Qin Zhao stunned the little leader with his right leg and knee, and jumped into these people like a tiger jumping into a flock of sheep. For those buddies of the Ku Klux Klan whose skills are not comparable to those of the Yamaguchi-gumi, if he uses those fierce moves of choking his throat and picking his eyes, it will be tantamount to bullying them too much. Simply no matter what moves the opponent made, he just punched and smashed, and while he was blocking with both hands, he had already kicked the opponent's crotch.

He always likes to greet others when fighting, and Qin's actions are really despicable.

It is said that Europeans and Americans are physically strong, but the key is what kind of blows they encounter in scoring. It is said that people in the Ku Klux Klan usually pay attention to hand-to-hand combat, but the key is who their opponent is... a solid wood chair that can forcibly Qin Zhao, who is split and fast like a windmill, is not something these people can resist.

"Ouch... Humph..." With screams and hums, Qin Zhao's body dangled like a butterfly wearing flowers, and finally came to the little girl who was covering his body and hissing softly. When the leader approached, no one was standing on the road.

After pulling the gun on the ground aside with his right foot, Qin Zhao slowly squatted in front of the little boss with a smile on his face: "Hey, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Bhakta..." The little boss Bhakta replied lying on the ground in cold sweat, his brown eyes filled with fear that even the night could not conceal.

"Bhakta?" Qin Zhao nodded and stood up: "Oh, Bhakta, why do you know that I will be in the Duke's manor? Hehe, of course, you can answer if you don't want to." He raised his right foot and pointed at Buck. Under the tower, he gestured: "I'll give you another shot, and then I'll ask others, until someone answers my question!"

"Don't, don't, don't, don't!" Seeing Qin Zhao's leather shoes dangling under him, Bhakta got up numbly despite the pain: "We are just following orders. , have no idea who you are."

"Following orders?" I just came to the UK this afternoon, and I went to Philip's house as soon as I got off the plane. The Ku Klux Klan found out my whereabouts so quickly. It seems that there is a trick. Qin Zhao rubbed his chin and asked again: "Then, who told you that I was in the Duke's Manor?"

"Yes, yes..." Bhakta would not have been tortured if it wasn't for the severe pain in his crotch... He hesitated and glanced at the car on the far side of the road, saying 'yes' for a long time, It just didn't say who came, but the corners of his mouth kept turning to that side.

"Oh, I see." Qin Zhao nodded, ignored the Bhakta and walked towards the car.

I didn't expect this man to be so powerful. He beat Bhakta and the others in the blink of an eye. What should I do... Seeing Qin Zhao walking towards the car, Julia began to tremble. She really wanted to call Charlie again, but her trembling fingers couldn't always press the soft key of the phone correctly.

As soon as Qin Zhao came to the door, it seemed that he didn't even make the most basic evasive action, which shows how confident he is.

"Hehe, it turned out to be you. I said why did they come to the manor so quickly?" Qin Zhao suddenly understood what was going on when he saw Julia who was trembling all over: "Dear Miss Julia, don't I agree?" As your lover, will you take revenge on me like this?"

"I, I..." Actually, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to teach you a lesson because you didn't give me face. Julia looked at Qin Zhao and thought in her heart. But after seeing the sarcasm hanging from the corner of his mouth, he changed his mind and gritted his teeth suddenly: "Yes, I asked them to come, what's the matter?"

I am a woman, and I am a good-looking woman, even if I do something wrong, a man should not bully me regardless of his demeanor. It is precisely because she has been playing with the love scene since she was young and sensible, and gained rich experience from men, that Julia chose this attitude when she wanted to apologize cowardly.

When Qin Zhao is in a good mood, or feels ashamed of a certain woman, he will really do stupid things like holding his arm and begging her to chew on her. But now he is not only worried about the final result of Yingxia, but he really didn't know what this elegant-looking Julia was doing before. Seeing that she still wanted to play tricks on him, the hooliganism that had been hidden for a long time suddenly disappeared. was ticked off.

After a sneer in his heart, he immediately made the most skillful movement.

"Damn you, you're still stubborn!" Someone Qin cursed a foul word that made my Chinese people feel ashamed, grabbed Julia's hair and pulled her away, and threw her off with a thud go out.

Before she got up from the ground with an exclamation in her mouth, he took a step forward, raised his right foot to step on her full chest, showed his white teeth and smiled at her: "Don't you I thought you were a woman so I didn't dare to do anything to you, if you have the ability, give me a try again!"

A woman who is usually aloof, guarding so many men, being trampled on by a man with such force, the sad feeling is definitely not just saying 'I want to kill you! ' to describe.

Shame, resentment, and wishing she could die, Julia screamed, "Let go of me, or I'll kill your whole family!"

"Then you have to wait for the next life." Too lazy to talk to this kind of brainless woman, Qin Zhao raised his right foot and kicked her under the left rib with a loud bang, directly kicking her to death.

Only a woman who is asleep or passed out will not scream in her ears, and someone from Qin understands this truth very well.

Seeing that Julia was so dazed that she couldn't go any further, Qin Zhao flicked his clothes contentedly, turned around and got into the car, and walked away swaggeringly under the watchful eyes of a dozen stunned people. As for the act of kicking and knocking down a roadman just now, it was as natural as if he just got out of the car and took a piss.

"He, how could he do this?" When the rear lights of the car could no longer be seen, Bhakta stood up tremblingly with a puzzled expression, and shouted to his subordinates, "Go and see how Miss Julia is doing." !"

Oh... Following the boss's order, several people who were closest to Julia stumbled up, hurried to her side, checked carefully, and then turned around with a bitter face: "Bhakta, Julia Miss's ribs are broken at least three or four... Who is that man, why is he so cruel?"

"It seems that this time I messed with someone I shouldn't have messed with." After hearing the report from his subordinates that several ribs of the respected and beautiful Miss Julia were kicked and broken, Bhakta swayed and squatted on the ground, stunned for a long time It took a long time to find out the phone: "Hello, Mr. Charlie, I'm Bhakta. Well, yes, Miss Julia is with me... But, I want to tell you a very sad news now."

In Berlin, Germany, in a luxuriously decorated VIP room, Charlie sat on the leather seat with a livid face, listening to Bacta talking to him about the encounter just now, when he heard that Julia was kicked by that man After breaking several ribs, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and with his left hand holding the phone, he violently swept the cup of coffee on the table in front of him to the ground.

With a bang, the sound of the coffee cup being smashed into pieces made Kaiser, who was hugging a sexy girl in his arms, startled for a moment, then pushed away the piece of fruit that was handed to the far side, and said with a hehe smile: "Hehe, Charlie, what's the matter?" It made you so angry?"

"Kaiser, just now Bhakta called to say that Julia was seriously injured by a Chinese man in London under the protection of your subordinates!" Charlie said angrily, stood up and came to the window, far away Looking at the night scene outside: "Looks like I have to go back to England, I must find out who this man is, hehe, if I don't smash him to pieces, I will not give up!"

"Oh?" After hearing that Charlie's favorite was guarding his men and was seriously injured by a man, Kaiser also put away his smile, pushed the girl in his arms away and leaned forward: "Who is that man?"

"Bhakta just heard from Julia that the man's surname was Song, and he was the one who made Dell and the others fall short on the plane." Charlie walked slowly to the table and pressed his hands on the table: "Kaiser, Rothschild sponsors the Ku Klux Klan every year With so much money, yet your subordinates can't even protect my girlfriend... Hehe, to be honest, this result makes me very disappointed."

"Charlie, I'm also disappointed, but I'll give you an explanation." After saying this, Kaiser turned around and said to the men in black suits standing at the door, "Go and tell me. Blanco, let him go to London, England as soon as possible! Find Bhakta and let them capture the Chinese man who injured Miss Julia alive!"


"Remember, it's captured alive!"

After seeing his subordinates leave quickly, Kaiser twisted the plump waist of the girl next to her, ignoring her trembling in pain, and looked out the window with a grinning grin: "I want to see what is so great about this person who doesn't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic." background, dare to fight against the Ku Klux Klan in Europe!"

When Charlie and Kaiser were discussing to capture Qin Zhao alive, Qin Zhao was also plotting against them while driving.

I heard from that beaten Julia that her boyfriend Charlie has something to do with the leader of the Ku Klux Klan... Charlie, Charlie? Wasn't that cousin of Kerrins called Charlie? Is Julia's boyfriend this Charlie? Well, it's a matter of dealing with Yingxia, so I have to ask Kailins about the Ku Klux Klan. If this gang has anything to do with the Rothschilds...

Thinking of this, Qin Zhao suddenly had a bold idea: Then can I find an opportunity to take this 3K Klan for my own use? While giving them a chance to correct their evil ways, they also have the capital to fight against the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Qin Zhao knows that as long as it is an influential gang, there will be a boss behind the scenes who provides funds. If Julia's boyfriend is Karin's cousin Charlie, then the behind-the-scenes boss of the Ku Klux Klan must be related to the Rothschild family. But the heir to the most powerful family in the world is just his own woman. If he doesn't make good use of this relationship to cultivate his own strength, it will really be a waste of the 'resources' in his hands.

With this idea in mind, Qin Zhao became excited all of a sudden, wishing he could rush to Cambridge Hospital to discuss it with Kailins.

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