At ten o'clock in the morning on the second day of the Lunar New Year, the plane of the vanguard of the defense team landed at Mingzhu International Airport.

For reasons of military secrecy, martial law has been imposed on the airport for a short period of time. As soon as the plane came to a complete stop, more than a dozen warrior off-road vehicles stationed in the Pearl Army immediately greeted it.

Qin Zhao was the last one to get off the plane, not because he was shy when he came to Mingzhu, but mainly because Guo Jing, who was so excited last night and didn't sleep all night, slept on his * * all the way, so he had to move around a few times After that, he slowly walked down the spiral staircase and got off the plane. When he saw the soldiers and drivers who came to pick up the plane lined up to salute them, he was sincerely proud of the growing strength of the motherland.

Let Mingzhu return to the embrace of the motherland, which has been the eternal pain in the hearts of all Chinese people in the last century.

Now, all of this has been achieved with the efforts of those great men who will always live in the hearts of the people, and he, Qin Zhao, can also, as a Chinese soldier, set foot on this land where the five-star red flag is flying in the sky. If you don’t laugh For all this, he really couldn't think of what kind of expression to use to face it all.

Guo Jing stared blankly at Qin Zhao who was slowly walking down the spiral staircase, and was really overwhelmed by his smile that was not inferior to the bright sunshine, especially Qin's gesture of returning the salute to the soldiers with standard military salute like a chief , made her feel extremely handsome, and at the same time made her firm in her heart that she would depend on him for life and death, and be one of his many women. Not for anything else, just for the feeling of peace in my heart when this kind of love is by my side.

"Silly girl, why are you just looking at me here if you don't follow the team?" Qin Zhao glanced around, but didn't see the figure of Song Yingxia whom he deliberately avoided along the way. After a long sigh of relief, he stretched out his hand He patted Guo Jing's *, and when he saw her eyes full of unscrupulous infatuation, he said with a little headache: "Okay, let's go, when we get to the barracks to take a rest, I have to worry about how you can get back your belongings." Your stuff is busy."

"Just ask me where the will is, so there's no need to be so hypocritical?" Guo Jing resisted the excitement of stepping on the land of his hometown, gave him a blank look and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of talker." No joke. But can I ask you a question?"

"Ask, as long as I know, I will answer you in every detail. Of course, you'd better not ask me about my relationship, because I heard that your Pearl's paparazzi is the best in the world. Although I admit that I am too charming Only a great talent attracts so many beauties, but I really don't want my private life to become the yearning of Mingzhu's younger generation..."

"Okay, don't brag about yourself here," Guo Jing interrupted Qin Zhao's words in a really good mood, and said as he walked towards a car side by side with him, "I just want to ask you, do you help me?" After I return to Maohai, will I immediately return to the mainland?"

"Of course, because my home is in the mainland, and this time I came to the Pearl because of you." Qin Zhao was talking, his eyes kept looking around, he was looking for Song Yingxia's shadow, Just now, he was just expressing emotion on the spiral staircase, but he ignored where this little cousin who gave him a headache went.

"But if I can't take over, won't you be able to leave?"

Um? What does she mean by that? After hearing what Guo Jing said, Qin Zhao's heart moved: She must not deliberately not take the lead and risk the sea just because she is obsessed with Lao Qin.

"Ask you something, why don't you speak?"

"I have to think about what you said." At this moment, the two of them walked to the last off-road vehicle waiting for them to board. Qin Zhao walked to the front of the car, held the door, turned to Guo Jing and said, "Guo Jing, I understand your feelings for me very well. It is false to say that you don’t want to be with a beautiful and energetic girl, but I really have two wives now. If you continue to degenerate for me, I will be very sad It's hard to be human..."

"I don't care about that. If you don't agree to me, you will never complete your mission in Mingzhu." Guo Jing ran away from home when he was just sensible. Kidnapping and stealing, as long as she can survive, there is nothing she can't do. Especially in the last few years, in order to avoid being chased by the Maohai Group, she naively thought that hiding in prison would escape them. But in fact, her encounters in prison made her want to commit suicide several times.

A girl who has endured all kinds of hardships and sins, after meeting Qin Zhao, who claims to be handsome and charming, someone from Qin not only provided her with a chest wider than the Pacific Ocean, but also made her feel a harbor that was safer than Normandy ...Especially if he still has the heart to release his masculine charm to her, if Guo Jing doesn't reach out to grab the happiness that comes to her door, then all the sufferings she has suffered before will be in vain.

Guo Jing, who has experienced the trials and tribulations of life, finally set foot on the land of his hometown, and threw out the trump card he had prepared a long time ago: If you don't agree to me, then you just wait!

Hold! This little girl is playing the trick of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, right?

After hearing what Guo Jing said, Qin Zhao cursed in his heart, leaned his back against the car door with an upright face, and said sincerely, regardless of the driver's eagerness to catch up with the car in front, "Guo Jing, if you threaten me with this If I say it, the beautiful image you left for me will really be shattered! As long as you get everything that belongs to you, as a girl who is neither short of money nor beautiful, I want to watch the sunset hand in hand with you. Men, you should be able to line up to the sea from here, right?"

"But I'm already a broken flower, and besides you, I will never have any feelings for any man in my heart again!" Guo Jing pulled Qin Zhao's hands away fearlessly, and stubbornly raised his chin: " I know I'm not good enough for you, but I'm relying on you! Qin Zhao, now I can have a showdown with you, if you don't agree to marry me, then you can never complete the mission! As long as you can't complete the mission, then you are in Mingzhu Stay forever!"

"You child, how can you talk like this?" Qin Zhao was really anxious when he heard Guo Jing say such unreasonable words, and took a step forward to grab her shoulders again: "Emotions can't be forced, Even if I agree to you in order to complete the task, you should feel that I don't mean that to you. Do you hope that your future husband doesn't have feelings for you? Besides, I already have so many women. "

"I don't care about this, I just clearly remember that when I was fleeing outside, in order to fill my stomach, I did everything except killing people! As a girl, the experiences I encountered were not for you, a man. I thought of it! At that time, I swore to God that if I had the opportunity not to be bullied again in the future, even if I died, I would hold on tightly and not let go." Because of his excitement, Guo Jing spoke extremely fast, almost screaming. : "You left after completing the task, but what should I do?"

How do I know what to do with you? Do whatever you like, I won't be with you anyway. Qin Zhao smiled, and made another shrug that he hadn't done for a long time.

"Don't be silent, tell me quickly, what should I do if you leave?"

Guo Jing grabbed the collar of Qin Zhao's straight military uniform with his backhand, and burst into tears under the driver's surprised eyes: "I have thought a lot about this journey, the country let you do this because of those shares, and you did this because of you I have a mission! But you, who has thought about me? I have been living in the dark for more than ten years, just when I was desperate, it was you who broke into my life! If I watch Let my parents close their eyes and ignore me, so what if I go back to Mingzhu? After all, will I always live in the shadow of the past, and will commit suicide sooner or later?"

"But, but even if you followed me, did your previous experience change? Don't you live in the shadows?" Qin Zhao never thought that Guo Jing, nicknamed Little Sheep, would be so crazy. On the one hand, this made him a little at a loss.

"It's different, I know that although you say you don't care about being pestered by a woman like me, I can see your pity for me from your eyes, haha," Guo Jing said with a wry smile as he wiped away tears with his backhand : "I can clearly see your love for me from your eyes. I don't know if this is the only wealth left to me by those darkness?"

Have I ever felt sorry for her? Uh, it seems a little bit, but I can't remember...

"Just take pity on me, okay?" Seeing Qin Zhao's silence, Guo Jing couldn't help sobbing in a low voice: "I, I'm really afraid that I won't have any relatives to protect me...I told you so much It appeared in my dream for the first time, why didn't you believe it?"

Does love need to be pitiful? Am I your relative?

Thinking of this in his heart, Qin Zhao sighed heavily, and pulled Guo Jing into his arms: "Thank you for treating me as your relative, then I will promise you for the time being, and you will gradually understand in the future. Things are mutually pleasing, not maintained by pity."

"I don't care!" Guo Jing put his hands around Qin Zhao's neck, raised his face and roared, "Except for those hooligans who bullied me, you are the man who has treated me the best in the past ten years! You are pitiful to me, yes It doesn't matter if two loves are happy in life, I just know that when I have you by my side, I can sleep soundly!"

"So that I can sleep soundly in the future, promise me, okay?" Guo Jing shouted this sentence in a low voice, and before Qin Zhao could say anything, he stood on tiptoe and kissed his mouth fiercely.

Afraid that Guo Jing's emotional fluctuations would lead to the miscarriage of this mission, so Qin Zhao had no choice but to let her 'ravage' himself enough, then patted her on the shoulder against his will, and said softly: "Okay, whatever How about it, I promise you... Let's get in the car first, shall we? People are waiting for us."

"I know you're trying to comfort me, but I'm still really happy." Guo Jing also saw that the cars in front had stopped to wait for them, so he blotted out embarrassingly: "Oh, let's go .Qin Zhao, if one day you leave me quietly, then I will commit suicide immediately."

After Guo Jing said the words that made Qin Zhao dumbfounded, he took the first step to open the door, then he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Sister Xiao Song, so you are also in this car."

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