What on earth should I do?

After successfully deceiving all the girls with a hesitant expression, Qin had no time to savor the pride, just like all the shameless men in the world, thinking quickly how to catch Ye Qingling and keep her. There is a lover's way.

For example, let’s say that Lao Tzu only keeps lovers and does not get married all his life, is that okay? This will definitely not work. First of all, the old man will not be able to pass that test. Sigh... It's really hard to coax too many girls, who has the ability to level a bowl of water for several years? For the present plan, it is better to settle Uncle Ye first, so as not to suffer from the soles of the old man's shoes, even if he will coax them one by one in the future.

Qin Zhao thought despicably: let's hurry up and use the magic power of moving the universe, and focus on why Yao Di appeared here and why Tie Molei has no information, which are the key issues that are urgently needed. As for whether the one wearing the hat is her...you can't be sure until she reveals her true face. Amitabha, I hope that this mysterious woman is not her, otherwise, after hearing what Lao Tzu said, she will definitely know that those words before are all sweet words.

Taking advantage of the secret joy and depression in the hearts of the girls, Qin Zhao slowly took out a cigarette and lit it, coughed, and under the envious eyes of all the men in the bar and stars in the eyes of the women, he turned his head and looked at Yao Di, just like the old master Qingtian who tried the case in ancient times, asked calmly: "Yao Di, do you have something to say to me here?"

Unexpectedly, after Qin Zhao turned his eyes coquettishly, he would focus all his attention on himself first, which made Yao Di flustered for a moment. Especially after seeing all the girls, including Suning, who had been tugging all the time, heaved a sigh of relief. She knew that even if she and Li Moyu tearfully said to Qin Zhao, "I love you so much that I can't extricate myself", she would not Let him have a little change of heart.

"Ah," after an almost inaudible sigh, Yao Di raised his wounded chin and looked at Suning coldly: "I just wanted to live a good life and never interfere with your crap. But this lady invited me here domineeringly. Qin Zhao," looking at Qin Zhao who was holding a cigarette with his right thumb and index finger with complicated eyes, Yao Di said slowly: "It's not that I want to come, it's I can't come."

"Oh?" Seeing that Yao Di's words attracted everyone's attention, Qin Zhao secretly rejoiced, but he pretended to be more indifferent and asked: "Are you finally planning to live an ordinary life? Well, I'm very happy for your decision." He was happy, and he was glad that there was finally one less woman pestering him. Despicable man, from the moment he got up on a woman he wasn't interested in, he decided it was just for fun. Although he just wanted to have fun, no matter what the reason was, he was bound by a man's sense of responsibility, and he still hoped that the woman he had an affair with would live a good and safe life. Blame will fly away.

"The two people who snatched the jade finger just now are Japanese. They have committed suicide by biting through the poison they had hidden in their mouths for a long time. Tie Mole did not find any clues from them, so I invited her Come, I just want to..." Suning explained to Qin Zhao why she wanted to 'invite' Yao Di in a low voice and cautiously. Director Su, who has always regarded men as nothing, now looked down on Qin Zhao as a good baby, so that the two subordinates in black suits who came together almost couldn't recognize her: this is the one who is in the whole Jinghua City, facing her. Suning who doesn't even glance at the children of countless wealthy families? !

"You don't need to explain to him, I'll tell you," Yao Di took Suning's words with a hint of sneer on his pale face, first glanced at Chen Huanhong who had been stunned beside him, and then smiled warmly at him. , walked to the table where Qin Zhao was, stared firmly into his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I use my last dignity to guarantee that those who planned the kidnapping of the film and television city with one hand, their status in the organization , It’s definitely not something that I, the number four person in the organization, can understand... Don’t laugh at me. You have to understand a truth, just like all organizations, the Yamaguchi-gumi also has a trump card power that he will not easily show to the world , even people in the organization.”

After hearing that the two Japanese committed suicide by biting poison, Qin Zhao frowned. This time he really frowned, and he also felt trouble. Looking at the cigarette butts emitting curling green smoke, he was silent for a moment and asked Yao Di: "You mean they used the ace power of the Yamaguchi-gumi this time?"

"Yes, the ace," Yao Di smiled wryly, and repeated in despair, "the ace that even I can't peek at."

"Then do you know who they are directly under?"

"The current team leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi has no right to give them orders," Yao Di said. Now he is going to fight. Since he is not afraid of death, is he afraid of leaking secrets and being chased by the Yamaguchi-gumi? Besides, after following Suning to the Homeless Bar today, she has no plan to go back to the quiet place that took her her whole life to find, the Chen family. She was tired, tired from the night when someone tyrannically took her virginity away many years ago, she has been trying to find a chance to let her forget the first half of her life and enjoy life peacefully. Now she has found it, she has found a man who doesn't dislike her and who stays with her for four days without sleep, Chen Huanhong. But all of this was too short, so short that before she had time for Chen Huanhong to hear the words "I won't leave, I'll stay in the Chen family", all of this was about to end. Now she really wanted to look back at Chen Huanhong again, but she was afraid of seeing the anxious eyes, so she gritted her teeth and continued: "They are the most powerful and mysterious group since the establishment of the Yamaguchi group. One person, that is the founder of the Yamaguchi-gumi and his direct descendants."

The palm clan, similar to the patriarch in Chinese martial arts novels, has absolute authority.

A dynamic existence that even the leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi cannot assign, what kind of power is this? Qin Zhao frowned a few times for no reason. He remembered one thing, that was when he was looking at the injured Long Teng in December and April Blood Eagle Xie Qingshang, and learned from Xie Qingshang's mouth that he was injured because he was with several members of the Yamaguchi group, but A fight between people who completely hide their deepest ninja appearance.

Qin Zhao couldn't be more clear about the blood eagle's ability to thank and hurt people. Even he was hurt by those people, which is enough to show their strength. Now, because of Yao Di's betrayal, this organization hidden in the deepest part of the Yamaguchi-gumi seems to be a bride whose hijab is lifted under the watchful eyes of the audience, but the coquettishness is even more mysterious.

"I only know that the most powerful force in the Yamaguchi group is not willing to appear easily. There is only one possibility for their appearance, that is, they are only willing to be used when the Yamaguchi group is alive or dead or when it is related to huge interests," Yao Di What she knows can't satisfy Qin Zhao's thirst for knowledge at all, but this is what she knows the most: "The code name of this group is 'Zichuan', and the people who belong to Zichuan are all dead men who are absolutely loyal to the patriarch. They regard life and death as a child's play... ..." Speaking of this, Yao Di shuddered, as if the patriarch with gloomy eyes had been secretly watching her, the 'traitor', somewhere in this bar. He clenched his fists tightly to ease the fear in his heart a little: "I saw their corpses just now, and each of them has a tattoo of a little red sun under their right armpit."

The red sun is the national flag of Japan. These people tattoo the national flag on the most hidden parts of their bodies to show their strength and pride.

"I'm done talking," Yao Di stretched out his tongue and licked his chapped lips, with an unprecedented calm on his face, and looked at Suning: "Now I can go with you... Can I accept any treatment?"

"No!" At this time, a roar that had been suppressed for a long time resounded from Chen Huanhong's mouth. Chen Huanhong ignored the presence of so many "big shots" who stood in front of him, pushed away a few people in front of him, walked quickly to Yao Di, grabbed her hand eagerly, and looked at her resolutely: "No one can take you Go, no one can!"

Because of being too excited, Chen Huanhong's face was flushed, and even his body was trembling uncontrollably, but the hand holding Yao Di was extremely firm. He murmured, "You promised me last night that you would accompany me to watch the fish jump by the fish pond under the starry sky..."

Tears slowly trickled down her cheeks, Yao Di's eyes were bright, she turned her hand and tightly grasped Chen Huanhong's hand, and said softly, "I promised you."

"Then why are you leaving?!" Chen Huanhong grabbed her back and said hastily, "Why..." When he saw Yao Di looking at Suning helplessly, he finally understood that his beloved girl didn't want to marry her. I left by myself, but because of this woman who surprised all men: "It's you, you want to take her away?"

Suning knew exactly what happened between Yao Di and Qin Zhao. Although Yao Di is Japanese, she is a good-looking woman. With a good appearance and an unusual relationship with someone, Su Ning has subconsciously placed her on the opposite side of her love rival. If she follows the normal procedure, if she insists on taking Yao Di away, no one can resist, no one has the ability to resist Suning who represents the country.

No one is against the country, not even Qin Zhao, whose uncle is the general secretary. But Suning sometimes cannot fully represent the country, she is still the mother of a child. Then Qin Zhao is free from the country's normal judicial process to ask Suning's words, as the child's father, if Suning dares to say 'no', unless she is dead, she will always stay by Qin Zhao's side.

"As for whether I want to take her away..." After half a sentence, Suning glanced at Qin Zhao, which meant to ask for his opinion.

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