Some debts need to be repaid with life, even if it is such a strange debt as Yao Di in order not to miss Qin Zhao anymore.

"Yes..." Hearing that Qin Zhao seemed to know the tone of this jellyfish very well, Zhan Zhao was hesitating whether to persuade him to open it, but saw Dean Liu Zifei who had just made a phone call at the side and made a move to her. "Can I have a few words with him?" and quickly changed his words: "Xiao Zhao, Director Liu of the Armed Police Hospital would like to have a few words with you personally."

"Let him answer the phone." Maybe there is something he can do. Hearing that the director of the hospital wanted to talk to him, Qin Zhao took a deep breath to calm down.

Since seeing Qin Zhao's mother Song Pingxia last time, it is completely possible to describe Dean Liu Zifei at this time as the leader of Hongyun. First, he was awarded the title of "Best Advanced Medical Worker of the Year" by the Qingdao Municipal Government, and then received the "Excellent Dean" medal issued by the Provincial Health Department last month. As for the "Best Dean of the Year" of the Armed Police General Hospital 'Title, I'm afraid it must belong to him. For a while, the performance of the Qingdao Armed Police Hospital was booming, and the limelight of Director Liu Zifei was unparalleled in the medical circle of Qingdao 37605944 and even the entire Qilu Province.

And all of this is given by the young people on the phone. Although it is only natural for doctors to save lives, Dean Liu Zifei really thinks so in his heart. So, after taking Zhan Zhao's cell phone, he greeted him first: "Hello, Mr. Qin, I'm Liu Zifei from Qingdao Armed Police Hospital."

"Dean Liu, hello. How is the patient's condition? Can your hospital rescue her? Even if it's at all costs!" Although in this situation, Qin Zhao was not willing to talk to Liu Zifei at all, but he Now that he had something to say to himself, he might have figured out a way to save Yao Di, so he could only ask patiently, and then started talking about Yao Di straight to the point.

"Mr. Qin, I understand your feelings. As a qualified medical staff, I will definitely do my best." Liu Zifei first expressed his determination lightly, and then said: "We have passed the test just now. As we all know, the crossbow stab wound by the patient is not fatal, what is fatal is the poison on the crossbow thorn. The toxicity contained in the jellyfish, which is native to the waters of northern Australia A person dies in seconds..."

"I know all of this. Please tell Dean Liu about the main thing. Can your court save her?"

"Cough," Qin Zhao interrupted his words unceremoniously, but Liu Zifei didn't feel ashamed. You must know that the young man over the microphone is a relative of the general secretary, not to mention that he is talking a little bit like a anxious patient now, even if he is a hundred times more unreasonable, he can only smile and nod in agreement. First, he coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and then he spoke faster: "Fortunately, because the weather is relatively cold today, and most of the toxin on the crossbow has been exerted, the patient did not die within a few seconds after being poisoned. The vitality will be lost within a few minutes, especially if the patient is injected with anti-venom serum in time, so..."

"So your court still can't save her, can it?" Qin Zhao was already a little impatient, if it wasn't because he couldn't see him now, he could only vent his cigarettes on the car window fiercely.

"Mr. Qin, don't worry, just listen to me. Although our hospital is helpless against this poison, we can successfully prevent the patient from dying of heart failure within the next two hours, which is also for the patient. There is a chance. It's just..." Because of the impatience in Qin Zhao's words, Liu Zifei didn't dare to pretend anymore: "...just want to treat the patient thoroughly, unless she is sent to the provincial hospital within two hours. Go to the Municipal Armed Police General Hospital, because I called just now and asked, the provincial capital’s general hospital has various plans and medicines for the treatment of this strange poison.”

"Then why didn't you transfer to another hospital as soon as possible?!" Qin Zhao talked to Liu Zifei almost in a growling voice when he said this. He felt that Dean Liu was too wordy, since he knew where Yao Di could be saved, he just kept chatting with himself here.

"Calm down and listen to what he has to say." Seeing the veins popping up on Qin Zhao's forehead, Wang Yashan couldn't help but persuade him not to worry.

"Mr. Qin," Liu Zifei could imagine Qin Zhao's appearance, he smiled wryly, and continued to say with a pleasant face: "The provincial capital is 490 kilometers away from Qingdao, and the fastest speed is 2 hours, but after entering the provincial city , It will take at least an hour to reach the location of the General Hospital... Even if you fly to the provincial capital now, you have to wait for the 4:00 pm plane, I asked just now."

"I'm sorry, Dean Liu." Qin Zhao calmed down after hearing Wang Yashan's words and Liu Zifei's explanation. At the same time, he felt that he had gone too far. After all, he had been working hard for Yao Di.

After first apologizing, he continued: "Dean Liu, it's not a problem to send her to the provincial capital as quickly as possible. Please also arrange for some medical staff to put the patient in the armed police hospital." The courtyard is getting ready. I would like to trouble you to communicate with the leaders of the General Academy, and they will say that there will be a plane to go there in about an hour and a half at most, and ask them to make corresponding preparations. Alright, Dean Liu, that’s it, you first Get ready, a plane will arrive at your place in ten minutes."

"Okay, goodbye Mr. Qin." Liu Zifei politely waited for Qin Zhao to hang up the phone, then handed the phone to Zhan Zhao, and rushed to several experts who came out of the emergency room to report Yao Di's situation to him, and gave the order dignifiedly An order that cannot be disobeyed: "Carry the patient to the hospital in a hospital bed, and a plane will come to pick him up within ten minutes!"

If the person who said that the plane would come in ten minutes was someone else, Liu Zifei would definitely call the mental hospital and ask if the fence there was down? Why did he suddenly come out and get crazy. But it was Qin Zhao who said this, and he had ten thousand reasons to believe that what this young man said would be verified in ten minutes.

"Airplane?!" The experts were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and after realizing that they had heard correctly, they asked again: "Dean, you mean that a plane will arrive at our hospital in ten minutes. Patient picked up?"

"Yes, don't ask why, I will come when I say it, you should hurry up and prepare for the transfer of the patient, and I will arrange the follow-up personnel."

"Okay, Dean Liu, let's get ready." Now that the dean said so, the experts had no choice but to follow his instructions.

"Xiaoyu, the dean said that Qin Zhao would send a plane to pick up the patients, do you believe it?" Seeing Liu Zifei walking away in a hurry, the two "Jiaozi" members who accompanied Zhan Zhao began to whisper Get up: "Does he think that he is a rich second generation with some background, so he can move the plane at will?"

"Ling'er, maybe they have a private jet."

"But if a private jet wants to take off in the mainland, unless it first reports to the local space agency and pays for the route to the provincial capital, otherwise it will be strange if it is not detected and intercepted by the air defense radar once it takes off. Besides, you don’t even look at it, what’s the weather like now? The north wind is blowing, and the visibility is still very low. If a private jet wants to take off into the sky, it’s just a dream! Of course, not all No plane can take off, unless it is a military plane. And if you want to get to the provincial capital within more than an hour, even a military plane has to be of that kind of power." The girl named Linger frowned puzzled and said .

"He can do it." Before Xiao Yu said anything, Ye Qingling comforted Chen Huanhong: "Old Chen, as long as Qin Zhao can say it, he can definitely do it. Don't worry, Yao Di will be fine. "

"Mr. Ye," it's only half a day. A pair of lovers who have suffered serious psychological trauma have suddenly fallen from the great happiness of the wedding in the morning to the point where they are separated from each other immediately. Chen Huanhong's life is hard enough. He said hoarsely: "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I believe that nothing will happen to Xiao Di... Even if there is any accident, I will not blame Secretary Qin, after all, he has tried his best."

who do you think You Are? If you want to move the plane, you can move the plane? Even if you have a private jet, is it so easy to go directly to the armed police hospital in the provincial capital? And all this was left to Xiao Di in less than two hours!

How could Ye Qingling fail to hear the disbelief in Chen Huanhong's words? But she couldn't guarantee that Qin Zhao would be able to mobilize the plane to the hospital, so she could only perfunctory Chen Huanhong with a light smile.

Ye Qingling couldn't guarantee it, but Zhan Zhao knew that Qin Zhao must have the ability to maneuver the plane. The last time I met a vampire bat man on the beach, he was the one who called the entire fleet of planes with one phone call, let alone only one plane now?

"Don't doubt his energy. He said that a plane will come in ten minutes. If it doesn't come..." Zhan Zhao couldn't see any bad impression of Qin Zhao from others, and just wanted to say, I'll do whatever I want if the time doesn't come' when I heard the sound of a plane rumbling from the north wind in the east of the hospital.

The sound of booming has not been noticed by everyone. One has a total length of 13.012 meters, a height of 3.14 meters, an empty weight of 1120 kilograms, and a maximum take-off weight of 2200 kilograms. The power unit is a wZ-8D turboshaft engine with a maximum continuous power of 450 kW and a cruising power of 350 kW. The maximum speed is 278 km/h, the favorable cruising speed is 220 km/h, the maximum slope climb rate is 9.5 ms, the range is 560 km, and the battery life is 3.7 hours. The Z-11 military helicopter with a parking ceiling of no less than 2930 meters appeared in everyone's field of vision. "Wow! Oh my god! Look..." Looking at the giant machine parked above the hospital courtyard with countless signal lights flashing, Ling'er covered her mouth that wanted to scream with her hand, and after a short pause, she still used the An exclamation expressed the unbelievable in front of me: "Military Z-11 helicopter!"

"A plane is really coming?!" Chen Huanhong stood up from his chair as if in a dream, walked to the corridor window a few steps, looked at the plane that was about to land with a strong airflow from the sky, and said foolishly.

"I said, he will definitely do it!"

A sentence full of pride came out of the mouths of two women.

Show Show and Ye Qingling.

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