After hearing Zhan Zhao say his name when he called the communicator on his collar, Sun Zhongbo suddenly understood that the policewoman who fought so desperately was the policeman that Su Department often consulted in the National Security Intelligence Department.

At that time, Sun Zhongbo wondered why Suning cared so much about a small policeman in a second-tier city, but today he finally figured it out: So he is a rival in love! And it's her inexplicable No. 3 love rival... Mother, this relationship is really ironclad. But why is she not as jealous as other women but with such a calm demeanor?

Zhan Zhao didn't answer Sun Zhongbo's words, just about to turn off the communicator, but suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly pointed at the collar, and said in a commanding tone that could not be resisted: "Just now you heard through the headset. I’ll forget everything about that voice! If I hear anyone talking nonsense in the future, don’t blame me, Zhan Zhao, for turning your back on him!”

"What's that sound, Zhanju?" A strange voice came from the intercom, and one could tell that the guy on the other side was doing it on purpose.

"What's that sound?" Zhan Zhao was stunned: "Old King, do you feel that the current job is too idle and you want to go to a remote area to experience it? Alright, stop talking nonsense, gather the team and go to your position, hurry up!"

After Zhan Zhao gave the order, he immediately reached out and grabbed Sun Zhongbo's arm, pulling him towards the window far away from B-2 room, and said with a smile while walking: "Hey, hey, I said buddy , I was really embarrassed about the fact just now, but fortunately we are all fine... hey, let me ask you something."

Sun Zhongbo had never seen such a familiar woman, just after a fight, he grabbed his arm and called him buddy. It seems that Su Chu is really different, even his rival in love is so different, he smiled bitterly in his heart, and said: "Zhanju, what are you asking as a soldier like me?"

"He, oh, it's Qin Zhao, why did he come here with Suning? He even asked someone to call the police. Tell me, what's going on?" Zhan Zhao glanced suspiciously at the room where the door was still open, The voice that made her blood boil was still ringing and ringing, it was annoying to death.

"I heard from our office Su that he seems to have taken a very strong aphrodisiac." Sun Zhongbo turned his back, he didn't want Zhan Zhao to see the emotion in his eyes, and looked out the window: "Zhanju, I hope you don’t think of our Su Chu as that kind of woman just because of what you saw. You should also know that if you want to unravel this evil medicine, a woman must stand up and make sacrifices... and our Su Chu ,it is true……"

What really, Sun Zhongbo didn't say, Zhan Zhao didn't ask either.

"Attention all teams, all teams pay attention!" Zhan Zhao suddenly started calling out to the collar again, and waited for several people to reply at the same time, she said: "Now pass on my order, withdraw all The police forces on the periphery of Fengqiuhuang are trying their best to block the entrance of the Qiankun Palace Building. Without my order, no one is allowed to enter or leave at will! In addition, they will send people to guard the elevator entrance on the ninth floor. Anyone who dares to ignore the call and rush in will be charged with assaulting the police. !"

"Zhanju, do you think it's appropriate to block Qiankun Palace without any legitimate reason?" When Sun Zhongbo faintly heard this question, he also felt that this matter was indeed a bit too difficult to handle. Because a club as big as Qiankun Palace was suddenly blocked by a large group of police without any reason, it would definitely cause a lot of problems.

"I said do it and do it! Don't ask any more questions, just do it now!"

After Zhan Zhao delivered the order to the people below, he seemed to see what Sun Zhongbo was worried about. He smiled indifferently and said, "Comrade, let me ask you something first. Don't rush to answer. You and Suning sent Qin Zhao here. Is there anyone here?" I saw that you asked for that specific room?"

"No one." After thinking for a while, Sun Zhongbo said with certainty: "Maybe someone will see our car parked at the gate of Qiankun Palace on the road, but absolutely no one knows which room I will take." , his eyes lit up: "I see! The reason why you arrived here in such a short time is because someone reported our exact location to you!"

"A child can be taught." Zhan Zhao nodded in satisfaction, and said an idiom that made Sun Zhongbo dumbfounded: "Because of this, I concluded that the person who called the police was from Qiankun Palace. Bad entertainment content, and I know a few of you. Besides the people in Qiankun Palace, who else can find out the details? If I don’t seal it, will I be sorry for the person who wants to hide and watch the fun? ? Excuse me..."

Zhan Zhao rubbed his butt, then said, "Are you sorry for being kicked by you? Think I'm a fool? Hehe, hehe, haha."

Whoever takes you for a fool is the real fool. Sun Zhongbo looked at Zhan Zhao who was smiling brightly, and couldn't help being infected by her smile. He temporarily forgot what the goddess in his mind was doing there, and laughed along...

"Do you think that Zhan Yumao is a fool?!"

With a slap, Wang Qing was slapped in the face loudly. Before he could explain anything, Chairman Wang, who had just rushed back from the entrance of the hall on the first floor after negotiating with the police to no avail, continued to be furious. Said: "Do you know how much negative impact this will have on us? Don't say that this kind of thing never happened in Qiankun Palace, even if it did, you have to cover it up and hide it! Where is your self-exposure?" Is it short of provoking the police to come to your door? It’s more than enough to succeed than to reveal!”

After being slapped in the face, Wang Qing just wanted to refute something, but when he thought of the negative impact of his impulsiveness, he lowered his head timidly.

Seeing her baby son's face turned red, Mrs. Wang knew that the old man was really angry this time, so she hurried over and grabbed him and complained: "Hey, just hit me as you say? Qing'er does this, no Is it also to beat that Ye Qingling in a disguised form? As long as they make a fool of Tianhe Group, that won't affect their cooperation with the Pearl Consortium? Look at how you beat Qing'er." After speaking, she felt distressed and touched her son's red and swollen face Cheek, a look of distress.

"Huh! You are used to him!" Although he was still furious, Wang Dong obviously couldn't bear to do it anymore, so he just sighed heavily and said, "Qing'er, it's not that Dad wants to beat you, but you know that we How bad is the impact of being closed by the police?"

"Let's sue that woman!" Wang Qing opened Mrs. Wang's hand, and looked at the door bitterly: "She didn't have any reason, why did she seal the door for us?"

"Why? Because her father is the deputy mayor, and because she suspects that there might be wanted criminals living here." Director Wang sighed, sat down on the sofa with a bang, and said with his head in his hands: " Look, the building is full of policemen looking for trouble now, who will come here to play tricks in the future... Sigh!"

At the gate of Qiankun Palace, the police lights were flashing, and the communicator in the police car was buzzing non-stop. There were more than 20 policemen busy there, some were busy pulling the cordon at each gate of the building, some Regulars who want to go in are being discouraged. In addition, there are several police cars coming here with their lights flashing, and the entire gate of Qiankun Palace looks like an enemy.

Has our whereabouts been discovered?

In front of a window on the thirteenth floor of Qiankun Palace, a man stood there with a gloomy expression, watching the busy police back and forth. In the dark room behind him, three red dots flickered, they were cigarette butts.

"Boss, could it be that our whereabouts have been discovered?" A man's voice sounded in the darkness: "Do you want to inform the brothers to get ready to rush out?"

"No need," the man turned around, and said proudly, "The killer of the vampire bat hasn't noticed the little policemen yet. Besides, we came to Qing Island with a legitimate identity, and the Huaxia police don't have any evidence It can be proved that our trip is to assassinate Catherine Rothschild. Sham, you tell the brothers, don’t panic, when we finish this deal, Charlie will pay us a lot of money.”

"Boss Jiehan, you said that the old man transferred us back from Africa in such a hurry, maybe it wasn't for the simple reason of killing a woman?"

"Of course not. Killing Kailins is just a trivial matter for us to handle."

The Russian man named Jiehan closed the curtains with a slam, went to the sofa and sat down, and said: "The boss of the Ax Gang in the country died a little strangely. The Huaxia man who has shown up in every underground casino should be very suspicious. Especially under the siege and interception of so many brothers, he still escaped to Qing Island unharmed. Even if he did not do it, he must be killed. !"

"There is an old saying in Huaxia that it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go!" Jiehan suddenly smiled and said, "Of course, the reason why the old man spends so much money chasing that Chinese man named Xie Qingshang is because Naturally, it is for the sake of taking over their territory from Axe."

Hehe, hehe, haha...

"I heard that there is a lucky little policewoman in Qing Island. She left the penguins and others on Qing Island. I don't know if I can meet her this time. If I meet her, I have to see what she looks like." Is my Sharapova as good-looking as my Sharapova, and why do the Penguins hate China." After several people finished laughing complacently, another person reminded Jiehan in a slightly unintentional tone.

"If we meet her this time, as long as the opportunity is right, we will kill her together! Although there is no reward, it is just for those dozen brothers.

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