"I mean, should you return to the place that belongs to you now?" Qin Zhao inadvertently looked away from the corner where Yao Di disappeared, and moved his legs that were a little stiff: "I I know why you came to Qingdao Tianhe Company to be Ye Qingling's bodyguard, you thought I was killed by you, and you came here for the jade finger." Turning to face Ye Qingling, his eyes were clear and calm : "But now I have not only come back alive, but you have also got the jade finger. So, you should go too, and go back to where you belong." He paused again, as if he felt that it was wrong to say that about a girl. It was a very ungentlemanly thing, so I used the once popular joke to say: "This is the earth, it is very dangerous."

Filtering out the ridicule in Qin Zhao's words, Li Moyu's body trembled. She heard that Qin Zhao was secretly warning her: Now that I'm not dead, don't make any plans here. You should do what Yao Di did. Why go.

"I don't know who proposed to me just now?" After only a moment's pause, Li Moyu reactivated her supreme wisdom. Raising the jade finger in his hand, he limped two steps in front of Qin Zhao: "You don't know the betrothal gift you gave me, do you? When someone knelt down to propose to me just now, not only you Good wife Ye Qingling saw it, and..." He turned his head and glanced at the empty high-altitude cableway. Those two shots just now were fired from there. When Li Moyu subconsciously looked back after landing, the gun barrel on the sightseeing car was being recovered.

"I know what you mean. You mean that when I proposed to you just now, not only Ye Qingling saw it, but even the person who helped me saw it."

"Smart." Li Moyu turned her head with a slight smile, she was waiting for this sentence, and said triumphantly: "So, now I should be the wife you Mingmei is marrying."

Uh... can't it be like this? Although I used to think that he was handsome and attractive, but no matter what, he wouldn't become a favorite in the hands of a big guy like you, would he? After listening to Li Moyu's almost reckless explanation, Qin Zhao was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. When he saw Li Moyu limping on the edge of the hill, he shouted loudly: "Hey, you can't be serious, are you?" After speaking, she hugged Ye Qingling and hurriedly chased after her: "You should know that it's just a show."

Slowly walking down the hillside along the narrow path stepped on, Li Moyu leaned on the mountain, took off the shoe on his right foot and rubbed his still swollen ankle with his hands, waiting for Qin Zhao to come down the hillside. He raised the left hand that had rubbed his feet and put it under his nose, took a deep breath, and then let out a heavy breath: "It stinks!"

"Nonsense, you've traveled so much in sneakers, it's no wonder your feet don't stink."

"I mean your words stink!" Li Moyu put his shoes back on slowly, ignoring Qin Zhao's dissatisfied anger, and explained leisurely: "I know that your proposal to me just now is fake, it's just us But what about Ye Qingling? And that Tie Mole on the high-altitude cableway? Hee hee, don’t forget, I’m your good brother Tie Mole’s girlfriend now. You Guarding your good brother to propose to his girlfriend, I really doubt, based on his IQ, whether he will know that we are acting..."

"... I don't know if he will be jealous, hehe. Also, don't think I don't know that this jade finger is fake. But, even if it is fake, at least you, Qin Zhao, are kneeling on the ground A betrothal gift to me. As long as it exists, and after Tie Molei uses his imagination and reports to Suning deliberately, don’t tell me that everyone will never know that I, Li Moyu, is your fiancée The truth... Ouch, I'm exhausted after talking so much, good husband, put down that girl in your arms, and come and pat your precious wife on the back and care for her."

"You..." Qin Zhao wanted to say how do you know that the jade finger is fake? You must know that just in case, he definitely spent the whole night working on this replica, and he never thought that it would be exposed so quickly... If he knew that Li Moyu was an expert in appraising treasures in this field, he would I won't tell people the ridiculous words of 'you also got the jade finger'.

The lack of confidence caused by guilty conscience still made Qin Zhao decide to skip the question of whether the jade finger is true or false, which made him blush, so he asked after a pause, "How can you be sure that person is Tie Mole?"

"Yo yo yo," Li Moyu patted himself on the back with his hands back, and looked at Qin Zhao with winking eyes: "When did Qin Zhao, who has always been smart and smart, become so stupid? When I saw Tie Mole It was only when you drew the number 37 in the air with the barrel of your gun after you killed all the Japanese, that I realized that my ex-boyfriend has been silently protecting your ex-girlfriend by your side all along..."

"What a mess." Qin Zhao said coyly, looking around at him, "How do you know that he drew Sanqi instead of other characters?"

"It seems that you will not give up until you reach the Yellow River, here," Li Moyu opened his right hand, with a bullet in his palm: "You don't know this special bullet, do you? For me, who is planning to plot against you, let alone you I know the bullets used, even the color of your underpants... Hehe, if you are dissatisfied, I know it too."

Li Moyu's last sentence "I know it too" made Qin Zhao's whole body covered with goosebumps, and he said with a painful expression: "Can you stop being so coquettish? I feel hairy when I hear that. You are such a pervert." Woman, you actually found out what kind of pants I was wearing... Then tell your husband, what color is your husband's pants? How long and thick is the one inside the pants? I know..."

Want to bicker with me? You don't even need to ask, when did Mr. Qin gain the upper hand when he was playing with a woman!

"You!" As if thinking that Qin Zhao was going too far, Li Moyu's face flushed suddenly, but then he smiled like a flower: "Husband... can we go home and talk about these things? I don't want to say it here by guarding outsiders." ?”

outsider? What outsider? Seeing that your face is still red, you dare to tell me that you like such and such on the balcony, I don't believe that you will blush because of this sentence. Qin Zhao giggled, and just about to use his eloquence again, he suddenly felt something strange coming from his arms, his mind turned, and he shouted in his heart: No! I've been fooled by this thieves old lady!

Just now, when I was trying to persuade Li Moyu not to pester him, because she was too concerned about what else she knew, she never noticed that Ye Qingling's breathing in her arms had changed, and she was still here guarding her fiancée and a Pretty chicks flirting here.

God, why didn't you let her wake up sooner or later, but you let her wake up when I said the most shameless words? As soon as he reacted, he heard the wind blowing from bottom to top.

That was the sound of wind brought by Ye Qingling's raised hand.

Even if Qin Zhao does something wrong again, he is not the kind of person who waits to be beaten like a fool, but he is afraid that Ye Qingling's slap will not calm her resentment, so he raises his chin slightly and tries his best to get the slap in the face When it comes to time, try to avoid being disfigured by Ye Qingling's slender fingernails as much as possible.


Ye Qingling slapped Qin Zhao's jaw fiercely, struggling violently and gasping for breath: "You...you, you let me down!"

"Qingling, listen to me, all this is not what you imagined." Qin Zhao smiled wryly and wanted to explain something, but Ye Qingling in his arms seemed as uncomfortable as lying in a pool of sewage, twisting desperately. He was moving his butt, so he had no choice but to say don't worry, I can't let you down, while keeping his head up as high as possible to avoid being disfigured by Ye Qingling's nails. After putting her down, he quickly threw a distress call at Li Moyu. But the latter pretended to be scared after being smashed, and ignored his instructions. This made Qin Zhao wish that a bad wolf would come and prey on her now, and kill her first, rape her, rape her again and kill her again.

As soon as Ye Qingling's feet landed on the ground, she took several steps back, and then looked at Qin Zhao coldly after she stood firmly on her feet: "Mr. Also, I will hand in a resignation report to you when I go back." After speaking, Qin Zhao walked towards the Mercedes-Benz without looking back.

The front windshields of the two Ivecos were damaged, and even Yao Di was unwilling to open them, let alone Ye Qingling? As for whether Qin Zhao and the others are willing to drive the Mercedes-Benz after driving away, that is not her business, Ye Qingling.

Seeing the Mercedes-Benz making an awkward U-turn on the not too wide winding mountain road, Qin Zhao wanted to go there several times, but finally held back. He knew that if Ye Qingling and Li Moyu's blushing words were still in the past, perhaps being disfigured would be the lightest punishment. Who knows if this stupid girl will come and hit him directly? For the sake of his own safety, it is better to wait for her to calm down, and then slowly seek peace with her through Jing Hongxue.

"Are you satisfied now?" After Ye Qingling's car was left with only a black shadow, Qin Zhao rubbed his nose with his finger, turned around and looked at Li Moyu who was leaning there with a sweet smile, and asked with a frown : "Do you love watching other people's misfortune so much?"

"Hey, how many times have I told you that I am now your girlfriend who formally proposed. Since I am your girlfriend, you are my boyfriend and future husband. How can you say that I like to look at other people? What about hurting your feelings?" Li Moyu has been looking down at Qin Zhao with an attitude of being in control of the world.

Now that Qin Zhao finally knew what it means to hit a snake with a stick, Li Moyu gave him a vivid moment. He really wanted to slap a big mouth on the flowery smiling face of this shameless thieves, but when he saw her lightly tapping right foot, he thought of her desperately blocking the car for Ye Qingling. move. So I had to sigh to end the saliva dispute with him: "Tell me, what exactly do you want?"

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