As we all know, the United States is the country with the most guns in the world.

It is precisely because they often have the opportunity to get in touch with this thing that they know that the best way to get their heads held up with a gun is to beg for mercy with a mournful face, or to keep silent with their hands raised high. It is said that middle schools in the United States already have such a course: When you are held by a gun, the correct thing to do is to remain silent. When you are about to be raped by the opposite sex, you can remind the other party that you have a condom in your pocket.

Whether these things are true or not, anyway, the theme of doing this is to teach people how to protect their own personal safety.

This man who let people hold a gun to his forehead has implemented the general education of Americans very well at this time. After turning his head and seeing the gun, he opened his mouth and stopped yelling to find the captain, but slowly squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, as obedient as he could be.

The gunman seemed very satisfied with the man's performance, and pointed to one side with his toe, and the man obediently leaned under the seat beside him, and did not dare to move with the other people, which made people think they were very pitiful: nothing What are you guys doing...

The flight attendant has been there for so long, she should have noticed that the pistol is gone, but why has there been no response until now? Is there any hidden secret in it? Qin Zhao thought this way in his heart, like all the passengers, he looked at the two men with guns in their hands with surprised eyes, his mouth was tightly closed, and he was trembling exaggeratedly, which made Yingxia instead Comfort him softly: "Brother, don't be afraid, it's okay."

The stewardess who walked up to the two men nodded slightly to the two passengers seated in front of Zhan Zhao, then glanced at Qin Zhao with puzzled eyes, and then smiled at the two men with a trace of disappointment: "Dell, go ahead." What should I do next?"

The man named Dale turned around with his gun pointed upwards, and said to the passengers in a cabin: "Dear gentlemen and ladies, in fact, this plane is normal, and there is no malfunction at all. The reason why the flight attendant said that just now is that It was to remind everyone to keep quiet. Hehe, everyone also saw what I was holding in my hand. This is a gun, a pistol, a pistol that can blow people's heads off with one blow."

No one spoke, and everyone was not blind. No one knew it was a gun.

Zhan Zhao's eyes were fixed on the back of the chair in front of him, the gun was tightly clutched in his hand. She was waiting, waiting for Qin Zhao to give her the signal to act. In fact, with her current strength, it is more than enough to deal with these guys, but she has heard people say: a smart woman will never act stronger than him in front of the man she loves.

Constrained by this truth, since Qin Zhao doesn't move, Zhan Zhao will naturally not act rashly, although she is extremely anxious and can't wait to look back to see if that guy is asleep again.

After some threatening opening remarks, Dale continued his speech: "Everyone, in fact, as long as you cooperate with us honestly, we will never hurt you. I can swear on the name of the Lord. The reason why our brothers did this is actually to find someone, and it has nothing to do with you, so you don’t have to worry about your safety and property, the only thing that needs everyone’s cooperation is, please accompany us to Iraq for a free tour.”

Everyone knew that although this person said it politely, they all understood that they were actually taking the passengers of this plane as hostages. As for his saying that he would release everyone after arriving in Iraq, few people would believe it. Thinking of the attitude of the United States against Iraq in recent years, people can't help but worry, fearing that these people may have something to do with Saddam Hussein. In that case, everyone will definitely become a tool for these people to threaten the United States, and may be beheaded in public... This is how it is played on TV.

"Hehe, I also want to remind everyone that when the plane reaches the sky above Iraq, we will parachute and land, so please don't worry that you will be kidnapped. I dare say that Mingzhu Airport will compensate you for the delay in your trip. "If Dale doesn't continue to say these words, the passengers who were shocked by the police just now will definitely look for opportunities to plot resistance.

Anyway, being a hostage in Iraq is a near-death job, so it's better to give it a go on the plane. Maybe as long as everyone works together, there may not be no chance of survival.

Ke Dale's words were like a shot of tranquilizers, and immediately appeased those who had such thoughts: Since people said that they were dodging halfway, we really don't need to touch the bullet with our heads, anyway, they are looking for It's not me.

After calming everyone down with a few words, Dale slowly pointed the gun at Zhan Zhao's seat, and said with a smile: "My dear Duke Philip, if I don't point out your identity, I really don't know you." How long can you sit still? Well, don’t read that newspaper, stand up and chat with us.”

Duke Philip?

Zhan Zhao was taken aback, then turned to look at the man next to him who was wearing a fake and shoddy designer suit: Huhu, I can't tell, this wretched guy is actually Duke Philip? So what is his relationship with Prince Philip of the British royal family? Oh, I see, they are most likely family.

Zhan Zhao once read the newspapers and knew that there was a fashionista in the world named Prince Philip, who was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. The Prince was also the Prince of Greece and Denmark when he was not 'married' to the Queen. Since this guy is also named Philip, and he also has a big duke name, maybe he has something to do with the British royal family, otherwise why would Dell and the others seek him, for his fake suit worth hundreds of dollars?

"Hehe, I was discovered by you." Philip put down the newspaper, knowing that it would be useless to pretend to be stupid. Since they even arranged for the flight attendants, their determination to invite him to Iraq as a 'guest' seemed very strong. So he shrugged* and stood up with a wry smile: "I'm sorry that you have put so much effort into kidnapping me. But I think even if you use me to blackmail the British side, the effect will not be great, because I am now It is dispensable to the British royal family, or else I would have fallen to this point?"

"Your Excellency, you should talk about these things with us after you return to Iraq. Our task is only to invite you. As for how useful you are, that's not our concern." Dell pointed his gun at Zhan Zhao, He signaled her to leave this position, because his hands were not very stable: "To please you, we have studied many plans before deciding to do it on the plane, Your Excellency the Duke..."

Just as Dale said this, Zhan Zhao who stood up suddenly punched him directly on the nose.

How powerful is Zhan Zhao's punch now? There is no exact calculation yet, but she can punch a sandbag with one punch... Just such a punch, it hit Mr. Dale on the nose. If the bridge of the nose does not break, it can only show that Zhan Zhao is I'm dreaming.

Unfortunately, all this is true.

With the sound of bone cracking, Dell fell on his back, causing the stewardess to scream.

It took a long time for Qin Zhao to make any move, Zhan Zhao was already annoyed, besides, this Dale was always dangling a gun above her head, and he also boasted that his hands were always unsteady, so he didn’t intend to challenge her Are you patient? If she doesn't take this opportunity to kill him, then she will be sorry for the nickname 'Royal Cat'.

He smashed Dale's nose with one punch, and before his nosebleeds spewed out, Zhan Zhao's left hand grabbed the pistol that Dale had released out of his hand, and while pointing at the beautiful stewardess, his right hand was already on the pistol. Dale's partner's eyebrows and eyes: "You'd better throw the gun away, because my hands are not very steady!"

As Zhan Zhao spoke, the corner of his mouth curled up and gave Qin Zhao a smug smile, which meant: Here, how about my current skills?

To Zhan Zhao's surprise, Qin Zhao did not raise his thumb to praise her, but still hugged Yingxia with a low eyebrow and looked straight at the back of the chair, as if he hadn't seen her chic movements at all. In fact, he was muttering in his heart: Zhan Zhao, you idiot, no wonder your breasts are getting bigger and bigger, so it’s because your brains are getting smaller and smaller. I thought you saw that stewardess saying hello to her companions, so you showed your face Things for you to do. After a long time, it turned out that you didn't see it at all. It's a shame that Xiang Nantian taught you for so long!

"Good!" The rest of the passengers on the plane did not hesitate to praise Zhan Zhao loudly. Seeing that she knocked Dale down with a punch and put his companion on fire with a gun, they applauded unanimously: "You are amazing, my lord." I will praise you too!"

"I'm warning you again, if you don't put down your gun when I count to three, you will be responsible for the consequences!" After seeing Qin Zhao like this, Zhan Zhao also realized that something was wrong, because she pointed the gun at the flight attendant's head The two did not show panic, but mocked in their eyes. Even Dale, who was knocked down by her punch, climbed up regardless of his companion being restrained.

But Zhan Zhao didn't see anything wrong yet, he just let out a cold snort and hit the guy hard with his gun. Before she could say anything else, he felt something hard hit her back, and then A sinister voice said, "If I count to three and you haven't thrown your gun away, you better let the Lord bless you with body armor now."

No wonder this guy is indifferent, so he knows that these people are holding back... But you also hint me, this time it's really embarrassing. After Zhan Zhao raised his hand obediently, he glanced at Qin Zhao resentfully, then turned his head and showed his clean teeth: "Hey, aren't you guys making a movie now..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Another person reached out and took away all the guns in Zhan Zhao's hand: "Squat on the ground with your head in your hands!"

"Stinky dare to hit me?" Dale staggered over, clutching his nose in pain, cursed viciously, and raised his feet to Zhan Zhao who was squatting on the ground: "I let you You hit me!"

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