Qin Zhao suddenly heard someone playing a harmonica in the ceiling, he was a little strange.

Who is playing the harmonica here? Is it another one who drank too much like Lao Tzu? Qin Zhao shook his head. Before he could see who was so bored, he found that Song Yingxia stood up, a strange blur quickly appeared in his clear eyes, and the expression on his face suddenly became dull.

"Yingxia, what's wrong with you?" Qin Zhao was startled when he suddenly saw Song Yingxia acting strangely. Looking back at the idea of ​​who was playing the harmonica, he grabbed her shoulder with both hands, shook it vigorously a few times and asked anxiously, "Yingxia, what's wrong with you? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Liu Fei! What are you messing around with?" Seeing her son suddenly take out the harmonica and play it on her mouth, Xiaomei Zhizi was so frightened that she turned pale with fright, and hurriedly grabbed the harmonica.

In fact, she also knows that when the begging person is stimulated by the harmonica, the whole person becomes an out-of-control car moving forward at high speed, unless it crashes or falls off a cliff, otherwise it will not stop at all. Because An Shenglai did not develop an antidote for how to unlock this drug.

The reason why she wanted to stop her son was because she didn't want to waste the intercession developed with so much effort on Song Yingxia.

When Qin Zhao was toasting just now, if someone Qin didn’t want to drink with her at all but Guo Jing rushed to replace her, Lao Qin would have understood the truth a long time ago. She has been waiting for the opportunity to let Qin Zhao obediently obey her. Opportunity, but now that she saw her son suddenly playing the harmonica, and Song Yingxia over there obviously showed the characteristics of 'pleading for mercy', she felt a chill in her heart, knowing that things were going to go bad.

Before his mother's hand touched the harmonica, Liu Fei suddenly jumped up and rushed outside, shouting, "Song Yingxia, kill Qin Zhao with the knife in front of you!"

Song Yingxia, kill Qin Zhao with the knife in front of you!

After Liu Fei yelled this sentence, many people were taken aback, including Qin Zhao. But Song Yingxia didn't hesitate at all, reached out to pick up the stainless steel table knife on the table that was said to be imported from Italy, and stabbed it into his right breast with a swish!

When the sharp point of the knife pierced into Qin Zhao's chest, it was just like the groom intruding into the bride's chest on the wedding night, only encountered a little resistance, and then stabbed in unimpeded.

"Kill, kill again!" Seeing that Song Yingxia succeeded in one blow, Liu Fei ran out frantically, with excitement on his face that the plot had succeeded, his whole face twisted, and he continued to give orders to Song Yingxia. He knew that with Qin Zhao's physical quality and the unsharp stainless steel knife in Song Yingxia's hand, it would be almost impossible to stab Qin Zhao to death unless he pierced his heart.

If Qin Zhao wants to die, he must be bled!

As we all know, the knives used to kill pigs are all sharpened, that is to say, there are blood grooves on the body of the knife to facilitate bloodletting. If the blade does not have this blood groove, both humans and pigs will naturally clamp the blade tightly because of pain. In that case, even if the gun is stabbed in half, as long as the rescue is timely, it is not life-threatening.

Therefore, when Liu Fei was about to rush out of the ceiling, he ordered Song Yingxia to draw out his knife. As long as the knife is pulled out, even if Qin Zhao dodged the second knife, the knife that Song Yingxia stabbed into his chest just now would almost take Qin Zhao's life.

When the sharp pain came from the chest, Qin Zhao yelled wildly, and the right hand that was holding Song Yingxia's shoulder locked her throat like lightning in a conditioned reflex. Just when he was about to crush her throat, Guo Jing's Say 'Xiao Zhao! ' The exclamation suddenly woke him up.

Qin Zhao's hand that locked Yingxia's throat immediately turned into stroking his chin. He just wanted to ask, 'Yingxia, why are you doing this? ' At the time, Song Yingxia had already pulled back the knife with all her strength.

With Qin Zhao's muffled groan, the blood was sprayed like an arrow, and it sprayed on Song Yingxia's body with his body temperature, but he just touched her chin, and a gleam of pain flashed in his eyes. puzzled.

The pain in Qin Zhao's eyes, Song Yingxia didn't seem to see it at all, reached out to wipe the blood on his face, raised the knife, and stabbed him viciously in the chest again...

At Qingdao International Airport, Ye Qingling and Tie Molei sat on chairs in the waiting hall, looking worried at the growing rain outside.

They had already arrived at the airport, originally planned to take the five o'clock plane to Mingzhu. If it weren't for the weather, it must have been at the Maohai Group's name change press conference by now.

"Alas." Ye Qingling sighed in a low voice, shrugged helplessly, looked out of the window, and raised her wrist to check the time. It is now 10:14 in the morning on March 128th. The plane took off normally more than five hours late. Fiddled with the dial in boredom... She suddenly felt restless with her middle finger on her right hand, and then felt fear.

At this time, Ye Qingling was like an ant climbing onto a hot pot. She couldn't see where the danger was, but felt an inexplicable fear. This sudden sense of fear made her stand up abruptly and just about to go out, but she sat back on the chair again, pierced her hair with her right hand and closed her eyes, her breathing became heavy.

Tie Mole, who had been watching the surrounding environment with vigilant eyes, also noticed Ye Qingling's abnormality at this time, and was a little strange, leaning towards her and asking with concern: "Boss Ye, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know, I suddenly feel upset, and I still have the feeling of being terrified, as if some danger is approaching, now," Ye Qingling bit her lip, her originally calm eyes suddenly filled with panic: " Tie, Tie Molei, I feel so scared now! I always feel that someone is stabbing me with a knife!"


After hearing what Ye Qingling said, there was almost no hesitation. Tie Molei stood up quickly, reached into his arms and grabbed the handle of the Type 92 pistol, and half-folded his body to block Ye Qingling's sky, as if he had spotted his prey. Like a leopard, it glanced fiercely around. The young couple who were sitting on the chair behind Ye Qingling were so frightened that they were feeding each other french fries and avoided his gaze for a moment, and even almost forgot to chew the french fries that were put into their mouths.

Tie Mole quickly looked around and found nothing unusual, then sat down slowly, and patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Mr. Ye, there should be no suspicious person here, besides, there are Major Li Jianfeng and the others outside. The car is here, and if there is anything wrong, they will definitely find out."

"Well," Ye Qingling patted her heart that was beating more and more violently with her hands, and said with a forced smile: "Hehe, maybe it's because I'm going to Mingzhu soon, I was so excited that I didn't rest last night... Iron Mole!"

"What's the matter?" Tie Mole saw that Ye Qingling suddenly called out his name louder, and the deep fear in her eyes made him a little startled, and he couldn't care about the relationship between older brothers and younger sisters anymore. He grabbed her outstretched hand immediately: "Mr. Ye, what's wrong with you?"

"I, I'm so scared!" Ye Qingling buried her head in his arms trembling all over, hugged him vigorously, and kept calling in a low voice: "Tie Molei, I'm so scared!" , I'm so scared! Someone is going to kill me, with a knife in his hand... ah!"

Ye Qingling's last word 'ah' was almost shouted out with all her strength, which immediately overwhelmed the soft music in the terminal hall and the whispered voices of the passengers. This terrifying scream immediately attracted all the attention of Nuoda's waiting hall.

All the passengers who didn't know what was going on looked at Ye Qingling and Tie Mole at the same time, with the feeling of 'sick? ' doubts.

The invisible danger is the greatest danger.

Tie Molei, who had experienced many battles, naturally understood this sentence very well.

Seeing Ye Qingling holding him tightly and screaming without any reason, he no longer cared about shocking the world, hid Ye Qingling under his body, and swished out the dark 92 style with his right hand , raised the gun and moved quickly around the terminal hall. But after hearing Ye Qingling's scream and seeing him pull out his gun, all the people around sat there with their mouths wide open, not daring to move.

Where does the danger come from? How did I not notice it?

Tie Molei didn't find anything in the lobby, so he raised his gun and began to search the top of the terminal.

But above, except for the LCD TV hanging under the ceiling and a large LCD display showing the time, nothing else was found abnormal. While lowering the muzzle of his gun, Tie Mole glanced at the time: 10:17 am on March 28, 2004.

If he hadn't been infected by Ye Qingling's panic, Tie Mole, who was used to bloodshed, would not have such an aggressive act of drawing his gun. It was precisely because of Ye Qingling's scream that could be described as "heart-piercing" that it completely disrupted his normal thinking, and led the airport security who saw him draw his gun from the monitor come over.

"Don't move! Put down your weapons!" Three or four security teams composed of retired soldiers rushed out from different angles before Tie Molei retracted his guns. Not far from him and Ye Qingling, they quickly Hiding behind the chair, pointed a gun at him and ordered: "Warning you, put down the gun immediately!"

After a scream that reverberated in the waiting hall, Ye Qingling was sweating profusely, her face was frighteningly pale, and her eyes were a little dull, as if her whole body had collapsed, lying motionless in Tie Molei's arms. inside.

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