There are always some people in the world who always feel that the world is not wonderful without them.

Qinglong and the others are such people. In the section of the homeless bar, they are the masters who rarely meet opponents from East Street to West Street. Especially entertainment venues such as bars and dance halls on this street are treated as their own home by them. Many times, seeing them domineering in bars or dance halls always reminds me of a corporate slogan in the 1990s: take the factory as home.

Homeless bars are not businesses, but they feel more like home than their own. They have no scruples in their own home. If it wasn't because Zhan Zhao was wearing a police uniform, they would have come over and grabbed Qin Zhao by the collar and asked him 37605944: Why do you hug left and right, but let brother and me What are you doing here looking greedy? Especially when Li Moyu coquettishly raised his glass to invite them to testify, Qinglong suddenly felt a sense of responsibility to relieve the people.

Qinglong and several of his subordinates exchanged glances, carrying the white wine, beer, and cocktails in their hands, and with a great sentiment to regard helping the beauties of the world as their own responsibility, they walked over unsteadily. When they walked over, the two men who were with Jin Ling looked at each other, pretending to be Qinglong's subordinates coming to support, and followed slowly at the end, but their eyes were fixed on Li Moyu The jade wrench finger held in his hand had a greedy gleam in his four eyes.

As long as they snatch this broken finger, then I can go to Jinghua with him, and I don't have to be angry with Tianhe Group anymore. After the two 'state agents' left their seats, Jin Ling couldn't help but feel hot all over when she remembered the promise made by the gentle man. She loves that man so much, he is funny, gentleman, young, mature and rich, especially his two completely different styles in front of others, but fierce as a tiger in bed, which makes Minister Jin unable to extricate himself.

Jin Ling believes that, just because of his heartbreak that makes her unable to extricate herself, even if he doesn't give the one million, she will secretly monitor Ye Qingling and Qin Zhao's every move, and try to let him get back the one million yuan as soon as possible. It is said that it is a jade ring finger that the national security department attaches great importance to. Jin Ling doesn't care who owns the finger. She doesn't care why the finger is so important. She cares that it is the man who has to negotiate with Ye Qingling for the benefit of the country.

It is precisely because of this care that after monitoring Ye Qingling and Qin Zhao's every move every day, she finally couldn't help missing him in her heart, disregarding his advice, and followed behind Qin Zhao. Two agents came to the Homeless Bar, and she just wanted to watch the two agents capture Qin Zhao, who made her feel ashamed. In that case, she would definitely be laughing.

Those two 'secret agents' were indeed very dissatisfied with Jin Ling's following, for fear that Jin Ling would be discovered by Qin Zhao to have contact with them. If that is the case, it will definitely be detrimental to the entire plan. But after persuading Jin Ling to no avail, the two of them still couldn't bear to blame the woman whom the boss still 'loved'. I had no choice but to stop talking to cover up other people's attention to me. If it weren't for the fact that Qin Zhao was so drunk that he couldn't open his eyes, they wouldn't dare to allow Jin Ling to sit with him. The name of Yumian Yanluo is not for nothing.

However, Jin Ling didn't take it seriously for them and their leaders' painstaking efforts. In his eyes, Qin Zhao was just an ignorant second-generation ancestor, so there was no need to be fearless towards him. Besides, with Qin Zhao's drunken appearance now, Even if he stood in front of him, he probably wouldn't recognize him. The one standing in front of him was Jin Ling, the deputy head of the planning department who was accidentally hurt by him, right?

Qinglong looked back at the younger brothers. A sense of pride rose spontaneously. Although it looks like there are two more strangers, but people are here. The more people there are, the higher the value of his Qinglong limelight. Unsteadily coming to Li Moyu, Qinglong stepped on an empty chair, put the wine glass in front of Li Moyu, rubbed his hands together under his chin, and stared straight at the snow-white patch under her neck. , closed his lips: "Hehe, this beautiful sister, where is Xianxiang, how about making friends?"

"Brother, look at your unrivaled bravery," Li Moyu yelled to Qinglong, the brother who made his bones shatter, and gently waved the jade wrench in his hand: "You have to make the decision for my sister. .”

"You can say whatever you want, as long as my brother can do it. I will go through fire and water!" Qinglong's breasts slapped, and his red face, which was already stimulated by alcohol, was full of pride. He squinted at Qin Zhao, scolded in his heart that you're really blessed, little boy, looked at the jade wrench finger in Li Moyu's hand, and said with disdain, "This is the betrothal gift this friend gave you. ? Ah, a broken circle, this can also be used as a dowry gift?" Turning to the group of brothers, he said, "Haha, everyone, look, such a juicy sister, someone actually used this kind of thing as a dowry gift!?"

"Haha, sister, you should hurry up and throw away this crap, and ask Brother Qinglong to give you a diamond ring of several carats, so that it is worthy of your beautiful face..." Several younger brothers who came over In line with the words of the boss, he felt amused that a beauty like Li Moyu received such a dowry.

"That can't be done, little girl, I am the most affectionate person, let alone a jade finger, even if he gave me a grass ring, as long as I accept it, I will marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog ... But, but even if I am a little sister and I am so loyal to love, there are still people who rely on my strong background to rob me of my husband, brothers, tell me, little sister, what should I do?" Li Moyu said a few words, They point the finger at Zhan Zhao who sabotages other people's good deeds.

It is better to demolish ten temples than one marriage. What if you are a policeman? Can the police take away love? Even, even... How about you being Zhan Yumao from Jincheng District? Can't, can't people say something fair? It's just that my brother really hopes that you can snatch this little boy away. In that case, this... Qinglong glanced at Li Moyu again, the latter's peach blossom eyes were already shining with tears... This sister may I would give up on myself under disappointment and follow my brother and me.

Due to Zhan Zhao's recent hospitalization, his skin has improved a lot, not to mention whitening, and his whole temperament has restrained his original publicity because of his determination to be a lady. Therefore, it is no wonder that Qinglong didn't recognize this policewoman who took out her gun as Yumao Zhanzhao from Jincheng District until now.

A group of mentally handicapped!

A lady can act on the surface, but she can't see how she scolds others in her heart. Zhan Zhao sneered inwardly and rewarded Qinglong with a national curse. She was really too lazy to say anything to this kind of social scum, but now she was guarding so many people and Qin Zhao, who was shaking his head and looking left and right when he was drunk, couldn't help himself. Save face. His eyes were only looking at the jade wrench in Li Moyu's hand, and when he secretly accused her of taking out this thing to show off, he said to Qinglong in a cold tone: "Qinglong, if you don't want to go in and squat inside, you'd better be old." Honestly, just stay on the side for me, it's none of your business here, and you don't need people like you to tell me what to do."

Although the prestige of Yumao Zhanzhao can't make children stop crying at night, but for these gangsters on the street, it is definitely the supreme existence. So, after Zhan Zhao told them to hide, and they recognized that the policewoman was Yumao Zhan Zhao, the voices of the gangsters who were dragging like 2,580,000 people suddenly fell down.

"Yo, I didn't expect that she wouldn't even be afraid of someone like my brother. Little sister, I really can't find a place to reason today." Qinglong's face showed timidity, and Li Moyu immediately fanned the flames. Aren't you Zhan Zhao awesome? Don't you want to grab a man with me? Then you send these 'brothers' first!

After Qinglong recognized Zhan Zhao, he really wanted to retreat. He didn't want to offend Zhan Zhao just because of a woman, and he didn't want to make it difficult for him. But as the saying goes: Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, coupled with Li Moyu's pitiful look of needing someone to uphold justice at this time, the pride in his heart is suddenly overwhelming: bird! I didn't break the law, I just said a few words of justice, why should I appear spineless in front of her? Is it because she is a policeman and I am a green forest hero?

"Director Zhan, although I, Qinglong, don't look very good, I don't kill people or set fire to them. I just help this lady to say a few words of justice. You won't invite me to drink tea with you just because of this, will you? ?" Qinglong's heart was broken, and he didn't care about the eyes of the younger brothers around him. He was determined not to be afraid of power, to uphold justice for Li Moyu, a poor woman, and to be a real hero. Don't look at us as gangsters, but we are indeed a modern youth with clear grievances and grievances!

"Qinglong!" Zhan Zhao slapped the table, stood up and pointed at Qinglong's nose: "Who dared you to talk to me like this? Are you not afraid of being used by others? It shouldn't be on the stall." trouble?"

Threats, threats, threats without clothes! Seeing Zhan Zhao's anger, Qinglong backed away involuntarily, but after seeing Li Moyu's eyes encouraging him to fight against the evil forces without fear of power, his discouragement immediately turned into righteousness, hehe sneered: "Zhanju, you I, Qinglong, don't like to hear the words. If you are allowed to enter this kind of occasion wearing a police uniform and a gun, why can't you let me say a few words of justice? Besides, I'm just asking for this lady This gentleman, since the dowry has been given to her, why do you bother to propose to someone? There should be credibility in this world, right? If everyone handles things like this, then our country, Our nation, we want to strive to achieve a harmonious society where everyone is equal, is there any hope?!"

The state expressly stipulates that law enforcement officials and active soldiers are not allowed to wear uniforms and enter bars or dance halls. Especially now that Zhan Zhao is showing the gun that represents her exact identity, it is even at odds with the spirit of the Central Committee.

If she was stabbed to the top by someone with a heart, let alone her father is just a director of the city bureau, even the secretary of the city party committee, he can't afford such a big hat.

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