No matter who has seen that young man with a lazy and indifferent expression on his face, he will not forget him in a short time, whether it is a man who pretends to be a romantic man or a woman who is beautiful.

"You mean that his eyes are not big but he is very energetic, his mouth is not small but his lips are as thin as a knife, and he is not tall..." Qinglong's eyes lit up. Could it be that the boss of the seven wolves also likes the man named Qin Zhao? Damn, sister, if you like him too, I advise you to hurry up and find an honest man like him to marry! If you want to be his bride, you probably have to have smashed seventeen or eight wooden fishes in your previous life.

"Hey, don't talk about those useless things, let me tell you this. The man I'm looking for is definitely not short of women, and he is a beautiful woman with money and power. Seeing the way your boss looks at me, you won't think that I Do you also want to pester him crying and shouting? Don’t worry, I still know a little bit of self-knowledge, that kind of person is not something I can tie down. Tell me first, did you see him? Where did he go?” Cao Binger put his right hand On the table, with the glass of red wine in his left hand, his right foot in sneakers was bouncing on his left knee, Qinglong was stunned to see it.

This little girl is actually a full-fledged beauty fetus. Qinglong sniffed hard to clear his voice: "It's a pity, you haven't seen those women around him, all of them are so eye-catching... Well, don't use your big dull eyes Stare at me, I don’t talk nonsense, is it right? For the sake of the glass of wine that your boss rewarded, let me tell you, he led two women who would definitely make you self-harm to the private room on the third floor. gone."

Contempt for the world? This is quite in line with his personality...

The name of contempt for the world sounds impressive, but in fact, in a room with imitation green wallpaper, apart from the fact that the interior decoration is better than other rooms, there is no way for people to despise the world. Qin Zhao waited for Suning, Kailins and the two men in black suits to come in, and asked the waiter for a case of beer, then closed the door and motioned for the two men to sit down too, since there are enough seats anyway Don't stand when you are in trouble, this is what Qin Zhao has always admired the most.

"Kiaozi, tell me about how you met Ms. Kailinsi." Su Ning habitually took a sip of beer and lit a cigarette, but his mind was still thinking about how Fu Yi appeared just now. here's the thing. Su Ning is a few years older than Fu Yi, and she seems to have met him once when she went to Fu's house before, but she was mostly perfunctory towards this kind of rich boy, so this time if he hadn't heard him introduce himself as Fu Yi Even Suning couldn't remember if he was from the Fu family in the capital. If he is the Fu family, it seems that the Fu family has finally made a move, whether it is on the investigation object of the Pearl Consortium, or on the jade wrench finger with a big secret, no matter what the reason is, the Fu family is definitely not that kind The master who sees the cake and does not come to split a piece.

When Suning and Li Moyu became the best in Beijing in the 1990s, Fu Yi was at most a high school student in terms of age, and even if they met occasionally, they would not leave any impression on them at all. Until later, Li Moyu joined the Sino-Russian special forces exchange training camp in a fit of anger after he was defeated by the South China Sea shooting instructor because he competed with Suning to increase political chips, and he went there for seven or eight years. Since then, the two enemies, who have been fighting openly and secretly since childhood, have embarked on two unusual paths. Two people who are so busy naturally don't remember a big boy. This is also the reason why Li Moyu met Fu Yi several times and didn't know that he was actually a child of Jinghua Fu's family.

Similarly, Fu Yi never expected that these two mature women who made him greedy would be 37605944 characters who came from a political family that even the entire Fu family had to treat with care.

"The day before yesterday, Yanzi and I went to the south for a business trip and returned to Beijing. We met this lady on the train. When she broke into the 12th box we were in, Yanzi and I were resting..." This is called by Suning The kite man is obviously a special soldier. It can be seen from his concise expression and respectful attitude towards Qin Zhao. He looks at Qin Zhao with a passion similar to admiration.

Everyone in Longteng Twelve Moons was no less than a god in the eyes of these professional soldiers.

After trying so hard to find out Qin Zhao's whereabouts in Qing Island in the mainland, Kailins couldn't bear to think about him every night and thought about the insomnia. After making all the arrangements for Mingzhu's business, she quietly left Mingzhu alone. . Originally, she planned to fly, but when she arrived at Mingzhu International Airport and found the bodyguards who were usually showing off by her side, she realized that since the moment she left the company, Gu Han, the old patriarch of the Rothschild family, had sent People are looking for her everywhere.

As the future heir of the Rothschild family, if Carlins does not meet someone, she must have absolute freedom. Back then, if Kailinsi hadn’t begged her grandfather to give up chasing and killing Qin Zhao with her death, I believe that even if Qin Zhao had great abilities, it would be impossible for him to play games on the Internet leisurely every day in Qingdao. It's time to pick up girls. But Gu Han was willing to let Qin Zhao go, not because he was heartbroken by his peerless demeanor, but because Kailinsi promised him that as long as the Chinese man returned to his homeland safely, she would obey everything and love her the most. It was arranged by her old grandfather to be the matriarch who might become the first Rothschild patriarch in hundreds of years.

With the tip of the knife in front of the precious granddaughter's throat, the old man smoked three big Brazilian cigars with gleaming eyes before spitting out good from his throat. However, after he made this decision that in his opinion would shame the entire Rothschild family, he also made up his mind: as long as his granddaughter develops the family wholeheartedly, and follows his intention to make friends with an Englishman with noble blood For the prince, he will definitely try his best to assist her and give up the position of patriarch in advance. But if Calynns was still thinking about that odious bastard, then don't blame him for breaking his promise first.

This time, Kailinsi disappeared silently. Gu Han, who was far away in England, got the news at the first time. He blew his beard and stared angrily, and angrily issued an order to block Kailinsi in Mingzhu at all costs. The order to capture the centuries-old manor in England, in order to ensure that the Rothschild family will no longer be ridiculed by other families and to ensure that the granddaughter is captured, he also used the power in Asia controlled by the United States—— Yamaguchi Group.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping by chance, Carlins turned to a boat. After the boat failed, he had to choose to smuggle. Fortunately, she brought enough cash when she left the headquarters of Mingzhu. Otherwise, if she only had credit cards that might be frozen, it is estimated that her credit cards with countless zeros would not even be able to buy a steamed bun. Maybe the God of China was influenced by this western girl. Those snakeheads justly charged her rent several times that of others, and sent her safely to South China. As soon as she set foot on this land that made her whole heart beat wildly, she immediately squeezed onto the train going north to Qingdao without any identity card or documents with a fearless spirit.

What Kailinsi did, the old man would naturally imagine. After exhausting all means to thoroughly investigate the airport, his lackeys who turned corners—Yakuza-gumi people finally found Kailins on the train going straight to Qing Island. If it weren't for the clear regulations from the higher authorities that she is only allowed to be captured safe and sound at all costs, I believe that with her ability, she would have been killed by the Japanese who are used to using unscrupulous means to achieve their goals.

Catherine ran on the train, followed closely by the four Japanese. This situation that made her very angry but helpless finally ended when she reached the 12th box. As soon as Kailinsi knocked open the door of the No. 12 box, facing the cold muzzle of the gun on her forehead, she only said a word, let the kite and the swallow let her in, and put her in without a sound. Those four poor Japanese pretending to be Chinese businessmen were thrown through the window into a barren mountain somewhere. These days, there are a lot of people who commit suicide by jumping off a building or a car in stocks. No one would bother with a few corpses without any documents to prove that they are good citizens of China...

"Oh, what did you say at that time?" Qin Zhao asked Kailins with interest after taking a sip of beer. He was really puzzled that Yaozi and Yanzi would save her and report to Suning just because of a single sentence. It seems that I have to remember this sentence in the future, and maybe I will use it somewhere to bluff people.

"She said: Don't shoot, the jade-faced Yan Luo Qin Zhao in July of the Dragon Soaring December is my fiancé!" Yaozi glanced at Su Ning quite embarrassedly, and now he also saw that Suning had a special interest in this jade-faced Yama. The strong desire of the body, I really regret that the two of us rescued Kailinsi by mistake, because if she was left alone and let her be captured by those Japanese who only knew that there were bullets in the gun before she died, Isn't the boss missing a big competitor?

Pfft... A sip of beer was sprayed from Qin Zhao's mouth, and it was not wasted at all on Catherine who was sitting opposite. After being embarrassed, he picked up the lunch paper on the table and handed it over, and asked a little proudly: "You, you really said that?"

"Our Rothschild family has never told a single lie." Although Karin's face was full of beer, when she said this, she was sincerely proud. Indeed, there is no need for someone who came out of the powerful financial family that can manipulate the entire United States of America to tell half a lie in this world, not to mention that she will be the patriarch who will influence all of this in the next few decades.

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