Hu Mietang, male, 28 years old, Han nationality, native of Gansu Jiuquan.

He joined the army in August 1994, and in April 2000 joined the Longteng Twelve Years directly under the Central Military Commission, code-named February. In March 2001, he disappeared while on a mission to Africa. Later, it was found out that the notorious "Black Fang" mercenary regiment was formed by him, and he sneaked into Gansu since August 2004 and disappeared. In just two years since the establishment of the Black Fang Mercenary Corps, it has committed dozens of atrocities against the Chinese...

Qin Zhao stared at the man's head portrait on the monitor, and couldn't help clenching the cigarette in his left hand.

The current Hu Mietang is no longer the Hu Mietang who had a crew cut when he was in the army. In fact, Qin Zhaotie Mole and the others don't have flat hair either. The reason why his hairstyle is mentioned separately is because he, now has long hair!

A head of long hair that would never lose to Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue, jet black and shiny, elegant and elegant, coupled with his not dark skin and not ugly face, he looks like a woman at a glance! Under the pair of big eyes, the nose is straight and slightly raised, and the thin lips are tightly pursed, with a hint of seductiveness that makes even men feel tempted.

After staring at the picture on the monitor for a long time, Qin Zhao suddenly smiled, smiling in front of the monitor in the empty room. It's just that his smile is completely different from Hu Mietang's. Hu Mietang's smile looks a bit charming, but his is cruel and cold. Especially when he saw the unclear photos of the mutilated African Chinese who were shown later, his smile became wider and his eyes became sharper and scary: "Hu Mietang, since you are here, don't go back gone."

About Tie Molei and Xie Qingshang, at the end of 2003, they went to Africa for the purpose of "cleaning up the door". At that time, Qin Zhao, who was carrying out the mission of "green blood" in a certain country with Jing Hongming, had heard about it and knew The result left to these two people that time was far from satisfactory. If it weren't for Tie Molei's prudence, the bodies of two of the best Chinese agents would have been added to the tropical rainforest in the African Congo.

The reason why she asked others to give me this thing seems to be very contradictory. She wants me to take care of it but is afraid of affecting my current "happy life". Qin Zhao understands Suning's painstaking efforts in doing so. He leaned his head on the computer chair, closed his eyes and sighed softly: Alas... Su Ning, actually, why do you have to think so much about me? Although I have now lived a normal life, am I still that Longteng July? If you forget your beliefs for your own comfort, then what is the difference between me and Hu Mietang?

It took at least two hours, during which the waiter knocked on the door were ignored. It wasn't until he watched the disc left by Suning several times and memorized everything about Hu Mietang that Qin Zhao took out the disc, smashed it into pieces, and threw it into a trash bag. He stretched his waist heavily, and then walked into the bedroom, fell heavily on the bed without taking off his shoes, and pulled the brocade quilt that Ye Qingling had covered with his backhand to cover it. After a little effort, he let out a low snoring sound.

No one stays energetic after spending most of the night in bed.

Qin Zhao slept until five o'clock in the evening. When the waiter Chu Xiangxiang sent to invite him to dinner knocked on the door for the third time, he lazily agreed and got up from the bed and opened the room. The doorman pointed to the coffee table in the living room to the waiter pulling the dining car, and then walked into the bathroom.

First, he took a very comfortable hot bath in the bathroom, and then changed into a new suit that was hung in it, and it looked like a new suit bought according to his size. When they felt that everything was tidied up, it was estimated that Ye Qingling and the others would be back soon, so they took out the phone and turned it on. To Qin Zhao's surprise, he did not receive any text messages or missed calls after turning on the phone.

Have they all forgotten that there is such a 'patient' like me? Qin Zhao rubbed his chin and smiled wryly. Sitting on the sofa in front of the living room, there were four soups and one dish on the tea table in front of him. One of the soups used a huge sea bowl, with a few slices of bright carrot floating on it, and I don't know what was underneath. Judging by the quantity of these soups, it must have been specially prepared for him.

"Is this so much soup going to kill me?" Qin Zhao said to himself, picked up a spoon and scooped up one of the soup bowls, it was nothing more than a sufficient amount of sea rice and egg fungus. When he stretched out into the soup bowl with carrots floating on the surface, he was a little unbelievable, because there seemed to be a whole thing under the spoon.

These women didn't put a whole ginseng in it, did they? Do you know that I worked too much last night and deliberately made up for me? Qin Zhao thought so, so he used a spoon to scoop the whole thing out of the extra large bowl of noodle soup, and then he was stupid. Because, the thing he picked up was not a ginseng at all, but a donkey... It looked so dark that he even threw away the spoon.

Whose idea is this? Even if you want to make up for me, you should cut everything.

Qin Zhao couldn't help but push the bowl of soup far away, and picked up the chopsticks to scoop up the other two bowls again. This time it was normal abalone and sea cucumber, which were still within his acceptable range. I stared at the extra large bowl with lingering fear, and touched my stomach again. I felt a little hungry, so I pushed the extra large bowl to the side again until it reached the edge of the coffee table, and then buried my head to eat and drink stand up.

"Which company did Mr. Ye accompany the delegation to inspect today? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Qin Zhao came to Fengqiuhuang's lobby after eating and drinking, and asked Chu Xiangxiang who had been guarding the lobby. I don't know if it's because of taking a hot bath and eating a nutritious dinner, or because he was stimulated by the stuff in the big bowl, anyway, in Chu Xiangxiang's eyes, he is that kind of special The spirit is very good-looking, and I especially want the aunt who sweeps the road to hug the standard handsome guy who kisses him.

Maybe he was still angry about what he said when he opened the room in the morning. Anyway, after Chu Xiangxiang saw him coming out of the elevator, she kept her head down and said, "I should be at Haitong Group this afternoon, and I should be on my way back." Right. Why, Secretary Qin, don’t you know?”

"Cough, cough, cough," Qin Zhao thought that Chu Xiangxiang was a woman who was more dull than Ye Qingling and didn't understand a little bit of fun when she saw that she was being ignored. He coughed a little embarrassingly and then said: "I was busy outside last night, and I was so dizzy that I didn't remember it for a while. Hehe, Mr. Chu, can you prepare a car for me? I'll go Pick her up."

"There is a company car at the door. You can drive any one you want, and the key is in the hands of the hostess at the door." Chu Xiangxiang raised her head, but a really ambiguous smile hung on the corner of her mouth: "Secretary Qin, is dinner still available?" It’s okay, right? That’s what Mr. Ye specially ordered before he left...all the raw materials are the best.”

Alas, I don't know who Ye Qingling listened to, and actually made such a mess, which made me feel a little tired now, if it wasn't for the pity that those sea cucumbers and abalones are extremely expensive, and I didn't waste things Get used to it, maybe you vomited it out when you got off the elevator. Qin Zhao smiled wryly: "Very good, the food is really big and mature, and one person can't eat it at all. If President Chu doesn't mind, you can go up and taste it."

Things are really big and mature.

After Qin Zhao said this, Chu Xiangxiang's face turned red, and she quickly lowered her head and pretended to be arranging the hem of her clothes. When he was explaining what, he saw that Qin Zhao had already put his right hand in his trousers pocket, and his left hand with a cigarette in his pocket was swaying towards the door.

In fact, Ye Qingling followed Wang Yashan and the others, so Qin Zhao had no choice but to pick her up. It's just that after he slept, took a hot bath, and ate such a sumptuous dinner, he was so energetic that he was used to following her before, so when he was looking for something to do , Naturally, he first thought of picking her up.

Well, it's best to find another place to arrange for Jing Hong to meet his relatives, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles in Fengqiuhuang. Qin Zhao, who was driving a Buick and running slowly on the street, thought about this in his heart, and looked around, trying to find a hotel with an unobtrusive location to book a room first, and then inform them to meet in the evening.

Just as Qin Zhao was looking around to see which hotel was suitable, an underbone motorcycle overtook the slow Buick and stopped before the traffic lights. While tapping the ground with his left foot, the driver casually turned his head and glanced at Qin Zhao who was parked behind the motorcycle. Just when the driver with the white half-helmet was about to turn his head away, Qin Zhao found that this female face was very familiar, especially the exotic facial features, which seemed to be seen somewhere, so it was quite natural smiled.

The woman driving the motorcycle also saw Qin Zhao who was smiling at her, and smiled naturally and nodded in return, then turned her head and waited for the red light on the opposite side to turn green.

Hey, why does it look so familiar? Looking at the motorcycle that passed the intersection first as soon as the green light turned on, Qin Zhao suddenly remembered that on a boring morning, that is, the day when Zhang Shizong came to Tianhe headquarters to find Li Moyu to "admit his marriage", this woman I once asked him how to get the Tianhe Group.

Lao Tzu's memory is getting better and better, and he can still remember a girl who asked for directions. After Qin Zhao praised himself in his heart, he passed the intersection slowly, and when his eyes followed the motorcycle and turned right into an alley, he was suddenly taken aback.

Then he remembered that that morning, he received the kraft paper bag containing the anti-demon blue dagger and the warning letter. He remembered that he had asked the customer service counter clerk at that time, and she had described to him in detail the person who delivered the paper bag. Girl looks.

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