"Luo Si, don't cry anymore, you see so many guests are looking at you." Ye Qingling patted Luo Si's * gently and said: "Lift up your face and send the most beautiful smile to Yuan Dao The guests who came, and these sister reporters."

"Yeah!" Roth sobbed again, and raised his head from Ye Qingling's eyes in embarrassment. After seeing the president's expensive dress with tears of grievance, he just wanted to say sorry However, Ye Qingling was nodding her head gently to signal her not to worry about this, and to make an appearance in front of the media.

Facing more than a dozen news media, Roth bit her lips tightly, raised her teary face, and then, under Ye Qingling's repeated hints, loosened her clenched teeth, and a hair A smile that was understood from the heart bloomed from the corner of her mouth, and instantly became the most beautiful scenery in the entire Phoenix Hall.

What kind of face is this, the left cheek is still slightly swollen, tears are still streaming down the cheek, but a bright smile that makes the eyes hurt, but it appears very contagious In the camera... I can guarantee that this will be one of the most beautiful smiles of our Kyeongdo! The reporter of "Qingdao Evening News" snapped a close-up of Roth, saying this in his heart. For some reason, her nose was a little sour.

After the non-stop flashing spotlights took enough close-ups of Roth, Ye Qingling patted her hands, indicating that she would start to say a few words to the entire media circle of Qingdao as the master. Immediately, those 'long guns and short cannons' immediately aimed at Tianhe, the flower-like female boss, quietly waiting for her speech.

"Jing Hong, Mo Yu Kailinsi, come here. Oh, and you, Zhao Min, come here."

Ye Qingling waved to the girls in Tianhe who were standing aside and applauding for Roth's wonderful performance, signaling them to stand beside her. After a group of beautiful women with different faces stood beside her, Ye Qingling stretched out her hand to hold Luo Si in her arms, and stood in a row with all the girls facing the cameras.

"Now, please allow me to introduce the senior management of our Tianhe Group to the media as the host here. Then I will announce a personnel appointment to all Tianhe employees here."

Ye Qingling scanned it from left to right, looked at the energetic Tianhe girls, and smiled in relief. It's just that when I saw Qin Zhao... I had the urge to introduce him to the media, but then I saw someone turn around and go towards the stairs, so I could only sigh in my heart.

Ye Qingling, Luo Si, Li Moyu, Jing Hongxue, Kailinsi, Zhao Min, and Chu Xiangxiang, the seven women stood in a row, facing all the news media in Qingdao, facing all the influential executives of private enterprises in Qingdao , showing their beauty, their confidence and Tianhe is the pride of a harmonious family.

"This is our company's vice president, Li Moyu, this is our company's planning director Jing Hong, and this is Tianhe Group's special consultant, Ms. Kailinsi..."

There is an opportunity to show the charm of Tianhe to Quanqing Island and even the whole province, how could Ye Qingling let it go? She knows that the appearance of a person is considered to be the spiritual outlook of the company in many cases. Right now, with so many beautiful girls standing together, the influence on promoting Tianhe will definitely be a rare opportunity for QB5!

"Our Tianhe Group has always been honest, down-to-earth, and dedicated to the company... You can see these advantages in detail from this duty manager named Luo Si," Ye Qingling changed the topic, and referred Luo Si Pushing it from my arms to everyone: "Now I announce that from now on, Luo Si will be promoted to Feng Qiuhuang, the first vice president of the building where everyone is! For her sincerity to the company, For her daring to tell the truth, let us celebrate her promotion today with warm applause!"

After Ye Qingling finished her contagious words, the men and women in the hall burst into applause like thunder, and during this time, Luo Si Na's face was already full of tears.

If, I mean, if... If I also have the opportunity to come to Tianhe, and watch so many beautiful girls every day, I think I will be willing to give everything for the company. Of course, including my *...... It is a man who has such thoughts.

If I am also a member of Tianhe, able to work with so many outstanding girls and live in this warm family, as long as I have the strength, then I will definitely be like this Roth... What envies Roth is woman.

"Okay, I won't say much, I hope everyone will have a good time at the next dance...Of course, every guest at the scene will get a beautiful little gift prepared by Tianhe Group for you. Please don't be polite." Ye Qingling led all the girls around and bowed deeply for a few times, then with a smile on her face, she rejected several men who politely invited her to join in a song, thinking that she would change her name later. The most dazzling star of the day, Roth, was pushed out on the grounds of changing clothes.

It is true that Ye Qingling's attractive and frighteningly priced dress did have something after Roth lay on it and cried bitterly. Therefore, those few men were not dissatisfied because they were rejected, and immediately extended their enthusiastic hands to Roth.

Some people say that a woman with tears of happiness is the most beautiful. When will my tears of happiness flow out? Ye Qingling glanced around, but did not find Qin Zhao's figure. After sighing softly in her heart, she walked into the back door of the hall.

There, there is a changing room prepared by Feng Qiuhuang for everyone.

Unexpectedly, this woman really has two brushes, and she is quite good at taking advantage of opportunities. Fu Mingzhu followed everyone's applause, worried that Tianhe Group is now expected by everyone, and that Yiming Real Estate will definitely be at a disadvantage in the future in the road to cooperation with the investigation team, but the only thing to be thankful for is that her husband is also one of the Pearl investigation team However, as long as he joins forces with Li Yuanhua, who has lost his face, Yiming Real Estate is still very promising.

No wonder Xiaoyi likes her...

Thinking of her younger brother, Fu Mingzhu's heart hurts like being pricked by a needle. The movement of applauding also slowed down, and the inexplicable hatred prompted her to follow Ye Qingling into Feng Qiuhuang's back door without being noticed.

Followed by his personal bodyguard, Li Yuanhua, who was accused by an outraged reporter of "the quality of Mingzhu people are not so good", fled in a very embarrassing and depressed way. Hide in the house and be quiet for a while. When he passed the public restroom, he suddenly wanted to wash his face with cold water. He needed to reflect on how to explain what happened today to his father who was far away in Mingzhu. I believe that the old man is almost aware of his embarrassment at the reception just now, and the phone in his pocket may ring at any time. Well, you have to calm down in advance and find a reason for yourself.

After telling the bodyguard to wait a while, Li Yuanhua walked into the public restroom.

Inside, there were two young men washing their hands. Judging by their attire, they should be Feng Qiuhuang's internal security guards. Now he is not in the mood to pay attention to the flattering smile of others, first he made it easier, and then he came to the faucet, turned on the cold water to the maximum, and splashed it on his face with his hands vigorously.

"Ye Qingling, you are fine! I remember you, let's wait and see!" Li Yuanhua muttered fiercely to himself looking at his water-stained face in the mirror.

Although through the mirror, Li Yuanhua found that there was an extra man in the bathroom, but he didn't care if his words were heard. Because his safety is the responsibility of the Tianhe Group, which owns the Marine Corps. This man is likely to be a clerk brought by a certain president of Mingzhu who lives on the third floor. I believe he dare not say anything nonsense. After all, everyone is from Mingzhu, and they are regarded as people on the same front.

The groundwater in November is already icy cold. After being shocked by the cold water, Li Yuanhua's not stupid head immediately regretted the unwise behavior he had just done. But things have already happened, and now I can no longer regret it, so let's think about how to deal with the old man who usually doesn't like me.

When a man who can smoke is thinking about a problem, he always wants to smoke a cigarette habitually. Li Yuanhua's cigarettes were always kept by the personal bodyguard. Now, he remembered to smoke, so he turned his head and called to his bodyguard: "Dongzi, bring me some cigarettes."

Dongzi, as a gold medal bodyguard of a well-known bodyguard company in Mingzhu, came to Qingdao with Li Shao this time, and was greatly shocked. In particular, his status as a retired member of the Pearl Flying Tigers, and his professional habit of first checking whether the environment is safe when he got off the plane with Li Shao, allowed him to see the twelve girls standing behind the Tianhe women at the first glance. girls. It can be seen from their standing postures that these girls are probably soldiers from China's most elite army, and each of them is beyond his comparability. Especially after seeing those marines with steel guns in their hands, he understood that if the Pearl Flying Tigers were compared with the mainland's special forces, it was completely different.

Sad and heartbroken, I knew this person would not come to the mainland, so as not to hit my usual good self-confidence. Therefore, after watching Li Yuanhua run back to the third floor in a desperate manner, he followed him wisely.

After Li Shao went into the bathroom, a young man followed after a while. For this young man. Dongzi has an impression, because when he was at the airport, he saw him with the top executives of Tianhe. It seems that he is also a small manager or something. Safety goods.

The man went in for a while, and the sound of Li Shao wanting to smoke came from the bathroom.

"Grandpa, it's embarrassing to follow you. Why do you still have the mood to smoke at this time, and besides, you want to go back to your room to smoke, and come here to smoke and dry birds." However, because he was paid by others, let alone Li Don't ask for cigarettes in the bathroom, even if it's on a woman, he has to follow the instructions, right?

Dongzi muttered something, took out his cigarette and walked into the bathroom.

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