said her conditions with a straight face: "First, you ask Mr. Ye to hand over a person to us. Second, we want something in that person's hand. Without waiting for Qin Zhao to make an expression of astonishment, Michiko sneered and said, "That person is Yan Luo Qin Zhao, the Seven Moon Jade Face in Dragon Soaring, and that thing is the Flying Wolf Jade Finger Wrench."

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