What happens to people who lie?

Pinocchio in the fairy tale, his nose grows an inch every time he tells a lie. But fairy tales are fairy tales after all, no one takes them seriously. Modern science has proved that some physiological changes do occur when people tell a lie, some of which can be observed with the naked eye, such as a series of unnatural human body movements such as scratching their ears and cheeks, shaking their legs and feet. There are also some physiological changes that are not easy to detect, such as abnormal breathing rate and blood volume, respiratory depression and breath holding. Because these physiological parameters are dominated by the autonomic nervous system, they are generally not controlled by human consciousness, but autonomous movements. A series of conditioned reflexes will appear under external stimuli.

However, to Fan Yibin, who has been a police officer for decades, the above-mentioned characteristics seem to be just things in books, but they have no effect on him. Now, when he answered Qin Zhao's question, not only did he not blush and his heart beat, but he still looked puzzled: "I shouldn't be on duty in the bureau yesterday, so I went home early after I got off work and had a drink with some neighbors." Sleeping, you came to me to ask these questions?"

Before coming, Fan Yibin had asked the staff, and he knew that accepting the suspect's 'interrogation' was acquiesced by Lu Bureau, so he didn't lose his temper and put on airs and refused to answer Qin Zhao's questions. If you avoid it, you will be passive.

"Are you sure you didn't show up in the city bureau at one o'clock in the morning?" Qin Zhao exhaled a puff of smoke, his eyes became sharper and sharper, which made Fan Yibin feel his heart tighten, and he couldn't help but look away from him and look behind him The four police officers asked back, "Why did I appear in the city bureau?"

"It's nothing, maybe I recognized the wrong person last night. The person with the mole on the corner of his mouth looks really similar to you." Since Fan Yibin said this, Qin Zhao knew that he would never leave him who came to the city bureau early this morning. Evidence, as for how he hid the information from the messenger and the staff on duty, I believe it is not difficult for a deputy director to do this. So after knowing that it was a waste of time to ask, he stopped talking to Fan Yibin.

"I can assure you that at one o'clock in the morning this morning, it was this deputy director named Fan Yibin who led four special police officers and took me away. Before leaving, he handed me a Type 77 police pistol to ask questions. Is it mine? At that time, I didn’t think more, just subconsciously took it over and asked a question, and then returned it to him. If I’m not wrong, the two police officers guarding me are dead, and killing them My fingerprints are on the pistol."

"What's more, apart from the Type 77 pistol with my fingerprints on it, there should be no evidence of the footprints of that deputy director Fan Yibin from last night." Qin Zhao looked at Lu Chao who was silent and sighed. He let out a sigh and said, "Well, although I was ambushed on the road, and four special police officers were sacrificed for it... If you go to the special police force to investigate, Bureau Lu, you should also get the answer that there was no mission at all last night..."

"That's right. We've already contacted the SWAT team. We didn't have any mission early this morning, but Meng Fanlong and the others, as well as the Warrior off-road vehicle, belong to their team. For this reason, the team leader doesn't know what's going on. I'm afraid now I'm also investigating who sent the special police last night." Lu Chao nodded and accepted Qin Zhao's words. Just now, after Xu Xiangnong told him about Suning at the door, because he was concerned about Suning's identity, he unknowingly spoke to Qin Zhao in a much softer tone.

Especially after listening to Qin Zhao's justification, he even suspected that there was something wrong with this matter. Although he didn't fully believe Qin Zhao's justification, he knew that if Long Teng's people wanted to get out of the way, their hands and feet would not be so dirty. Let’s not talk about who is standing behind him, let’s take ten thousand steps back, even if Qin Zhao wanted to abscond, with his skill, he would have to snatch the gun and kill the two police officers and then throw the gun before running away ?

Could it be that someone was framing him in all of this? Is all this a trick for him? Including the two subordinates who died is just a small commodity in this set. Lu Chao rubbed the cigarette butt in his hand, fixedly looking at Qin Zhao whose face was covered with blood. The grief and indignation in my heart when I saw the tragic death of my subordinates slowly faded away, replaced by calmness.

After careful consideration, the case of Qin Zhao killing the police and absconding is full of loopholes. It is obvious that someone is going to frame him, so that there will be unknown gangs with guns on the road to hijack the car. The four special police officers were also beaten into a hornet's nest.

Who would this person be? Lu Chao knew but didn't dare to think.

But if Qin Zhao died on the road, what kind of responsibility would he bear? Lu Chao didn't even dare to think about it. Although he is the majestic director of the city bureau and secretary of the political and legal committee, he is already a god-like existence in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of those high-ranking bosses, he is at most a tool to fight each other... It's sad, but very realistic.

"Director Lu, do you think the interrogation is going to continue?" The recorder at the side saw that the director was in a daze with a sense of vicissitudes of life, and couldn't help reminding him in a low voice.

Interrogation? Who to interrogate? Qin Zhao or Fan Yibin? Lu Chao smiled wryly. After he calmed down, he was sure in his heart that Qin Zhao's absconding case was handled by someone, and he also knew who was involved in this matter, but he felt deeply powerless. Fan Yibin was a member of the Fu family, and he would not have stood up to speak for Qin Zhao in vain if he had not received clear instructions from Li Tianxiu and the forces behind Qin Zhao to speak up. The infighting among the top management is not something he can control. The only thing he can do now is one word: procrastination.

Help, help... Just when Lu Chao was hesitating and everyone was looking at him waiting for him to continue asking questions, Xiao Liu, the clerk, knocked on the door.

"Xiao Liu, are you busy?" Fan Yibin who was closest to the door frowned and asked.

"Deputy Bureau Fan," said Xiao Liu, a college student who just came to the city bureau from the police academy this year. After seeing so many leaders looking at her, his face blushed and he stuttered: " There are, there are a few lesbians who asked to see Lu Bureau."

"What lesbian? Didn't you see that you were busy?" Fan Yibin really wanted to say to her: You have been here for a long time. Does the dignified director of the city bureau meet you casually? But after seeing her bow her head in embarrassment, I still gave her some sympathy.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to tell them right now!" After Xiao Liu said this nervously, he turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lu Chao: "Xiao Liu, who is looking for me? Are they there?" name?"

Just now when Xu Xiangnong whispered that Vice Chairman Su's daughter was at the gate of the Municipal Bureau, Lu Chao thought that the person looking for him might be Suning. At this time, it was the time when Qin Zhao didn't know how to deal with it. If someone directly related to the Su family could stand up, it would greatly relieve his pressure. That's why he hurriedly called to stop Xiao Liu and asked who was looking for him.

"She, she said her surname is Li, and you will know her when you meet her, Director."

A lesbian named Li? Will I know her when I meet? Reminiscent of the scene where she left in a hurry last night, Lu Chao immediately guessed who it was. Since the boss can let her come, it means that the Li family is going to stand up for Qin Zhao! This news has greatly relieved the pressure on him. The boss will take care of everything, so he can just run errands.

"Then tell them to wait for me in the office for a while, and just say I'll be right there." Lu Chao ordered, throwing the cigarette butt that was so invisible into the ashtray.

"Okay." Xiao Liu agreed, turned around and left. However, she walked a few steps and came back again. She stood at the door and wanted to say something, but seeing Deputy Director Fan looking at her with dissatisfaction, she quickly said, "Report to the director, they have come in."

Before Xiao Liu finished speaking, three women that Wang Xijun had seen appeared at the door of the interrogation room...

"Sister Ning, I think it's better for us to go in directly." After Wang Xijun's car drove into the city bureau compound, Song Yingxia, who had been thinking deeply, turned her head and said biting her lips, "I don't know if you've thought about it, Xiaobiao." Why didn't my uncle and the others ask after my brother's accident? My little cousin is their nephew. Not only that, but he even turned a blind eye to me living in your house. What does this mean? Sister Ning, think about it carefully. By doing this, are they implying that it is enough for me to come forward for these matters?"

The more Song Yingxia spoke, the more she felt that her words made sense. She grabbed Suning whose eyes were starting to light up excitedly, and said eagerly: "Although Fu Yu's family did not show up, what happened in the early hours of this morning was probably planned by them alone." Since the little cousin even ruthlessly refused to recognize Sister Mo Yu, the purpose was not to hurt her, how could a person who thinks so much, behave in such absurd and full of loopholes? People in the Fu family are not fools , Naturally, they also know that they can't move the little cousin with these alone, in fact, they just want to use these to remind us that we can achieve an ideal result in the next election."

"Say, Yingxia, you continue to talk!"

"Although I usually don't care about politics at all, I also know that the Fu family's influence is in decline. If Fu Yu's death can be exchanged for concessions from you and my family, then Fu Yu's death is definitely worth more than a thousand dollars. They framed The little cousin doesn't necessarily have to ask him to pay for his life, maybe it's just sending a signal." As the saying goes, bystanders are clear, and Song Yingxia, who has no contact with politics, immediately saw the step that Suning didn't see as an outsider.

"What signal?"

"If the Fu family doesn't get what they want, then my little cousin's luck will not be so good next time. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Don't look at the influence of the Fu family getting worse day by day, but with Fu Yu's death If my aunt's only son must be killed for this reason, even if our two families win the war through normal judicial procedures, people will feel sympathy for the Fu family. Don't forget that when the little cousin killed Fu Yu, the scene There are so many people!"

"I understand," Su Ning slammed the steering wheel with his fist: "The reason why Uncle Song and the others haven't come forward until now, and they don't let your brothers take care of this matter, but they don't prohibit you from participating in it, so it turns out It is to let us juniors hold their banners to bargain with the Fu family..."

"I don't know the specifics, but I know it's time for us to come forward. If we continue to hide like this, the Fu family may really attack my little cousin."

"Well, it doesn't matter so much, let's go in now, as I am Qin Zhao's fiancee! Damn it," Su Ning, who seldom swears in front of Song Yingxia, scolded in a low voice: "Who else's face is too bad?" It's not as important as your own man's life. Go, go in."

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