Qin Zhao doesn't object to the fact that there are many women around him, but he is extremely disgusted that a woman like Julia wants to accept him as a mistress. Before Julia came over, he still had a little bit of affection for this woman, seeing the grace she exuded.

Because Professor Conners hasn't come yet, he is still idle when he is idle, and Zhan Zhao is not as rigid as Ye Qingling, and watching her and playing games with other women is a way to pass the time, so he told her to see how he picks up girls of. Unexpectedly, the intention of Julia's family coming to get close was to take him under her skirt...

Although it is guessed that this Julia may have some energy, and may really have some friendship with the 3K Klan, but the 3K Klan itself is not seen in the eyes of Comrade Lao Qin. ' Good name. 'Especially seeing this woman's aloof appearance made him feel uncomfortable, although she was still so radiant.

"Oh?" Julia didn't expect that as a member of the British royal family, she took the initiative to extend an olive branch to this man. Not only did he not feel very lucky, but he said that he would rather choose to be troubled by the Ku Klux Klan than to pee on her, which made her While feeling amazed, I also felt ashamed. Especially when she saw Philip, who had been watching her from a distance, show a little sarcasm, her face immediately sank: "Mister Song, I know you Chinese people care about face, but which one is more important, face or safety? You have to think about it carefully."

"Don't think about it. Since I abolished the Ku Klux Klan members, I didn't worry about trouble at all." Qin Zhao smiled: "Thank you, Ms. Julia, for your trouble."

"Are you really not afraid of the Ku Klux Klan?"

"What is the Ku Klux Klan?"

"Okay, that's crazy enough." Julia nodded, "However, I can understand this sentence as you saying it for the sake of face."

"Crazy? I don't think so. As for you saying that I care about face, hehe, I don't pay much attention to it, but I really don't want to shelter behind a woman for the sake of my own safety, so my dad will call me worthless Yes." Qin Zhao picked up the wine glass, and after Julia subconsciously raised her hand with the wine glass, he touched Zhan Zhao's glass: "Xiao Zhao, I see that among the women tonight, apart from Ying Xia, You are the most attractive man, come on, let's drink to your charm."

After he had explained that he was not afraid of explaining the 3K Klan, Qin Zhao was really annoyed when he saw that this woman was still talking here and there, so he simply gave her a big embarrassment and asked her to leave it alone, so as not to be here It hurts the eyeballs.

"Cheers." Otherwise, how can we say that it's a husband and wife, and Zhan Zhao has long disliked this self-righteous Julia. Even if Qin Zhao doesn't do this, she still plans to find an opportunity to mock her. At this time, seeing that he deliberately made Julia look bad, which was exactly what she wanted, so she cooperatively raised her glass to touch him, and then drank it up.

"You..." I thought someone from Qin was going to clink glasses with me, but I didn't expect that when I raised the glass, Qin Zhao ignored her at all. This made Julia stand there holding the wine glass. As a prominent figure in British high society, when had she been so shameless? I just wanted to get angry, but then I pretended to smile casually: "Hehe, Mister Song, you really have a personality, I like it..."

"But I don't like you." Before Julia finished talking about her face, Qin Zhao interrupted her: "To be precise, I don't like a self-righteous woman like you." Okay," Julia's patience is really good , after being repeatedly ridiculed by Qin Zhao, she didn't get angry, she still maintained her ladylike demeanor, just nodded and said: "I can understand that you do this to maintain your manly demeanor in front of your female companions, if you think about it clearly If so, you can find me anytime, here is my business card. "

As Julia spoke, she took out a business card and handed it to Qin Zhao: "In England, if you encounter any trouble, you can call me this number, and I will still help you. I will pretend that what happened just now never happened."

"Thank you." After seeing Julia say this, Qin Zhao couldn't help admiring her self-cultivation skills. After thanking him, he didn't reach out to pick up the business card, and turned around to talk to Ying Xia, whose eyes were full of happiness, in a low voice.

Since Qin Zhao intends to make this ignorant British woman look bad, Zhan Zhao doesn't want to talk to her, he chuckled lightly, and turned to the side.

Seeing that Qin Zhao and the others were not ignoring her, Julia slowly put away the business card in her hand, turned around and walked towards the center of the hall, and said with a sneer, "I wish you all a happy stay in England."

"You're happy too." Yingxia replied softly, and said after she walked away: "Brother, although her purpose is not pure, it can be seen that she still has a good impression of you. Isn't it a bit too much for us to do this?" Is it? After all, this is in England, and she belongs to the royal family, if..."

"Yingxia, you don't have to worry about these things, because she is a member of the British royal family, and I don't want to cause trouble while you are seeing a doctor, so I was so polite to her just now." Qin Zhao knew that Yingxia was worried about himself, but just lightly He patted her* and said, "Don't worry, we'll see the pearl as soon as that Conners sees your illness." Okay. "Yingxia agreed in a low voice and lowered her head, a trace of worry that Qin Zhao didn't notice flashed in her eyes.

Yingxia is really like what Xiao Zhao said, after the brain nerve is damaged, no one knows anyone except Xiao Zhao? But why did she have that look just now? She was obviously afraid of something. What is she afraid of? Zhan Zhao was playing with the cup in his hand, looking at Ying Xia who was bowing his head thoughtfully...

"Julia, what's the matter? I'm right. Judging from your resentful look, I know you must have run into trouble with my friend." Seeing Julia walking over with a bad face, Philip gloated a little. In front of her face: "How many times have I told you, don't act like black and white with others at every turn, a woman, if she is too strong, she will offend men. What's more, your The background of those friends is not very clean, as far as I know, many people in the royal family have objections to your dealings with them."

"Hmph, what do you know?" Julia snorted coldly: "There are many friends and many paths. In fact, you men just can't see that women are better than you. Philip, you don't have to watch me have fun. I can guarantee that if I don't show up If you don’t, the Ku Klux Klan will soon trouble your savior.”

"Trouble with my friend? Hehe, although my friend didn't say who he is, I'm sure that he will never be afraid of those people. Besides, I still want to settle accounts with those people, and they want to make up my mind " Philip sneered: "Julia, please say hello to the people over there, just talk about today's affairs, I will not let it go."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see how the Duke and the Ku Klux Klan settle accounts." Julia reached out and stroked her hair, then handed the empty wine glass to Philip: "Okay, since you have arrived home safely, then I went back too."

"No more games?"

"Forget it, Philip, I know you don't want me here, but I want to warn you that people from the Ku Klux Klan are hard to mess with," Julia leaned up to Philip: "Do you know the Yamaguchi group in Japan? They reached an agreement last year. If you don't want to be scolded by the prince, you'd better leave this matter alone."

"Then if I am kidnapped by those people and taken to Iraq, will the Prince stand by and watch?"

"Probably not, after all you are his nephew." Julia shook her head, glanced at Qin Zhao again, and walked out of the hall.

"Why hasn't Professor Connors come?" After watching Julia walk out of the hall, Philip raised his wrist to check the time, and was about to call him again to ask questions, when the Filipino maid had already led four or five people in suits. In came an elderly man with a bow tie under his chin. After seeing them coming in, Philip's eyes lit up: "Professor Connors, you are finally here!"

"Oh, my dear Philip, I heard that you were in danger on the plane today? But it looks like you look good." The silver-haired, hale and hearty old man who walked in first stretched out his arms and warmed to Philip. Hugging: "I met a friend on the road tonight, so I was delayed for a while."

"Hehe, it's good to be here." After letting go of Connors, Philip smiled and shook hands with the other people for a few words, then grabbed him and said eagerly: "Connors, come with me Meet a friend."

"Friend? Where is the friend that the Duke values ​​so much?"

"It was the friend who saved me on the plane." Philip said, turning around and walking towards Qin Zhao: "Coincidentally, they came to England to look for you, so I invited them to my house. "

"Looking for me?" Connors also saw Qin Zhao and the others standing up from their chairs at this time, his eyes were locked on Yingxia, and before Philip could say anything, he quickly walked in front of them , pointing to Yingxia and said: "I know you, you are the girl with a brain injury, your photo was sent to me by Smith."

"Professor Connors, I'm Song Yu, and this is my friend Zhan Zhao. We came to England this time because Mr. Smith said that you might solve my sister's illness. I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Seeing that the person he was waiting for finally arrived, Qin Zhao finally showed a sincere smile.

After all, whether Yingxia's condition will improve or not now depends entirely on this learned foreigner.

"Hehe, it's easy to say, I have seen the case of this lady, and it is because I think it is impossible that this is the case, so I invite you to come to the UK," Connors smiled heartily: "But thanks to your arrival, this Helped Philip... Well, Philip, can you provide me with a quieter room? I want to give this lady a cursory inspection for a while."

"Of course! A few please follow me."

Just as Philip led Qin Zhao and the others to the second floor behind, a black Rolls-Royce drove into the manor. Before the Filipino maids passed by, the car door had already opened, and a girl jumped out first. A Chinese girl who looked at her surroundings with vigilant eyes as soon as she got out of the car.

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