"Tch, do you think I'm afraid of you? At worst, it's just a dream after sleeping."

Just when Qin Zhao felt that this message would definitely cause the woman named Fu Mingzhu to scold him secretly before ignoring it, the message on the phone screen told him clearly: This woman doesn't care about sleeping with you at all! At least they don't care about words when they don't see each other.

"Then you specify a place and we meet sometime later, I hold a rose in my left hand, and you hold a magazine in your right hand. Have some food and then we will open a room, and leave!" Looking at this text message After the word 'send successfully' was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, for some reason, Qin Zhao suddenly felt that this was quite boring, and sighed disinterestedly. After looking up at the electronic clock on the wall, he didn't wait for her at all. If you reply any more information, the phone will be turned off immediately.

In this world, there are actually many things like those children’s foods nowadays. The packaging on the outside is very attractive, but when you open it, you find that there is only a bag of air and a few slices of sweet potatoes that are not much better than eating wood. Do it, I can no longer arouse the slightest interest.

Ah... After a big yawn, Qin Zhao listened outside, but did not hear the voices of those women. It seems that they are going to bed too, um, it's getting late, and there are still things to get up early tomorrow... After turning off the wall lamp, I stared blankly at the somewhat hazy roof in the dark night, feeling my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Sneaking into dreamland.

At night, with the passage of time, it finally calmed down slowly, and a thin layer of mist had already floated on the hillside of the low mountain in the south, as if to cooperate with the whole world to isolate the noise of the day far away. In the dark night, except for the car lights on the main road in the distance occasionally leaving a faint yellow light on the curtains, there are no stars in the sky, and even the moon is reluctant to climb out of her gentle hometown for a long time. The figure who tiptoed in the corridor on the second floor gave a little light to illuminate her (him) way forward.

The figure leaned on the wall with its hands and groped forward slowly, while it kept looking back in the dark. From the figure's waist twisting from side to side even when walking in small steps, and the faint fragrance from its body, it can be concluded that this is a woman.

It's so late at night, she doesn't sleep in the bed like someone from Qin, but appears here in a sneaky way, what is she going to do?

Is it a night raid? Qin Zhao, who had been breathing evenly, suddenly opened his eyes, and a smug smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Even if the footsteps of the woman outside the door were as light as a cat's, she still couldn't escape his strong sense of hearing. No way, when he was in the army to practice hearing, he covered his eyes and spent three months as a blind person.

There is no lock on the door, you just need to push it lightly and it will open, there is no need to knock on the door carefully...Knock again! It's really stupid enough, don't you know that Ye Qingling is in the next room? Qin Zhao felt very angry at the behavior of that demented woman knocking on the door when she came in the middle of the night: How dare you knock on the door when you come to do such a shameful thing late at night? But it’s okay to be mentally handicapped, I think you should hurry back and get out, so as not to delay the opportunity for smart people to come in as soon as they push the door.

First, I tapped the door panel a few times with the whispering voice of insects, and then listened to the movement inside the door, but I didn't hear any footsteps or low voices asking anyone. The woman frowned, and finally tried to push the door. There was a very low creaking sound from the half-closed door, and then a gap opened. Looking at the gap, the corner of the woman's mouth curled up into a smile, as if the gap in the door is the way to the paradise that Muslims yearn for.

Be careful sailing for thousands of years, in this particular environment where all the women are staring at a certain man, who knows what accidents will happen? After the woman muttered this sentence in her heart, she pricked up her ears again to listen to the movement around her, and found that there was no sign worthy of her covering her face and rushing, and finally took a toenail that was shining with crystals in the night. Put your right foot into the door, and with a little force, the door panel opens slowly again like a small restaurant owner saying "Welcome" to customers, allowing this woman, who is more cautious than a mouse, to slip into the room .

Have you ever walked into a strange room without seeing your fingers? Had? Is that the same as what this woman is doing now?

The woman's bare feet moved little by little on the ground, and her hands on her upper body were slowly swaying in the dark night. First, something blocked her feet, and then she knelt down slowly and touched it with her hands. After confirming that it was someone's shoes thrown around, he straightened up and continued walking. I walked another seven or eight steps, and waited until the headlights of some guy who was still awake at 1:30 in the morning and came out to drive around flickered on the light blue curtains, and the woman came in In the instant light, I saw the big bed leaning against the west wall. Although that ray of light was only fleeting, it was enough for her to see that there were no obstacles in this distance. So, when the room returned to darkness again, relying on the memory in her mind, she bravely took steps, walked to the bed in a few steps, and then stepped up.

Who could this be? Qin Zhao was motionless with his eyes half-opened on his back, his breathing was still steady and low. He knew that the people who came in were nothing more than Kailinsi and Zhan Zhao. Although Li Moyu had been given to him by him, she hadn't practiced until midnight to steal his supreme state, so the person who came would definitely not be her. As for Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue, he wouldn't even think about it.

"Qin Zhao, are you asleep? I know you've woken up a long time ago. When you woke up, you didn't know where to tell me where your bed is. I almost tripped over your casually thrown shoes." After the round Chinese was spit out from Kailinsi's small mouth, before Qin Zhao could reply, she threw herself on him. With one arm around his neck, the other hand quickly moved along his strong body to the middle of his body.

If I fall asleep, who will accompany you to fight Sanbaihe? Just after these words were twirling between his teeth, Qin Zhao just opened his mouth with a warm and greasy tongue, which moved around in his mouth sensitively like a snake, and at the same time felt his body tighten, a certain The thing representing 'I am a man' was tightly held by Karinth's little hand.

It is said that men are animals that think from below, and it must be women who say this. But this woman must have made a big mistake. When a man's lower vitals are violated by a woman, where is the time to think?

The so-called "dry firewood meets fire" is extremely correct. As soon as Kailinsi made a move to Qin Zhao, he stopped talking nonsense like 'you won't bring your mobile phone to illuminate', and suddenly opened his eyes wide and turned over suddenly, with one hand deftly Without hesitation, he pulled the belt of the nightgown around Kailinsi's waist, and with a wave of his hand, the two sides of the nightgown were separated, and a graceful body that glowed softly in the dark was in front of his eyes.

Damn, I really came prepared! Seeing that after Kailinsi's nightgown was taken off, she didn't even have a small cover on her body, she was completely naked in the nightgown. Qin Zhao secretly praised in his heart. Since she couldn't even wait for the time to take off her clothes, why did she do those prelude actions that were useless at all? In exchange for a straight waist, Kailins let out a pleasant muffled groan from her gagged mouth.

Qin Zhao believed that if she hadn’t just stuffed the pillow cover into Kailins’s mouth, she would have screamed so loudly that the sound engineer in a dance hall a mile away would have frowned and wondered: How could this newly bought speaker sound loud? A noise that makes people unable to hold back their blood when they hear it? !

Kill me! Kill me... Kailinsi screamed wildly in her heart, but she couldn't yell out, so she could only vent her high spirits by twisting her slender waist crazily and wrapping her limbs tightly around Qin Zhao's body.

It's like the 110 that arrived after the fighting bums had dispersed. After Kailinsi had fainted twice, she reluctantly showed a small face from the east and yawned. With sleepy eyes, he looked at the black figure slowly moving forward in the corridor of a certain villa.

"I want you to kill me!" After Qin Zhao suddenly stopped his crazy movements, Kailinsi finally pulled the pillow cover out of his mouth, bit his ear and said in a low voice, "Quickly use your most manly Way to kill me! Come on... what's wrong with you?"

"Someone is coming." Qin Zhao gave a wry smile, quickly covered Kailinsi's mouth with his hands, and then turned over and got off her body: "Did you lock the door?"

With Qin Zhao covering her mouth, Kailinsi answered him of course, she could only make a whining sound from her nose, and shook her head to show that the door was not locked.

Stupid, come to steal without closing the door. Qin Zhao cursed in his heart, and quickly whispered in her ear: "Go to the clothes hanger!" Then he let go of her mouth, wrapped her in a towel and quilt without waiting for her to react, and put her Wrapped up like a zongzi, rolled out of bed after hugging her, walked a few steps to the clothes kitchen, opened a kitchen door and stuffed her in: "Don't make a sound, or something bad will happen!"

I really should have knocked her out... Qin Zhao jumped on the bed, quickly put on his pajamas, lifted the sheet over his body with his backhand, and then let out a breathing sound that represented deep sleep. Feeling dizzy and regretting: If she suddenly walks out of the kitchen after a while, God knows how much the woman who stopped at the door would scream...

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