In fact, Qin Zhao had already seen that the young man from Chenjiazhai was sneaking up on Ye Qingling on purpose, but this kind of atmosphere is what is needed for today's occasion, so it is hard to say anything. Since the Chen family arranged themselves and Ye Qingling here, they must have their plans.

Finally, amidst bursts of laughter, Ye Qingling was squeezed on top of Qin Zhao by several young men. In order not to be taken advantage of by those young men who deliberately caused trouble, she had no choice but to lean sideways, with her lips facing Qin Zhao's cheek, and her chest pressed against Qin Zhao's right side.

The feeling of softness and elasticity made Qin Zhao feel inexplicably grateful to those young men. Dude, try harder...

Through the red hijab on his head, Yao Di quietly looked at his toes. She really wanted to see what Qin Zhao's expression was like now, and she also felt that Qin Zhao was looking at her all the time. Sometimes, the feeling was more useful than the eyes. But the red hijab hanging down to her neck made her see nothing but a gleam of red light, and she could only hear the jokes of the onlookers.

"Next, the ninth item of the wedding, the bride and groom will salute their parents and elders... Well, I said Hong'er's parents and his aunts and aunts, have you prepared any red envelopes for the bride?" It took my aunt nearly half an hour to announce the most important item of today's wedding.

In the countryside, on the wedding day, the bride and groom salute to the elders and friends sitting in front of the heaven and earth to watch the ceremony. After the salute is completed, they enter the bridal chamber... a program that the boys like most. They will drive the bridesmaids and groom out of the bridal chamber, and start to do something to the poor and happy bride with impunity. Of course, there are also more civilized ones. At most, it is just asking the bride to peel off a piece of wedding candy and light a wedding cigarette, but more often, those who are not married ask to kiss the bride, and put their arms around others to beg to teach him Knowledge in bed...

As soon as the second aunt yelled this sentence, Chen Huanhong and Yao Di were surrounded by the six sons and faced the Chen family's parents who hadn't talked about it. Chen's father and Chen's mother had already taken out the wrapped red envelopes. After the daughter-in-law bows to herself, she will hand over the red envelope to the bride, and then the bride will take it from her. This money is called 'Xiyi', and it is also the first private money of the bride who married into the man's family. This money can be completely controlled by oneself without being 'confiscated'. Even if it is the groom's biological parents, when they accept the parents called out by their daughter-in-law, they more or less have to take out red envelopes to show their affection.

"Hong'er, you and your daughter-in-law should bow three times to your parents. This is regarded as worshiping Gaotang." As soon as the second aunt finished speaking, those young people shouted: "How can you bow three times? At least you have to lie down." Just kowtow on the ground a few times! Besides, if you can’t hear the bride knocking, then, Second Aunt, you are not allowed to let the old man pay for it.”

"That's right, the bride and groom have to kneel on the ground and kowtow!" The people on the side echoed the opinion of the troublemakers in unison.

"Then, Hong'er, what do you think we should do? Everyone wants to see you and your wife kowtow to your parents, or how many kowtows?" Second Aunt pretended to be embarrassed and asked Chen Huanhong.

"Hey, Second Aunt, I think it's represented by bowing?" Chen Huanhong smirked innocently.

"How is that possible?! Kowtow! We want to see the bride and groom kowtow!" Kowtow is the most important etiquette in China. Even a great hero like Yue Fei and a traitor like Qin Hui have to worship the world twice and the king three times lofty. Seeing that everyone wanted to kowtow to the newcomer, everyone wanted to squeeze forward desperately to witness this "great moment" with their own eyes. How can the face full of laughter and courage to participate be possessed by Western weddings?

Qin Zhao, who had never seen a rural wedding ceremony, also wanted to see these, so he widened his eyes, ready to see Chen Huanhong and Yao Di kowtow on the ground. Just when he opened his eyes wide, there was a commotion in the crowd, accompanied by the laughter and curses of the women, he suddenly felt that something soft and wet was squeezed on his right cheek. What is this? Qin Zhao turned his head subconsciously, and before he could figure out what it was, that soft thing was printed on his mouth.

When Chen Huanhong was pushed to the ground by several boys, all the people squeezed forward to see clearly, regardless of who was sitting on the bench in front of them. Ye Qingling, who was already squeezed a little out of breath, just barely left Qin Zhao's body, but was squeezed against him again. Just when she was about to open her mouth to say, "Can you squeeze slowly", a young man who had been behind and couldn't see what was going on inside finally squeezed to the front with all his strength. And a young man who was squeezed next to Ye Qingling used this force to suddenly fall on Ye Qingling's side facing body, causing her lips to imprint on Qin Zhao's right cheek superior.

Uh, I'm so ashamed, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it... Before Ye Qingling could say this, Qin Zhao turned his face away, and then, his lips joined his lips... Then the mind goes blank. As early as a few months ago, even though she was also kissed by Qin Zhao with tricks, she had never been kissed so firmly and firmly like now, mouth to mouth.

Except for old women and men up to 45 years old, Qin Zhao has never objected to the kisses of the rest of the people who are fond of him, but in this case, kissing a woman who just decided to abandon last night is still a big surprise he expected.

In order to resist the crowd behind and not be squeezed under the bench, Ye Qingling had already firmly grasped Qin Zhao's arm. When the blankness in her mind passed, she blushed and wanted to move her mouth away, but when she turned her head, she touched Qin Zhao's mouth who also wanted to turn his head away, and the two kissed again.

Damn, is this my compensation? Or take the opportunity to eat my tofu? In order not to attract everyone's attention to him and neglect the newcomer, Qin Zhao had to shake* vigorously*, creating a 'space', looking forward, but thinking in his heart: Ye Qingling is Not to use this opportunity to express anything.

It's over, it will definitely make him misunderstand that I did this on purpose. Ye Qingling also turned her head with a blushing face, although she wanted to let go of Qin Zhao's arm and stand up, but so many "enthusiastic" young men surrounded her, how could she stand up easily? So I can only pretend to be okay, and look ahead.

In the end, Chen Huanhong and Yao Di followed the opinions of the masses and kowtowed several times to the old Chen family. It's a pity that Qin was fascinated by Ye Qingling's soft lips at that time, so he didn't have the good fortune to see this scene at all. He didn't see Yao Di kowtow, but the moment Yao Di stood up after kowtow and the red hijab fluttered for a while, he saw the 'affectionate' kiss between him and Ye Qingling.

Alas, it really is affectionate... Yao Di sighed inwardly, and there was a wry smile at the corner of his mouth that no one else could see. Although she had already given up on Qin Zhao, she was willing to sit by the fish pond with Chen Huanhong and watch the fish jump together. 'But if you were her and held a wedding with the man you love now in front of the man you loved, wouldn't there be some fluctuations? This has nothing to do with half-heartedness, it's just human nature.

After receiving the gift from his son and daughter-in-law, the elders of the Chen family hurriedly handed the red envelope to Xi Niang behind Yao Di. When Yao Di was held down and kowtowed, this Xi Niang also really helped those young men with some small favors, such as taking the initiative to get out of the way so that they could 'strike' Yao Di. Seeing that her task was coming, she rushed to Yao Di to take the red envelope for her, and opened it in public, just like the waiter in the shop in ancient times sang: "The two high-ranking members of the Chen family, 1,600 yuan!" The reason why she was in public Opening the red envelope and telling the amount is to tell Yao Di: whoever gave you the money, and how much was given to you, you just have to know it yourself.

After paying homage to Gaotang, the second aunt asked Yao Di and Chen Huanhong to bow to thank the seven aunts and eight aunts who took out the red envelopes. Regarding this, the spectators didn't have any objections. After all, these things couldn't be compared with the second elders of the Chen family. They were the bride's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"His second aunt of the Li family has a Xiyi of 600... his third aunt of Nancun's Xiyi is 300..." With the sound of the second aunt and Xi Niang reporting the accounts, the whole wedding came to a high.

"It's broken." When Qin Zhao smiled and looked at the couple who were being teased by the boys like puppets, he heard Ye Qingling whisper in his ear. He still looked ahead, but asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Before I entered Chen's house, I gave Chen Huanhong the red envelope I prepared. But if they come to salute us later, what do you think we should do? I didn't bring any extra money." Ye Qingling said His lips were pressed against Qin Zhao's ear, and the moist heat penetrated directly into Qin Zhao's ear, making him itchy, but he was unwilling to scratch it.

"It doesn't matter, I'll take it with me, you don't need to worry about it." Qin Zhao said with a smile, but he was thinking about whether it would be a little extravagant to do so, and whether it would make Yao Di think more.

Seeing that he was quite calm, Ye Qingling had no choice but to shut up and sit down even though she was a little suspicious. Because at this time, the second aunt, who had already introduced the relatives of the Chen family to everyone, began to introduce friends who came to participate in the Chen family. And Ye Qingling is Chen Huanhong's boss, so naturally he should be put first.

"You two perfectly matched guests, the groom and the bride are here to greet you..." Chen Huanhong was grateful to Ye Qingling in his heart, and before his second aunt finished speaking, he pulled Yao Di with his hand, and the two faced Qin Zhao and Ye Qing Bell bowed deeply.

Have you ever watched a woman you like salute you when she is married to someone else? Qin Zhao has it.

Have you ever bowed down to a man you loved deeply when you got married? Yao Di has it.

Ye Qingling just wanted to wave her hand to say no, but she was seen by the ignorant second aunt as preparing to take out the red envelope, and her mouth that gave it away immediately shouted: "The guest is going to give the red envelope, and the bride and groom bow again!" ..." After hearing this shout, Ye Qingling withdrew her hand again, turned her head and looked at Qin Zhao with a smile: It depends on you.

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