Chicken leaning on the door to sell laughter? Li Moyu was taken aback.

In the days when women's status was low before liberation, some women who were forced by life, in order to survive, were either deceived or helpless and chose to engage in a career without dignity. In order to earn more money, they would often lean on the doorframes of large and small courtyards, and would not hesitate to show a smiling face to every man who might become her customer. This kind of smiling face in order to survive is dubbed by those educated people as an elegant word: leaning on the door to sell a smile.

The word chicken is the name given to women in this profession by modern people. Compared with the word chicken, one is elegant and the other is vulgar, which completely shows how degenerate the quality of modern literati and poets is compared to the past!

"Haha... Zhan Zhao, I really have you! However, even if I sell a smile, I only sell it to one person." Li Moyu was taken aback for a moment, but seeing himself and Zhan Zhao leaning on the same door frame really resembled those people who were trying to make a living. The women who went out couldn't help laughing and punched Zhan Zhao's ass again.

Zhan Zhao didn't care when his body was crooked by Li Moyu. Turning his head to look at the light coming from the living room glass, he suddenly stopped smiling and said softly, "Actually, I don't want to argue with you, let alone fight with you, I really want to help him, use everything I have Help him, even if he doesn't treat me well in the future."

Alas, for Zhan Zhao's almost mentally retarded infatuation, Li Moyu sighed inwardly, why isn't he like this? Although there is not much contact time, love is so weird that it makes people unable to extricate themselves! After shaking her head, she walked up to Zhan Zhao, reached out her hand to stop her*, and said in a low voice, "Not only you want to help him, but any woman who likes him also wants to help him. But how can I help him? I heard it before I don’t care about the abilities of the people in this Zichuan organization, but they are really perverted and cruel. In order to achieve a certain purpose, they will not hesitate to sacrifice their own lives. There is no normal person for such a group of perverts who exist like mad dogs It's not a headache. It can't be blamed that he is worried about us, but we still make him unhappy when he is upset, so it's no wonder that we will be kicked out."

"I know he's very powerful. You see, I've been studying in the Marine Corps for so long and I can't stop him from catching him... Ordinarily, he should be able to deal with those mad dogs who are not afraid of death, right?" Zhan Zhao flinched. Even though she was not barefoot, she still felt cold after it was completely dark and only wore the uniform she wore during the day when the sun was shining.

"He's not afraid of those mad dogs, but what if those mad dogs turned their mouths on us? For this, he asked Chief of Staff Song for help, and we..." Li Moyu shook his head annoyedly at this point, only now did he realize that the two people just now How unwise it is to shout about fighting.

"Li Moyu, can you promise me something?"

"Huh?" Li Moyu turned his head to look at the side face full of heroism, and asked puzzledly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Let's help him beat those mad dogs away first, and then fight over who can get him." Zhan Zhao habitually clasped his hands together and pressed hard, his knuckles creaking again.

"Okay, I promise you!" To Zhan Zhao's proposal, Li Moyu agreed without hesitation: "We don't care what the other women do, we will unite when those mad dogs are still watching! But , Zhan Zhao, can you also promise me one thing?"

"Speak!" Zhan Zhao faced Li Moyu, raised his left hand and slapped her * hard, and said sincerely: "We are allies now, and more sisters. You can call me Sister Xiao Zhao from now on. If there is anything you ask me to do, just ask, I will do my best!"

You are not as old as me, so let me call you sister, you are welcome. Being photographed by Zhan Zhao, Li Moyu shrank back, looked down at the pair of military and police marine boots on Zhan Zhao's feet, and said her request: "Can you take off a shoe for me first?" , the ground is so cold..."

After throwing the two chattering women out of the door, Qin Zhao slammed the living room door shut and walked back to the sofa. He knew that Song Pingyue was going to call soon, and what he said must be some very important suggestions or solutions, and he was really in no mood to get distracted by the two women.

"Isn't that a little too much for you?" Ye Qingling, who had been silent for a long time, finally opened her mouth to uphold justice for the female compatriots. Although the two women were her competitors, they could not understand someone's thinking. It still made her feel wronged: "Besides, you are a man loved by them and treat them like this, you are too unmanly..."

"To shut up!""

Qin Zhao showed no tenderness towards Ye Qingling's resistance, and interrupted her coldly. Seeing that Ye Qingling was stunned for a moment, and then the circles of her eyes began to turn red slowly, as if she was about to cover her face and turn her head to run upstairs, Qin Zhao hurriedly said: "If you don't like all this, you can go out of Qin's house , but you have to be careful that someone else will tie you up again. Hmph, the last two times you counted your fate, I arrived in time, but I can no longer guarantee that you will have such good luck next time. "

"Hmph, I don't need you to worry about whether I live or die! I'm leaving now." Ye Qingling never thought that Qin Zhao would talk to her in such a domineering tone, and he opened his eyes desperately to keep his tears from falling. She dripped out, bit her lip and got up from the sofa in a hurry, and was about to go upstairs to her room to pack her things and prepare to leave.

"Boss Ye..." Jing Hongxue never expected that Qin Zhao, who has always been humble and tolerant towards Ye Qingling, would be so disrespectful to her at this time. Seeing that she was about to leave, he hurried over and grabbed her arm to persuade her: "It's so dark now , who knows if there is anyone from Zichuan outside? What if... what should I do?"

"I, I'd rather let those people be tied up than suffer anger here! Jing Hong, let me go!" Ye Qingling stretched her arms vigorously, trying to break away from Jing Hongxue's hand: " I don’t want to see his stinky face again!!”

"If you want to die, go, it's best to go immediately. Xiaoxue, let her go, she is not afraid of death anyway, and she is not worried about what will happen to Uncle Ye when he is sad and old and loses his daughter. I don't understand this kind of unfilial piety." What are you doing with her?" Qin Zhao may really be possessed by a mad dog now, and he will not be polite to any woman who dares to say no to him. As if she didn't see the tears on Ye Qingling's face sliding down her cheeks at all, she sat on the sofa directly after saying this, raised her legs and took out a cigarette leisurely.

"You!" Ye Qingling was stunned after hearing these words from Qin Zhao, then stopped struggling, and finally sat on the sofa with her head in her arms, letting her tears keep falling on the floor, and the tears in her nose Made a soft sniffling sound.

"You'd better not annoy me by crying," Qin Zhao guessed that Song Pingyue was about to call back, picked up the phone on the coffee table, and said lightly without looking at Ye Qingling, "Otherwise I won't I can assure you that you will have the energy to arrange for Uncle Ye's safety, and if anything happens to him, you will be fully responsible for it."

Ye Qingling may not care whether she lives or dies, but she really dare not take her father's safety as a prank. Knowing that Ye Zihua's current situation is caused by this stinky man, but she can't give the slightest reason to complain about Qin Zhao. Alas, who told Dad not to ask about it, this bastard has such a jade wrench in his hand that will cause trouble for his upper body?

After saying the threat to Ye Qingling, Qin could no longer hear the crying sound that made him want to hug her waist and please her with a smile. He lit up his cigarette in satisfaction and took a puff. For the first time, he found the dignity of being a man in the fearful eyes of all the women looking at him.

Lao Tzu is the real master of this family. When is it your turn to hold a meeting to decide who will rule the fate of this family? Grandma's, everyone almost forgot how the four words "overreaching one's ability" were written.

You are my lover, a woman like a flower...

Just when someone Qin was obsessed with how he could finally feel proud in front of Ye Qingling, the phone in his hand rang. After hurriedly putting the cigarette in his mouth into the ashtray, he pressed the answer button with a respectful face. First pretending to be cool, and then acting like a slave, Jing Hongxue couldn't help shouting in her heart: You are a chameleon! ?

Even if Qin Zhao is mad, arrogant and looks down on many people, when facing his old uncle, no matter in terms of seniority or position, Song Pingyue is an existence he cannot help but please. It's like how so many women can't get over him after sleeping with him. It's fate, there's no way.

"Uncle, I'm listening. If you have anything to say, you can say it." Qin Zhao didn't turn on the phone speaker this time. Now that he has achieved the effect of establishing his prestige, there is no need to use Song Pingyue's words to scare these self-righteous people before. poor woman. In case he heard Song Pingyue's serious arrangements and was scared out of needing his care while sleeping, wouldn't he be miserable? Although he really wanted these women to lie on his big bed that was three meters wide and three and a half meters long when they slept at night...

Listening to Qin Zhao whispering something to Song Pingyue on the phone from time to time, Ye Qingling let her tears flow silently and bit her lips tightly. Now she can't wait to lie down on this guy and bite him to death with her snow-white teeth! It's the kind of biting of a small piece of meat, it can also be said that it is about to give him Ling Chi.

"Okay, uncle, I understand, I will do these tomorrow, umm, hehe, if others don't mess with me, I won't embarrass you old man. Okay, pay respects to uncle and uncle for me, and also Yes, you asked my dad to persuade Uncle Ye not to go back to Qing Island for a while... Well, you have made arrangements including my mother's place... That's good, don't worry, your nephew will be fine Even if you have already retired, you won't let your woman be in any danger... Hehe, am I still infected by your fearlessness? How can you call it bragging? Okay, goodbye, uncle!"

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