"Guhan Patriarch, please go over there." Blanco, who was standing outside the door, saw Qin Zhao come out. He quickly put his legs together and held his head high, completely showing the attitude of a subordinate reporting work to a superior.

"You," Qin Zhao originally wanted to say that you don't need to be so polite to me in the future, but if you want to be polite to him, the power of what you say in the future will be greatly reduced. Since you want to be the boss, you must have the air of being the boss. So, he just nodded and changed his words and said, "Okay, then you can come with me."


"Branko, I have something to ask you."

"Please tell me." Blanco replied politely.

"What kind of person is Kaiser of the Ku Klux Klan?" Qin Zhao paused, "If he didn't have a few brushes, oh, I said, if he didn't have any skills, I'm afraid you wouldn't be willing to listen to him, would you? Of course, he's not going to be the leader of the Ku Klux Klan."

"I went to him because I was sent by the patriarch of the ancient Han Dynasty to assist him in his work. Its nature...is equivalent to the supervision of your ancient Chinese army. As long as he does things according to the wishes of the Rothschild family, as for his other I don't care much about those trivial matters, he mostly discusses with Master Charlie." Blanco said with a serious face: "This person was raised from the bottom, he is cunning and ruthless, and he will use whatever means to achieve his goal. It is his magic weapon for promotion, as for fighting him, I can beat him three by myself."

"Well, I see." Qin Zhao knew that the more this kind of person climbed up from the bottom, the stronger his will would be. It's just that if you talk about ruthlessness, it seems that you are even worse than him...

The bodyguards standing outside the corridor of Guhan's study didn't say anything when they saw Qin Zhao and the others coming and entered the corridor without saying a word, they just looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

A real man will always have a kind of respect when he sees a strong man.

After following Blanco to the outside of Guhan's study, Kailins poked his head inside and then retracted, and said to Qin Zhao in a low voice: "Grandpa may be checking last month's accounts, he is working I don't like to be disturbed from time to time, so I think we'd better wait here."

He asked Blanco to come to me, which already showed that he saw that I was much more useful than that Kaiser. Since he asked me to take care of the Ku Klux Klan for him, why should I wait for him here? Stand here and wait for him? Grass, how tiring. Thinking of this in his heart, Qin Zhao smiled and said, "Then you wait here, and I will go in and wait."

After speaking, regardless of Blanco's actions to stop him, he walked into the study alone.

Blanco lowered his raised hand, glanced at Kailins, and walked in after getting his consent.

When Qin Zhao walked into Gu Han's study, he saw him sitting on a chair and reading some books with reading glasses, but he didn't express anything about his coming in. Someone in Qin knew that the reason why the old man did this was to maintain his superior image in the eyes of others. As long as he didn't speak, everyone could only wait obediently.

There are many people in the world who always love to pretend like this.

For Kailins' sake, Qin Zhao did not violate the 'dignity' he deliberately created, but just sat down on the sofa where he sat last night and closed his eyes.

Last night, because he was worried that Yingxia would wake up in the middle of the night and do something stupid, Qin didn't dare to sleep all night. Seeing the old man pulling the airs on purpose now, he could just take this opportunity to take a nap. As for Blanco standing there respectfully, let him go, anyway, he likes to stand.

Anyone who knew Gu Han knew that no one, not even Kailins, should interrupt him when he checked the accounts.

Guhan is used to this feeling of being superior to others, and has always enjoyed it... Just when he was dissatisfied with his income last month, another very discordant snoring sound came from the sofa in front It sounded, which made him very disgusted.

"Hmph! I asked you to come here, not to sleep." Gu Han put down the account book in his hand in dissatisfaction, snorted heavily, picked up the Cuban cigar in the ashtray, and sucked it in his mouth, his expression was not at all. How beautiful it was, this made Kailins, who had been paying attention to the movement inside from the window, jump in heart.

"Yawn..." After being awakened by Gu Han's dissatisfaction, Qin Zhao yawned and stretched, sat up straight slowly, rubbed his eyes with his hands and said, "I didn't come here to see you settle accounts." , but I don’t want to disturb you, so I have to go to bed first.”

No one has ever dared to contradict the patriarch of the world's first family like this, not even the Queen of England and the President of the United States, but Qin Zhao dared.

"Hehe," Gu Han was stunned by Qin Zhao's words, and then laughed angrily: "Qin Zhao, don't think that you are great after defeating Blanco, and don't think that this will allow me to support you Take over the Ku Klux Klan, if I want to, huh... Just think about the consequences."

"Oh?" Qin Zhao stood up and said with a half-smile: "Is that true? Well, I am suddenly not interested in this Ku Klux Klan. Since you don't like me very much, old man, accept it. I'd better go back to sleep and get ready to go back to the country in the afternoon." As he spoke, he walked out of the study, and said as he walked, "Old man, you have to take care of your granddaughter, if she disappears, don't look for me."

"Qin Zhao, stop for me!" Seeing that someone from Qin had already walked to the door without hesitation, Gu Han stood up from his chair and looked at him with dark eyes: "You dare to threaten me?!"

"I dare not threaten you," Qin Zhao turned his head slowly, with a ruffian-like expression on his face: "How dare I threaten you? Hehe, I'm just telling the truth. Gu Han, your old man is not young anymore. You should know how to be polite, since you called me here, you shouldn't ignore me and go about your own business, don't you know that this will make me lose face?"

Hearing that he dared to talk to him like this, Gu Han looked at Qin Zhao without saying a word, his face sinking like water.

Qin Zhao had an indifferent expression on his face, and even took out a cigarette to light it. After slowly spitting out a circle around his eyes, he said lightly, "Old man, the reason why I want to take over the Ku Klux Klan is indeed for my own sake. In fact, it is more about For the sake of Kailins, if you put on some stinking airs with me as the patriarch of the first family, I will really take your granddaughter away. As for what will happen to your radish family in the future, that is your business, and it has nothing to do with me .”

Why are you talking to grandpa like that? He will turn his face! Kailins, who was peeking outside the door, was anxious to come in to ease the atmosphere, but after seeing the corners of Gu Han's mouth twitching a few times, he actually laughed: "Haha, your shameless personality is very similar to when I was young , Not bad, sit down and talk."

"If I will become as weird as you when I get old, then I'd rather not live so long." Seeing that the ancient Han clothes were softened, Qin Zhao sat back on the sofa mercilessly, with his hands on his knees, looking serious Said: "Tell me, how can I take over the Ku Klux Klan as soon as possible, because I can't spend too much time in the UK."

"Well, it's actually very simple to take over this matter. You just need to kill Kaiser and his henchmen. The reason why I didn't let Blanco replace Kaiser is because Blanco is too straight and somewhat Things can't be cruel at all, so this allowed Kaiser to lead the Ku Klux Klan all the time, and at the same time created an opportunity for Charlie to resist my will." Gu Han said: "But if you want to take over, you must agree to one condition. "

"Speak straight, don't beat around the bush."

"You want to marry Kailins as your wife. Only in this way can I safely hand over the Ku Klux Klan to you."

"This..." I have no objection to marrying Kailins, but there are already two wives in the family, and there is Yingxia who makes me dizzy. If I marry Kailins before I marry Yingxia, I'm afraid her I'm about to get sick again. Qin Zhao lowered his head in deep thought, causing Kailins who was outside the window to run in. He walked up to him, knelt down slowly and looked up at him, and said in a trembling voice, "Yu, Xiao Zhao, don't you want to marry me?"

"No, alas," Qin Zhao sighed, ignoring the displeasure on her grandfather's face there, holding Kailins's face with both hands: "Kailins, you have also seen Yingxia's current situation, if I If she marries you, she will definitely be irritated! If there is something wrong with her, I will really be ashamed to go back to Huaxia."

"If you don't go back to China, don't you go back to China, isn't Britain many times better than China?" Gu Han interjected with displeasure.

"There is a saying in China that a child is not too ugly as a mother." Qin Zhao replied without even looking at Gu Han: "Although China is not as developed as Britain now, it is my home. If I forget my roots for pleasure , am I still a human being?”

"Mr. Qin, I actually have a solution." Blanco, who has been silent for a long time, began to admire him from the bottom of his heart after being defeated by Qin Zhaoqian, especially the military stab someone gave him at the end, which made him feel even more so. He was envious and surprised. Now seeing that he had a dispute with his boss because of this issue, he quickly said: "I think, since you have had the experience of marrying two wives at the same time in China, it is not right to marry Miss Carlins and that lady at the same time in England." What an outrageous thing. Of course, the most important thing is that Miss Carlins and the others agree to do this."

"This is absolutely impossible! How can my Rothschild woman share a man with someone else!?" Without waiting for Qin Zhao and Kailinsi to say anything, Gu Han immediately refused: "As long as you marry Kailinsi in England As a wife, forget about the fact that you had two wives before. But if you want to marry someone else here at the same time, hmph, I absolutely disagree!"

"Grandpa, I am willing to be with..."

"You are not allowed to talk anymore!" Gu Han interrupted Kailinsi's tearful pleading, looked at the ceiling coldly and said, "Qin Zhao, I promise not to pursue your past affairs, and I am also determined to help you take over the Ku Klux Klan , but you are only allowed to marry Kailins in England, and you must stay with her for three months every year in the future, because she cannot leave Rothschild and go to China with you."

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