Did they already know each other?

Wang Chongxun looked at Qin Zhao from the corner of his eye, but did not hear what Li Moyu said to him. To be honest, Wang Chongxun had no intention of having a direct conversation with Qin Zhao before he got the jade finger. When he came to Qing Island this time, he was also looking for opportunities to do business by the way. After all, the profit of the East China Sea oilfield development project is very considerable, and it will make a lot of money. Only by earning more money can we pay for the huge daily expenses of the organization.

As for whether Qin Zhao knows who he is now, Wang Chongxun doesn't mind at all. As long as he conducts business properly in Qing Island, it will not be so easy even for the top officials in China to punish him, not to mention that he is now a British citizen. Great China, this is a country of etiquette, has always been very hospitable. The most important thing is that no one can prove that he is a member of the most mysterious organization in that island country. A man who is a serious businessman in the eyes of his wife shows how deeply he hides his true colors.

The wind is still blowing slowly, a bit cool.

As for his eyes, he has been staring at a person all the time. But that person smiled indifferently, and didn't look at him at all just because he had that kind of relationship with him. But why can he act like a normal person after killing someone? Qin Zhao, you can't escape! Even if you are his nephew, you will die! I swear!

At this moment, Fu Mingzhu only had Qin Zhao alone in her eyes. Seeing him leisurely looking at beautiful women, she couldn't help touching her nipples. There was a scar left by her husband, which made her feel uncomfortable even when she was panting. While hurting, my thoughts drifted back to last night after returning to the Pearl Mansion...

"Don't tell me that you didn't buy this suit, and don't tell me that nothing happened between you and the man who killed Xiaoyi. Now, I just want you to tell me honestly how you met , how long have we known each other?"

A suit with maroon blood stains, it was from Armani, was at Wang Chongxun's feet. His tone was still as gentle as before, with a gentle smile that Fu Mingzhu had been familiar with for ten years on the corner of his mouth.

"I met him through the Internet..." Ever since Wang Chongxun saw the suit he bought back with a lot of money, Fu Mingzhu didn't intend to hide it from him anymore. After all, the daughter of the Fu family has always been the kind of woman who dares to act, she does what she does, and there is nothing to hide. Although this matter is indeed quite humiliating to the Fu family, but now her husband looks so confident, It would be the worst to hide it any longer. The only thing to do now is to avenge my younger brother and cut that man into pieces!

Wang Chongxun listened quietly, he didn't interrupt. However, the almost uncontrollable anger in his heart made the corners of his mouth twitch uncontrollably. If it wasn't for forcing himself to count the pendulum of the grandfather clock sitting in the corner, he would have dragged on the time he hadn't had since getting married. The wife who had touched one of her fingers roughly slapped her face several times.

Perseverance, when I saw my wife and brother-in-law hugging each other naked on the same bed, and when I heard my wife say that she and that man did so many times in a day and night that only he could do, But it takes a lot of perseverance to stay calm on the surface!

Fortunately, forbearance is the spirit most advocated by that island country.

"If you hadn't repeatedly prevented me from letting someone kill Xiaoyi when he died, I would have killed him long ago! But...but you always said that that person must never be killed. Chong Xun, Tell me why that person can't be killed, why you threatened me that if I send someone to kill him, you will tell the family the real cause of Xiaoyi's death, why don't you allow me to avenge Xiaoyi..." Fu Mingzhu's Her body trembled slightly, and she finally couldn't help asking why again.

"Finish?" When Fu Mingzhu asked this sentence again, Wang Chongxun had already counted the pendulum 1,866 times in his heart. Hearing the sobbing sound from her mouth, Wang Chongxun looked at his On tiptoe, asked Fu Mingzhu whose face was already full of tears of remorse and hatred.

"Well," Fu Mingzhu touched the tear stains on her face with her backhand. When she was in bed with her younger brother back then, her husband graciously forgave her, so she told Qin Zhao everything she did with Qin Zhao this time, including the bank card she gave to Qin Zhao. : "Chongxun, I know I'm sorry for doing this, but I will treat you even better in the future! Now you have to explain this matter to me and my family first... Although I don't know why you want to stop me from finding someone to kill him , but I believe you will not let Xiaoyi die in vain like this..."

"help you?"

Wang Chongxun raised his hand to caress Fu Mingzhu's hair. His hand was trembling, sliding over Fu Mingzhu's hair, touching her white and tender cheeks and continuing to slide down, until it slid down the high breasts under her neck. Then, it stopped and stretched in along the collar. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he asked again: "Let me help you explain to your family that Xiaoyi just had an accident in Qing Island? For example, a car accident. Maybe this can cover up the fact that the man you seduced killed him?"

Wang Chongxun's words sounded full of sarcasm, but Fu Mingzhu could only nod bitterly. Indeed, everything her husband said was true, and it was the man she seduced that killed Fu Yi. Although today when my husband touched his chest, his movements were a bit different from usual.

"Haha, hahaha." Just when Fu Mingzhu was about to say something after nodding, Wang Chongxun suddenly laughed wildly.

Ripping apart Fu Mingzhu's clothes, revealing her plump, white and greasy breasts, Wang Chongxun looked at her with red eyes, his usually elegant appearance completely changed into a demon who could eat people at any time. He smiled evilly, fiddling with the hand on Fu Mingzhu's chest, and said in a trembling voice: "My wife is having an affair with a man, and after that man killed Xiaoyi, the most valued of the Fu family, , but let me, the husband, help her to cover up these irreparable mistakes she made! Fu Mingzhu, I just found out today that you are so naive, so naive!"

"Chongxun! Give me a reason not to kill him!"

Although Fu Mingzhu was pinched by her husband almost to the point of unbearable pain, her deep guilt made her endure all of this willingly, without making any evasive movements, but screamed with tears streaming down her face: "Chong Xun! I beg you, help me again! I want that man to die! Everyone around him must die! But I dare not tell the truth to my family, so I can only beg you... If you don’t care, then I Even if you hire a mercenary army, you have to kill him!"

Hearing his wife's screams, Wang Chongxun became inexplicably excited, quickly took off his wife's clothes, then pulled her to him, pressed her head with both hands so that she knelt heavily on the ground, and then untied his belt ... He asked heavily and intermittently: "You, do you know who that, that Qin Zhao is? Do you know that you can't kill him now?"

Fu Mingzhu, who couldn't speak, could only shake her head desperately to show that she didn't know.

"Huaxia Today, the current general secretary is, it's him... my uncle!" Wang Chongxun leaned forward suddenly, holding the back of Fu Mingzhu's head tightly with both hands, so that her whole face was pressed against his knees, and it was not at all. Regardless of the vomit coming out of her mouth, Yuzi moved fast and tightly, and continued to say intermittently: "He, he not only has a background that is not inferior to yours, but also...he is the most powerful in you, your China. One of the special forces..."

"Could it be that because his uncle is the general secretary and he himself is the most powerful special soldier, Xiaoyi won't take revenge?" After a long time, Fu Mingzhu sat on the carpet and looked up at Wang Chongxun, whose breathing was gradually calming down.

"No report?"

After Wang Chongxun was extremely excited, he regained his sanity. After tidying up his clothes, he went to the living room: "You are the woman I love the most, Xiaoyi is the man I love the most, now he played with my woman and killed the man I love the most, will I report it?" Touching the handle of the door with his hands, Wang Chongxun turned around and looked at Fu Mingzhu: "You must listen to me in all this, and you can't make arbitrary decisions. I will definitely give everyone in the Fu family a satisfactory result, trust me!"

Qin Zhao must die, but only after he retrieves the Flying Wolf Wrench from him!

"Chongxun," Fu Mingzhu knelt on the ground and took a few steps forward, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips: "I listen to you, I listen to you in everything, as long as you can kill him, even if you let me die Row!"

To Fu Mingzhu's harsh words, Wang Chongxun responded with a faint smile, then opened the door and went out, leaving only Fu Mingzhu naked on the carpet, saying the same sentence over and over again.

"As long as you can kill him, even let me die!" Touching her sore chest again, Fu Mingzhu looked at Qin Zhao who was leisurely looking at beautiful women, and said in a low voice.

Fu Mingzhu's curse did not affect Qin Zhao's current good mood. Seeing that Tianhe stole the limelight during this pick-up, he began to think about the next thing. That is to invite the guests of the Pearl Consortium to Fengqiuhuang under Tianhe, so that you can get the moon first if you are close to the water. Of course, Wang Chongxun and Fu Mingzhu would naturally be among those invited. For this unusual pair of guests, someone from Qin would naturally have a plan specifically for them.

After shaking hands with Jing Hongtao, the rest of them, Qin Zhao, didn't bother to shake hands with them again. So now he bowed his head and began to think about how to talk to the mayor later, and arrange the residence of the consortium in Fengqiuhuang instead of the big hotel designated by the government.

In fact, Qin Zhao wouldn't bother coming to the airport if it wasn't for showing off Tianhe's strength today. He has always been disgusted by this kind of suit that looks like a dog, standing in the wind like a fool to pick up the plane.

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