It’s the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, and this Spring Festival is almost over. People who should be going to work, those who should go to school, and those who should be begging are still wandering around the gate of the Pearl University. When they see the students with bright clothes coming, they look sad. Stretching out the broken bowl in her hand: "You kind girls, you should be pitiful..." "Sister Taozi, do you have any change with you?" Jing Hongxue turned to Taozi and said, "My bag is in the He forgot to take it in the car, so you can just give him some change."

"Hey, what are you giving? Didn't you see that he was tucking his phone in his waist?" Tao Zi glanced at the beggar: "Your brother even has a phone, and he opened his mouth to ask for money.

Well, have you seen it, it must be comfortable to go there to bask in the sun. "

Pointing to a place at the school gate, Tao Zi had a smirk on her face.

"Cough, cough, sin, sin, you are simply rich and unkind."

The beggar saw that the three youthful girls on the opposite side saw through his tricks, coughed a few times, walked around them without any red face, and said to a young couple who hurried over: "Good girl!" ..." Jing Hongxue and Taozi Lanfeng looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly and walked into the campus with a wry smile.

In this ever-changing society, even begging has become a shortcut to making a fortune. I really don’t know why there are so many old-fashioned people who say that they are useless all day long.

Today is the second day of school, and it is also the first day of school officially after the Spring Festival.

Just like counting the time in the past, it was five minutes before eight o'clock, and the three of Jing Hongxue walked into the classroom.

After entering the classroom, the three of them walked towards their seats without looking at them, but before sitting down, Jing Hongxue smiled at Song Yingxia who was sitting behind her.

Although Song Yingxia could no longer recognize her as Minister Jing when she was in Qingdao Tianhe Group, Jing Hongxue knew that she was Qin Zhao's cousin.

Song Yingxia stared blankly at the table, even Jing Hongxue ignored Liu Fei's captivating smile, she just stared blankly at the table, making Jing Hongxue think there was something fascinating on the table.

If it wasn't for the red circles under her eyes, as if she had been crying for a long time, Jing Hongxue would have greeted her with a word such as 'Morning'.

Concerned about why Song Yingxia seemed to be crying for a long time, Jing Hongxue took out the books used in class.

At this time, the head of the department came in.

Because the students in this MBA class and the college students are completely different types of people, everyone consciously avoided the process of standing up and saying 'Hello, teacher'.

The head of the department also thinks so, even the smile on his face is much brighter than when he entered the classroom of the current students.

"Everyone, today is the first day of our official school..." The head of the department, the old man, said some innocuous words of encouragement first, and then said: "In order to make everyone obsessed with learning, the school can maintain a healthy * , so starting from this semester, I deliberately put the physical education class in the first class in the morning, now, let us welcome the new teacher Qin with warm applause, he will be your physical education teacher in the future, everyone welcome!" After the head of the department finished speaking, he had long expected that these social elites would not be impressed by his words, and would not follow his words to give the new Professor Qin applause and encouragement. Walking to the door, he opened the door and said to Qin Zhao who was already waiting outside, "Professor Qin, I will leave this to you. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time... Hehe, you don't have to be polite to me. It's all my job.

Well, it's time for class, so I won't bother you. "

After being polite with the head of the department, Qin Zhao took a deep breath and straightened the tie around his neck again before turning around.

I have no choice but to teach these social elites as a high school student. Although it is only a physical education class, it would be a lie to say that I am not nervous, especially since I have never done this kind of coaxing children before... Entering the classroom, Without squinting, he walked up to the podium, turned his right foot outwards, and rolled the heel of his left foot on the ground. He used a standard military turn to face the fifty or sixty male and female students in the class. Qin Zhao swallowed shyly. Spitting, staring straight at the back wall of the classroom: "Hi everyone, nice to meet you all, first allow me to introduce myself.

My surname is Qin, the Qin of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty.

The name is Xiaozhao, Xiaozhao from Yumenguan who is not in the spring breeze..." According to Song Yingxia's teaching, Qin Zhao read out his self-introduction verbatim in a relatively blunt tone.

He knew that Song Yingxia and Guo Jing were in this classroom. If there hadn't been the incident last night, according to the original plan, if he was nervous, he could just stare at the faces of Song Yingxia and Guo Jing.

But now he didn't dare to look at Song Yingxia at all. When he was outside the classroom just now, he didn't even dare to look inside to see where Song Yingxia was.

Let the girl cry all night, in the words of the beggars: sin, sin.

Qin Zhao just looked straight at the back wall of the classroom, and finished his self-introduction according to the script at a very fast speed.

Damn, these guys are just as Yingxia guessed, they won't even give a few rounds of applause... But Yingxia, you and Guo Jing should also applaud to embolden me, how embarrassing is it for me to be so lifeless? He muttered a few curses in his heart, and after failing to hear the scheduled applause, Qin Zhao didn't bother to proceed according to the plan... If there were no accidents, the next thing should be in the "warm" applause of Song Yingxia and Guo Jing, someone Use the right hand that is used to touching weapons and beauties* to write the soul-stirring three words 'Qin Zhao' on the blackboard.

But since even the girl Guo Jing didn't give any applause and encouragement, he didn't bother to write any more names.

Qin always pays attention to the principle of "You respect me one foot, I will return you one foot". Since the people in this classroom don't like him as an associate professor at all, not only is he no longer nervous, but relaxed after a few seconds of silence. down.

Throwing the chalk that had been prepared in his hand on the lecture table casually, looked at the rolling chalk with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and said: "Okay..." 'Okay' these two As soon as the words were spoken, a crisp applause sounded from among the students.

From the common sense that clapping his hands together produces an air explosion and crackling sound, Qin Zhao can conclude that the applauding person is clapping with almost all his strength.

After all, someone is willing to welcome Lao Tzu, Qin Zhao smiled proudly.

In order to show his proper demeanor, he didn't look up to see who was applauding him.

If according to what he discussed with Song Yingxia, after Yingxia and Guo Jing's "slightly" lonely applause sounded, he should raise his hands and make a downward movement at the right time.

The reason for doing this is nothing more than imitating the pretense of some leaders after talking nonsense on the rostrum.

However, Qin Zhao can now be sure that the applause for him is definitely not Song Yingxia, nor Guo Jing.

Because Song Yingxia must still be angry with him up to now, if he doesn't take the opportunity to tease him, it is because everyone is relatives, there is absolutely no reason to cooperate with him.

As for Guo Jing, needless to say, that silly wishful girl didn't have the guts to applaud in this classroom full of heroes.

Qin has always been very confident in his ability to figure out a woman's psychology.

So, who is this person? Just when Qin Zhao raised his hands to make a dignified downward gesture, there was new applause added to the applause just now, even louder than the previous applause. Exercising*... Qin Zhao finally couldn't help raising his head, followed the applause, and then he saw a flower-like girl standing there clapping her hands vigorously, and then she was dumbfounded... Yes On the podium, Jing Hongxue dismissed the words of the head of the department just like all the students. Even after hearing some new professors come in, she still looked down at the book too much.

But when the voice of the man she thought about day and night came from the podium, an urge to cry made her feel as if an electric current was flowing through her body, she suddenly raised her head, and then saw her eyes staring directly at the back wall, Qin Zhao introduced himself like a book.

You are finally here, finally willing to see me! Jing Hongxue clenched her hands tightly, tears gleamed in her eyes, she didn't even notice that Tao Zi stretched out her hand to pull her sleeve, and just stared at Qin Zhao 'seriously'.

She didn't hear what he said, but as long as she could see him standing in front of her, that was enough! "How did you lose so much weight? But you still have the same spirit... Very good, very good."

When Jing Hongxue murmured these words, she realized that her sleeves were being pulled by someone. She turned her head subconsciously, and saw Taozi with eyes gleaming with excitement, and she opened her mouth and said silently: "He's here!" Ah, he's here!" Yes, he's here! He's here! Tears flowed down her pure white cheeks, and when she saw Qin Zhao's face drooping with her head down, Jing Hongxue suddenly slapped her hands vigorously and stood up.

Seeing her standing up and applauding so vigorously, Tao Zi and Lan Feng looked at each other and smiled, stood up and clapped their hands at the same time.

Don't you give him a round of applause? After Qin Zhao came in, Guo Jing took a sneak peek at Song Yingxia, but seeing her expression of indifference and indifference, she quietly withdrew her hand that was just about to be raised. When the professor applauded to welcome her, he saw the girl in front of her clapping her hands desperately, and even stood up.

How is this going? Guo Jing was stunned for a moment, then saw two girls standing up and applauding vigorously together.

Moved by their high enthusiasm, Guo Jing finally let go of all his worries, stood up suddenly, and let his own applause join the welcome of "Professor Qin is warmly welcome to teach in my classroom"...

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