The meaning of my proposal to you later is: I will beg you to marry me.

This sentence can be uttered from Qin Zhao, who was pretending to be cool before the age of 18, and became enlightened after the age of 18. It is like walking on the street with people coming and going, picking up a lottery ticket and winning exactly five. Like a million... The chances are so rare that it is almost impossible to happen.

I propose to you. Qin Zhao seldom speaks these few words, which does not mean that he cannot speak Chinese. On the contrary, not only his Chinese is very standard, but even those English, French, German, Japanese and Korean languages, and even He can say some words about courtship to the opposite sex of the indigenous tribes of Angola in Africa, but he really rarely says this sentence. Why? Because Qin is used to women saying to him affectionately: You stay by my side and let me be your wife... and so on, which make men listen to very pleasant words. Since people always say such things to him, there is no need for him to take the initiative to say it to a certain woman.

Although Ye Qingling never mentioned it to him, what's the point? She is not the only woman in the world!

Li Moyu is not very clear about these things, listening to him is like asking 'Have you eaten yet? After saying something like her own marriage proposal in such a casual tone, she was just a little taken aback. Before the shyness that was reserved for women rose from her cheeks, she understood that Qin Zhao just wanted her to cooperate with him in a scene. Although she didn't know what the rescue of Ye Qingling had to do with him proposing to her, she still nodded and said yes. At the same time, I suddenly felt a sense of loss in my heart, that is, it would be great if he didn't say that he was acting...

"Yao Di," Qin Zhao held the jade wrench she had dreamed of in his hand, and showed the lazy expression on her face that she would never forget: "Can you stop the timer first? I have something to say to you .”

"Let's talk." Yao Di hesitated for a moment, afraid that he would play tricks, but when he remembered the events of that day, he still obeyed him: "Say it."

"You take the jade wrench, and you let go of Ye Qingling."

"Then break your tendons first." Yao Di said coldly. You still only have your woman in your heart! The more Qin Zhao asked, the more uncomfortable she felt.

"Cut," Qin Zhaoshang smiled, and refused bluntly: "That's impossible. I don't want to be a useless person who has to be waited on every day. If you still want to stick to your original point of view, then..." He sipped his lips The corner of the lower mouth: "Believe it or not, you can't get the jade ring finger?"

"Of course I don't believe it... You, aren't you afraid that I'll kill your fiancée?" Yao Di's face changed, and she already felt that Qin Zhao did this to delay time. But the right time, place, and harmony are all on her side, and Ye Qingling is still in her control. She really can't think of how Qin Zhao will play and why.

"Slaughtered? Don't say it so badly. But I still want to persuade you to use your brain to think about it," Qin Zhao glanced at Ye Qingling, hiding the anxiety in his heart deeply, and said lightly: "Think about it, I I've had women since I was nineteen. I can't even count the number of women I've slept with in the past six years, and there are many famous ladies among them. Hehe, I'm not bragging with you, they all cried and shouted Stay with me... I have so many women to choose from, why do you think I would be stupid enough to kill myself for a woman? Yao Di, you are using Ye Qingling to threaten me, it is not only ridiculous but also stupid!"

After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he didn't care about Yao Di who was at a loss and Ye Qingling who was stunned. He put the wrench into his pocket, turned his head and looked at Li Moyu affectionately and said, "Yao Di , you open your eyes wide and see how the lady behind me compares to you and Ye Qingling. I can tell you that in terms of wealth, she is the major shareholder of Hulin Pharmaceutical, and in terms of appearance, I am really I can't see how she is worse than the two of you." He took Li Moyu's hand and held it, and said in a more gentle tone: "The key is that she has been chasing me, waiting for me to propose to her... Yao Di, what do you think I want to marry you?" If you were a normal person, would you get what you want because Ye Qingling, a woman from a commoner background, mutilated herself?"

As for whether there are really so many women chasing him, and whether Li Moyu is really the major shareholder of the group, Qin Zhao just said it casually, saying this is purely to disrupt Yao Di's deployment. Although it is shameful and ungentlemanly to use someone's deep love to calculate someone's behavior, but for Qin Zhao, who has been receiving the education of "achieve the goal at any cost" for a long time, this is nothing more than normal. No matter what the cost is, you just ignore your own life and death, and you don't even care about your own life and death. Who cares about those feelings and loves?

Yao Di had a thousand calculations, but he didn't think that Qin Zhao would abandon Ye Qingling to save himself at this time. She also vaguely felt that what Qin Zhao said might be just acting, but her heart was disturbed. You clearly know that the only one she loves and cares about you is yourself, but when you see her with other men on the TV screen, you still can't help but feel heartbroken.

"This, this is not true, you, you lied to me! You just said that to make me feel that kidnapping Ye Qingling is no longer worthwhile," Yao Di said, her body trembling slightly, and she suddenly came from Jumping off the boulder, he pulled Ye Qingling past her and pointed the gun at her forehead: "Qin Zhao, since you said you don't care about this woman at all, then I will kill her now! I want to see you Will you still be so calm!"

Glancing lightly at Ye Qingling who was pale under the gun, Qin Zhao suddenly bent down and bowed deeply to her: "Qingling, forgive me for being selfish, although I really want to spend time with you too." It happened the month before last, but I really don't want to be a useless person!" Looking up at Ye Qingling, who was biting her lips tightly, her eyes were full of despair: "You go well, I won't let you stay here If you are lonely on the road, you will have someone to accompany you, many people will accompany you..."

When Qin Zhao spoke to the end, his voice was full of bloodlust, and his eyes swept over the dozen or so subordinates of Yao Di. Whoever he saw would involuntarily clenched the weapon in his hand. Occasionally, someone would look at him, but they all felt the coldness, the coldness of meeting a wolf alone late at night.

"Qin Zhao, is what you said true?" After listening to Qin Zhao's words, the frustration of being abandoned made Ye Qingling slowly push away Yao Di's gun on her forehead mouth. The calmness of pushing the muzzle of the gun is like pushing away the playful flower arrangement of the girlfriend, and the eyes are opened hard to prevent the unsatisfactory tears from flowing down, like a stubborn little girl asking for the end of the story, and again Question: "Qin Zhao, let me ask you again, are what you are saying now true?"

In Ye Qingling's eyes, Qin Zhao in the past was indeed a second-generation ancestor who was no better than a ruffian. If it wasn't because Ye's father insisted on Qin Ye's marriage regardless of her objection, she would not come to Tianhe to be the boss, let alone Let Qin Zhao be her personal secretary. The change in his impression was due to the incident at the top of Jade Emperor Mountain. Since then, Qin Zhao has faintly left Ye Qingling with a man who is not Prince Charming but is acceptable to her. Especially after thinking that he died in Japan, the feeling of distress when thinking of him made her even more reluctant to eat and drink. Even sometimes, she would silently pray to the non-existent God: as long as he appeared in front of her again, then, then I would really marry him...

... Now God appeared, and Qin Zhao appeared in front of her again. But Ye Qingling hoped that it would be better for him to stay in Japan! At the very least, she won't have this kind of despair of being abandoned and then being kicked hard. In desperation, Ye Qingling asked Qin Zhao with the last ray of hope, hoping that he would admit that these words were just to fight back against Yao Di, and not really want to do so. In that case, even if he died, he could still laugh up...

Why do you act like this when you usually look smart?

Hearing Ye Qingling ask this stupid question, Qin Zhao couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart while secretly praising his acting skills. However, there was still a resolute look on his face. Because he saw that Yao Di's emotions had been successfully disrupted by himself.

"Yes." No one can see that Qin Zhao is not serious now, even Li Moyu, who knows he is acting, is confused by him: "Qingling, you are smart, beautiful, and capable." Good woman. If any man gets a wife like you, he will feel lucky for three lives, and I am the same... However, although I can give up my jade finger for you, I will definitely not kill myself, because my future is still bright... Qing Ling, for my better life, you don't want me to be fettered by you, do you?"

Tears finally flowed down, flowing down Ye Qingling's white cheeks into his mouth, bitter and astringent.

"Haha," Ye Qingling suddenly laughed. Qin Zhao bet that Ye Qingling, who has always been calm and arrogant, would never have laughed so presumptuously since she was a child. She laughed so much that her body was shaking non-stop, pointed at Qin Zhao with one hand and hissed with a laugh: "Okay, okay! What a good reason! Yes, Qin Zhao, it is anyone who trades your self-mutilation for my freedom." I don't want to do it. I don't blame you, let alone there are so many beautiful women around you?" Ye Qingling smiled, and turned her head to look at the dazed Yao Di with a low hissing smile: "Did you see it? Is his position in his heart not as important as you think? Disappointed? I know you are disappointed... In fact, not only you are disappointed, but I am also disappointed... Woohoo."

"He's acting!" Yao Di hissed, grabbed Ye Qingling's chest, and put the gun on her head again. His movements were distorted, and he stared at Qin Zhao in fear, but he was answering Ye Qingling's question. Qingling: "I know, he's just acting! How could he abandon you? I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed!"

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