If Qin Zhao hadn't yelled with those gangsters, "Come here... I have wine today, I'm drunk now, uh... I'm fighting Sanbaihe with you...", Ye Qingling and his party might not have found him in the chaos in the bar. But it was precisely because Qin was in a happy mood after the trick was successful, and the feeling of being hugged left and right now was really good, that provoked the jealousy of God and sent him a cooling person.

You are an old man, what are you doing in the bar? Could it be that Ye Qingling did this on purpose? All right, Ye Qingling, you're really good at this move. If you break up, let's break up, why did you invite your father? Obviously, you are afraid that I will pester you to prevent you from going to that little boy, right? snort! If you do this, then you really underestimate me. I may be short of money and power, but the only thing I don't lack is girls! Don't you sincerely want your father to see me hugging other women? Then I will fulfill you and show your father a hug. Now I am not only hugging another woman, but also two.

People are really strange creatures. No matter how rigorously they have been trained, as long as the relationship between men and women is involved, their heads will be kicked by a donkey, and their brains will short-circuit. All the training seems to be in vain.

"Don't you want your father to watch me pick up girls? Then I'll show you!" Qin Zhao sneered when he saw Father Ye enter the bar door. He was already hugging Li Moyu and Zhan Zhao's arms I worked harder.

"Xiaoxue, I think that person seems to be Xiao Zhao... Don't pull me, I think this bar is good. Don't change, go in and have a look." If Ye Qingling suddenly doesn't advocate changing a bar, causing If Father Ye was suspicious, he really didn't notice that the yelling guy was Qin Zhao. Although he hadn't seen Qin Zhao for several years, after all, this person was father-in-law's "handpicked" son-in-law, and as an old father-in-law, he should care about his son-in-law as a matter of course. Because of professional relationship, someone is not so easy to meet, so Comrade Ye can only pay attention to the "thriving growth" of his son-in-law through the photos he brought from the Qin family.

Lu Xun said: There are no roads in the world, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road. Lao Ye said: I never saw my son-in-law at first, but I saw his photos many times, and I remembered his appearance clearly.

The reason why Qin Zhao believed that the middle-aged and elderly man following Ye Qingling was Father Ye was entirely based on the appearance of their father and daughter and Ye Qingling's respectful attitude towards him. But Ye's father suspected that the guy who shouted "fighting with the king and three hundred lilies" was Qin Zhao, but it was because of his daughter's sudden evasion and the impression he had when looking at his photos.

After Father Ye finished speaking, he pushed his daughter away and pulled his hand, and went to Qin Zhao's table first.

"What are you talking about? Who's father wants to watch you pick up girls?" Li Moyu's breasts were tightly held by someone, and he couldn't turn around and could only raise his face and ask: "I can tell you, this girl is a serious person." , you are only allowed to marry the official matchmaker. If you just want to have fun... Of course, as long as you agree to the one-fifth of the conditions I proposed, it is not impossible to discuss."

"Tch, you can't forget one-fifth of you! I'm talking about Ye Qingling. Do you understand? Now that Ye Qingling is here, and her father is also brought, it's obvious that I'm afraid I won't agree with her We broke up, and deliberately let her father see my current Meng Lang appearance." Qin Zhao cut out, and after explaining in a low voice, seeing Lao Ye getting closer, his arms hugged harder.

what happened to him? Don't you know this is my dad? Ye Qingling followed closely behind Father Ye, seeing that Qin Zhao not only did not let go of his resolve to hug the two women, but seemed to enjoy the hug more and more. Watching her father, she couldn't say anything, so she could only stare at him fiercely with her big eyes, hoping that he could see what she meant.

What are you staring at? Could it be that state officials are only allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps? Do you think you can't live without me?

The more Ye Qingling stared, Qin Zhao hugged her tighter. Not only tight but also squinting her eyes slightly, pretending not to see her, shaking her head there and saying: "Good wine, good wine! Xiaoer, let's have another jar! The Sa family will not return today if they are not drunk."

Zhan Zhao was clinging to Qin Zhao's arms, and Li Moyu was pressing on her. She couldn't see Qin Zhao's posturing, let alone hear his nonsense. She only felt that Qin Zhao's arms were getting tighter and tighter, making it more and more difficult for her to breathe, and she couldn't get rid of it, so she could only shout hard: "Quickly let go! Are you trying to suffocate me to death?" !?"

It would be better if Zhan Zhao didn't yell, but when she yelled, someone tightened her arms even more.

"Suffocate me, suffocate me..." Because her face was facing Qin Zhao's chest, and Li Moyu's body was pressing tightly behind her, the wound on Zhan Zhao's lower abdomen began to ache at this moment, and she was afraid that the wound would burst , she was so anxious that she kept yelling and was about to suffocate her. But she was between Li Moyu and Qin Zhao, no matter how loud she yelled, it would become an indistinct murmur in Qin Zhao's ears.

"Please let me out, please let me out..." Father Ye said a few polite words to the people who stood in front of Qin Zhao, pushed them aside, walked to the table, and lowered his head to Qin Zhao: "You, are you Xiao Zhao?"

Uncle, you have such good eyes, so many people around the table didn't block you from seeing me. After praising Father Ye's excellent eyesight in his heart, Qin Zhao raised his head, as if he hadn't seen Ye Qingling, and asked in surprise, "Master, how do you know my name?" After saying this, he let go of Li Moyu's hand. He Zhan Zhao pushed aside. He still understands the word "enough is enough", even if he hugged Zhan Zhao and the others just to annoy Ye Qingling on purpose, but he was still guilty of being hugged by the old man of the Ye family.

The current Ye Qingling has completely forgotten the fact that she has already thrown off Qin Zhao. Seeing him not only hugging other women in his arms, but also calling his father uncle, she was so angry that she felt itchy. I stomped my feet to the rhythm of the light music in the bar, wishing I could pounce on him and grab his hair, open his eyes, and let him open his eyes to see who this is! You are called uncle! You idiot, even my uncle didn't know how to call out.

"Master?" Father Ye was taken aback, he really didn't expect his son-in-law to call him master. But then he was relieved: Oh, it's not his fault, he hasn't seen me for several years, so naturally he doesn't know me. Hehe smiled and said, "It's good that you are Xiao Zhao. I'm not some kind of uncle. I'm Qingling's father, Ye Zihua. Ordinarily you should call me father-in-law."

"Father-in-law?" Qin Zhao was taken aback. If his current acting skills were brought to Hollywood, he could definitely bring back a statuette for Director Zhang. He asked blankly, "You said, you, you are my father-in-law?"

"Yes, if your surname is Qin and your name is Xiaozhao, then you are Qingling's fiancé and should be my son-in-law." Ye Zihua turned around and pointed at Ye Qingling, whose face was turning green with anger, and said, "You don't Do you know her... Qingling, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

"No, Dad," Ye Qingling forced a laugh, covered her mouth with her hand and said, "Maybe the environment here is not so good, and I feel a little dizzy."

"Oh, if you can't stand this place, then you go back to the company first? I can ask Xiao Zhao to send it to me." Ye Zihua looked at her daughter with concern, then turned around: "Xiao Zhao, now you know who I am right?"

Stretching out his hand and slapping himself on the forehead, Qin Zhao suddenly stood up, suddenly realizing: "Ah, you are Uncle Ye!" Then he scratched his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile: "Haha, I just had sex with a friend. Played a game... Ah, uncle, when did you come? Why didn't you call before you came, so that I can pick you up. "

Play this kind of game with the police? Isn't the police too open? Not only did he dare to enter a bar in a police uniform, but he even dared to be hugged by a man. Father Ye looked at Zhan Zhao suspiciously, who was busy arranging his clothes, muttering, "Qin Zhao, are you sick? Do you know that this will suffocate you to death?"

Cough, Qin Zhao coughed, and kicked Zhan Zhao with his foot under the table. Now that I have 'recognized' Ye Zihua, I can no longer pretend in front of him like before. It's not easy for the old man to come here. Although he is destined to return home with a broken heart this time, he still has to save face. After all, people want to give their daughter to you. If they can't keep their daughter, it can only show that they are incompetent.

"Why did you kick me? Am I wrong?" After tidying up his uniform indiscriminately, Zhan Zhao raised his head: "It's a good thing the pistol didn't go off, otherwise the three of us must be unlucky... hey , why do you keep kicking me?"

What a stupid girl with no winks! Qin Zhao cursed in his heart. Since she was uncivilized, he didn't bother to kick her: "Uncle, please sit down."

"Oh," Father Ye sat down with a grunt, turned his head and waved to Ye Qingling, motioning for her to come too. Although it was a bit too much for Qin Zhao to hold the two women in his arms just now, but Ye Zihua didn't have so many problems, and he didn't think too much about it. Regardless of his age, he also knows that this is a new era, and the relationship between men and women will no longer be as rigid as before. Otherwise, he would not want to go to the bar to open his eyes as soon as he came to Qingdao.

Ye Qingling saw that the two had already recognized each other, and it was impossible to persuade her father to leave here, so she could only sigh in her heart and walked over, hoping that Qin Zhao would talk about her breaking up with him later If you can be 'tactful', as long as you don't provoke the old man to have another heart attack, then thank God.

"This is Li Moyu, Qingling's bodyguard, and this is Zhan Zhao, the director of our Jincheng District Public Security Bureau." Qin Zhao introduced Zhan Zhao and Li Moyu to Ye's father, turned around and said to them, "This old man is Mr. Ye's." Father." When introducing Father Ye, he glared at Zhan Zhao, which means you idiot understand why I kicked you, right?

When Qin Zhao introduced Ye Zihua to Zhan Zhao, he glared at Zhan Zhao, which meant: You idiot, now you understand why I kicked you?

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