Encouraged by his future wife, he went to a place where no shit would happen and worked as a teaching supporter for three years. It was so hard that he wanted to change the gold-plated outfit on his body into a wedding outfit, but Chen Huanhong was on the first day he just came out of the train station. At a glance, I saw Hua'er, the girlfriend he had been thinking about day and night, snuggling in the arms of a man named Wang Yaoshui, as gentle as a Persian kitten... He was stunned, he was stupid, he rushed up to argue with him but was rejected The bodyguard pushed back.

If Hua'er hadn't said 'you're just a baby compared to him' when he wanted to fight those bodyguards, old Mr. Chen would definitely have sworn to Wang Dong who later heard that he was Qingdao Qiankun Palace. No matter how poor and foolish our old Chen is, he is still a man. For the sake of such a fussy and worthless woman, there is no need to mess with others. Chen Huanhong returned home after spitting at the woman who had told him 'Alla I have' a million times.

His wife has become someone else's Xiaomi, such unlucky luck is not yet willing to leave Chen Huanhong. When he went to the relevant department to ask for a job arrangement the next day after returning home, he was told: Xiao Chen, you also know that there are too many college students supporting education now, and it is difficult to arrange work for a while, why don’t you go to a certain place in southern Xinjiang? The school has been a physical education teacher for several years, how to accumulate qualifications? Chen Huanhong, who smiled and said to wait for me, and cursed his ancestors, walked out of the relevant department listlessly.

After experiencing these two setbacks, Chen Huanhong no longer had the ambition he had a few years ago. Looking at his aging parents, he just wanted to find a job as soon as possible to relieve the family's worries.

In the new century where college students are everywhere, it may not be difficult for some people to find a satisfactory job, but for a rural kid like Chen Huanhong who has no background, it is difficult to realize the kind of job that is carried in and out of the office with a briefcase every day. However, it is as difficult as making her girlfriend Huaer keep her promise. After many twists and turns, the family found a job as a security guard for Chen Huanhong through a distant relative who was the head of the security department of Tianhe Group.

Although the job of security guard is not at all what Chen Huanhong likes, it is better than basking in the sun every day at home. At least he can make money and have something to do, not to mention gnashing his teeth at the torn photos of his ex-girlfriend every night. Last night, after the old father delivered two bottles of valuable Moutai to Director Jiang, he brought back the news that he would be able to take office in Tianhe Group after the National Day holiday.

Looking at his old father's gray hair, Chen Huanhong felt really uncomfortable. But what to do? In addition to being filial to the elders in the future, the only thing I can do now is to build a fence on the side of the small fish pond at home next to the road before going to work in Tianhe, so as to prevent some people who like to go the wrong way at night. Fishing in troubled waters.

The small fish pond of the Chen family is next to the newly developed film and television city in Qing Island, at the foot of the mountain. At three o'clock in the morning this morning, Chen Huanhong came to the fish pond and started to work. I worked until almost noon before I finally made a crude fence out of moso bamboo, which only stops gentlemen but not villains.

Sitting on a rock by the shore, receiving the breakfast that his old father had brought him a long time ago, looking at the tens of meters of fence, Chen Huanhong hadn't smiled in the past few months. Finally showed a gratified smile. But... why do you say he was unlucky? Because he had just stuffed a bun into his mouth, and before he could take a bite, he saw a black car rushing down the road with a strange moo, crashing into the fence he had just erected, and diving into the little bunny. fish pond.

My day!

With a bun in his mouth, Chen Huanhong watched the car crash into the seven or eight meter fence, and cursed in his heart.

"Hurry up and save people!" Seeing his son still staring stupidly at the surface of the fish pond, which was constantly covered in water bubbles, the elderly father yelled violently.

With a loud cry, Chen Huanhong finally realized that the scene in front of him showed that someone had fallen into the water. Immediately, he threw the bun, didn't even have time to take off his shoes, and jumped into the water with a standard diving action that is not bad for a jumping diver. Under the not-so-deep water, he saw the car and a long-haired woman in the cab. Fortunately, when the car broke through the fence, the windshield was pierced by the moso bamboo, so he was lucky enough to get into the car, grabbed the woman's long hair, and pulled it out without hesitation. out of the water.

After dragging her ashore, Chen Huanhong discovered that this woman was awake all the time, and she didn't appear to be drowning at all. Then why was she sitting in the car under the water without moving? Chen Huanhong looked at her puzzled. This woman stared at the water blankly, her face was pale, especially there was a slit with white flesh on her chin, she was very creepy.

"You, what's the matter?" After letting go of her, he hesitated for a moment, and Chen Huanhong twisted the vest that had been taken off with both hands, and water trickled down his hands.

As if she didn't hear or see Chen Huanhong's existence at all, the woman didn't speak, but still stared blankly at the water surface. On the surface of the water, there is a circle of ripples slowly swinging towards the water's edge.

It doesn't look like drinking water, but it looks like a master who is deliberately committing suicide. Seeing her indifferent expression, Chen Huanhong made a judgment in his heart after looking at her quietly: If you can't think about it, you can't think about it. Why come to my fish pond to look for life and death? Not only did it break my fence, And you have to hire a crane to lift the car for you... Wouldn't the fish I feed be in bad luck? I hope you are some kind of little rich woman who can afford all of this.

"Girl, are you okay?" Father Chen also came over at this time, looking at the woman who was sitting blankly by the fish pond and asked cautiously.

As if she finally realized that she was rescued, the woman with a wound on her chin slowly moved her eyes from the water to the two men in front of her, her lips moved before she said anything, a mouthful of blood gushed out. Sprayed Chen Huanhong's face after he had just wiped his upper body.

"I...day." Chen Huanhong didn't want to say foul words at all, but the feeling of sticky things all over his face really made him feel uncomfortable. After cursing, he closed his eyes and hurriedly wiped his face with his shirt: "What did you do..."

The woman didn't explain anything to him, because she lay softly on the ground after spitting out a mouthful of blood. This time, her eyes were closed tightly, her face turned gray instead of pale.

"Don't ask what's going on, it's important to save people!" Seeing the woman spitting out a big mouthful of blood, Chen's father was so frightened that his heart pounded. He was afraid that the woman would die in the fish pond of the Chen family. It's time to make some troubles. That's why he told his son: "Hurry up, Hong'er, first carry her to the highway to stop the car and take her to the town hospital."

Oh, Chen Huanhong yelled, and was taken aback by the woman's almost dead white face. He hurriedly left the blood-stained shirt on the ground, leaned over, hugged the woman in his arms, and crawled to the side of the road. While climbing, I thought: Uncle, I am so unlucky.

"Qin Zhao...you are so cruel...I said I would be Yao Di for the rest of my life, yet you still treat me like this...Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao..." The woman suddenly murmured in Chen Huanhong's arms Voice. When Chen Huanhong stopped and was about to ask her if you were awake, she saw that her eyes were closed tightly, and there was a teardrop hanging in the corner of her eye, which was different from the water in the pool, and it was pale blue in the sunlight.

It turned out that her name was Yao Di, but why did she say she would be Yao Di for the rest of her life? not understand. Could it be that she was abandoned by a man named Qin Zhao, and that's why she committed suicide? Who is Qin Zhao? Chen Huanhong was stunned for a moment, until Father Chen yelled loudly that it was important for him to save lives, then he hugged the woman's body tightly, bowed his waist and hurriedly climbed up the road...

... Qin Zhao drove the Iveco without a windshield, and ran along the road with a bitter face, turning a blind eye to Li Moyu, who raised an orchid finger to show off on purpose. What worries him most now is how to explain to Ye Qingling what he said to Li Moyu just now.

Then tell your husband, what color is your husband's underwear? How long and thick is that blah blah in Nene? Hehe, please don't say that you don't know... Qin is really puzzled, how come Ye Qingling, who doesn't wake up early or late, listens to such nasty words without saying a word? ? I don't care if it will damage his always healthy image of a gentleman. The most important thing is that Li Moyu, a stinky bitch, intentionally said: "Husband... can we go home and talk about these things?" Guarding outsiders here what I don't want to say? ' words to stimulate Ye Qingling.

outsider? Whoever hears his fiancé guarding himself and talking to other women like this, or immediately stabs the man with a knife, it shows that the quality of this woman is really high...

"Hey, can you stop making a sad face?" Li Moyu fiddled with his orchid fingers for a long time, and found that Qin Zhao didn't take a look at all, and asked discouragedly: "You said that Yao Di is making such a fuss here? Why didn't the police come to see it? Even Jing Hongxue and that little fair-faced Fu Yi didn't come, what's going on?"

"I don't know, maybe the policemen are all on vacation, and Jing Hongxue and the others can't find a car now?" Qin Zhao replied lazily, and now he put all his thoughts on how to deal with Ye Qingling As for why Jing Hongxue and the others didn't come, I believe they will have an answer after seeing her. The car has now driven to the last winding mountain road, and there is a straight road down the mountain, and the big banyan tree can be seen from a long distance: "Hey, isn't there a police car over there, you can go and ask."

Sure enough, there were several police cars parked near the big banyan tree, but Ye Qingling's Mercedes-Benz and Fu Yi were not seen, only Jing Hongxue looked anxiously behind a police cordon with her mobile phone in her hand. Finally, after seeing clearly that it was Qin Zhao who was driving Iveco, she patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief. Jing Hongxue jumped on her feet and kept waving her hands: "Qin Zhao... I am here, here."

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