After being beaten up by Qin Zhao, Cui Zhixuan, who was lying on the ground, shook his head vigorously as if in a dream, and didn't understand what was going on for a while.

However, his situation was much stronger than Liu Yafei's. At least Guo Jing didn't rush up and stomp his face a few times at this time, which made him a little bit sober after he spit out a front tooth. Although the beaten eyes couldn't be opened, and his head was screaming loudly, he still tried his best to widen his eyes to see who the face in front of him was, but this time his eyes were no longer as murderous as before. It was replaced by a kind of unconcealable fear.

"Tell me, how does Wang Chongxun plan to deal with Guo Jing, and how many accomplices do you have in the gymnasium?" Qin Zhao stood up straight and shook his sore right hand a few times. It seems that the next time I hit someone, I still have to use my fists. I always slap someone like this. Although it is very enjoyable, but... Damn, my hands hurt!

"I, I don't understand you, what do you mean by that." Cui Zhixuan opened his mouth with difficulty, because he lost his front teeth and began to lose his temper when speaking.

"We have a saying in China that those who know the current affairs are a hero. It seems that you are not a hero. Of course, there is also a saying that you will not cry if you don't see a coffin, but there is no coffin for you to see here, so let's find something else to make do with it." Right, Guo Jing?" Qin Zhao ignored him, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"Professor Qin." Guo Jing didn't understand why Qin Zhao called her at this time, so he hurried over.

"Go, I enjoyed watching you stomp on that woman just now, please do the same to this Mr. Cui a few more times, lest he pretend to be stupid here."

"You, didn't you object to me doing that just now? Why..." Hearing that Qin Zhao supported her in stomping people, Guo Jing looked at Cui Zhixuan lying on the ground, his face was full of excitement that he wanted to kill and then quickly, and the pain under his feet The high-heeled shoes couldn't help rubbing against the floor a few times, and the chirping sound made Cui Zhixuan finally understand why Liu Yafei's face became like that.

"Now I suddenly feel that your posture is so handsome. Come on, hurry up, we still have something to do after asking him."

"Okay then, you asked me to do this, so don't say that I've gone too far." Guo Jing shrugged* making a look of reluctance, and with his trouser legs in his hands, he came to Cui Zhixuan, He raised his foot to face his face and stomped down hard.

"Ah..." Following Cui Zhixuan's long howl, Qin Zhao turned his head with a look of pity.

As the saying goes, don't pretend to be a man, otherwise you will be struck by lightning. Although the soles of Guo Jing's high-heeled shoes are not the same as the thunderbolts struck by Master Lei Gong, the soles that are so pointed and long like large iron nails will hurt for a while when stepped on, not to mention Cui Zhixuan's well-maintained little white face? As if he didn't hear his screams, watching Guo Jing raise his legs and land suddenly, stomping was the one that exhilarated.

If this woman had been hired by the Japanese devils to extract a confession from the underground party a few years earlier, maybe Sister Jiang would have turned her back... Hearing Cui Zhixuan's miserable howl, Qin Zhao lit a cigarette and smoked a few slowly After he felt that this guy might have had enough of Guo Jing's 'serial feet', he turned around and stretched out his hand to grab Guo Jing who was already out of breath: "Cough, pause, you go to rest for a while, the next thing I'll do it."

The pointy soles of the shoes were covered with blood, but Guo Jing's eyes were full of enthusiasm. If Qin Zhao hadn't held her back, she might not have destroyed Cui Zhixuan to a certain extent. Look at the old Comrade Cui, who looked like a successful person before, his face is now covered with blood, and there are several white spots. His eyes, which he barely opened just now, can no longer be seen. Apart from howling with his hands covering his head, he has no aura that a man should have, which is really embarrassing to the proud Koreans.

There's no way, even a hardened head has to surrender under the coercion of the soles of high heels, right?

"Student Cui, let me ask you again, how do you think about my question just now?" Qin Zhao squatted down, squeezed a cigarette that he had smoked a few times, and stuffed it on Cui Zhixuan's trembling lips: "In the future Don’t act like you’re great anymore, remember that you must be as low-key as I am... Tell me, apart from you two scumbags, who else did Wang Chongxun send into the gymnasium?”

"I..." Cui Zhixuan took a puff of cigarette subconsciously, the sedative effect of nicotine made his trembling slightly lighter, and looked at the smiling Qin Zhao through his narrowed eyes: "Except for me and Ya Otherwise, no one will come..."

"Guo Jing?" Qin Zhao became a little impatient when he saw that this guy looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. To be honest, although he didn't mind playing with Cui Zhixuan here for a while, he was still worried about what might happen to Song Yingxia outside, although no one knew her identity. After calling out to Guo Jing, he pointed at his face: "Have you rested yet? If you are so light-hearted again this time, it won't be your turn to have such a good thing next time."

"Don't, don't, don't!" Cui Zhixuan raised his head suddenly, looked at the pair of shiny high heels trembling all over, especially when he saw the faint blood stains on the heels, he burst into tears in extreme panic: " Huh, don't torture me anymore, can't I tell you everything?"

"Damn it, the Korean stick is a bitch." Qin Zhao waved his hand to stop Guo Jing, who was eager to try again, and cursed: "Tell me, besides you two, who else is here in this gymnasium? Wang Chongxun wanted to get that What plan did you make in this will? Also, how did you recognize this Yaolan?" As he spoke, he took the Yaolan that Guo Jing had been holding tightly in his hand, and let the cold blade cling to it. around his neck.

The icy blade made Cui Zhixuan shudder smartly, and began to speak vigorously: "On the second day of the first lunar month, Wang Dong and Wang Chongxun already knew that Miss Guo came to Mingzhu, but he never Find your whereabouts. Yafei and I came here tonight to attend the New Year's party. I didn't expect to meet Miss Guo here. I really don't know if anyone will recognize you besides us. As for I recognized this Yaolan because he accidentally revealed it to Yafei after being drunk once."

"Our Seven Killers Gang only came to Mingzhu in October last year. Except for our boss who can barely be regarded as being trusted by Wang Chongxun, besides the Japanese, the people who often hang out with him are some Caucasians," Cui Zhixuan was afraid of Guo Jing. The high-heeled shoes touched my face again, so I really said everything I knew, and in the end because I couldn't speak, my words were a bit intermittent: "I, I told you everything I know, if I, I still hide it If anything, then let me die badly, woo woo..."

"Fuck!" Seeing that Cui Zhixuan was always sobbing and choking like an abandoned woman, Qin Zhao cursed: "Korean Seven Killers? Why haven't I heard of this name before? What is the origin of your boss? , what's the name again?"

"The Seven Killing Gang was formed the year before last. The boss is called Jin Minghao. He is a retired South Korean special force."

It turned out that the Seven Killers Gang was like those third-rate stars in South Korea. They came to Mingzhu to find gold. No wonder they had only heard of the Korean Rose Gang before but never heard of this gang. Thinking that it took so much effort to catch the two cheaters tonight, Qin Zhao felt dull.

Standing up very boring, Qin Zhao persuaded: "Your boss is called Jin Minghao, right? Well, I remember. Mr. Cui, if you offend me tonight, I hope you will forgive me. I mean you go back In the end, it is best not to tell what happened tonight. Of course, the best result is to return to the place where you were born and raised. Huaxia is a very dangerous place compared to you guys. If obsession and obsession get involved in this matter, then next time it won’t end like this.”

Is this a good end? After Cui Zhixuan waited for Qin and Guo to walk away, looking at the motionless junior sister, he couldn't help feeling sad...

Although he didn't get what he wanted from Cui Zhixuan, at least Qin Zhao knew that Wang Chongxun had already started to make a series of actions against Guo Jing. But what makes him feel depressed is that Cui Zhixuan is not sure about the origin of some Caucasian people beside Comrade Wang. It seems that Guo Jing must continue to be used as bait... It is necessary to change Guo Jing in a very short time. It's a bit of a headache to deal with the fact that I'm ignorant, and I have to deal with the troubles that follow.

Of course, Qin Zhao wouldn't mind playing with them if Song Yingxia wasn't around, but that obsessive little cousin... Well, Qin Zhao sighed inwardly, and walked out naturally holding Guo Jing's hand into the bathroom. He was too busy thinking about his own affairs, but he didn't notice the brilliance on Guo Jing's face: I must hold on to this man, definitely, I swear!

On the temporary dance floor of the gymnasium, many handsome men and women were still posing to the music, so that Qin Zhao couldn't find Song Yingxia at all.

Where has she gone? Qin Zhao walked around the dance floor slowly, Guo Jing let him hold her hand without saying a word, his heart was full of happiness and security, and he only hoped that the two of them would keep spinning like this.

Knowing that she might not hear Song Yingxia calling in such a messy environment, Qin Zhao still took out his mobile phone and called Song Yingxia. There was a long beeping sound from the mobile phone soon, which meant that Song Yingxia's mobile phone was not turned off, but no one answered it.

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