After Wan Nianqing and Wang Xijun went out, Lu Chao stopped questioning.

Everyone was smoking silently, waiting for the two to come back. If there is the mobile phone that Qin Zhao mentioned, then Deputy Bureau Fan may be in trouble. As a policeman, what he hates the most is this kind of person who hurts his own people. Fan Yibin knows this very well. Now, when he didn't know if he really had that mobile phone, he began to think about countermeasures.

There is no way to resist after the Dongchuang incident, not to mention there are so many colleagues here, even the two daughters Su and Li standing not far from him, seeing how agile they are, any one of them is enough for him to drink a pot. Fan Yibin was calm on the surface and was waiting for the news like everyone else, but he also felt that Xu Xiangnong around him was starting to be wary of him. His left hand quietly landed near the handle of the gun at his waist, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Song Yingxia who was like a flower.

He doesn't know who Song Yingxia is, because when Lu Chao was introducing some women just now, he was in a coma. If he knew who this girl was, he wouldn't dare to have the idea of ​​hijacking her and getting away unscathed if something happened. As for where to go after temporarily escaping from the police station, he hasn't thought about it carefully yet, so let's focus on his eyes.

"Ju Lu." In the originally small interrogation room, more than a dozen people were puffing and puffing. Just when Song Yingxia felt overwhelmed and wanted to go out to take a breath, Wan Nianqing and Wang Xijun came back.

"How about it?"

Wan Nianqing walked up to Lu Chao, and put a TcL mobile phone that had been outdated for a long time on the table: "I found this mobile phone under the mattress on the bed in the suite of the duty room."

"When I inspected the scene in the morning, why didn't I find such a mobile phone?" Lu Chao looked at Xu Xiangnong with dissatisfaction in his tone. He is the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. It is the same as the most important link when the sun sets), and it is indeed suspected of dereliction of duty.

"I'm sorry, Director Lu," Xu Xiangnong took a deep breath, and said guiltily, "I just checked the outside as the scene of the incident, but I haven't had time to check the inside... I will do a review on this matter when I go back. "

Lu Chao didn't say anything, just picked up the phone and found the recording function, pressed the play button and put it on the table: "Let's listen to what's inside."

"Open the door, open the door!" The knock on the door was mixed with a cold call, which was actually played by the phone.

"Who is it?"

This is Xiao Han's voice! Thinking of yesterday, he said that he would hold his son to greet everyone when he was free, but today he was lying in the cold morgue, which made all the police officers present feel sore noses, and the tears of the female recorder on the table at the end were even worse. It was dripping down.

"Xiao Han, open the door, I'm Fan Yibin."

After Deputy Bureau Fan heard his voice, his face turned pale and terrifying, and his body trembled involuntarily. Although the recording function of the mobile phone is not very good, and the voice is not very clear, but he really can't find any reason to deny that the voice is not his! Unless, unless he didn't do anything like this at all this morning.

All the people quietly listened to the voice coming from the mobile phone, and after hearing Xiao Han's scream of "ah", they all closed their eyes, and the tragic scene of him being headshot at close range appeared before their eyes. The recorder responsible for recording all this even began to cry.

"Sorry, you have to die."

When the sound came here, it was the sound of movement that could no longer be heard clearly. As you all know, this is Deputy Director Fan's attempt to create the illusion that he is not there. But, it doesn't matter anymore at this time, the important thing is that he is the murderer who killed those two police officers!

"Old Fan, do you have anything else to say?" After turning off the phone, Lu Chao closed his eyes in pain, then looked at him fixedly, and asked in a calm tone.

"Ah!" Fan Yibin sighed heavily, took out his cigarette and lit it, and then put the lighter in his pocket: "Ju Lu, I don't have anything to say now, if you have to let me If you want to talk, then I can only tell you that even if you repeat what happened early this morning, I have to do the same... Man, alive, sometimes you really can only follow the route set by others for you. "

"I understand, but this is definitely not the reason for you to kill your colleagues!" Lu Chao's tone became colder and colder: "I don't want to tell you that you failed the organization and disappointed you. If you still have a little party spirit, what should you do? Do you still want me to hand it over to you?"

"I hope that in view of the fact that I have been hurt for the people, the Bureau of Lu can agree to my last condition." Fan Yibin laughed bitterly, slowly stretched his hand to his waist, and took out a shiny black gun . After seeing him pull out his gun, Xu Xiangnong and Wan Nianqing pulled out their guns at the same time.

"What condition? If it's not too much, I will agree to you." Lu Chao waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to stay still.

In fact, he had already guessed what Fan Yibin was doing for drawing his gun. He wanted to commit suicide to evade legal sanctions. Lu Chao also had the idea of ​​agreeing to his request, after all, Fan Yibin had indeed been injured for the benefit of the people before. It would be a bad thing if he died so cleanly. At the very least, the clue of who he ordered to do this will be broken with his death, which will prevent the city bureau from further pursuing it. In fact, he was ordered by someone to do this. Everyone is like a mirror in their hearts, but no one dares to say.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone anymore." Fan Yibin snapped off the magazine while speaking, and raised the magazine to the crowd: "See, there is only one bullet in the whole magazine. This is for myself. When I made this thing, I expected to use it one day. But I didn't expect this moment to come so early... My last request is to wish me suicide Opportunity."

If Fan Yibin commits suicide, it will relieve everyone's pressure, everyone present will understand. Even Qin Zhao knew that this was what Lu Chao and the others would most like to see. Although Qin Zhao didn't want him to die so easily, there was nothing he could do. These policemen didn't have the courage to touch the Fu family at all.

"Okay," Lu Chao looked at Fan Yibin and nodded, "Go ahead, I will give your family a suitable reason."

"Thank you." Fan Yibin put the magazine into the pistol with a sad face, stroked it lightly a few times, and opened the safety with a reluctant movement: "Apologize to Xiaohan and the others for me, saying that I have gone down to accompany the pistol. They're gone."

"Go ahead." Lu Chao was definitely upset when his colleague for many years committed suicide. He waved at him and turned his head away.

Putting the gun to his forehead, Fan Yibin stood up slowly, and walked out the door step by step. He didn't want to die in front of everyone, and everyone didn't want him to die here, so no one stopped him. Anyway, he had no choice but to die. Only Qin Zhao, whose eyes seemed to be closed but not closed, slowly fiddled with the handcuffs on his wrists. When Fan Yibin took the third step, his hands had already come out of the handcuffs. It's just that everyone was 'seeing off' Fan Yibin, and no one noticed his subtle movements.

This is the fate of our comrades who do wrong things! Comrades, you must be vigilant in the future, don't go the wrong way, there is no chance of turning back... Lu Chao has already thought about the "memorial speech" after the gunshots. When he was about to walk out of the room, he suddenly pulled Song Yingxia, who was not too far away from him, and pulled her into his arms. The gun that was originally aimed at his own forehead was now on her head superior.

Qin Zhao's hand moved, but he didn't throw out the handcuffs. Because of this girl Su Ning, when Fan Yibin pulled Song Yingxia, she blocked the angle at which he threw the handcuffs, and made him feel very depressed, very depressed...

"Haha!" Fan Yibin, who succeeded in the first blow, laughed wildly twice, hit Song Yingxia's head hard with a gun, looked at the frightened people in the room, and said triumphantly: "You want me to die? Hehe, there is no door at all! Even if I am going to die, I will have to hold a back when I die!"

If it wasn't for Song Yingxia's special identity, the police officers wouldn't be so surprised and frightened.

If Song Yingxia was really given to that by the crazy Fan Yibin, what would happen to the people in this room, you can figure it out with your feet. Lu Chao, who was feeling cold in his heart, slapped himself hard, and immediately pointed at Fan Yibin with red and swollen cheeks, and said in an infinitely trembling voice: "You, do you know who this girl is?"

"I don't care who she is?!" Fan Yibin clung to the door panel, with one arm around Song Yingxia's neck, and a pistol on her forehead, grinning grinningly: "Now she is just one of my hostages. Lu Chao, I limit you to prepare a helicopter for me within fifteen minutes, and prepare five million in cash, or I will take her on the road together."

Song Yingxia was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he was doted on by his family. Even Li Tianxiu, who is so strong, smiled like a flower when he saw him. With such a grown-up, apart from being touched by Qin Zhao once and not treating her very well, who is not obedient to her? When did you encounter such a situation? After being caught by Fan Yibin's neck, his little face immediately stretched out his hand with a pale face: "Little cousin..." After only shouting three words, Fan Yibin was left speechless.

"All right, all right, all right, all right." Don't say that what Fan Yibin wants is just a helicopter and five million cash, even if the request is more exaggerated, he will agree without hesitation: "As long as you put If you leave her, I will agree to any conditions you ask, but you must not mess around!"

If Lu Chao pretended to be embarrassed and bargained with Fan Yibin, or gave him a righteous reprimand, Fan Yibin would definitely not have any ideas. It was precisely because what he promised was such a joy, that Lao Fan was muttered in his heart.

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