Mingjian refers to an obvious precedent that can be used as a warning.

Here, someone from Qin took it as flattery for Yan Ruyu's smartness. If Yanniu wasn't smart enough, she wouldn't have given him a blank look and said with a shallow smile: "Mr. Qin, what do you mean by that?" Aren't you suspected of flattering a horse?"

"No, I just think you must be a patriot who understands righteousness," Qin Zhao continued to fool around: "It's just that my cultural level is a bit low, and I don't know what adjectives to use to describe how eloquent I am to you at this moment." The admiration of the water of the Yellow River..."

"Okay, don't fool me all the time, don't you just want to buy these shares and become the chairman of Maohai Group? Well, then I'll make it happen for you," Yan Ruyu gave him another white look, and put away her smile : "I'm not Guo Jing, who is obsessed with you, nor Wang Chongxun, who understands righteousness. I'm just a little girl who will take revenge and cherish every penny. I will never do a loss-making business. If you can't get it It’s okay to ask me to transfer the shares to you for 120 billion, but you have to promise me one condition.”

"What conditions?" When Yan Ruyu said that she would transfer without money, someone Qin just wanted to be happy, but heard that she had proposed additional conditions, so he asked with a bitter face: "Aren't you also looking for death and life?" Be my little lover? If so, I really have to think about it..."

"Qin Zhao!" Yan Ruyu's face flushed suddenly, she glanced at the countless people who were paying attention to them, and said angrily in a low voice: "You are too thick-skinned, aren't you? Be your lover? I might as well marry a pig!"

"Can a pig be as handsome as me? Well, then tell me your conditions."

"One share for one share, otherwise there is no need to talk about it."

"What share for share?" Qin Zhao was taken aback, "What share do you want me to exchange with you?"

"As far as I know, your Tianhe Group has the qualifications to develop resources in the East China Sea. You Tianhe Group alone may not be able to eat this big cake, right? Someone must be a shareholder, right?" Said: "What I want is this share. I will give you 12 points today, and you will give me back 12 points in the future, one share for one share. I won't take your cheap ones. Is this enough to support you?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Qin Zhao said three yeses in a row, his teeth itching with hatred: "You didn't take advantage of me, but I think you should sell it to me at 10 billion per point."

"I'm sorry, I don't want to sell 10 billion per point now, and now I have changed it to 50 billion per point. If I can't afford the money, then I won't sell it. Whoever likes to do this chairman will do it. Anyway, I Not much to lose."

"Fuck..." Someone spat out a dirty word without grace, maybe felt that this was a bit too much, blushed a little, and said bitterly: "Aren't you going back on your word?"

"Women are narrow-minded, and they rarely change their original intention after making a decision," Yan Ruyu didn't mind his swearing, anyway, it's not like this man hasn't done anything dirtier than swearing, so there's no need to argue with him "Agreed or not? I'll give you three seconds to think about it, 3, 2..."

"Deal!" In a hurry, let alone give her twelve points, even if you give her one hundred and twenty points, you must first grab the chairman of the Maohai Group before you say yes? As for whether this promise will be kept in the future, is it only a woman who will not change her original intention after making a decision? It's not a shame to say nothing! So when Yan Ruyu called out the countdown, someone from Qin immediately said the deal was done.

"Chairman Qin, you are so smart." Yan Ruyu stretched out her hand with a smile on her face: "Congratulations! At the same time, I also celebrate that we have become business partners since then, and hope that we can create brilliance together in the days to come!"

"Same joy, same joy." Qin Zhao took Miss Yan's little hand with a smile on his face, squeezed it hard and shook it with gratitude. But I was thinking in my heart: Do you want to be a partner to create brilliance together? That's great, I don't know if creating brilliance together in bed is considered...

"Let go of me, you hurt me!" Yan Ruyu tried hard to withdraw her hand from someone's hand, but his hand was like a vise, and she couldn't pull it back at all, especially when she saw him like that. After a dirty smile on her face, she suddenly felt that she was the Little Red Riding Hood who was knocked open by the big bad wolf.

Seeing Qin Zhao get the twelve percent from Yan Ruyu's hands while flirting, Hu Mietang's heart sank. He didn't know until now that not everyone is open to money, and the Chinese people are nothing, but when facing the Japanese, their stance is firm and scary.

As for Qin Zhao's triumphant holding of Yan Ruyu's share transfer letter and intentionally showing it off in front of him, Hu Mietang has no interest in reading it. Standing up slowly, before Zeng Maoming could say that Qin Zhao is now the chairman of Maohai Group, he squinted at Qin Zhao with a sinister gaze: "Chairman Qin, congratulations, I hope you are in charge of Maohai Group. After the group can create greater profits, don't let me, the second largest shareholder, be disappointed!"

"Yes, I will, Director Hu." Qin Zhao ignored Hu Mietang's ruthlessness, and said with a smile, "But I have no strengths other than being luckier than you, so I want to ask you here." Director Hu is a noun."

"What name?"


In addition to the figurative meaning of the word, overhead has another meaning, that is, it is a metaphor for secretly crowding out someone so that someone loses real power.

"You want to swallow my shares?" Hu Mietang clenched his fists tightly, suppressing the anger of fighting Qin Zhao to the death.

"I've always been very insidious. I don't know if Director Hu will cry at that time." Although Yan Ruyu made a fool of him, Qin Zhao is really happy now, so happy that he doesn't mind Hu Mietang at all. He moved, smiling like a thief all the time: "Although I don't have that kind of ability, there are such professionals around me, such as my wife Ye Qingling, like my little wife Jing Hongxue, like my little wife Yan... Hehe , I am still very confident about swallowing your money... Alas, Guo Jing, silly girl, why don't you let you take out your old money? You are so stupid!"

"Okay, okay," Hu Mietang said three good words, slowly stood up and said with a sneer, "I hope you have the life to spend this money."

"It's okay, I already have a son, even if I die with you, I don't have to worry that no one will inherit the money." Qin Zhao leaned back, combed his somewhat messy hair, He said lightly: "I'm worried about you. I lost so much money from vampire bats this time. How can I deal with business when I go back? Otherwise, you should follow me in the future. After all, I still know that you have some skills. Be the head of the security department." It's more than enough."

Hu Mietang glared at Qin Zhao fiercely, his handsome face looked ferocious and frightening. Qin Zhao looked at Hu Mietang indifferently, and the lazy sneer at the corner of his mouth was not withdrawn until Hu Mietang turned around and walked off the rostrum and disappeared outside the hall door.

"Now I announce that the new chairman of Maohai Group is Mr. Qin Zhao who holds 32 points." After Zeng Maoming shouted Qin Zhao's name, he walked up to him and held out his hand amidst the applause: "Mr. Qin, congratulations."

"Thank you, Mr. Zeng." Qin Zhao politely shook hands with Zeng Maoming, then stretched out two fingers to Jing Hongxue, and made an old-fashioned gesture of celebrating victory. When she saw Jing Hongxue responding with a smile, she retracted one finger and gestured at her... So Jing Hongxue lowered her head with a blushing face.

"Dirty!" Yan Ruyu cursed in a low voice, then stood up and walked off the rostrum...

"Come on, everyone, make a toast to our Chairman Qin!"

In the staff restaurant of the Maohai Group headquarters building, Song Lieming held up red wine to the people present: "Today is Xiao Zhao's first day in office, let's hold a celebration banquet here for the time being, and after the company is in normal operation, we will celebrate again." ,Dry!"

"Damn!" Su Ning, with a cigarette in her left hand, was the first to respond. After she raised her head and drank the wine in her glass, she found that someone was looking at the cigarette in her hand and smiled, so she threw the cigarette on the floor with a smile: "Today is your big day. People are happy. Smoking is not a big mistake, is it?"

"Well, that's right," Qin Zhao nodded, took a sip, and his vigorous eyes slowly swept across the faces of Suning, Jing Hongxue, Song Yingxia, Guo Jing, Shang Xiaopeng, Yan Haoran, Li Yuanhua and others: "Everyone , although Qin Zhao is the chairman of the Maohai Group today, I still know how many bowls of rice I eat. If I am asked to sell ice cream and baked sweet potatoes, I think I still have that ability, but if I Taking care of such a big group, hehe."

"Brother Qin, don't be afraid, don't we still have us?" Jing Hongxue saw her lover's high-spirited spirit, and she was so happy that she did it while drinking, so her face flushed: "Don't adjust the company personnel for now, so as not to cause unnecessary panic , and cultivate your own direct lineage in the future, then you just need to be a big shopkeeper."

"As for talents, I can ask my sister for them," Su Ning also said, "Besides, there is no shortage of talents in this field in our country. How many people want is not a matter of words?"

"Yu, Xiao Zhao, I will definitely learn this knowledge in the future, and I hope I can help you." Guo Jing said softly, gritting his white teeth.

"Hehe, Chairman Qin, my daughter has offended me a lot this morning, so please forgive me." Although he could see that there seems to be an unclear relationship between his daughter and this guy, Yan Haoran also knew that as long as he and the general secretary If the nephew establishes a good relationship, the benefits in the future will definitely not be reaped, so I made up for Yan Ruyu first, and then put down the cup in my hand with a smile: "It looks like you don't want to be the chairman of the board?"

"Well," Qin Zhao nodded and looked at Song Lieming: "Cousin, I am indeed not the material."

"Then what do you want to do?" Song Lieming smiled: "You can do whatever you want, and I will fully support you."

"First of all, we have to change the name of Maohai Group, and then take the money from Hu Mietang... hehe," Hu Mietang's money is all in this hehe... After a smug smile, Qin Zhao said: " I really can't do these business operations, so I have to hire someone else."

Without waiting for others to say the name for him, Qin Zhao looked out the window with yearning: "It's time for Ye Qingling to appear."

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