You have already arranged everything, which is why I am appealing? Even if I invite the best lawyer in the world and tell the sky a big hole, you old man will have to let me carry out that bullshit powder makeup plan. Since you have to go to jail no matter what, why bother?

If another person said that to Qin Zhao, even if he didn't slap him with a big mouth, he would have turned his head away. But it was not someone else who said these words pretentiously to him, not only his own uncle, but also the general secretary of Huaxia. Besides cooperating with him honestly... he also wanted to appeal? Go dreaming!

"I think it's better to forget about the appeal. Let's do what we should do," Qin Zhao said with a wry smile and shrugged indifferently*: "I have no objection, and I am willing to accept a just trial." Anyway, no matter what I say, the women's prison has to go , it's better to save effort and make your old man feel better. . .

"Well, Dean Huang, will the Procuratorate still file a lawsuit against Qin Zhao?" Song Lanjiang seemed satisfied with Qin's self-aware statement, ignored him, and asked Dean Huang of the Procuratorate directly.

"General Secretary, since the client has confessed to the crime he committed, I don't think the procuratorate needs to file a lawsuit against him. It can just let the public security organs hand over the client to the court for sentencing." Dean Huang replied respectfully.

"Well," Song Lanjiang nodded: "As the saying goes, a prince commits the same crime as a commoner when he breaks the law. Although Qin Zhao is Song Lanjiang's nephew, since he has committed the crime of bigamy and self-defense in our country... Director Lu, next What should I do, do you need me to say anything?"

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry..." Shouldn't it be done according to what was discussed earlier? Lu Chao took a deep breath, feeling very helpless about the villainous role assigned to him by the general secretary, and silently saluted Lao Song, saying that he knew how to do it, then went straight to Qin Zhao, and took out a piece of paper from his waist. Deputy handcuffs: "Mr. Qin, you won't blame me for handcuffing you without approving the arrest warrant with the procuratorate, right? Hehe, I hope you can cooperate with our police in this matter."

"Hey, Lu Bureau, why are you being polite to me? I know all of this," Qin Zhao said with a wry smile as Lu Chao cuffed his hands loosely, "Everyone is here to mess around, and it's not easy for anyone. I've already It's time to wear the body of a crime, so there's no need to make things difficult for you again."

"That's good, thank you for understanding..." Lu Chao said yes, and waved to several plainclothes criminal policemen who had been waiting in the crowd. The plainclothes policemen immediately separated from the crowd and came up. Two of them grabbed Qin Zhao's shoulders and pushed him out of the door.

Anyway, I had the experience of being handcuffed and left in public once. After being locked up again, Qin Zhao didn't feel too embarrassed. He just looked at it with guilty eyes and didn't know what happened. Ye Qingling glanced at her and opened her mouth to explain something to her, but in the end she let out a low sigh and lowered her head, letting the plainclothes policemen push her towards the door.

It wasn't until he walked to the door that he heard Ye Qingling's suppressed sobs behind him. Her indistinct sobbing sound was particularly harsh in the Huanya hall where there was no movement at this time...

At about ten o'clock in the morning on the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the sun finally jumped from the top of the mountain and slanted on the two closed dark red iron gates of the Yanzhao Provincial Women's Prison, which was regarded as bringing joy to this rare place for pedestrians. There was a touch of warmth. . . Two sentries in olive green overcoats were standing on a high watchtower with their guns in their arms. Their cotton caps were painted a dazzling white by the frost.

At this time, a blue and white police car appeared on the not-too-wide road leading to the women's prison with flashing lights. Behind this car was a law enforcement car with the word "court" sprayed on its body , The two cars drove to the gate of the prison quickly one after the other.

As soon as the car stopped, it seemed that the people in the prison had been notified long ago. The police car in front honked its horn, and the two large iron doors that were not often opened slowly opened. creaking sound. . . Several female prison guards wearing prison guard uniforms walked out quickly and lined up on both sides of the door.

"Prisoner Li," Wan Nianqing greeted Prisoner Li Juan from the fallen car window, "You happen to be on duty today?"

Warden Li Juan, who was thirty-seven or eighteen years old, had a slightly dark face with professional rigor. After seeing Wan Nianqing greeting her, he smiled faintly and said bluntly, "Deputy Wan, why are you here to escort the prisoner again today? Could it be that this guest who came today can't be bothered?" Lord?"

"Well, I can't help it. This prisoner was personally assigned by Bureau Lu to escort me, so I had to work hard for those sisters..." According to the rules, female prisoners must be escorted by female policemen to the Women's Prison, so Wan Nianqing He and Li Juan said it was a hard trip for the sisters. While the two were talking, the police car slowly drove into the women's prison compound.

As soon as the court law enforcement car following the police car came in, the two iron gates blocked the sunlight that had just reflected on the icy road. The car stopped, Wan Nianqing jumped out of the car, gestured to the car behind, and followed Li Juan to go through the handover procedures.

Two policewomen came to the back door of the court car, helped the driver open the door, and pulled out a woman in a more flamboyant dress. This woman has a wavy hairstyle, wearing a leopard-print fur jacket, and a black leather skirt underneath. She is not short in the first place, and she wears a pair of platform shoes with high soles on her feet. Looking at her attire, it looks like she came from a dusty place. Maybe it's a bit embarrassing to come here as a 'guest', so even though her face is covered by long hair, her head is still hanging low, revealing her not-so-white neck, standing with her arms folded in a 'very shy' Wait there for orders.

"Hey, are you shy here?" A prison guard curled his lips and grabbed her handcuffed arm honestly: "What did you do to come in? Ha, you're not bad, you don't play basketball but you come here Drinking tea here is really a waste of your innate condition." The prison guard himself is 1.7 meters tall, but in front of the female prisoner wearing platform shoes, he had to lift his neck to see her face.

"I, I didn't do anything, maybe the comrades in the police made a mistake..." The female prisoner answered vaguely, her voice was a little hoarse, and she seemed to be sad for the freedom she was about to lose.

"No mistake? Why are you here if you didn't make a mistake? Come on, stop talking nonsense, and follow me." The prison guard sneered, and pushed the female prisoner who felt awkward walking into a deserted room. A female prison guard who was following them followed in with a blue and white prison uniform, put the things in her hand on the only table in the room with a bang, then turned and walked out.

The prison guard flashed back and forth a large number of female prisoners who were obviously not adapted to the environment, and said in a serious tone: "0523, remember this code name. From now on, you will never have a name. From then on, your name will be 0523! From now on, whenever When you hear the prison guard call 0523, you must stand with your feet at attention and raise your head with your hands next to your legs! The first task after entering prison is to recite the rules and regulations that the prison has formulated for you.

"Yes," the female prisoner agreed through her nostrils.

"In the future, when answering questions, you are not allowed to shout yes, you must answer loudly, 'Report to discipline, 0523 understands.' Did you hear me?"

"0523 understands!" The female prisoner's voice suddenly rose, frightening the stern-faced prison guard trembling for no reason. After being stunned for a moment, he slapped the table: "Are you sick? Such a loud voice!"

"You told me to say this just to discipline, 0523 understands!"

Damn it, seeing that one of you is dissatisfied and the other is not, it seems that you are looking for a solution. . . The prison guard who had already put his hand on the rubber stick around his waist, after hearing that the female prisoner who hadn't raised her head very vigilantly followed her instructions to answer the questions, had no choice but to put aside the idea of ​​giving her a stick first, and muttered bitterly. He said, "I don't see that you are a fast learner."

Fuck, I don't know if I answer slowly, I will be punished with a stick? After seeing the prison guard withdrawing his hand from the rubber stick, the female prisoner cursed inwardly, thinking: So the prison guards in the women's prison are also so cruel, teaching people with sticks every now and then.

"0523, why don't you change your clothes?" Just as the female prisoner was obediently listening to the prison guards, Warden Li Juan walked in from the door. He glanced at the 0523 female prisoner with complicated eyes, and said to the prison guard, "Go out first, I have something to say to her."

"Okay, Warden Li." After the prison guard answered and walked out, Li Juan took two steps forward and looked at the female prisoner: "I don't know who you are, but I'll tell you what you want to know." Some situations. Guo Jing is in cell 231. Her code name is 0104. There are eleven people with her, including the three women who came in at the end of December last year... As for your future actions, I will try my best to cooperate Yours, do you understand?"

"Remember," the female prisoner raised her head and smiled. A mouthful of snow-white teeth shone with a healthy luster, which made Li Juan's heart flutter for no reason, coughed hurriedly, and turned her head to the door: "Well, just remember, someone will take you there in a while... Get ready, here, no one but me will know that you are actually an undercover agent, and you are a man."

It's weird that the higher ups would actually send a man to the Women's Prison to perform undercover missions. Fortunately, this kid is quite handsome, but here, the more handsome the person, the more he will be hit. I hope he won't be unable to hold back for a while and ruin the makeup plan this time.

Li Juan looked at Qin Zhao's slightly thin face, and suddenly thought: such a handsome man, I wonder if the female prisoner named Guo Jing will like him?

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