On the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, Qing Island.

On this day, Qing Island is sunny and sunny, and the warm wind blowing from the depths of the sea caresses this beautiful coastal city. In addition, the Spring Festival is not long, and the breath of the year has not completely faded away. People are like knitting, and there is a scene of prosperity everywhere.

At 7:30 in the morning, accompanied by Cao Binger and Tie Molei, Ye Qingling drove out of the Qin family's villa. Before going out, Song Lanxia, ​​who had been nagging her most of the night asking her to give Xiao Zhao a baby as soon as possible, told them to come back early today, because today is Grandpa Qin Zhao's memorial day.

According to the local customs of Qingdao, newly married daughters-in-law have to go to the grave on the first year of marriage, the old man's memorial day.

That means that we have added someone to our family, so we have to tell the old man in that world, which can be regarded as good news. Although this has a strong superstitious color, when Ye Qingling saw the smiling expectation in Qin Tianhe's eyes last night, she still readily agreed.

Although Qin Zhao is very dishonest when he is looking for flowers and willows outside, and Ye Qingling is a bit inexplicable as a newlywed wife, but now she also has a very helpless sense of satisfaction. The helplessness is because she is not someone's only wife, and the satisfaction is because the two elders of the Qin family only asked her to go to the Qin family's ancestral grave to worship, but did not inform Suning. This shows that in the hearts of the two elders of the Qin family, she is Qin. Someone's real wife.

"Okay, mom," Ye Qingling poked her head out of the car window with a blushing face, and waved goodbye to Song Lanxia with a smile like the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain: "I must go to Luoxia Mountain before ten o'clock Yes, you and Dad can rest assured."

Since marrying Qin Zhao with Suning in Jinghua, Ye Qingling changed her name to Song Lanxia's mother after returning to Qingdao, which made Qin's mother very happy.

Sweetly agreed, until the Mercedes-Benz driven by Tie Molei disappeared from sight, Song Lanxia walked into the yard lightly hitting his back with his hand, and said loudly: "Old man, you shave Do you have to spend the whole morning? It's really strange that you are getting more and more cute as you get older, don't you want to provoke little girls outside like your precious son?"

"Wife, what are you talking about? Didn't I dress younger to make you look good?" Old Qin muttered from the bathroom...

At ten o'clock in the morning on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, Ye Qingling changed into a bright red cheongsam from the suite in the president's office after finishing all the work at hand.

On the day when the new daughter-in-law went to worship the old man in front of the grave in the first year of marriage, she had to change into a festive wedding dress, although Ye Qingling usually didn't like to wear such flamboyant clothes at all.

After tidying up a bit, Ye Qingling called Li Dan into the office. Under the 'amazing' gaze of this little girl, President Ye shyly and proudly instructed a few things about the company, then called Tie Molei, and the two drove away from the headquarters of Tianhe Group.

According to the agreement with Qin Tianhe, after they left the headquarters of Tianhe Group, they would drive directly to Luoxia Mountain Cemetery.

During the chatting between the two of them, the car arrived at Luoxia Mountain Cemetery. After stopping the car, Tie Molei checked his phone, it was ten twenty-three in the morning.

Ye Qingling got out of the car and looked up the not-too-high mountain, and saw Qin Tianhe and his wife who were placing sacrifices in front of a tombstone at a glance. Turning around, he smiled with Tie Molei, indicating that he can turn around freely, then grabbed the cheongsam between his crotch with both hands, stepped on the green grass that was just about to emerge with red high heels, and walked towards that side gracefully .

After seeing Ye Qingling meeting with the elders of the Qin family, Tie Mole, who was slowly following her, stopped and leaned against a pine and cypress, took out a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and casually looked around.

The scenery of Luoxia Mountain is very good, and the atmosphere is very quiet. Apart from the pines and cypresses all over the mountain, there are tombstones standing there one by one, which gives people a sense of solemnity that they don't want to speak loudly.

Not far from the Qin family's ancestral grave, two people were squatting in front of a tombstone, pulling burning paper. It is not difficult to see from the woman's red dress that this is probably a newlywed couple who also came to worship their ancestors.

Arriving in front of the Qin family ancestor's grave, Ye Qingling followed Song Lanxia's whispered instructions, first bowed three times respectfully, then knelt down with her on the ground, took a small stick she handed over, and listened carefully. Listening to Qin Tianhe chatting with the old man there: "Mom and Dad, Xiao Zhao has married a daughter-in-law, and I will bring her here to show you today. Hehe, in fact, I have told you many times before that she is the girl from the Ye family But you see, she has become a big girl in the blink of an eye..."

Listening to Qin Tianhe rambling about something serious to a tombstone, Ye Qingling felt a little ridiculous.

Young people in the new era are indeed not very interested in the old people's tricks, but in order to respect them, Ye Qingling has to show enough piety. With his head down halfway, he imitated Song Lanxia with a small stick, flicking the roll of burnt paper obediently.

Silver-gray paper dust swirled up with the breeze, but Ye Qingling looked around from the corner of his eyes. She saw a new couple not far from here. It's just that the newlyweds were not accompanied by the old man, just the two of them, and the man was spilling a bottle of wine on the ground.

Tie Molei was leaning against the cypress tree, his eyes were slightly closed and he looked at the road when he came. Thinking of Cao Binger asking him to get married as soon as possible last night, he felt a headache.

This Cao Binger may be much younger than him, she is always favored and proud in front of him, and always teases him in different ways, either drawing black eye sockets on him with a brush in the middle of the night, or hiding his belt It made him have to look around with his pants up all morning, and when he finally lost his temper, he crawled into his arms like a cat and begged for mercy. Ugh……

Kacha... A very slight sound made Tie Molei's happy wry smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

This soft sound was especially clear in the Luoxia Mountain Cemetery where there was no sound except the wind blowing. Sometimes, the branches are overwhelmed by the heavy snow and make this kind of sound. This sound is indeed not loud, so small that ordinary people will not notice it at all, but for a gun that can be assembled in a few seconds in the dark For Tie Moller, this sound is the sound of *opening the insurance.

His closed eyes suddenly opened, and before he turned his head towards the source of the sound, Tie Molei had already pulled out the Type 92 gun from his waist...

"Mom and Dad, although your grandson is not very obedient and has caused the girl of the Ye family to suffer too much, he is the blood of the Qin family after all. For the sake of his filial piety, I beg you to take care of him over there." Just bless him and let him and Qingling go through this life in peace." After hearing Qin Tianhe's whisper, Ye Qingling's amused feeling of wanting to laugh suddenly changed. Be grateful.

Poor parents all over the world, no matter how disobedient the children are, they are always the parents' concern in their hearts as parents. Even if they go to that world one day, they will definitely miss them. Thinking of this, Ye Qingling felt a sudden soreness in her heart. Just when she wanted to kowtow to the two old people sincerely and pray that they would protect the man who was fighting outside, the mobile phone in her pocket rang slightly. vibration.

It seems to be a professional habit, right? Anyway, Ye Qingling didn't realize that this was paying homage to the old man, but after feeling the vibration from the phone, she took out the phone reflexively, and then raised her head that had just drooped.

At this moment, it is ten thirty-five in the morning on the seventeenth day of the first lunar month...

boom! boom!

Two piercing gunshots sounded almost simultaneously.

A bullet accurately followed the trajectory of Ye Qingling's lowered head just now, howling, tore through the air and entered into the left arm where she raised her mobile phone after raising her head... Accompanied by her groan of pain, the pair not far away from her The bride among the newlyweds had a hole in her left temple, and something reddish white splashed all over her companion.

"Ah! Qingling..." Seeing her daughter-in-law lying on the ground with blood dripping from her left arm, Song Lanxia let out a shrill exclamation after the sudden turn of events stunned the two elders of the Qin family, as if she couldn't Seeing that the calf was being bullied like an old cow, she pushed Qin Tianhe who was just about to stand up, and threw herself on Ye Qingling.

After killing the woman who just raised the gun with one shot, Tie Molei's body rose into the air from under the cypress tree like a big bird. The man was in the low air, and he had already pulled the trigger on the man who hadn't had time to fire the second bullet. Now he has no chance to take care of the three members of the Qin family who are lying on the ground, and it is even more impossible for him to check how Ye Qingling is doing before the danger is lifted. Landed in the air.

He stamped his left foot on the ground fiercely, and bounced his body to one side. A bullet scraped Tie Molei's body and flew to the back, but he fired two bullets again without blinking.

Tie Molei drew his gun and killed the woman, jumped up into the air and fired a second shot, landed and then rebounded to dodge the opponent's bullets, all of which were done while running forward at high speed. Although Long Teng Siyue's skill is not incomparable and terrifying, the man who shot and wounded Ye Qingling is not an ordinary person. This is because he was able to accurately capture the position of Tie Molei when he made dodge movements. It can be seen.

Sato never dreamed that Ye Qingling, an ordinary woman who looked fragile, would use an inexplicable gesture of answering the phone, and raise her head to avoid the bullet that he thought would hit her head with a high probability. Especially after seeing his companion's brains spewing out, even if Sato is one of the four little heavenly kings in the Zichuan group, he also knew that there would be no chance to assassinate Ye Qingling again today, so his first reaction was to run away!

Busy but not chaotic, this is an essential quality for a master, especially when facing people in the dragon, he must not mess up his position. So when Sato fell to the ground with a backward movement, he still shot a shot that Tie Mole had to dodge

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