"Security..." Looking at Qin Zhao's drunken face, which still had an inexplicably moved heart, and evil spirit in the determination, for some reason, Fu Mingzhu, who was planning to let go of him, was even more intimidated. He hugged him vigorously, ignoring the pungent smell of alcohol, turned around and called out to the security guard of the hotel...


This was the sound of running water that Qin Zhao heard before he opened his eyes, and then a faint scent began to tease his olfactory nerves. where is this Even though he was paralyzed by alcohol and could be unconscious for half an hour, the vigilance that he had been through rigorous training made him wake up with a tearing headache.

It can be seen from the decoration of the room that this is a presidential suite.

The soft light shines through the white glazed lamps and fills the whole room, and the warm air sent by the central air conditioner carries a trace of indescribable freshness. I don't know that the sound of rushing water coming from there hits the wall and bounces back to the center of the room. It is very easy to think that this is a small stream full of grass on the bank.

I remember that I was standing outside, why did I come to such a place now? Qin Zhao slowly raised his hand and rubbed his still sore forehead. Although he still had that nauseating feeling in his heart, the vomiting made him feel better and his mind cleared up a lot. Of course, he didn't know that he had ever done that embarrassing vomit.

Qin Zhao sorted out his wandering thoughts, and suddenly remembered that he was talking to a woman at the entrance of the Little Swan Hotel just now... Oh, by the way, that woman is Fu Fu, whose net name is Hong Xing Chu Wall You Climb First Pearl. But what she did after asking her to help pay the bill, I really don't know. I just felt as if I had fallen into her arms at that time, that feeling of touching her face...ah, it couldn't be that I happened to meet, touch, and kiss someone's place, right?

After being dazed for a moment, Qin Zhao finally figured it out. It seemed that Fu Mingzhu had brought him back to the hotel suite where she was staying.

Hehe, Lao Tzu was reduced to the point where a woman helped him into the room. With a silent wry smile, Qin Zhao turned over and sat up on the bed that seemed as soft as Fu Mingzhu's arms. After sitting up for a few seconds, he lay down again. Because when he turned over and sat up, the slippery, thin brocade quilt that exuded a warm fragrance slid off his body, revealing that he was not wearing any clothes and had been touched by hundreds of women at most. upper body.

Where are my clothes? God, Qin Zhao wailed in his heart, reached into the brocade quilt, and found that except for the pair of boxers covering his brother, other clothes looked like a landlord's concubine who eloped with the groom , quietly left him.

It's okay, why take off my clothes while I'm drunk? Is it to search for something on me? Qin Zhao held the most precious thing on his body with one hand, while turning his head to look around. In his subconscious, someone got him drunk absolutely to find something from him. Of course, although the thing in his hand is the most important part of a man, in some people's eyes, it is really not as good as the Flying Wolf Jade Finger Wrench.

Just like some bloody scenes that are often broadcast on TV, Qin Zhao slowly sat up from the bed while holding the brocade quilt with both hands. The eyes that glanced around cautiously were definitely the most classic expression of helplessness for innocent people. The only difference is that the one who took off his clothes and made the same gesture on TV must be a charming and beautiful girl.

There are absolutely no more than three places where the sound of running water in the room can be heard on the bed, one is the kitchen, the other is the toilet, and the rest is the bathroom. In the presidential suite of a star-rated hotel like Little Swan, there is definitely no kitchen. There is no need for the water in the bathroom to keep buzzing here all the time. The only place where it can make people feel itchy for a long time is the bathroom.

Fu Mingzhu was taking a bath, which Qin Zhao judged within a few seconds, although he didn't find the bathroom that was said to be visible through the hazy glass outside.

She can just take a shower, why take off my clothes? Are you trying to force me here? Puzzled, he opened the brocade and looked at his crotch, and found that he didn't smell anything like 84 disinfectant, which meant that he was still innocent so far. This result couldn't help but make Qin Zhao a little disappointed. Disappointed, he threw the brocade quilt onto the bed, and landed barefoot on the ground.

Since no one did anything wrong when we were unconscious, is it necessary to force us when we are awake? It's not like we won't resist!

With this kind of fearless spirit, Qin Zhao stepped on the thick carpet, walked to the sofa and sat down directly, then picked up an orange from the fruit plate on the coffee table, and after eating several oranges, he felt The feeling of almost fading out of the bird in the mouth is slightly worse.

I don't know what time it is, but when Qin Zhao was thinking of looking for his phone to check the time on the bed, the sound of the water stopped. Then there was a soft bang, and a door-shaped opening appeared on the wall pasted with simulated vegetation on the opposite side of Qin Zhao. Then, a woman with steaming body and dripping water on her head came out from the opening. She covered the bath towel with both hands, but a pair of long white legs and slender bare feet were exposed underneath...

Fu Mingzhu asked two security guards to help Qin Zhao into her presidential suite, and paid 300 yuan to ask them to take off Qin Zhao's dirty clothes and throw them away until she had sex with him. I just started to clean up myself.

Looking at Qin Zhao who was sleeping like a dead pig, Fu Mingzhu also stood in front of the bed and looked at his face compared with her husband's, and there was a little girl who no one else saw when she lifted the quilt to look at his body. move. After thinking obsessively for ten minutes, he came to a conclusion: this Song Yu is definitely superior to her husband ten years ago in terms of masculinity, whether it is his face or external conditions. And nothing less. Although she admits that her husband is now one of those rare men, the idea of ​​liking the new and loathing the old can't just be on men.

With a pure appreciation and a strong desire to own beautiful things, Fu Mingzhu lifted the quilt with a little shyness and apprehension, and took a few glances at the sleeping Qin Zhao. After covering the quilt for him unwillingly, she took off the dirty clothes on her body. Passing her hands over her satin-like skin, feeling the amazing elasticity of her upper body, she suddenly wanted to get into this man's bed naked.

What's wrong with me? As soon as the slender left leg was lifted up, a gust of heat bravely gushed out of her body, which made Fu Mingzhu, who was in overexcitement, startled for a moment, and then her face was flushed with rapid heartbeat, and she hugged her left hand in front of her body, bent down and picked up the dirt on the ground with her right hand. Clothes, turned around and ran into the bathroom almost at the speed of escape. Now, she needs to take a bath to dilute her blushing reaction just now, although it's not her fault at all.

Turn on the water flow to the maximum, the temperature is a bit cooler than usual, Fu Mingzhu opened her mouth with her eyes closed, and let the thin water flow directly to her face and then flow down.

Although on the phone, she dared to say that kind of ambiguous words to Qin Zhao and said that you can come if you have the ability, but she really just has the curiosity of most netizens when they haven't met, and it doesn't mean that she is a bohemian woman. . On the contrary, in the eight years of marriage, her alluring body has only been owned by her husband. But now, the man I met on the Internet is lying outside at this moment. I wonder if he will think that he is that kind of wanton and frivolous woman when he wakes up in a while?

Fu Mingzhu regretted Meng Lang's bringing Qin Zhao into the room, and was even a little scared. Of course, she wasn't afraid that her husband would find out what she had done. What she was afraid of was that she had that kind of reaction and thought when she looked at Qin Zhao just now. If she really couldn't control herself, she couldn't guarantee that Song Yu outside would turn into Liu Xiahui.

Do you want to hurry up and open a house to live in before he wakes up? Fu Mingzhu turned off the faucet in the bathroom irritably. She wasn't worried at all that the man outside dared to rape her, because she was a sixth-dan judo herself, and she didn't pay attention to one or two young guys.

Seeing how drunk he is, he can only come tonight and let himself be at his mercy. Then, should he change the room by himself, or let him, let him sleep in his own room for one night? Alas, Fu Mingzhu sighed irritably in her heart, wiped it roughly, took out a bath towel to wrap the proud and exquisite curves, and decided to go out and put on clothes first.

The temperature outside the bathroom was not much different from that inside the bathroom, but when Fu Mingzhu was about to close the bathroom door, she clearly felt a kind of heat, and this scorching heat came from human eyes. She raised her head in horror, and she found that Song Yu, who was still unknown just now, was sitting carelessly on the sofa, looking at her for a moment.

"You! You, you close your eyes!"

This is what Fu Mingzhu said after her hand trembled, and the bath towel she was covering her chest fell off.

Qin Zhao reached out and touched his chin, but instead of being obedient at all, he opened his eyes wide. If you want a man, a man with normal body skills, to close his eyes when he meets a beautiful woman, and she is a naked beautiful woman, then you might as well just kill him. It is estimated that even if he is killed, he will try to open his eyes wider before he dies.

"I really want to close my eyes, but what can I do if I close my eyes? Anyway, I can see everything I need to see, and even closing my eyes can't change this fact." After shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, Qin Zhao told the truth. Now, he found himself more and more fond of shrugging his shoulders, which he hated before.

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