With Tie Molei's cautiousness and because he cared about Qin Zhao, he didn't realize that Ye Qingling had been eavesdropping on his phone call to Jing Hongming at the door. After she pushed open the door, she yelled "Oh my God" in her heart, then forced a smile and hung up the phone: "Mr. Ye, you, you are..."

"Tell me, Xiao Zhao, did something happen to him?" Ye Qingling approached Tie Molei step by step, causing Long Teng Sanyue to feel a sense of guilt when facing a woman: "The fall you said Is it him? Tie, Tie Molei, you are Xiao Zhao's life and death brother, and also my elder brother. I know you, you are hiding it from me for my own good, but I have the right to know everything that happened to him, yes no?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, you have the right to know all of this." Since Ye Qingling has already heard it, it doesn't make much sense to keep it a secret, so it's better to tell the truth: "What exactly happened to Xiao Zhao, I'll let you know at the moment. I can’t explain it to you for a while, but I know he will definitely not die like this and leave us. So many strong winds and waves have come, how could he capsize in a small gutter?”

"But I really want to know what happened to him."

"Okay, listen to me slowly." Tie Mole nodded, signaling for Cao Binger, who happened to come to invite him to get off work with him, to come in at this time. After Cao Binger, who was at a loss and didn't know what was going on, closed the door to death, he then slowly told the news in detail...

The night was getting deeper and deeper, except for a few lights in the lobby on the first floor of the Tianhe Group headquarters building, that is, Tie Molei's office was brightly lit. When telling Ye Qingling the ins and outs of the whole incident, Jing Hongming also called several times before boarding the plane to confirm whether Qin Zhao's crash was true, which made it difficult for Tie Molei to answer. He didn't believe that Qin Zhao would die with a police scum like this, and Jing Hongming didn't believe it either.

Jing Hong ordered to go to Jinghua in person if he didn't believe it, but Tie Mole couldn't leave Ye Qingling behind if he didn't believe it. He could only wait by the phone, hoping that his friends over there could send the latest news in time. But to his disappointment, for some reason, the milky white phone didn't ring until the sun rose in the east. During this period, he made several phone calls, but was told that the other party had turned off the phone, which made Tie Mole feel very depressed.

After hearing the bad news of Qin Zhao's plane crash, Ye Qingling surprisingly didn't cry, but just sat motionless on the sofa and passed the night like this, so that Cao Bing'er had to yawn and tearfully accompany her in silence. Because of Qin Zhao's experience of "resurrecting from death" once, Ye Qingling firmly believed that she would wait until Qin Zhao came back safe and sound. But this belief became more and more fragile as the sun rose, so weak that when she heard footsteps in the corridor, she thought it was Qin Zhao who had returned.

"I'm going to Jinghua." Ye Qingling moved her body and said in a hoarse voice.

Dinglingling... The answer to Ye Qingling's words was the crisp ringtone of the phone. Ye Qingling had never felt that the ringtone that she had almost ignored was so sweet at this time. Before Tie Mole reached for it, she stood up abruptly and walked to Tie Mole's desk in a few steps. Just as she grabbed the microphone with her hands, her legs softened and she fell to her knees on the ground. It turned out that because of her long-term movement, the blood in her legs was not flowing smoothly. After she stood up suddenly and walked a few steps, her legs could no longer support the weight of * and she fell down.

When she fell limply to the ground, her sharp chin just slammed against the corner of the table, and the bang made Tie Molei, who had no time to support her, close his eyes and couldn't bear to look at it.

"Boss Ye!" Cao Binger saw Ye Qingling suddenly kneel down on the ground and slammed her chin firmly on the table, she was so frightened that her drowsiness disappeared, and after a scream, she hurried over and helped her up , saw that the corner of the table had knocked out a bloody opening on her chin, and the blood was flowing out from the wound.

"It doesn't matter," Ye Qingling shook her head, as if she didn't feel the pain at all, she just wiped the blood casually with her backhand, and pressed the speakerphone with her left hand: "Hey, how is Qin Zhao doing now?"

"You, who are you? How do you know about Qin Zhao? Tie, brother Tie?" The other party didn't expect that it was a woman who answered the phone, and he was stunned for a while before answering Ye Qingling's words.

"I'm Qin Zhao's fiancée. I want to know the latest news about him. Did he not crash at all, let alone have any accidents?" Ye Qingling didn't ask the man opposite him at all, but spoke to him very quickly. Marked his identity: "If you have any news, you can tell me directly..."

"Come on, please say it again, who are you from Qin Zhao?" The other party interrupted Ye Qingling rudely.

"I am his fiancée. My name is Ye Qingling. If you ask Qin Zhao, you will know." Ye Qingling also felt that she might be in a hurry to ask. The bleeding chin said: "Tie Molei is by my side, do you want him to talk to you?"

"Well," the other party hesitated and said, "I think it's best for you to hand over the phone to Tie Molei, because I feel a little confused now. Isn't Qin Zhao's fiancée Suning from the Su family? When will she come out?" Ye Qingling? Strange."

"What did you say? Qin Zhao's fiancée is Suning?" Ye Qingling paused, then asked, "Please tell me how Qin Zhao is doing now, did he really crash?"

It's about to end, the news of Liu Zi has always been very accurate, since he said that Suning is Xiao Zhao's fiancée, then she may really be his fiancée. What is this kid up to? Don't you know that the family members are worried about him?

But this also shows that this guy may be fine. After hearing what Liu Zi said, Tie Mole's heart tightened, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief because he guessed that Qin Zhao was safe and sound.

"Qin Zhao is fine now, hehe," Liu Zi didn't know what was going on, but he was not interested in meddling in other people's private affairs, and just out of the standpoint of helping his friends, he said truthfully: "He did crash, But his fate is very good, not only is there nothing to do now, but he will be the bridegroom soon, and the bride is our famous beauty Su Ning Su Er in Beijing."

"Oh." After hearing that Qin Zhao was fine, Ye Qingling felt the pain in her jaw. She bit her lip and took out a handkerchief to hold the wound. After the pain subsided a little, she said in a low voice: "This Sir, you, you said that Qin Zhao is going to marry Suning soon?"

"Let me ask, alas." Tie Molei shook his head, bent down and said to the phone: "Liu Zi, why did you come to the news now? What's going on?"

"Brother Tie, do you think it's so easy to inquire about the news about the high-level affairs?" The six sons complained, "Don't say I'm an ordinary intelligence officer, even our Deputy Sun received a report this morning. After Suning and Qin Zhao's wedding invitation, I found out that he is fine."

"Well, what you said makes sense. But, are you sure that Qin Zhao is going to marry Suning?" Tie Mole glanced at Ye Qingling, and he didn't know whether he was shocked by the news or because his jaw lost too much blood. , anyway, her face is really pale, so pale it makes people feel distressed.

"That's right, because the invitation is still on Vice President Sun's desk, the wedding will be held at the Plaza Hotel on the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day after tomorrow. I heard that there will be many important people who will join us this time... ...Brother Tie, you have such a good relationship with him, you should come to his wedding, right?" The six sons are just friends of Tie Molei, he and Qin Zhao don't know each other at all, but they envy him for marrying the beauty of Jinghua, Suning: "Hey, Is Brother Tie here? Why don't you speak?"

"Here, tell me."

"Who was that woman just now? How did she say that she is Qin Zhao's fiancée?"

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about these things, Liu Zi, thank you for your trouble, I will treat you to a drink later." After saying a few more polite words with Liu Zi, Tie Mole hung up the phone and looked at the old man who was still kneeling on the ground. Ye Qingling, who was climbing on the table: "Mr. Ye, what, what should I do?"

"Hehe," Ye Qingling suddenly smiled, stood up slowly, and said with a long sigh of relief: "What else can I do? The wedding invitations are gone."

"I think Xiao Zhao will have something to hide when he does this," Tie Mole watched as Ye Qingling slowly sat back on the sofa, and was hesitating whether to tell her that Suning already had Qin Zhao's son. Cao Binger, who had been listening with her ears up all the time, suddenly said: "Cut, this Qin Zhao, he never repents when he sees a hooligan who loves another! Let me tell you, isn't he getting married the day after tomorrow? Mr. Ye, you go to their wedding!" , look how he has the face to face you!"

"To attend their wedding?" Ye Qingling sneered, then closed her eyes and stopped talking.

"Children don't meddle in adults' affairs here." Tie Molei shook his head and said.

"Stop meddling, you men all have the virtue of liking the new and disliking the old." Cao Bing'er gave Tie Mole a white look: "Hmph, if one day you dare to make me and Mr. Ye so sad, look at me... Ye Boss, you, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, you, you," Tie Molei really had nothing to do with the childish Cao Binger, he just sighed and said, "Boss Ye is too tired, and she is asleep now. Go and help her cover her with the coat, so as not to Catch a cold."

"Why do you want me to go? You are the one who wants to go. You are a big man. I don't feel at ease guarding Mr. Ye alone." Cao Binger twitched the corner of her mouth, looked at Ye Qingling's blood-stained chin, and sighed heavily. He sighed: "Oh! Poor Mr. Ye."

Amid Cao Binger's pity for Ye Qingling, Tie Molei had no choice but to go to her office to get a coat...

Time flies by so fast, in the blink of an eye, it will be New Year's Eve the day after tomorrow.

The twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, this day is really a good day, the wind and the sun are beautiful. In front of the most upscale Plaza Hotel in Beijing, a long line of cars parked. Although they are all mid-range cars worth hundreds of thousands, their license plates are awesome. In the words of Ji Peng, the security captain of the Plaza Hotel, even though these cars are not very good, the license plates on them are enough to replace several such cars.

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