Song Lieming grabbed the number plate in Song Yingxia's hand, Song Yingxia pressed the table firmly with his left hand, and held up the sign with his right hand stubbornly, as if what he was holding was not a sign, but hope!

"Welcome to summer!" Song Lieming whispered his sister's name, his tone full of blame: "Do you know what you are doing? Who is Xiao Zhao's heart on? You saw it clearly just now, why are you so obsessed with it? Quick, put down the sign, let's go."

"500,000!" Song Yingxia said after shouting out the new high: "Brother, if I don't leave, I must take this painting! Brother, I know that you have loved me the most since you were a child. I have always been that little girl who was pampered and whose life was arranged by you long ago. But today I want to tell you that I have grown up! I want to go on the path I chose... 600,000!"

While Song Yingxia and his sister were talking, Liu Fei had already crazily called out a sky-high price of 550,000 yuan, so she added 50,000 yuan without hesitation.

"'re so confused!" Song Lieming closed his eyes in pain, and the hand holding her trembled slightly. If he wanted to take the sign back by force, it would be a breeze, but he didn't dare, because the moment he opened his eyes, he saw the desperate determination in his sister's eyes.

She has never been like this since she was a child...

"Song Yingxia, I will not let you succeed! The more you want to take a picture of this man, the more I will insult him here!" Liu Fei pressed his hands on the table bitterly, just about to shout sixty At 50,000, I felt a pain in the back of my neck, and then I didn't know anything. It turned out that Xiaomei Zhizi saw that he was getting more and more crazy, and was afraid that he would cause some accidents to ruin the plan, so she had to cut him unconscious with a backhand.

In the other corner of the hall, ever since Ye Shuiliu saw that Liu Fei was about to take the picture, his eyes had shown dissatisfaction. At the same time, he also became very interested in the big David who never gave up, so he made a gesture of tightening his fingers to a few foreigners who were not far from the entrance of the hall by drinking. .

Those foreigners, after seeing Ye Shuiliu's hint, looked at each other, and then walked out of the hall ahead of time.

Liu Fei was knocked unconscious by his mother. As for how he will "punish" Xiaomei Zhizi after waking up, we may not be lucky enough to see... But what makes him feel relieved is that although he can no longer "fight" However, the European David kept holding the banner high and continued to attack Song Yingxia fiercely: "700,000!"

"Yingxia, there are many paths in life. Even if you don't follow the path drawn out by the old man, you can't take this path of no return. Yingxia, listen to my brother, some things really have to be given up, don't Don't be obsessed with it anymore." Song Lieming was completely shocked by the great perseverance emanating from Song Yingxia's thin body, and the hand that grabbed her number plate slowly fell, and began to persuade her earnestly.

"Eight hundred thousand!" After shouting out the price, Song Yingxia ignored the silence of the audience, and the audience all looked at him fixedly, and said in a low voice: "Brother, I'm sorry. Do you know, love, so It can make a person so devastated, it can make people cry like this, it can make people so unforgettable... In fact, my love does not need others to understand. I am not greedy, alas, I just want God to bless and let He can see my sincerity, other things, I don't want to know."

"Host, auctioneer, can you wait a moment? I want to make a phone call, but it will take a few minutes at most." After Song Yingxia called out 800,000 yuan, David, who had always thought he was sure of winning, finally lost his composure and stood up. The auctioneer and host made this unreasonable request.

According to the rules of the auction, it is impossible to make such an unreasonable request. If you can't make a new offer before the auctioneer shouts out the third time, it means that even if you bring a wagonload of cash later, you won't be able to get a new price. Impossible to get what you want. However, since this painting has attracted so much attention, it is likely that it contains meanings that most people do not know.

Now that this ordinary "Macho Picture" has reached the same price as Zheng Banqiao, it is appropriate to extend the time, give the client a little room for discussion and thinking, and give yourself a chance to get more rewards. The host and auctioneer can still occasionally An exception. So after David made this request, the host and the auctioneer discussed in a low voice, and then said: "Sir, at most one minute, it will cause dissatisfaction with others after a long time."

"Ouke, thank you, thank you," David also knew that this was not allowed at the auction, but Song Yingxia did not lodge a protest in a timely manner, so he took out his mobile phone while thanking him repeatedly, and quickly dialed a phone number.

As soon as the call was connected, he hurriedly said: "Miss Kerlins, I'm David, the portrait at the scene has already been carried to 800,000, don't you know if we will continue to shoot? Hmm... ...It's a girl, I don't know her name yet, but from the aura she exudes, it can be seen that she is not from the business world, but she has a kind of majesty that is used to giving orders... Well, okay, okay ,I see."

"Notify the Guangdong electronic reconnaissance team to quickly capture all the radio waves of the Pearl Xiangyun Hotel in the direction of seven o'clock, and analyze all the communication addresses within one minute!"

When David asked for a timeout and the host gave him another minute, Suning didn't bother to go with Song Lieming to persuade Song Yingxia, and immediately gave an order to the Mingzhu Intelligence Branch through the phone in a low voice and quickly. She must find out the true identity of David and the mastermind behind him, and she did not hesitate to use the mainland's electronic reconnaissance troops for this, which is really tough.

Qin Zhao has no time to think about how much others pay for his own portrait. Xiaomei Zhizi's fluttering movement of chopping Liu Fei unconscious with her palm has already made him and monk Xiaopeng wary of this beautiful woman who doesn't know how old she is. As for what Song Yingxia said, he didn't take it to heart at all. He always thought that she was being favored and proud. For this little cousin who didn't know what to do, he finally chose to ignore it.

You can make trouble if you have the ability, I don't care anyway.

After Suning gave the order to his subordinates, Qin Zhao then put his mouth next to her ear: "I want the exact information of Xiaomei Gardenia, and it must be detailed. I think the fox's tail is finally going to be exposed. "

Although the official position is bigger than Qin Zhaoda, and someone ended up surrendering in bed, but when Suning ordered her in a tone that could not be resisted, she obediently answered 'Y' and immediately dialed the phone number. The quickness of the phone call almost moved Qin so much that he almost kissed her on the cheek.

Song Lieming is having a headache now, he is starting to realize how wrong it is for Song Lanchuan to send this precious daughter to Mingzhu, because he has never heard the words about love in a way, and it is coming from this little sister who used to be a little sister Say: "Brother, my blood boils only for him, life is beautiful only because of him, happiness is only for him, love exists only for him... Believe me, I won't handle this by myself, Okay? Please."

Third Uncle, I can't control your precious daughter, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed... After swallowing hard, Song Lieming looked at her for ten seconds, and then said with difficulty: "Then you can do it yourself!"

"900,000! I'll offer 900,000!" Just as table 32 was in a mess, David had already disconnected the phone.

Now that he has been given exact orders from above, all he needs to do next is to carry them out resolutely. Although he didn't understand at all, why did Miss Kailins, who made all men envious, spend 900,000 yuan to get this man's portrait... just to prove whether this man is Qin Zhao? This cost nine hundred thousand? Damn, is she out of her mind, or is she really having an affair with this Asian man?

It is very impolite to comment on the boss in private, so David forced himself not to think about it. After putting down the phone, he immediately called out a quotation that shocked everyone.

"900,000! The gentleman at table 6 has already bid 900,000! Is there any higher bid? 900,000 for the first time..." If the auctioneer hadn't been holding the hammer hard, the auctioneer might really have to pay for it. Let the hammer fall and hit him on the head: Are these people fucking crazy? A simple portrait of a character fetched a sky-high price of 900,000 yuan! Ou Ye, Mai Gada, am I dreaming? That much high salary I can draw from this painting?

"One million! If this gentleman still wants to continue to increase the price, then I can tell you that no matter how high the price you raise, I will be one hundred thousand higher than you!" Song Yingxia didn't even blink her eyes, and then shouted A million, with these words sent to David.

The meaning of these words is simple and clear, don't say you paid 900,000, even if you paid 9 million, I will be 100,000 higher than you! I just want to smash you to death with money, come if you have the ability!

After hearing Song Yingxia's domineering words, the flashlights in the hands of all the reporters immediately lit up. This made someone from Qin who was with Song Yingxia feel very troubled, but he had to show a hypocritical face of 'I'm so honored'.

"One million! One million! This lady has already paid one million...Sir, do you still need to call?" The auctioneer excitedly snatched the microphone from the host, and kindly reminded No. 6 David at the table: "We can give you another minute."

My mission is complete. It seems that the man in the painting is indeed the 'Mister Qin' that Miss Kerrins has been asking about. It's time for me to go back and receive the reward.

David breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and straightened his collar, waved his hands in a very gentlemanly 'N' gesture, then smiled ambiguously at Qin Zhao, turned and walked towards the door, and at the same time let the auctioneer There was a trace of disappointment in the teacher's eyes.

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