Because they are located in the jungle, the skin of the Vietnamese is not white, and they are generally short. Not only are they short and beautiful compared to the Japanese, but they are also thinner.

But precisely because of their small size, their agility and flexibility are brought into full play. Coupled with the innate viciousness and uncomfortable energy of the Vietnamese, when they fight, they really make people from other countries who are much taller than them frightened. For those who suspect that the viciousness of the Vietnamese is not afraid of death, American soldiers can unconditionally prove it for them.

After seeing the photo of Kailins in Ruan Pingyun's wallet, Wang Yashan was already ready to do it. No stranger would bring Kailins' photo for no reason, especially when Qin Zhao recognized him. She is the queen of the Vietnamese Water Lotus Gang.

As a soldier who is determined to be an excellent special forces soldier, he may not know who the Oscar queen is, or who is the popular young boy, but he will definitely know who the underworld bosses are from all over the world, especially neighboring countries. Wang Yashan, who was ready to do something, saw Ruan Pingyun shake her head suddenly, and then kicked her with a flying kick. Send out a sneering smile.

How can the majestic champion of the women's special forces in the Chinese military region be able to move by a brother who came from a small country like Vietnam to join the underworld? Amidst the laughter, Wang Yashan bowed her body to avoid Ruan Pingyun's kick, and before his toes just brushed her skirt, she stretched out her soft and slender right hand and grabbed his trouser leg. Going back to the area, he raised his right knee and pressed it hard against his calf.

Concerned about Qin Zhao's safety, Wang Yashan made up her mind to make a quick decision, so she shot mercilessly and killed Ruan Pingyun as soon as she came up. After the knee was on his calf, regardless of whether he still had the ability to fight back, he lowered his body to avoid the right fist of another person who rushed up from the side, and bent his right elbow upwards to hit his chin hard. Accompanied by an inhuman wail, the Shui Lian gang that rushed up from the side spewed a mouthful of blood, and before they could even cover their mouths with their hands, they fell on their backs with a bang , rolled his eyes and passed out.

When the severe pain in his right leg turned into cold sweat flowing from his forehead, Ruan Pingyun realized how naive and scary his idea of ​​cooperating with his men to beat Wang Yashan was. I didn't expect that a Chinese beauty who looked delicate could be so fierce. Not only did he lose his resistance in the first fight, but also the scene of watching his companion fall to the ground with blood spraying from his mouth, I'm afraid it was him who beat him. The No. 3 boss of the Shuilian Gang, who is used to killing and killing, will never forget it for the rest of his life.

"Brothers copied the guy, chopped her up for me..." Ruan Pingyun who was sitting on the ground roared, turned around and gave the other three brothers a death order to move the guy. Although this is in China and not in Vietnam itself, using a knife will cause a lot of trouble, but I can't take care of these anymore. At this moment, the most important thing is to quickly resolve the battle, try to get back the photos before a large number of Huaxia police arrive, and quickly find Mr. Li who is connected.

But just as he turned around and yelled half a sentence, it was like a clay statue that would never move again. Because he saw that the three brothers who were still alive just now were lying motionless on the road at this time, and the young man who said he knew his elder brother just moved his wrists and looked at him with a smile.

How is this going?

This question was the last one that popped up before Ruan Pingyun passed out, and then he didn't know anything.

Wang Yashan's sharp right foot kicked Ruan Pingyun on the back of the head like a scythe for harvesting wheat. Before he could stand up, he heard several crisp applause. After a pause, he looked intently and found that the applause was from Qin Zhao. On the ground around him, several Vietnamese lay there motionless.

"That's right, your skills are beyond my expectation. I can't see that you really have two talents," Qin Zhao stopped clapping, and the smile on his face was definitely just laughter rather than admiration. But he said in a low voice: "Officer Wang Da, how about you explain it to the citizens who are watching?"

How is this going? Looking at the Vietnamese lying on the road, Wang Yashan asked the same question as Ruan Pingyun in a little confusion. But the difference between the two is that this question is not her last consciousness before fainting.

"Officer Wang, quickly take out your ID and explain to the enthusiastic citizens." Wang Yashan is stupid, but Qin Zhao is very smart. When he saw that enthusiastic citizens had already pulled out their phones and prepared to call the police, he quickly stepped up. The sound made Wang Yashan take out her police officer's card to prove that the police were handling the case. Then he said in a low voice: "Didn't you see that some of their enthusiastic people are going to call the police? You don't want to be taken back to the station by the police to make a record?"

"Where do I have a police certificate?" Wang Yashan didn't have time to ask why those Vietnamese people were lying on the road all of a sudden. She glanced around and found that there were indeed more than a dozen people around, and some of them were calling their mobile phones. It seemed that they were planning to call 110. .

"You don't have a police officer certificate, what did you call people just now? You are a people's policeman? Didn't you know that the crime of impersonating a policeman is more serious than fighting?" Qin Zhao laughed, watching her stick out her tongue and lick her lips, and said gloatingly: "Then I don't care, it's your business."

What kind of person is this? Others are protecting him, yet he keeps trying to shirk such small responsibilities on others. Wang Yashan rolled her eyes helplessly, and she also saw that if she didn't find a way to persuade these spectators away, the police would definitely come soon. Although she doesn't care about the police force in these places at all, it's better to have more than one thing less. So far, it seems that not pretending to be a policeman will not work.

"The police are handling the case, the idlers are waiting to disperse immediately!" Wang Yashan reached out and took out her military officer's ID card, and waved it around to the onlookers. The speed was so fast that even Qin Zhao didn't even see if there was a photo on it. She had already taken out the ID card put away.

Let me be a dignified 'delicate' special forces captain pretending to be a policeman?

Cut... In Wang Yashan's heart, why did she not think highly of the police at all. Except for those who participated in the international police competition and can barely get something out of her mouth, those interpol who are usually awesome on TV are not in her eyes at all, let alone let them Compared with the people in Longteng December.

Although no one could clearly see what Wang Yashan was holding, those citizens who saw her put the two men down all believed it. In the hearts of the vast majority of citizens, only comrades, the patron saint of the city, can have such a beautiful skill. Although the policewoman's words were a bit blunt, she did this for the sake of the public security of the whole city, so not only did no one have any dissatisfaction with Wang Yashan's tone, but two people actually applauded to express their affirmation of the police comrades. Work.

"Look, isn't it all right? In fact, good people are the easiest to deceive." Qin Zhao pointed to the gradually dispersed onlookers, and told Wang Yashan with a smile: "But the moment you dangled the piece of paper back and forth just now, it's really true. It's like a common move by the police."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let me ask you," Wang Yashan stretched out her hand and made a stop gesture, pointing to the Vietnamese lying around Qin Zhao and said, "What's going on? You beat them up? "

"Ha, of course it is, isn't it me or you?" Qin Zhao looked down at the Vietnamese who hadn't moved a bit, and said in a tone simpler than drinking boiled water: "They just I don’t know what Ruan Pinglai thinks if he dares to come to China to earn money. It seems that he hasn’t beaten him for a long time. What is a good gift?"

"Qin Zhao, don't mention the matter of buying gifts, please answer seriously when I ask you, are you really the one who typed these?" Before Cao Binger could say anything, Wang Yashan stepped forward and stared closely at Qin Zhao's eyes, as if to pass His eyes change to see if he's lying. She thought she had the ability to knock these people down in an instant, but she definitely couldn't do it so quietly. But just now these few people were indeed lying here without making any sound. Could it be that this Qin Zhao is a real person who doesn't show his face?

"I don't want to repeat it a second time, but for the sake of your worrying about me, I can make an exception," Qin Zhao said flatly, "I did hit them. Don't you expect others to hit me, and I But can't fight back?"

"I don't mean that, I mean why I didn't see how you beat them."

"That's because you're busy fighting with others and you don't have time to watch." Qin Zhao stretched out his toe and kicked Ruan Pingyun's forehead lightly, changing the subject lightly: "Cao Bing'er, you can only do it after I finish asking this guy." Figure out what gift to give, if you can’t think of one that I’m satisfied with, then I’ll have to send you to the police station tonight, hehe, I’ll also try to feel like a good citizen.”

"No way, Brother Qin..." When Cao Binger wailed, Ruan Pingyun just woke up with a muffled grunt after being kicked by Qin Zhao.

"Who asked you to kill Kailinsi?" Now that she has set up the people's police profile with the general public, Wang Yashan is unceremonious like a lowly person who likes to violate organizational discipline and is most keen on extorting confessions from criminals. Like the quality policeman, he lifted Ruan Pingyun from the ground, kicked his left armpit with the toe of his right foot, and then asked this sentence.

"Ah..." Even Ruan Pingyun was able to resist the blows, but he couldn't stand the vicious ravages of the toes of this kind of women's leather shoes. Amidst the long howling, he rolled his eyes and was about to faint again.

It was so easy to wake him up, how could it be possible to make him faint again?

It is said that the most poisonous scorpion needle and the most ruthless beauty are true.

Before Ruan Pingyun fell into a coma, Wang Yashan grabbed his left middle finger with her right hand and forced it backwards... click... and he woke up again in pain.

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