If even the chief of staff of the People's Liberation of China can't decide on a matter, and the general secretary is required to step in, it means that this matter is no small matter. Of course, what Song Pingyue said was mostly a joke, but it also hinted at Qin Zhao: There are things I can't control and your uncle Song Pingjiang is there.

"Hehe, it's not that serious." Now that Song Pingyue had figured out what he meant by calling, Qin Zhao didn't want to make any detours, so he simply told the truth: "Uncle, I don't know if you've ever heard of a short phone called Yaolan. dagger?"

"How do you know there is such a short dagger?" After Qin Zhao asked this question, Song Pingyue blurted out how he knew Yaolan.

"Someone sent its imitation to our company." Hearing the surprise in his uncle's tone, Qin Zhao knew that the demon blue dagger drawn on that piece of paper did exist.

Song Pingyue on the other side of the phone didn't ask any further questions, as if she was thinking about something. After about a minute, I said, "Who gave it to you?"

"It's a very beautiful girl." When talking about very beautiful girls, Qin Zhao looked at the ceiling and tried not to look at those women: "But I didn't see her in person. It was the front desk staff of my company who answered her." Arrived. In addition to the imitation, I also sent me a picture, which shows the demon blue dagger and the flying wolf jade finger. I think that since the two things are drawn on a piece of paper, the two There should be some connection between the two, so I want to ask you." The reason why Qin Zhao asked Song Pingyue instead of saying that he had seen the mystery was to prove his guess. If all of this is as he judged, it means that the Yaolan dagger is probably in Zichuan's hands.

"You're right. It's a long story about the relationship between Yaolan and Feilang. I can't explain it clearly on the phone. I will find a time to talk to you in detail. Now tell me, you Did you ask the waiter if there is any difference between the woman who brought you the food and the women in our country?"

"I asked..." At this point, Qin Zhao slapped his head suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that when Xiao Zhang handed him the things, he said that the girl was very polite, and even bowed to her to express trouble! The woman who brought the things was probably that Zichuan Haoyue. Unfortunately, I was so dizzy by these women at that time, thinking that the woman was entrusted by others, but I didn't expect that she would dare to come to me in person. Qin Zhao scolded himself bitterly in his heart, and then said: "I know, so that woman is Japanese! And she should be from Zichuan... Uncle, how much do you know about Zichuan?"

"Zichuan is a legend in Japan. They have existed in this world for hundreds of years, and the people in the organization are all perverts who regard life and death as a joke..." Song Pingyue paused when he said this: "Wait a minute, today It just so happens that your uncle is here, so let me have a few words with him."

"Forget it, uncle, don't bother uncle." After hearing what Song Pingyue said, Qin Zhao knew that Song Pingjiang was also on the phone. He knew that as the supreme leader of a country, he didn't know how many important things were waiting for him every day, so how could he bother him with personal matters? Although it was his own uncle, Qin Zhao still didn't want him to be distracted by his own affairs, so he hurriedly stopped him, but the answer was a busy tone from the phone.

"Why are you being so mysterious, why don't you let me listen?" Qin Zhao shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly as Song Pingyue hung up the phone.

Song Pingyue understood Qin Zhao's intention to stop him from talking about it with his elder brother, but he ignored it at all. He just put his mobile phone on the side of the wicker chair and looked at Song Ping who was holding a cup of Tieguanyin in both hands and savoring it carefully. Jiang said: "Brother, Yaolan was born, but this time the target is likely to be a nephew. Look..." Although the two are brothers, Song Pingyue still has a due tone when talking to Song Pingjiang. respect.

"Alas," first with a soft sigh, Song Pingjiang gently put down the teacup in his hand, raised his head and looked at the night outside the window: "There is an old legend: Yao Lan was born, and the wind cried and the moon cried. I really didn't expect, so For many years, they have never given up on Yutu... It seems that Xiao Zhao is in trouble. Huh, but they didn't expect that the blood of the Song family is flowing on Xiao Zhao, right? It seems that some things have to be faced Yes, just be patient."

"Brother, what do you mean, this time our Song family won't swallow their anger as it did sixty years ago?" Speaking of this, Song Pingyue's eyes suddenly lit up, and she stood up from the back of the wicker chair.

"Sixty years ago, Yaolan was born, and the mountains and rivers were shattered. Our ancestors of the Song family chose to leave their homes. Now, Huaxia is getting stronger day by day, why should we avoid it? Since Zichuan exists for Yaolan, then Song Isn’t the family living endlessly for the flying wolf? Hehe, for hundreds of years, I always thought these were just legends, but I didn’t expect that people from Zichuan would come to ‘guest’ in China today. If we had known this, we should The wolf finger was taken back." Song Pingjiang said that taking back the flying wolf jade finger meant that if the flying wolf finger was not in Qin Zhao's hands, then Zichuan would not have found Qingdao, nor would he and the people around him. will face increasing danger.

"Even if our Song family takes back the finger, I think they will not be reconciled." Song Pingyue naturally knew what Song Pingjiang meant by taking back the finger, lit a cigarette and said slowly: "Since Zichuan exists for Yaolan , and Yaolan has to find the jade finger to realize its value, so Zichuan won't be ready to move just because the finger is in our Song family..." In fact, Song Pingyue still had nothing to say, but Song Pingjiang understood his Omitting words: Since Zichuan has been able to exist for hundreds of years for that legend, once they know the whereabouts of Flying Wolf Finger, they will definitely try to get it at all costs. The Song family is not afraid of anyone in the world now, but after Song Pingjiang? For a goal set hundreds of years ago, Zichuan doesn't mind waiting a few more years.

"But then Xiao Zhao will be fine."

"Brother, you are wrong. Now even if Xiao Zhao sends the jade ring finger back to the Song family through a live broadcast, Zi Chuan will think that the jade ring finger is in his hands. Therefore, whether the jade ring finger is in Xiao Zhao's hands or not in his hands now There is no difference anymore. I guess the reason why Xiao Zhao called me this time, besides asking Yao Lan, is that he is worried about the people around him," Song Pingyue said with a chuckle: "This kid is more flamboyant, not only makes me Old man Su's daughter gave birth to him, and now old man Li's second daughter is with him. As far as I know, even Rothschild's heir has smuggled to Qing Island for him... Alas, for him I wouldn't know what to do if I had a bunch of women in the world and they were threatened because of me."

"Hehe, my nephew of Song Pingjiang, it's normal if more women like it." After laughing, Song Pingjiang gently patted the armrest of the rattan chair, pondered for a while and said, "I remember last year the whole army The champion of the special forces women's team is called Jiaozi, right?"

"Brother, what do you mean..." Song Pingyue leaned forward, took off the cigarette butt from his mouth and put it on the table, and said, "Plan to send a proud son to protect him and his women? But if this is the case, others should Gossiping."

"It is said that the mother of the child came out after being beaten. Although the child has not been beaten yet, his old uncles have decided to come out now! We don't care about others, what others say is their business. If Song Pingjiang even her own family If it can’t be protected, what’s the point of defending the country? Besides, Xiao Zhao still needs the protection of the country? Isn’t it for their daughter’s sake that we are doing this?”

Song Pingjiang patted the rattan chair lightly, and said with a smile: "If old man Su and old man Li can get their precious daughter away from Xiao Zhao, we don't need to send this team. But I think they call their daughter back." Is it much more difficult than preventing them from sending someone to protect them? Haha, as long as Old Man Su and Old Man Li both agree to send their favorite son under the banner of protecting our citizens, the Fu family and Zhang family should have no objection, right? Haha ...Uh, third child, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Brother, I found that your expression is not the general secretary of a country at all, but a businessman." Song Pingyue said with admiration in the tone that the two brothers used to play when they were young.

"Fuck you," Song Pingjiang saw his younger brother in his fifties saying this, and immediately replied in the same tone: "What's wrong with the general secretary? The general secretary is also a mortal, and he also has to eat, and he also has selfish intentions...you can now Tell Xiao Zhao to let him relax and do his business properly. But you also warn him at the same time," Song Pingjiang put away his smiling face, and the respect of the superiors returned to him: "If he dares to imitate those dudes If you bully men and women, the first one who will not forgive him is my uncle who is the general secretary!"

I don't know what they're talking about, don't you think I'm just a kid who calls my mother out to get back after being bullied outside? But that's what I mean, who told you not to take back the finger? I admit that it's my fault for provoking women, but if I didn't have the blood of the Song family, would I be so good? After Song Pingyue disconnected the phone, Qin Zhao put the phone on the coffee table and said in a calm tone, "Did you hear everything?"

"I heard it, but I didn't understand what it meant." Zhan Zhao seemed to have forgotten that she was going to practice with Li Moyu just now, and stared at the cell phone on the coffee table with a puzzled face and said, "Zichuan, at the Homeless Bar I heard from Yao Di, who has had a crush on you for four years, that this is an awesome terrorist organization. But that Yaolan, what else is the Flying Wolf Jade Finger?"

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