Qin Zhao looked at Jing Hong and his son, and shook his head helplessly.

As Jing Hongming's life-and-death brother, Qin Zhao can give him money, a woman, and even his own life, but he doesn't know how to persuade him, who is now close to madness, to calm down.

Qin Zhao, a brother, can't get involved in other people's housework. So he had no choice but to sigh in his heart, and then he came to Jiehan who was still half lying there with his hands on his chest, and slowly squatted down. He reached out and pulled the hood off his head, revealing a bloodless face.

"Tell me your name, and also, what did Charlie the Rothschild say to you before he left?"

Looking at Jiehan's pale face, Qin Zhao didn't feel any pity for him just because his life was disappearing with the continuous flow of blood. As a man who chose the battlefield instead of the kitchen, such an ending may have been doomed long ago, and there is no reason or need to pity him at all. Qin Zhao believes that even if he encounters this situation, his opponents will also treat him in the same way. This is the law of war, this law has no sympathy, only victory or defeat.

Jiehan reluctantly opened his eyes, because the removal of the hood allowed him to breathe freely. He stared blankly at Qin Zhao, slowly sat up with his left hand propped up, and wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth with his backhand. Then I shook my head vigorously to make myself more sober: "Hehe, you want to know my name? Then, then you should ask that... dumb!"

When he uttered the word 'dumb', Jehan's eyes finally had a color other than death, but it was anger and resentment. He raised his head and sneered, wanting to take another look at the dumb guy he underestimated before leaving this world. After sending all the resentment to Jing Hongming in a second at most, he asked Qin Zhao panting, "Can I ask you a question first?"

Jiehan's voice became lower and lower, so low that Qin Zhao had to listen carefully from the rapid breathing: "Say it, since you are about to die, you can't do anything except my woman's measurements. Apart from telling you, I can consider the rest."

"You, what you say is an insult to a soldier!" Hearing the contempt in Qin Zhao's words, as a soldier who has experienced many battles, Jiehan wanted to stand up hard for the dignity of the word soldier, but The blood on the *was overflowing from the seam of his covered hand, which made him give up in vain: "You shouldn't talk to a dying soldier like this...although you are a winner."

"This is not on the battlefield," Qin Zhao said lightly: "If it was on the battlefield where the two armies are fighting, I will give you a happy, and then send you off with a military salute. Now you are in Huaxia, and you are a person who sneaked into other countries. The country plays the role of a criminal," leaning his head closer to Jehan's face, and said, "What you're doing now doesn't have the qualifications to be worthy of my respect, understand?"

Jiehan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes dimmed, and he nodded. He admitted that Qin Zhao was good. Although he was about to die now, he didn't use the identity of a soldier to meet death. What reason does he have to make Qin Zhao respect a criminal?

"However, I can still tell you who that dumb guy in your mouth is." Qin Zhao turned his head to look at Jing Hongming, who had tears on his face, and turned back with a twist in his heart: "He used to have a code name called Long Teng. October is cold-blooded, his name is Jing Hongming."

Bang... Jiehan's body fell to the ground. The pain from the back of his head woke him up again, and he smiled wryly in a hoarse voice: "It turns out that that humble dumb guy is actually the best fighter in the world... Hehe, I finally know."

"Okay, I've answered your question, so you should also tell me your name, what did Charlie tell you?" Qin Zhao took the trouble to ask a dying man what he wanted to know. thing. But people answered him like this: "I won't tell you who I am, what did Charlie tell me? Hehe, I won't tell you."

Jiehan's eyes closed slowly, and the corner of his mouth showed a trace of complacency: "Because, this is the only thing I can make you feel sorry for..."

"You are really cunning." Qin Zhao cursed in a low voice.

"Jiehan, your name is Jiehan." Just when Jiehan was preparing to face death with pride on his face, the voice that had haunted him for several years sounded above his head, making him When the blood was about to run out, I had to reopen my eyes. He saw that that face, which was more mature than before, was looking down at him coldly with a look of disdain.

"Li, Li Moyu?"

"It's me, Li Moyu."

With his hands behind his back, Li Moyu bent down a little: "Jiehan, why did Mr. Haller let you come to China? Didn't he tell you who the enemy you are going to face is?" With Li Moyu's slightly bent body A finger made of jasper came out of her collar and was tied by a red silk thread. It dangled between her chins, causing Jehan's eyes to suddenly light up.

Staring at the jade wrench that exudes a mysterious luster in the sun, Jiehan suddenly raised his head, stretched his hands upwards, and shouted with the last of his strength: "Flying wolf, jade wrench..." Then there was a bang. With a sound, his head hit the ground again, his eyes opened wide, and his pupils enlarged as the blood on his body drained the last drop of blood from the triangular wound.

Flying wolf jade finger? !

After hearing Jiehan's dying cry, Wang Chongxun stayed in the crowd for a while, looking at the dangling jade finger between Li Moyu's chin, his eyes were almost burning with greed, but then he lowered his head. Because he saw a woman behind Li Moyu, when she heard Jiehan's dying words, she also raised her head, revealing a pure and feminine face.

It turned out that he was also here.

Wang Chongxun lowered his head, thinking that another good show was about to be staged, he couldn't help showing a hint of complacency of "sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight" at the corner of his mouth.

"It turns out that Mr. Haller has also started to covet the legendary treasure." Li Moyu stood up and said to Qin Zhao who was thinking about something, "It's a pity that he is dead, otherwise I will definitely have a way to get him to name Charlie... ..." As soon as he said this, Li Moyu suddenly stopped. Because she saw a knife, which glowed coldly under the sunlight, right in front of her throat.

"Cut, what can you do?" Qin Zhao cut, raised his head, and then froze.

Tie Mole, who was looking around while walking, had come to a place not far from Qin Zhao. When he turned his eyes back to a bush and was about to say hello to Qin Zhao, he found a woman standing behind Li Moyu. The sharp blade was like a poisonous snake. It was already wrapped around Li Moyu's throat.

After seeing the gesture of the woman holding the knife, Tie Molei's heart sank. That woman held the knife in her backhand, that is to say, even if she was shot dead by Tie Mole before she hurt Li Moyu, relying on the inertia of falling backwards before she died, she could still use that knife to cut Li Moyu's throat.

The woman holding the knife was the one who was kicked to the ground by Qin Zhao just now.

At this time, she was holding Li Moyu's windbreaker with one hand, and was looking at Qin Zhao with contemptuous eyes. Beside her, there was a woman wearing the same dress as her, who was slowly standing up, and then raised her hand to cover her face. Most of the hair on the face was pulled behind the ears.

Hu Mietang... After seeing this woman clearly, Qin Zhao only felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

The woman holding the knife and Hu Mietang, who was disguised as a man, were the two women Qin Zhao saw in the tent when he was about to 'compete' with Lin Ba on dancing skills. At that time, because all the attention was on Lin Ba, besides, it really made him a little guilty to rush into the place where other actresses changed clothes, so he didn't have time to look at the two women carefully. What's more, I didn't expect that among the women changing clothes in the tent, there was a Hu Mietang...

"Little life..." Jing Hong Taotian, who was not in the mood to pay attention to other places, swallowed hard, and finally grabbed him regardless of Jing Hong's life and resistance: "Can you calmly listen to Dad explain to you?" ? Things are not what you imagined. It was because..."

"I don't listen!"

Now Jing Hongming is already in a state of disarray. He didn't know how to face this father whom he had hated for eighteen years, but raised his hand roughly to interrupt Jing Hong's monstrous words, turned his head to look in the direction of the sea, and let the tears flow wantonly on his face: "I just can't forget how my mother tried to curry favor with others after you left, and how my grandma chanted your name before she died! How I, how I endured those humiliations in the eyes of my classmates. This Everything, all of this is thanks to you. And you..."

"Little life!" Just as Jing Hongming became more and more excited, and almost lost her mind, Jing Hong's monstrous pupils shrank suddenly, and she pressed his shoulders and hands towards her arms, and then burst out. The actions that didn't match his daily behavior suddenly stood where Jing Hongming was.

Suddenly being caught by Jing Hongtaotian and passed over her body, out of her own reaction, Jing Hong ordered her hands to grab her father's arm subconsciously, just when she was about to ask him what he wanted to do, she passed Jing Hongtaotian *'s eyes suddenly froze, and a long hiss came from the opened mouth: "No..."

Lightning, see black lightning again!

A pair of black military thorns, with the speed of lightning and the breath from hell, only made Jing Hongming utter a short "no", and it was already firmly nailed into Jing Hongtaotian's vest.

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