"Then you just throw it away, Chen Huanhong." Qin Zhao was a little impatient with Chen Huanhong's girlish spirit: You, a poor migrant worker, are you playing with me 'starving to death without eating the food that comes from you', if Yao Di develops in my heart Zhao Suning, even if Li Moyu is as important, you think I will make her fall in love with you! ? Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I had missed one person, and that was Ye Qingling. What if she married someone else in the future? what would i do...

"Huanhong, since Secretary Qin sent it out, you don't have to refuse it." Just when Chen Huanhong wanted to insist on returning it to Qin Zhao, and Qin Zhao suddenly thought of Ye Qingling, the bride Yao Di who had been silent all this time Finally he spoke: "Secretary Qin, we thank you. In order to thank you for your kindness to my family Huanhong, let me offer you a glass of water in the world where our husband and wife worship."

According to the local ancient customs, the groom cannot lift the red hijab himself if he does not enter the bridal chamber, and the bride should not lift the hijab in public. Therefore, after Yao Di said this, he didn't care what others said, and whispered to Chen Huanhong, "Huanhong, lift the hijab for me."

"This..." Chen Huanhong hesitated for a while and looked at his second aunt, asking if this is okay?

The second aunt has lived so long, she has been here for a long time, and now it is a new society, although the red hijab on the bride's head should not be lifted now, but new things are new. What's more, the wedding gift from others is more than six million yuan. Whether you accept it or not, you should express it to them. Therefore, when he saw Chen Huanhong's questioning eyes, he smiled heartily, turned around and shouted at the young and old: "Folks, do you want to see the real face of the bride here!?"

"Think!" Liu Zi and the others bluffed especially enthusiastically.

"Okay, as long as you want to do it," the second aunt nodded, and shouted in the direction of the band watching outside: "Hey, let me tell you the people over there, please make way for the band and let them come to the newcomers to cheer for everyone. How about playing 'Take Your Hijab Off'?"

"Good!" With a burst of applause, a path was opened in the crowd, and a band composed of more than a dozen grass-stage troupes walked in. Maybe those beautiful women are the pillars of this team, anyway, those bragging gave them a prominent position.

Music, play.

Lift up your hijab to let me see your eyebrows Your eyebrows are thin and long, like the crescent moon on the treetops Your eyebrows are thin and long, like the crescent moon on the tree...

In the lyrics hummed softly by the six sons and the third, Chen Huanhong slowly lifted Yao Di's hijab.

What kind of a face is this, the eyebrows are swept away under the high clouds, the straight and exotic nose is under a pair of slightly blurred eyes, and the thin lips are shining brightly... …Although the bride has a scar on the left chin that spoils the beauty of this face, it also adds an indescribable coolness to her.

"Wine, here comes the wine!"

A young man with special vision had already handed over a tray with a jug and three wine glasses on it. Chen Huanhong took the tray, and Yao Di watched Ye Qingling bit his lower lip lightly, raised his hand and slowly poured half a glass of white wine into one of the glasses, then put down the jug and held up the wine glass with both hands: "Mr. Ye, I respect you."

When she is in a good mood, Ye Qingling sometimes drinks some wine, but it is not this kind of white wine but red wine. Who knows what kind of heart the young man who brought the wine brought him a jug of white wine. Ye Qingling stood up, looked at the baijiu in Yao Di's hands, blushed slightly, and said deliberately, 'I don't drink baijiu. ' But he was embarrassed to say it, so he nodded with a smile, took the wine in Yao Di's hand, raised his head and closed his eyes, and drank it down.

Filling, that's right, Ye Qingling's action was not drinking at all, but pouring. She didn't dare to let her tongue stick to the white wine, so she swallowed it directly, but even so, the white wine still burned her throat like a ball of fire, making her cough uncontrollably, and immediately, a touch of pink rose on her face , In the gradually growing snowflakes, it looks so pretty and lively.

"Okay! Have another glass, good things come in pairs!" Several young people who feared that the world would not be chaotic slapped their hands vigorously, encouraging Yao Di to fill Ye Qingling's glass again.

"Mr. Ye, look..." Yao Di smiled, and picked up the jug again.

"Cough, cough, no!" Ye Qingling covered her mouth with her hands and coughed, while waving her hands: "I'll stop, I appreciate your kindness." I was afraid that Yao Di would fill himself up again, and after speaking , she took a step back and stood in the crowd. At the same time, Qin Zhao on the left was also highlighted.

What kind of wine are you drinking? But this is a good opportunity to exercise your drinking capacity. Thinking to himself, Qin Zhao took a step forward and stood obliquely beside Chen Huanhong. Just as he was about to say something, the music behind him stopped. After the music stopped, everyone didn't care. After all, the hijab is lifted now, and no one likes to expose their hands to the cold wind in such a cold day.

After casually looking back, Qin Zhao turned his head, trying to keep his eyes calm. Reaching out to pick up Yao Di's full glass of wine from the tray, he looked at Chen Huanhong and said, "Old Chen, with the first glass of wine, I wish you a long life together." After speaking, he picked up the glass and drank it down.

"Thank you, I'll accompany you for a drink." Chen Huanhong thanked sincerely. He saw the calmness in Qin Zhao's eyes when he looked at Yao Di, and he was delighted. Regardless of whether it was reasonable or not, he gave himself satisfaction. He drank a glass, then drank it all with a raised neck.

Yao Di silently filled another glass with wine, and before Qin Zhao could reach for it, he held it up and gestured to Qin Zhao before drinking down the glass.

Could it be that everything in the legend is unspoken? Or are all grievances and grievances understood in wine?

Amidst the crowd's lifeless applause and Qin Zhao's confusion, Yao Di's face was flushed with alcohol. Before the applause of others stopped, she picked up the jug and filled the glass she had just drunk, and handed it to Qin Zhao: "I'll drink the second glass first as a respect."

With the glass you drank from? Qin Zhaosheng was afraid that Chen Huanhong would misunderstand him again, but when he was about to resign, Yao Di's eyes were full of determination. Sighing in his heart, when he was considering what language to use to drink the glass of wine, Yao Di looked behind him with his eyes.

Qin Zhao thought it was Yao Di who made him have to drink this glass of wine, so he reached out and took it: just drink it, anyway, I will leave after drinking the three glasses of wine, and I will never see you again.

Just when Qin Zhao made up his mind to take the glass of wine and looked up to drink it down, Yao Di, who was standing in front of him, suddenly took a step forward. Before Chen Huanhong, Ye Qingling and everyone else hadn't When she understood what she was going to do, she hugged Qin Zhao who raised his head, then turned around and changed positions with him.

"Yao Di!" Chen Huanhong blurted out Yao Di's name when he felt a pain in his heart.

Boom... There was a light sound like the ancient eagle feathers and arrows leaving the bowstring. As Chen Huanhong shouted out the word "Yao" of "Yao Di", the word "Di" of "Yao Di" had not dissipated. , it turned into a hiss that pierced the air and shook Qin Zhao's eardrums. Then, he saw that the blood on Yao Di's face faded in an instant, and then turned pale, like a flower that suddenly withered.

"Be careful..." Yao Di trembled, and leaned into Qin Zhao's arms, and when he said hastily to be careful, a layer of cyan quickly spread from his white jade-like face.

Someone actually wanted to kill Qin Zhao at Yao Di's wedding!

No one would believe that in the new society, they would see a scene that can only be seen in books, and no one would believe that the bride would sacrifice herself to block the thorn that might contain drama for the guests when no one noticed the danger. Poisonous crossbow stabs. No one believed it, and no one was willing to believe it, but the facts were right in front of his eyes: on the back of the bride Yao Di, there was a crossbow spur glowing with blue luster!

"You wait." Qin Zhaotie said these three words next to Yao Di's ear, then swung his hand violently, and the wine glass in his hand made a sharp whistling sound and hit the woman holding an erhu in her face.

"Ah..." A shrill cry pierced through the Chen family compound that was still beaming just now. The woman who thought she was ignorant and pretended to be debugging the erhu after sending out poisonous crossbow stabs, on a beautiful face, the wine glass thrown by Qin Zhao smashed the bridge of her nose hard, exaggerated Embedded in the front door.

Pushing Yao Di into Chen Huanhong's arms, Qin Zhao stared closely at the group of people holding musical instruments, and shouted in a deep voice: "Wang Yashan protect Ye Qingling! Xiao Xiao send Yao Di to the hospital quickly!" He couldn't tell the difference The person who came out of the Chen family and the person who attacked him just now could only stare at them, and with a sweep of his hand, the two wine glasses on the tray were in his hand. He was afraid that these people would take out more destructive guns, and it would be out of control, because now the courtyard is full of people watching the ceremony.

"Xiao Di! Xiao Di!" Chen Huanhong shook Yao Di's body like crazy, because he found that Yao Di was barely opening his eyes, but one hand was tightly grasping Qin Zhao's skirt, which made his heart ache. It hurts more! It turned out that she couldn't bear to let him go no matter when.

The Chen family's yard suddenly changed!

Before Qin Zhao gave the order to protect Ye Qingling, Wang Yashan had already pulled out the gun she was carrying with her backhand, and with a flick of the wind, the safety of the gun was released with a sound of 'Katz', and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the performers. Walking up to the frightened Ye Qingling, he grabbed her hand to shield her body and retreated back into the room.

Xiao Xiao also pulled out the pistol with his backhand, walked a few steps to the side of Chen Huanhong who was holding Yao Di and screaming, grabbed his waist with one hand, and yelled: "Hurry up and hug her, and follow me to the car outside first!"

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