It was still dark in the cell, and the female prisoners were snoring one after another. Guo Jing's eyes were glowing in the dark, she hadn't closed her eyes all night, just staring blankly at her upper bunk, what Qin Zhao said last night rekindled her hope.

Will all this change from dawn? Are his words credible? Alas, I shouldn't have had such high hopes... Guo Jing turned over gently. The pain when she turned over in the past seemed less unbearable now, which made her feel very strange, and she couldn't help grinning. Although it was still dark in front of her eyes, she seemed to see a guy smiling, his teeth were so white, and his smile was so dragging. She couldn't help thinking of the way he laughed, but no matter how much she smiled, she couldn't laugh at his flamboyance.

If you look at his smile, this guy should not be a good person, but a thief. But looking at his eyes, they were extremely clear. It's really strange that he is such a big man, why does he still have such a pair of eyes? Guo Jing turned over again, this time halfway through the turn, she suddenly found a pair of glowing eyes staring at her from the upper bunk, which made her feel tight.

"Why do you toss and turn when you don't sleep?" Qin Zhao yawned and rubbed his nose with his hands, feeling very dissatisfied with Guo Jing who tossed and turned all night. There are still many things to do today, if you don't hurry up Have a good rest, how can you have the energy to cope with future changes?

"I, I can't sleep." Guo Jing replied softly. Qin Zhao is the boss. In Cell 231, he can speak loudly without worrying about others, but she never dares to do so, no matter who is the boss.

"If you can't sleep, you have to sleep hard." Qin Zhao stretched his waist, closed his eyes again and muttered, "If you haven't fallen asleep when I count to ten, then you can climb up and use it as a pillow for me."

"Can't I sleep?" After knowing that he was a man, Guo Jing's face turned red when he remembered that his head was resting on his hair, and then he suddenly smiled inexplicably. She felt that it was only at this time that she laughed out of this guy's flamboyance, and then fell asleep with a smile on her face.

"Get up all the fuck!"

Guo Jing was awakened by Qin Zhao's words. First, he wiped his saliva with his backhand, and then rolled over from the bed like a conditioned reflex, put his hands crossed in front of his lower abdomen, and looked at his toes with his head down. Apart from Yang Huhu and her two accomplices, the other prisoners also got out of bed after Qin Zhao yelled suddenly, and waited respectfully for the boss to speak.

Qin Zhao was sitting on the sixth bunk, supporting the bed with both hands, his feet dangling in front of Guo Jing's eyes. When he saw Yang Laohu and the others yelling at him as the boss, he just moved lazily and didn't move, he grabbed the dirty quilt and threw it at the No. 1 upper bunk at the door.

In the cell, as long as the boss does not speak, the prisoners will not be disturbed even if they sleep until 8:30 in the morning. Before Qin Zhao came, Yang Huhu had always been the boss, except for those guards who came to knock on the door, she had the final say on how long she wanted to sleep. Although her boss has been laid off since yesterday, she has not woken up from this 'cruel' reality in her sleep.

It wasn't until Qin Zhao's thrown quilt hit her that she sat up suddenly, startled for a moment, then rolled out of the bed and stood up with her head bowed regardless of her own pain.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone's dreams, but I have something to tell everyone." First I politely apologized to everyone, and then let everyone listen to him with lowered hands and bowed heads with peace of mind: "Yang Xiaoli, the three of you We all know why we came in, so I won’t say anything. To tell you the truth, I woke you up just to tell you that I’m going to take the little sheep and leave tonight.”

Without waiting for the female prisoners to understand what happened, Qin Zhao went on to say: "Yang Xiaoli, if you are a smart person, you'd better go and confess to the prison later the purpose of your coming in this time. I know, the reason why you are willing You come here for the sake of money. But before I leave, I want to tell you, don’t even think about the money, because the person who promised to give you the money will definitely not live to get you out of prison.”

"Boss Qin, I, I don't understand what you're talking about." Yang Huo wiped his sweat, then timidly raised his head and glanced at Qin Zhao.

"Are you hired by someone to come in and look for the little sheep to get something? Don't think I don't know. I can tell you clearly that the police have long known what you are doing, and the reason why you are allowed to I have been arrogant for the past two months because Little Sheep is too ignorant of flattery, we deliberately let her suffer later."

Now Qin Zhao simply claims to be the police, and he feels that talking about Longteng July with these silly old women may not be as deterrent as the word police: "After a long conversation between me and Little Sheep yesterday, she finally came to her senses. Now, I have to cooperate with our police work, so I have no reason to stay in this ghost place anymore..."

"You, are you a policeman?" Yang Huo looked at Qin Zhao with a look of disbelief, "Undercover?"

"Although you look like a pig, sometimes you are much smarter than a pig." Qin Zhao said lightly, jumped off the upper bunk, and said to the surprised Guo Jing, "I wanted to take you There was a good show of 'prison break', but I thought about it all night and felt that there was no need to do that kind of stupid thing. You just wait here honestly, and wait for me to bring you back the things. We just go."

After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he pulled off the wig vigorously with his backhand, and then wiped the foundation on his face vigorously with his prison uniform. While the prisoners were stunned, he casually left the wig under the bed: "Your eyes did not deceive you, I am a man! But let me declare first that I have no interest in peeking at you peeing and changing clothes, so you are still innocent Yes, hehe."

"You, you are..." Isn't this the person who often dreams about? Is there a will of God in all this? Especially this smile, not bad at all! Guo Jing stared at Qin Zhao with wide eyes, and his heart was pounding!

"Yang Xiaoli," Qin Zhao didn't pay attention to Guo Jing's reaction, walked up to Yang Huhu, and said in a gloomy tone with his smile still fascinated by women, "Actually, our police also know that the person who hired you to the prison is Fu My family, hehe, I just said this to give you a chance to reform yourselves. As long as you take the initiative to confess all this to the prison, I think you will definitely be treated with leniency. If you are still stubborn, what will be the consequences? Think for yourself!"

He, he knows who sent us here! After listening to Qin Zhao's words, Yang Huhu, an unprofessional killer, thumped and sat on the bed with a pale face. Her distraught appearance further confirmed Qin Zhao's conjecture: the three Yang Huhu must have been sent by Wang Chongxun's subordinates who were lurking in the Fu family. Wang Chongxun must have been crazy about the will in Guo Jing's hand, so he changed his mind. The constant pestering of Guo Jing also indirectly caused Lao Tzu to celebrate the New Year here.

Smiling proudly at his reasonable deduction, Qin Zhao said leisurely: "Your nature is not bad, so I gave you this opportunity out of kindness... Yang Xiaoli, tell me that person name!" His last sentence suddenly increased, causing Yang Huhu to shudder suddenly, and blurted out: "Fu Yansen..." But then he understood, and shouted sharply: "You, you lied to me! I don't even know who sent me here! I, I will fight with you!"

"Haha, haha," amidst the loud laughter, Qin Zhao kicked out his right leg and kicked Yang Huhu's 180-pound body onto the bed: "If you are a villain, you will Drink Lao Tzu's footwashing water... Haha, Fu Yansen, yes, I remember the name."

"You lied to me, lied to me, woo woo woo..." Yang Huo struggled to get up, but Qin Zhao's kick was so strong that she covered her stomach and sang softly after crying a few times . But even if she was in such pain, Qin Zhao still didn't let her go. He took a step forward and bent down to grab her fat prison uniform: "Yang Xiaoli, let me tell you again, if you don't go and explain these problems to the prison, Then when I arrested Fu Yansen, I would deliberately reveal that you had confessed him. I think you guys know better than me what the consequences will be."

"Don't do it!" Before Yang Huhu could react, the little demon rabbit and the nine-tailed fox yelled in unison, and both fell to their knees on the ground, thumping their heads on the ground, whimpering: " If you tell someone, our family is in danger..."

"Then it's best to do as I say, or you will be at your own risk." Qin Zhao loosened Yang Huo's clothes, stood up and straightened his clothes: "I'm going out today to make arrangements. When I come back, if I find the little sheep If you are unhappy, then you'd better prepare to pray for your family." After speaking, he walked to the door of the cell and slammed on the iron door: "Open the door, open the door!"

"What the hell are you screaming about? What's the matter if you're sleepy?" After Qin Zhao slammed on the door a few times, Officer Sun's cursing voice sounded from outside.

"Call me Prison Li Juan, I have something to say." Qin Zhao said through the small window on the iron gate.

Seeing that this intractable man was looking for trouble, Guanjiao Sun thought of Guanjiao Qi who was still in the clinic for infusion to reduce swelling, and took a step back with some scruples: "What do you want to do with Warden Li?" Why is her hair so short? This looks more like a man, Sun Guanjiao thought strangely.

"If you are told to go, you will go, where is there so much nonsense?"

"Damn! Who are you talking to? Don't think..." Officer Sun was about to say a few tough words to defend her dignity, but he felt his neck tighten.

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