Putting her hands on the dining table, Fu Mingzhu tried her best to raise her proud chest, and retracted her right foot hard, but still failed, and her left foot flew up like lightning again in desperation. This time she won't kick that place again, who knows if she will be caught again? The kick with the sound of the wind was aimed at Qin Zhao's forehead, and it was also soft and charming with a strong killing intent.

Fu Mingzhu became murderous.

Unfortunately, the man she is facing now is Qin Zhao.

The unprecedented humiliation made Fu Mingzhu go crazy with shame and anger. She no longer cared about who this man was and why he did this to her. Now she only had one thought, which was to kill this man, no matter what method was used.

There is a saying: Do pearls of rice dare to compete with the sun and the moon? This sentence can also be used here, that is: Why does Fu Mingzhu fight with the jade-faced Yama who has caused headaches for countless terrorists and mercenaries?

When Fu Mingzhu's kick was about to hit the forehead, Qin Zhao didn't stretch out his hand to block it, he just lowered his body and tilted his head so that when the foot brushed his ear and flew over the top of his head, the left breast suddenly rose up. Lifting it, it firmly resisted that Fu Mingzhu's foot...

One leg was sandwiched between Qin Zhao's legs, the other leg was resisted by Qin Zhao's shoulder, and a certain position of Fu Mingzhu was already completely in the air. Not only that, but in order to express her resolute resistance to violence, she propped her arms on the dining table and leaned up. Lying in front of him and staring at him... This posture seems to be more able to arouse the man's stupidity?

"I can't see, you still have a lot of strength." Qin Zhao's eyes scanned Fu Mingzhu's almost naked body back and forth, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of contempt: "I really don't understand, since you took the initiative to call to let me I came here to drink and take a bath, not to have sex with you, so why?"

"Song Yu... If. If you don't let go of me, I will make you die ugly! No one has ever dared to doubt what I said, and no man dared to treat me like this!" Fu Mingzhu gritted her teeth The red one almost bleeds and said: "Seeing how happy we are cooperating online, you'd better let me go, maybe I will..."

"You'll let me go, won't you?" Qin Zhao interrupted her and asked back.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure!"

What Fu Mingzhu said was definitely not a joke, but she forgot one of the most basic common sense, that is: how can there be a wolf in the world who doesn't eat as much meat as he can?

"Fart!" Qin Zhao smiled coldly, his face full of infinite evil charm: "I can't bear to be intimidated, so you can only make me more determined to accomplish what I want to do." After saying this sentence , Qin Zhao stopped talking nonsense, and reached out to grab Fu Mingzhu's nightgown and coat that had reached the belly button. Without seeing how hard he was, the two expensive clothes made the silk tearing sound that King Zhou You's favorite concubine Baosi loved to hear.

"Ah..." With a useless exclamation, Fu Mingzhu almost fainted when she saw her naked body in front of this man: "You...don't!" Peel off and lose its toughness.

don't want? Cut, come to this point, how can you have the final say?

Fu Mingzhu was not dizzy. Qin Zhao, who was already on top, didn't care about it. When she instinctively bent up without making any resistance, she let go of Fu Mingzhu's leg and quickly loosened her pants. , So, a certain feature revealed its ferocious true colors, looking up at Fu Mingzhu who was lying on the dining table in contempt.

Anyway, she was carrying one foot on her waist, and Qin Zhao pulled her other foot to the side without much effort. Suddenly, a scene that is difficult to describe in words and can only be imagined with boundless thinking ability...appeared.

I never dreamed that the judo that I had practiced continuously since I was 17 seemed useless in front of this man. Seeing that the punishment for a woman who has always been proud of her talents is coming, two tears flowed from the corners of Fu Mingzhu's eyes. Just when Qin Zhao's hand was covering her crotch again, she suddenly asked in a weak voice: "Can, Can you go to the bedroom, it's so, so cold here..."

On the side of the bed where Qin Zhao slept, there is a small cabinet. On it was Fu Mingzhu's small Kun bag, and in the Kun bag, there was a dagger she kept for her husband. The name of the dagger was Yaolan.

As long as she gets close to the bed, even if she is defiled by this man, she still has the opportunity to take out the demon blue and give him a fatal blow when his vigilance is at its lowest.

"No need..." Let alone at the dining table right now, depending on the man's inferiority and a certain psychology, even if she took the initiative on the bed, Qin Zhao might bring her back here, because it seems more exciting some...

As the saying goes, the arrow has to be shot when the arrow is on the string... Qin Zhao, who was dazzled, straightened his back impatiently... Thus, the classic action happened.

"Oh..." Accompanied by Fu Mingzhu's tender cry, the dry pain caused her tears to flow out of her wide-open eyes. The reason why she kept her eyes wide open after being severely injured was because she wanted to firmly remember this man's appearance, so as to prevent him from regretting coming to this world afterwards.

People, when doing something, are inseparable from the emotion at that time. Therefore, when Fu Mingzhu was full of shame, Qin Zhao would not feel warm and smooth like what she did with her husband, which made Qin Zhao not dare to act too much.

Seeing how gentle his movements are, Fu Mingzhu thought he was feeling pity and pity for jade now, but she never expected that Qin Zhao thought this way: If he rushes forward desperately now, it will definitely hurt...

Friction not only electrifies, but also...

Just when Fu Mingzhu made up her mind to ignore Qin Zhao's despicable behavior with an attitude of "right to be bitten by a dog", because of Qin Zhao's constant thrusting, she suddenly felt fear. Because she found that even if she wished she could tear up the hatred of this man now, it couldn't stop her natural reaction as a woman. She, somewhere in her, was hopelessly wet.

Only now did Qin Zhao know that the idiom like a fish in water can be used in this kind of thing.

After sensing the indescribable changes in Fu Mingzhu's body, Qin Zhao immediately let go of all his scruples, and charged at a meaningless target with all his strength.

"Hmmmm... oh..." Fu Mingzhu really wanted to keep her mouth shut so as not to make such a sound that would make Qin Zhao more ferocious, but if a piece of wood hit the gong, could the gong stop ringing?

It seemed that on the dining table made of mahogany, the wine glasses and other things were knocked to the ground by the violent actions of the two people. Fortunately, there was a thick carpet to catch them, and it also brought convenience for Qin Zhao to give it a go. Even though the mahogany furniture is the strongest kind of wooden furniture, it actually made a faint creaking sound in response to Fu Mingzhu's soft cry.

"I don't like you always taking this passive posture." Just when Fu Mingzhu felt ashamed of her reaction but still couldn't restrain it, Qin Zhao suddenly stopped and said to her with a serious expression: "ML is a This is a very sacred thing, no matter what you think of me afterwards, I hope you can meet my request now."

What is a cultured jerk? This is. When he was with others, he felt that others did not cooperate with him.

Fu Mingzhu, who was deeply immersed in a kind of excitement that she had never experienced before, subconsciously leaned towards Qin Zhao when Qin Zhao stopped moving... Although she bit her lips tightly to cover up this natural reaction, But at the same time, she betrayed her inner needs.

Qin Zhao was very satisfied with Fu Mingzhu's natural action, shutting his mouth and moving again.

Now that this is the case, fortunately let it go! I hope there will be nothing wrong with this man before I kill him with my own hands. Fu Mingzhu's heart suddenly relaxed, she immediately let go of all the psychological burdens, and concentrated on enjoying the feeling in front of her. His legs were naturally coiled around Qin Zhao's waist, his hands wrapped around Qin Zhao's neck, he opened his small mouth filled with orchid fragrance, and eagerly blocked Qin Zhao's lips.

Time, it is no matter what you are busy with. It will not give you one less second because you waste it, nor will it give you one more second because you cherish it, it has been walking leisurely according to its own pace, to Qin who has been active for nearly forty minutes Zhao turned a blind eye and walked.

"Huh..." A muffled hum mixed with joy came out of Qin Zhao's mouth. He hugged Fu Mingzhu tightly, almost rubbing her into his chest, and then remained motionless. Fu Mingzhu, who had reached countless gs, scratched and kicked anxiously, but he didn't move at all, just hugged her tightly and put his head in her arms. Relying on the inertia of Qin Zhao's actions just now, after Fu Mingzhu finally reached the realm she dreamed of, she let go of her mouth that was nibbling on Qin Zhao's shoulder, and lay on her back on the dining table.

"I will kill you sooner or later," Fu Mingzhu said softly, staring at the ceiling obsessively, "Although you gave me a taste of excitement that I have never had before, I will still kill you." It's you, sooner or later."

Qin Zhao, who had been quietly lying in her arms, was still lying there quietly, not moving, let alone answering her words.

"I will make you regret coming to this world," Fu Mingzhu said harshly, but her right hand stroked Qin Zhao's hair very gently: "It's just that it's a kind of fate in the face of us." Come on, how to die, I can let you choose... Hey, did you hear that?"

Qin Zhao, who had been lying quietly in her arms all this time, was still lying there quietly and motionless, but this time he used a soft sound from his nostrils to prove that he was asleep now.

Qin Zhao actually fell asleep at this time...

Doesn't he know that I'm really going to kill him? Fu Mingzhu stared at Qin Zhao, who had a trace of satisfaction in the corner of his mouth, and he was lying in his arms, snoring in a low voice.

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