It takes a lot of courage for a woman, a married woman with such a special status as Fu Mingzhu, to tell so many people that she once had that kind of relationship with a man other than her husband.

For Chinese people, face is sometimes more important than life. But for Fu Mingzhu, who was already completely disappointed in Wang Chongxun, she couldn't care less. Because she knew that if she had any more scruples, it would not be her alone who would be hurt, but the entire Fu family. If Qin Zhao can really help her eradicate those potential threats that can destroy the entire Fu family, let alone her personal face, even shares worth tens of billions, wouldn't it be a gift in front of others with both hands, begging them to accept it? Down?

"Your decision can represent the entire Fu family?" After Fu Mingzhu said that the two had a relationship, Qin Zhao didn't have the slightest shame on his face. Instead, he was a little inexplicably happy, but he didn't dare to say This kind of expression was shown on his face aboveboard, and after he pretended to ponder for a while, he glanced at the other women in the room and asked.

There is a saying that people die for money, and birds die for things. For such a good thing that someone can give tens of billions, no matter who it is, it will be tempted. Since Fu Mingzhu is willing to offer these tens of billions of assets with both hands, Qin Zhao can't find a reason to refuse, not to mention those who are lurking in China will have to be found out one by one sooner or later.

Although Qin Zhao is no longer obligated to do these things that should be done by the government, the habit he has developed for a long time made him naturally have the idea and decision to eradicate these maggots when he heard that someone was planning to do harm to China. I don't know if such an idea is considered an occupational disease, just like how many years later, when he pushed open a strange door, he would always dodge in with the fastest speed.

"My decision, in Chunyu Industry, has always been consistent. Don't worry about what other people in the Fu family think. Slowly say that I will give away 30%. Even if I give away all of Chunyu Industry, they have no right to interfere. Because the group I developed it all by myself, and the rest of the directors are just pretending to be the masters of dividends at the end of the year."

Hearing that Qin Zhao wanted to accept these shares, Fu Mingzhu breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her head. When talking about Chunyu Industry, which she founded alone, there was a hint of pride on her face.

"As long as you have the final say, then I promise you, this deal will make me a lot of money." Qin Zhao looked into Fu Mingzhu's eyes, and nodded in agreement until he was sure she was not playing tricks.

"Wait." Just as Fu Mingzhu breathed a sigh of relief, she saw Ye Qingling walk to the tea table, bend down and pick up the share transfer contract that Qin Zhao wanted to reach out for, and handed it to Fu Mingzhu. Before him, he said seriously, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, we cannot accept your equity."

"Why?" Fu Mingzhu, who received the equity transfer documents, was startled: "Mr. Ye, do you think 30% of the shares is too little?"

"Hehe, how could it be? Tianhe Group's fixed assets are at most a few tens of billions. How could I not take these tens of billions seriously?" Ye Qingling smiled slightly, and looked at the Fu Mingzhu: "Although I don't refuse money, I don't want to use it to buy my fiancé's safety."

"What kind of person is Wang Chongxun, I believe you know better than me. Although Xiao Zhao has a little energy and a little bit of a different skill, who can guarantee that when he faces those vicious Japanese? Will you be in danger?" Without waiting for Fu Mingzhu's reaction, Ye Qingling went on to say, "Boss Fu, if this matter was put in the past, would you let your husband do such a dangerous thing?"

"No." Fu Mingzhu pondered for a long time, then shook her head gently and said no. Before last night, she had indeed loved Wang Chongxun wholeheartedly. Although she and his younger brother Fu Yi had done such shameful things, that dedication had nothing to do with the love between a man and a woman.

"Yes, as long as Mr. Fu understands this truth, you won't let your husband take risks for some unnecessary benefits, let alone me?" Ye Qingling smiled lightly, and then said nothing Sitting back where he was.

Although money is cute, it seems almost nothing compared to life.

"Alas..." After hearing Ye Qingling's words, Fu Mingzhu, who actually understood the truth, sighed softly, and picked up the share transfer contract with infinite sadness on her face. Just when she was about to put it in the briefcase silently and leave the room without saying anything, she saw Qin Zhao stretching out his hand to her. She was stunned, and then she was ecstatic: "Why, you, you want to agree?!"

"Yes," Qin Zhao took the contract back into his hand, slowly picked up a signature pen under the coffee table, and said leisurely: "As for me, the most unsightly thing is the money that should belong to me, but because of a temporary You hesitate to follow someone else's surname, not to mention such a huge benefit? You don't care what others say, as long as I agree, I will do it for you. "

"Xiao Zhao, you..." Ye Qingling watched Qin Zhao ask for those equity contracts back, she was so anxious that she just sat down and stood up, her face flushed from anxiety and said: "I won't allow you Agree to her terms! Although the terms are indeed generous and enviable, but you, do you know? You are no longer the same Qin Zhao as before!"

"Hehe, why don't I feel that something has changed in me?" Qin Zhao touched his chin and said.

"Xiao Zhao, now you have so many women around you who need your care, and even more, you have unborn children who need your care. For the money we don't need too much, we will take risks. If, if you There is really something going on, so what do you want everyone to do?" In order to persuade Qin Zhao not to agree to Fu Mingzhu's conditions, Ye Qingling said these words in a hurry, the meaning of which is that even the deaf can hear it.

If you hang up for the money, what will happen to us people?

"I'll be fine." How could Qin Zhao fail to understand the meaning of Ye Qingling's words? Although he knew that Ye Qingling only said this because he was worried about his safety, he still felt that if he gave up such a large benefit, he might not be able to sleep comfortably in the future. Ignoring Ye Qingling's words, he picked up the pen after saying this, and prepared to sign his name worth tens of billions below.

"No, I decided not to allow you to do this!" Seeing that her persuasion was ineffective, and Qin Zhao was about to sign the contract, she was so anxious that she walked to the coffee table, grabbed the pen, and looked Looking into Qin Zhao's eyes resolutely: "Listen to me, don't sign this name, we can't afford to bet."

"I think it's okay to sign." Before Qin Zhao could say anything, Jing Hongming, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, with a calm and indifferent expression: "Sister-in-law, although I don't want to interfere in the affairs between you and Xiao Zhao, but I I think you should understand a truth, that is, if you want to find out those people who are lurking around this lady, you don’t necessarily have to do it yourself.”

"You, Xiao Ming, what do you mean by saying that?" Ye Qingling looked back at Jing Hongming suspiciously, but her hand was still firmly grasping the signature pen in Qin Zhao's hand.

"He and I are brothers, sometimes his business is my business."

Do you still use Jing Hong's order to say "I can go to Chunyu Industrial to do these things for Qin Zhao"? The sentence that he and I are brothers, and sometimes his affairs are my affairs, has clearly expressed this meaning.

"You? Who are you?" Fu Mingzhu looked at this indifferent man, hesitated a little and asked, "Do you know who you will face? I can't think of anyone else besides Qin Zhao." You can do it for me."

"You don't care who I am." Jing Hongming stood up, walked up to Fu Mingzhu and looked at her: "You just need to know that what he can do, I can do the same. And can you be two days late?" Go? Because in Qing Island, I still have some things to deal with."

Who is he? Fu Mingzhu didn't answer Jing Hongming's words, but just looked at Qin Zhao who had been silent.

"I told you who he is and you don't know who he is, but I can guarantee that those people are no better than some ants in front of him." Qin Zhao smiled: "Little Ming, but if you do these things, Will uncle and Xiaoxue agree?"

That's right, Ye Qingling doesn't even want me to take risks, so your relatives will also have the same idea. Didn't you see what Jing Hongxue wanted to say now? What's more, your Jing Hong family doesn't lack these tens of billions. What they need most is you, the future heir of the monstrous group.

"Xiaoxue, apart from discussing some matters with Xiao Zhao, the main reason I came today is to see you,"

In the eyes looking at Jing Hongxue, those indifferences have been completely replaced by loving tenderness, making Jing Hongxue's nose sore from what Jing Hongming said next, and a layer of mist blindfolded her eyes again: "Xiaoxue, you also know What kind of feelings do I have for Mingzhu's family? Really, in that family, I don't care about the rest except you. If I can't go to Daliao for Xiao Zhao to settle these matters, then I have to go back to Russia, Because in China, I am an existence that cannot be exposed... Do you want me to return to Russia or go to Daliao?"

"Brother, no matter what you do, I will support you. I just hope that wherever you are, you will be fine. I don't want to be without you, really, brother." Two lines of crystal tears flowed down Jing Hongxue's white face , causing Jing Hongming's heart to ache, and after softly calling out 'silly girl', she hugged her in his arms.

"Silly girl, I haven't seen your big battle before? But since I am Xiaoxue's brother, I have to prepare some dowry for my Xiaoxue, right?" Jing Hongxue said softly in her ear.

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