No matter how strong a man is, he has a vulnerable side.

It's just that a strong man will hide his fragility deeper. But no matter whether Qin Zhao's laziness or Xie Qingshang's cynicism, Tie Mole's calmness or Jing Hongming's indifference is used to cover up fragility, it cannot change that it is a kind of human nature, which is indispensable.

Witnessing her father dying in her arms to save herself, Jing Hongming always wanted to break out of the fragility in her heart. It's just that he suppressed it with all his strength, and he couldn't find an outlet to vent it, so he fainted from the pain.

When young children are threatened or wronged, the first thing they think of is their mother. Mother, this great phrase, has always contained the kind of broad maternal love of women that is indescribable in words. Any woman is a mother, any woman with maternal love will have the effect of making a man ashamed when she sees a loved one hurt.

For example, after Jing Hongming woke up in Wang Yashan's arms, she gently touched the top of her head. Without saying anything, Jing Hongming's heart warmed up. After more than three hours of tears drying up, she returned to Yongquan like It came out of the eyes, and then the fragility that had been suppressed for a long time, along with the mournful cry, struck the softest heartstring in Wang Yashan's heart.

"Don't cry, okay? Woo..." Wang Yashan hugged Jing Hongming's head in her arms, letting him listen to her own heartbeat. Listening to his heart-piercing cry, when Wang Yashan tried to persuade him not to cry, her tears were like broken beads, crackling on Jing Hongming's hair.

"My dad... died, died in, in my arms, for, and saved me!" Jing Hong hugged Wang Yashan tightly with her backhand, as if she was bullied outside when she was a child and came home and hid in her mother's arms crying, sobbing Weeping and talking intermittently.

"He is your father, and you are his son. Both of you have the same blood on your body...Xiao Ming, do you understand me when I say this?" Wang Yashan kept nodding her head, and put her mouth next to Jing Hongming's ear: "Little Ming, cry as much as you want, there are still many things waiting for you to do after crying."

Jing Hongming didn't ask Wang Yashan what was waiting for him to do, so she understood because he heard her sister's cry. Yes, my sister still needs him to take care of her, my father's vengeance needs to be avenged by him as a son, and there are things about the Mingzhu Taotian Group that need to be dealt with by him as a son... so many things need him, how can he? Can you be immersed in sadness and unable to extricate yourself? It is a fact that his father is gone, and it is his wish to live better after wiping away his tears.

When Jing Hongming raised his head from Wang Yashan's arms, the crying stopped. He wiped away the tears from his eyes with his backhand, looked carefully at Wang Yashan's jade-like face, took a deep breath, and said hoarsely, "Thank you you!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Hearing Jing Hongming thanking herself, Wang Yashan raised her head and glanced at the people who entered the room, and then looked at her clothes that Jing Hongming cried so badly in front of her. He blushed and said politely according to his daily behavior. When she saw a hint of playfulness in Qin Zhao's eyes, she suddenly bit her lips and pushed Jing Hongming away, and then, in the astonishment that everyone's eyes widened and didn't know what she was going to do, she knelt on her knees and walked to the release room. In front of the bed is the red thorn.

"Father, you old man can go away at ease, my dear, I will take care of him for you." Wang Yashan respectfully kowtowed three times to Jing Hongtaotian, and then said this sentence beyond everyone's expectations. After saying this, Wang Yashan turned her head, looked at Jing Hongming, and asked in a low voice: "You, do you still need to thank me?"

Does this count as a promise? Qin Zhao stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, just bit his tongue and looked at Tie Molei, hoping to see something from his face. But Tie Mole just twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't answer him. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pushed Jing Hongming who was stunned on the ground with a face of relief, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Ming, my daughter asked you something, you Do you want to thank him again?"

"I still want to thank her." After Jing Hongming was pushed by Tie Molei, she glanced at Jing Hongxue and said this sentence.

Hearing that Jing Hong was ordered to thank herself, Wang Yashan felt chills all over her body, and then her heart hurt like being slapped hard by someone with half a brick. Almost biting her lips to bleed, she kept the tears full of shame, resentment and humiliation from falling.

How much courage and determination does it take for a girl with yellow flowers to guard so many people and kneel on the ground to call a dead old man's father? But, but in exchange for the result of being rejected, if you were her, how would you feel in your heart.

"No need." Wang Yashan smiled, her voice trembling, she stood up from the ground feebly, turned her head and never dared to look at Jing Hongming again. With tears in her eyes, she saw Jing Hongxue's eyes wide open. It was full of blame and distress.

Sigh... Sighing heavily in her heart, Wang Yashan wiped the tears on her cheeks with her backhand, suddenly raised her head and looked at the silent people in the room, forced out a smile, coughed and said: "Cough, I, I want to go out and wash my face, can you make room for me?"

"Brother!" Jing Hongxue called Jing Hongming in a low voice. Just as she was about to say something, Jing Hongming raised her hand and grabbed Wang Yashan who was walking beside her. Firm: "Dad, I swear in front of you that I will use my whole life and all of me to thank this girl! From now on, I will not let her be wronged or hurt in the slightest!"

"Dad, if you are here today, you can officiate for us." Before the tears of humiliation on Wang Yashan's face turned into tears of joy, Jing Hongming said another sentence that made her stupid.

Jing Hong ordered the dead Jing Hong Taotian to officiate the wedding for him!

Wang Yashan was stupid, completely stupid! Not only was she stupid, even Qin Zhao and the others were also stupid.

Fuck me! If the old ten doesn't play, it's all right. When he plays, it's such an unprecedented sound! Treat the mortuary as a wedding hall, and let the old man who has not yet been buried be the officiant... What is this? Is it a farce? Or a touching wedding? Why the fuck do I feel a little dizzy? It's not a dream, is it?

Qin Zhao reached out and patted Xie Qing's injured cheek vigorously and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts," Xie Qingshang nodded honestly, and then slapped Qin Zhao's left cheek with his backhand: "What about you?"

Qin Zhao nodded. Since both of them felt the pain, it means that it is not a dream now: Jing Hongming, this guy who looks indifferent on the surface but is as hot as fire in his heart, is about to fill a gap in the history of domestic weddings. up!

Holding Wang Yashan's trembling little hand, Jing Hong ordered to look forward: "Marry me here, don't you want to?"

Going from grief to brave calm, and then being struck with humiliation after being calm. Just when Wang Yashan had decided to go out and find a place to hide and cry, Jing Hongming said those words that she would never forget until all her teeth fell out. But now, he is asking her if she is willing...Wen Wang Yashan, who gradually cleared her mind, turned around abruptly, knelt down behind Jing Hongming, hugged his waist desperately, and wept uncontrollably. Shout: "I do! I do!"

On November 15, 2003, at 3:00 pm, an unusual wedding ceremony began.

The venue is the People's Second Hospital of Qingdao City, and the wedding hall is the mortuary of the hospital. The groom is Jing Hongming, and the bride is Wang Yashan. The officiant was Jing Hongtaotian, the former chairman of the Pearl Group, who has passed away, and the witness was Yan Haoran, the chairman of the Pearl Iron and Steel Group. The bridesmaid is Jing Hongxue, and the best man is Qin Zhao, the winner who was decided by Secret and Xie Qingshang with rock-paper-scissors. The representatives of the woman's natal family are Ye Qingling and Li Moyu, and the representatives of the man's family are a steady Tie Mole.

The master of ceremonies presiding over the wedding was Xue Xinghan who was dragged in by Xie Qingshang, and the wedding march was represented by Jing Hongxue's inaudible sobs. Jing Hong ordered a steel jumper with a denomination of one yuan to Wang Yashan as a token of love, but Wang Yashan took off a platinum heart-shaped pendant from her neck, and hung it around Jing Hong's neck with her own hands... Anyway, let's put it this way, except for the absence of the banquet, Jing Hong ordered all the outside weddings to be done very seriously according to the customs of her hometown.

No one was serious, and even Xue Xinghan, who was temporarily brought in to replace Xie Qingshang as the master of ceremonies, performed her duties meticulously, and was the first to send her blessings at the end of the wedding: "Best wishes!" You will grow old together and be happy forever!"

Although these old-fashioned words of blessing are not valued by free and easy people like Qin Zhao Xie Qingshang at all, they still wish him in the way of a man who hugged Jing Hongming: I wish you all the best on your wedding day! In the days... the sorrow and the change.

"Little Ming, I'm very happy for your father." Yan Haoran was the last one to send his congratulations. After he finished speaking, he wiped his dim old eyes, then took out his mobile phone and said, "There's Chairman Jing Hong in here." I recorded the last words before leaving with my mobile phone, and today I will give you this mobile phone as your wedding gift, I hope you will not disappoint Chairman Jing Hong's expectations of you."

"After I die, my passing 10% of the shares in the Taotian Group will be shared between Xiaoming and Xiaoxue. Brother Yan, you can act as my lawyer now, hehe... Trouble, cough cough cough " After Yan Haoran turned on the recording function on the phone, Jing Hong's monstrous voice came from inside, causing Jing Hongxue to cry again.

"Chairman Jing Hong, don't say that, you should be fine!" When these words came out from the phone, Yan Haoran pointed back at his chest, which meant that it was his voice.

"Little Ming, take good care of Xiaoxue..." After saying this, Jing Hongming's first father's voice came from the phone.

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