"You, the boss is not young, and you still have this virtue. It's okay, brother, don't brag about it." After seeing her husband gently put on a coat for her, Wang Yashan interrupted her brother with a smile: "Listen to me It’s so noisy there, you’re still on the street.”

"Yes," Wang Xijun raised his eyes and glanced in front of him: "Hey, by the way, didn't I say that I will go to Daliao to see you these few days? But it seems that I won't be able to go a year ago, because something big happened to the city bureau in the early hours of this morning. We need to recruit elite soldiers from the District Bureau to help out. Unfortunately, your elder brother and I are the best candidates for Chenyang District, and what’s more, this big event in the City Bureau has something to do with your idol.”

"Hehe, what is my idol? My idol is my husband now and my elder brother who always protected me before." Wang Yashan giggled, immersed in the happy conversation between siblings: "What big event can happen in the capital?" Ah, let the most outstanding man of our old Wang family go out in person."

"I remember you told me before that the best spy organization in China seems to be Long Teng?"

"What does it seem to be? It was originally. Except for that February, the rest of Longteng's people are my idols. This is true." There is another one who is now my husband, Wang Yashan touched Jinghong The hand that rests on my *, thought contentedly in my heart. Just when he shook his head with a slight smile, he suddenly thought about Wang Xijun's words, and asked quickly, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Hi, you've heard of Longteng July, right? He's a good-looking young man, and he still has that black army thorn engraved with the word 'Dragon Seven' you mentioned. As for his name... Hehe, this It's a secret, I won't tell you."

"I know, his name is Qin Zhao." After Wang Yashan said this, Jing Hong, who was just about to turn around and leave, stopped and listened quietly to his wife's phone call: "Could it be that this incident happened?" The big thing has something to do with him?"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Wang Xijun on the other end of the phone praised a few times: "It's no loss that he is an excellent son and daughter of my Wang family, and I guessed that his name is Qin Zhao right away. That's right, it's Qin Zhao. He killed a well-connected person at noon yesterday, and shot and killed two city bureau police officers in the early hours of this morning in an attempt to abscond, and now the convoy that arrested him has just returned. Sigh... such an awesome person, why would he commit a crime? What about this mentally retarded mistake?"

Wang Xijun's Bo De Bo and his younger sister showed off what he knew, but they didn't realize that there had been no one on the other end of the phone for a long time. It wasn't until they were almost at the gate of the Municipal Bureau that they realized something strange and hurriedly asked if his sister was still on the phone. head.

"I'm here," Wang Yashan nodded, and asked calmly, "Did Qin Zhao not run away after the murder? Did he accept the police's custody so willingly?"

"Yeah, it's a good thing he didn't run away. Do you know who he killed?" Wang Xijun looked up at the gate of the City Bureau, and said in a low voice, "It's the youngest grandson of Fu Zihui from the Politburo. The characters in it. But I heard that the kid was just looking for death. When Director Liu led his people to the scene, he actually took out a gun and wanted to kill a child, which made Long Teng Qiyue angry. The military assassin took his life. Alas, these second generation ancestors, relying on their strong backgrounds, dare to act recklessly, and sooner or later they will suffer retribution, but it is only because of the person who carried out the mission of God."

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I've arrived at the gate of the Municipal Bureau now, and I have to go in and report." When Wang Xijun said this, he lightly stepped on the brakes, and the Mercedes-Benz slowly slowed down and prepared to turn. Before he could say goodbye to his sister, he felt the car jolt, and his body suddenly leaned forward... If he hadn't been wearing a seat belt, his head would have hit the front window glass.

"Damn it! Brother, this is provoking someone, why do you always get hit by someone!" Wang Xijun cursed fiercely, stopped the car, unbuttoned his seat belt and pushed the door to get out. Looking back, a grass-green Land Rover The off-road vehicle parked behind his Mercedes-Benz. After knowing that he was chasing the rear of his car, no driver came down to apologize, which made Wang Xijun have to go there in person if he wanted to teach him a lesson.

After being rear-ended by others, Wang Xijun doesn't care about the seriousness of the car injury. In his eyes, a Mercedes-Benz with more than one million yuan is no different from an ordinary bicycle. thing. Although he didn't care about such a car, he couldn't swallow his breath, especially after he was bumped by someone yesterday. He walked aggressively to the Land Rover off-road vehicle, and was about to reach out to knock on the window covered with solar film, but the window fell down.

"You fucking eyes..." After scolding here, Wang Xijun suddenly shut his mouth, because he saw the cute girl who pushed his car back yesterday and stretched out her hand to him, making the gesture of "you are still tender" up. At this time, she was sitting in the co-pilot and watching him helplessly. When she saw that the owner of the car being rear-ended was still Wang Xijun, a smile flashed across her eyes, but then her sorrow resurfaced.

A girl who was still in high spirits yesterday, why does she feel so haggard today? Not only was his face a little pale, but there were also dark circles under his eyes, which gave Pharaoh a feeling of pity for me.

"I'm sorry, I was looking over there just now, and I didn't notice that your car stopped suddenly." At this time, the driver sitting in the driver's seat said, "I will compensate you for the damage caused to your car. , May I ask what unit you work in? If the work is delayed due to car repairs, I can call you to prove it. "

"Oh," I don't know why, after the girl who was supposed to be in high spirits glanced at him, Wang Xijun suddenly felt his heart beating non-stop, and felt at a loss for no reason. Hearing what the driver asked him, he hurriedly looked away and pointed to the door of the Municipal Bureau: "I just work here, and you don't need to call to explain anything."

"You work here?"

"Yes," it was only at this time that Wang Xijun, who turned around, saw the driver clearly.

If it is hypocritical to say that a man will thump in his heart and yell "I'm going to die" after seeing a beautiful woman, then after Wang Xijun saw this woman, he really had a kind of caution that he didn't dare to breathe loudly. Because this woman turned out to be a beautiful woman with a very fucking good looks... the kind that makes men think of a bed when they see her.

Wang Xijun's gaze stayed on his face for a few seconds, until a passing car honked its horn, and then he hurriedly said with a smile: "Yes, I was originally from the Chenyang District Bureau. It’s just that the Municipal Bureau temporarily seconded me to work.”

Why is this beauty also looking haggard with a bad complexion? Is this kind of makeup popular this year? Being stared at by two wretched women, Wang Xijun lowered his head voluntarily after seeing a beautiful woman for the first time. His heart was beating non-stop, not only made him want to look up at them again, but also wanted to hide his face and run away with embarrassment. It turns out that if a man is stared at by two or more beautiful women for a moment, if he doesn't have the skills of someone from Qing Dao Qin, he will really be at a loss...

"My name is Su Ning. I want to ask you something. I wonder if you are free, sir?" Suning and Song Yingxia glanced at each other, and then Suning sincerely invited Wang Xijun. Since receiving the news of Qin Zhao's murder and absconding this morning, the second daughter of Su Song, who was discussing countermeasures at Suning's house, was suddenly stunned by the news. If Secretary Su Chonghe hadn't personally conveyed the news to Suning's house, they would have thought it was nonsense.

Who is Qin Zhao? Even if he is an asshole, he will not kill and abscond at this juncture when he is willing to be taken into custody by the police. Especially after he knew that the three families of Song, Su and Li had begun to excuse him secretly. Unless his brain was kicked by a donkey, otherwise with his IQ, he would never do such an irrational behavior. But it happened that Su Chonghe's life secretary notified them in writing, which made them feel shocked but couldn't believe it.

Suning learned from various relationships that the police officers who arrested Qin Zhao are now on their way back to the city. She did call Su Chonghe, but the tepid old man Su told her not to worry, then said he was busy and hung up. When he called Han Xiangdong again, he was transferred to the information desk. Fearing that something might happen to Qin Zhao, she was no longer in the mood to inquire with anyone, and simply drove Song Yingxia, who had no master, directly to the Municipal Bureau.

On the way, according to Song Yingxia's intention, he went directly to look for Lu Chao, but was stopped by Suning. Su Ning did not agree to approach Lu Chao directly because she was afraid that she would lose face, but she knew that Lu Chao belonged to the Li family. If they directly showed up and intervened in this matter, the Song and Su families would definitely accept the Li family's love. . As long as the matter has not reached the point of begging for help, Suning will never pull out the banner of the Su family.

Originally, if Li Moyu didn't cry and run home last night, she would go out in person, and Lu Chao would have to take good care of her. But she was so heartbroken by that Qin guy, even Yaolan and Feilang were left alone, how could the second daughter of Su and Song look for her at this time? Although she would definitely not stand idly by, good steel still needs to be used wisely, so Suning and Song Yingxia decided to inquire first before talking.

When the two of them discussed all the way to a place not far from the city bureau, because Suning always looked into the city bureau compound, he couldn't concentrate, so he pushed into Wang Xijun's car that suddenly slowed down. Now that he heard that Wang Xijun was seconded from Chenyang District to work in the Municipal Bureau, Suning thought of asking him about it.

"Well, it depends on what you're asking. But I'm not free right now, because I haven't had time to go in yet, so you... hehe."

According to Wang Xijun's guess, what Suning wants to inquire about with him is nothing more than to use his relationship to find someone in the city bureau to clear up and solve some troublesome matters. But he never expected that the two beauties in front of him would ask him about Qin Zhao.

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