Why do you have to make him tremble a few times?

After hearing Fan Yibin's strange order, even though Song Yingxia was quite scared, she was still very curious. If she hadn't been held hostage herself, she would have asked him why he asked him to do this. Curiosity is the biggest characteristic of a woman.

That pilot was not as stupid as Song Yingxia, he naturally knew why Fan Yibin asked him to do this, so he turned around and walked to the edge of the roof without saying a word, took off his helmet and put it on the ground, and put his hands on the ground once The child stood upside down. As he turned his feet upwards and made a movement similar to shaking hair in Xiaojing Bar, all the bits and pieces on his body fell on the roof. They were all mobile phones, keys, wallets and other daily necessities, which could not threaten Fan Yibin. weapons.

After seeing the things that fell on the ground, Song Yingxia realized that it was inconvenient for Fan Yibin to search his body, but let him take out all the things on his body. Although this method may not necessarily allow him to reveal the well-hidden things, it will always give Fan Yibin a ridiculous sense of security.

Fan Yibin escorted Song Yingxia to the front of the plane slowly, grabbed the spiral ladder with one hand, and put the other hand around her neck, pointing the muzzle of the gun at her face, and climbed onto the helicopter step by step. The cunning Fan Yibin did this, causing several special police snipers hiding in the commanding heights to greet his mother in their hearts at the same time. Even if he shot him in the head, with the way he held the gun, he would pull the trigger before he lost consciousness. Although he may not have such strong perseverance, who would dare to take this risk?

After getting into the plane, Fan Yibin saw what he wanted in the cabin at a glance. There was a large suitcase full of red cash, probably to make it easier for him to see the sincerity of the police at a glance, so the suitcase was not closed. There is a grenade on top of so many shining 'glowing' money. This is a domestically produced 82-style all-plastic handleless steel ball grenade. The steel balls that fly out after the explosion will cause a devastating blow to creatures within a radius of three meters. .

Fan Yibin smiled with satisfaction, shrank in the cabin of the helicopter and took the grenade and stuck it in the seat, then tore off a bunch of shirts, clumsily tied the grenade fuse on it with one hand, and tied the cloth strip on his wrist , tried it lightly, and after feeling good, he shouted to the outside: "Hey, you can come in the plane."

After hearing his call, the pilot who was still doing the "shivering" exercise put down his feet, picked up the helmet and put it on his head without saying a word, then walked over and climbed into the helicopter. After seeing the grenade fuze on Fan Yibin's wrist, the eyes of the pilot's helmet flashed a gleam of light, and then he sat on the seat obediently, and after fastening his seat belt, a muffled voice came out of the helmet: " Where are we flying? Where is the destination?"

"Fly north, fly north, and I will tell you when I get there." Fan Yibin raised his left hand and said proudly, "Did you see it? You two had better be honest with me. I know The ground is listening to our conversation now, but I don't care anymore. If I feel bad enough, as long as I pull... Boom... Let's go on the road together. Haha, haha, let's go together, Huangquan Road Not lonely!"

Hearing Fan Yibin's crazy laughter, the pilot didn't say anything, but calmly started the helicopter.

Fly all the way north? Isn't that Outer Mongolia? It turned out that he wanted to go abroad. After hearing what Fan Yibin said, Song Yingxia's heart sank, and her last hope was shattered by the spinning propeller. The tears that had just been dried by the cold wind flowed down her cheeks again. After the plane takes off, none of this will be seen again. What's the point of living if you can't see your parents who mumble about you all day long, and you can't feel the warmth of those who love you?

"I want to go home!" Song Yingxia yelled suddenly after the helicopter took off, but Fan Yibin held her tightly in his arms, pointed the gun to her forehead and said with a grinning grin: "Go home? Haha, we just want to go home, go back to our own home! Look, with so much money, where can't we live happily?"

"I don't want to be with you..." Song Yingxia's cry after her resistance failed was carried far away by the wind, and then was blown away by the wind.

The helicopter flew away from the rooftop of the City Bureau, and the people on the ground heard what Fan Yibin said just now before taking off. Watching the plane take off, while so many elite soldiers could only watch on the ground stupidly, the angry special police detachment leader slammed on the front of the car with a loud bang, and a concave shape appeared on the front cover of the car. But what can I do? The only thing they can do now is to greet the special police officer who is still hanging on the edge of the roof, and then pin all their hopes on the person who went away with the plane.

According to Fan Yibin's 'instructions', the helicopter flew northwestward for about half a minute, and two domestically produced LFc16 fighter jets appeared above it, one on the left and one on the right, about a few kilometers away from the helicopter, Song Yingxia faintly It can be seen that the pilot in the cockpit of the fighter jet on the left is reaching out to her in a victory gesture. Looking at the national flag on the wing, she suddenly felt much calmer.

Surely they will rescue me from the evil hands!

Song Yingxia, who was in the stage of her favorite fantasy, suddenly thought with tears in her eyes: If there is a brave warrior who saves her from the bad guys at this time, will I promise him with my body? Well, I guess it will. He doesn't need to be too handsome, as long as he is like his little cousin...

"Hey, Miss Song," Fan Yibin's sinister laughter broke Song Yingxia's sweet dream at the right time: "You have such a big face, there are fighter jets escorting you. But it is a pity that they will be sent to us at most. We have to return to the Mongolian border, or else there are always these two fighter jets around us, how awesome it would be."

He really wanted to fly to Outer Mongolia! Even with fighter jets by his side, he still couldn't do anything to him. Song Yingxia lowered her head in frustration, looking at Jingjing below the helicopter. The high-rise buildings below have now become small sticks standing on the ground, and the originally wide roads are like black belts winding through the urban area. The white strip facing the helicopter should be the largest river in Jinghua - the Yongding River, right?

Yongding River is located in the western suburbs of Jinghua City. The main river in the city is 188 kilometers long, and the widest part of the riverbed is 3800 meters. In 1985, the river was listed as one of the four major flood control rivers in China. There are 48 large and medium-sized bridges on the river. Many famous railways pass across the bridges, and there are countless places of interest along the way.

But all of this is about to be taken away by this villain. Song Yingxia stared at the Yongding River under his feet bewilderedly, but turned a deaf ear to Fan Yibin's words.

What would be the result of following him? Song Yingxia was slowly calmed down by the cold wind, and began to think about her upcoming fate: Even if he was sent to Outer Mongolia, he would definitely not let me go, this villain just now showed his eyes in the elevator. Dirty thoughts. He will definitely take me by his side day and night, and maybe he will take me... Thinking of Fan Yibin's yellow teeth when he smiled, and thinking of the possibility of being surrounded by such a person all day in the future, Song Yingxia felt that he might as well die OK!

If you want to die, you have to drag him to die together!

This thought suddenly raised Song Yingxia's courage, and even started to get excited about his idea. She secretly calculated how to break the fuze of the grenade on Fan Yibin's wrist without detonating it. It's better to break it and jump off the plane with him, so that the poor pilot in front will not be hurt.

"Can you make me sit more comfortably? Anyway, I don't dare to resist. Even if I resist, I will definitely die." Song Yingxia slowly raised her head, turned around and said to Fan Yibin who pointed a gun at her head: "Since We are on the same plane now, and I have nowhere to go. Besides, you still have something that died with the helicopter, why are you so worried?"

Fan Yibin did not expect that Song Yingxia would suddenly become so calm and stare fixedly into her eyes, but apart from the innocent clarity, he really couldn't see anything wrong. Thinking that even if there are fighter jets around, they are probably just demonstrating against him, so fire? I would not dare to lend them a few guts. As for the guy flying the helicopter, for his own sake, he would definitely not be willing to die together.

Immediately after thinking about all the possible outcomes, Fan Yibin felt that Song Yingxia was right. Now that everyone is on the same plane and the initiative is in his hands, there is no possibility of any accidents, so there is no need to be so nervous. After a laugh, Fan Yibin let go of Song Yingxia's neck, but kept pointing his gun at her: "Okay, then listen to you, if you behave well, I won't let you suffer too much .”

Song Yingxia rubbed her red neck, leaned against the cabin door, put her eyes on the cloth strip tied to Fan Yibin's wrist, and said worriedly: "Actually, it's very dangerous for you, if the plane is in flight If some unexpected weather causes a vibration, will you pull it all at once?"

Fan Yibin was stunned, it often happens that the plane encounters irregular turbulence. Although it is impossible for the plane to be as exaggerated as Song Yingxia said, it will produce enough vibration to make him unable to stabilize his body, but it is not impossible. If I accidentally didn't control it well, wouldn't all this be a blessing?

"Then what do you say?" Fan Yibin blushed a little after blurting out this sentence, because he blushed because he asked a delicate girl what to do.

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