"Yao Di, don't ask him! If he dares to touch you again, I must kill him today!" Seeing his wife kneeling on the ground and kowtowing madly, the heartbroken Chen Huanhong could no longer care about what she did to Qin Zhao just now. Fascinated, she quickly fell to the ground with a thud, hugged her in her arms, and stared at Qin Zhao with tearful eyes: "Qin Zhao, I don't care what background you have, if you dare to seduce Yao Di, I will definitely kill you, definitely!"

"Boss, what should I do?" Just you? Damn, I'm so overwhelmed! Pete glanced at Chen Huanhong with contempt, turned to look at Qin Zhao who was embarrassed, and asked cautiously.

"You are numb to the neighbor next door, what else can we do besides hurry up and leave? You are not stupid."

"Oh!" With a promise, Pete hurriedly trotted to the front of the car, and repeatedly told those brothers who were eager to come over to clean up old classmate Chen: "Just sit in the car and stay obediently. , Boss is in a bad mood."

"Bring your money, even if we die of poverty, we won't accept your mercy!" After seeing Qin Zhao turn around in embarrassment and walk towards the taxi, Chen Huanhong got up and took the cardboard box containing the money, growled at his back.

"Chen Huanhong, don't go too far! I care about her, not you!" Qin Zhao suddenly turned around, staring at him fiercely with wolf-like eyes, which made the latter take a step back involuntarily. , he just smiled in satisfaction, walked to the taxi opened for him by Pete, and jumped into the car.

"I don't want your stinky money!" Chen Huanhong, who stayed for a while after seeing the taxis flashing away, suddenly threw the cash box in his hand into the sky, and those red, green and green banknotes , suddenly fluttering with the wind...

"Boss, where are we going now?" Pete whispered to Qin Zhao, who was stroking his cheeks and regretting there.

"Well, you should find a star-rated hotel to settle the brothers down first, and I'll go home first." Qin Zhao pondered for a while, and replied, "Wait for my call at night, we have to find some people."


"Go to the Bihaiyuntian villa area." Although the mother and the others have gone to Jinghua, but this time when they return to Qingdao, they have to go home and have a look. I closed my eyes and started thinking.

In the Zichuan group, who is in charge of the overall situation in Qingdao? Judging from the way Yao Di was being harassed, these people obviously planned to use her to threaten Lao Tzu. If these guys don't give up, I'm afraid that bastard Chen Huanhong will not have a good life in the future. Well, I have to go to the police station to ask the two Japanese people at night... When Qin Zhao was thinking about this matter, he heard the taxi driver say: "The intersection of Bihaiyuntian villa area is here, sir, where are you going?" Which villa?"

"Oh." Qin Zhao opened his eyes, looked at the small road leading to the villa area outside the car, and couldn't help thinking of a person——Li Moyu. At that time, he used to run with her on this road. I don't know how she is doing in Daliao now. With a big belly, can she still run in the morning? I really have to go see her when I have time.

"Just park here, and I'll go in alone." Qin Zhao didn't want Pete and the others to follow him in, lest there be so many ghosts behind him, causing others to watch: "Peter, take everyone to find a better hotel." Well, it’s best to go to Fengqiuhuang, which is the best club in Qingdao, hehe, especially Kaiser’s family. By the way, there’s also that Fei’er, but you have to be careful of her seducing you. "

"Hey, Boss, I've been looking forward to it." Pete agreed with a smile, got out of the car and opened the door for Qin Zhao.

"Remember to wait for my call tonight, and I will take you out to practice your hand." Qin Zhao walked on the small road leading to home after speaking.

At this time, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was still so high in the west that it hurt people's eyes. After saying hello to Uncle Liu of the property management, Qin Zhao walked slowly to the gate of the Qin family villa, looking at the yard, he suddenly had a feeling, as if his mother would come out of the living room with an apron tied around her waist at any time .

Suddenly, his eyes locked on the two cars parked in the courtyard. The Mercedes and BMW were Qin Tianhe and Ye Qingling's mounts when they were there. After they left Qingdao one after another, they did not take these two cars with them. Qin Zhao deduced that, according to the temperament of the old man and Ye Qingling's pettiness, even if he couldn't take these two cars away, he would never let them be exposed to the wind and sun in the yard. But now, the two cars are indeed parked there, and...

Qin Zhao lowered his head slowly, and saw several fresh ruts leading to the courtyard. What does all this mean? It can only show that these two cars have been driven, and there are people living here in the villa. So, who would live here? Looking at the closed door of the living room, he pondered for a moment, then turned his head and took a look. No one noticed on the road, so he grabbed the iron fence and jumped into the yard.

As for climbing over the gate of his own courtyard, Qin is very familiar with it.

First, he went to the car and looked, there was no one inside, but in Qin Tianhe's car, Qin Zhao found that the ashtray was full of cigarette butts. He knew that although his father smoked, he loved the car very much, and he would never smoke in it every time he got in the car. Looking in the direction of the living room again, I heard a man talking and laughing faintly from inside.

How can there be a man in my house? Could it be those bastards from Zichuan blatantly living in it? If this is the case, it will save me from looking for them everywhere. Qin Zhao squinted his eyes and walked to the door of the living room, and lightly knocked on the polished glass door of the living room.

"Who?" With the knock on the door, the conversation in the living room stopped abruptly. A moment later, a man asked who it was in a low voice, and then there was the sound of a gun opening the insurance and the sound of footsteps. At this time, Qin Zhao had already moved behind the wall on one side of the door frame.

Huzi was drinking with Xiaodao, when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, and after a blurry figure disappeared, he immediately looked at Xiaodao, then took out his gun, and posed for the window .

As we all know, the social security in the mainland has always been very stable, and it is not like the intricate underground gangs like Mingzhu. As a veteran of the Flying Tigers, Xiaodao was fortunate to be hired by the Pearl Iron and Steel Group as the lady's personal bodyguard this time. Qingdao is many times better than Mingzhu in terms of remuneration and job security. Although some inexplicable people always came to make troubles a few days ago, with the strong cooperation of the local police, there have been no major mistakes.

Now Xiaodao also saw the figure outside the door, knowing that Huzi was letting him go out of the window, he sneered in his heart, nodded to Huzi, then bent over, walked quickly to the window, slammed He quickly opened a window, and the man jumped out as soon as he stomped his feet.

Xiao Dao jumped out of the window, he was in mid-air, and the gun in his hand was already pointing at the wall near the door frame. But, he didn't find anyone.

How is this going? What about people? After a somersault and landed firmly on the ground, Xiaodao was a little puzzled and before he could turn around, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then sat limply on the ground without knowing anything.

After putting the guy who jumped out of the window to the ground with one palm, Qin Zhaofei kicked Huzi's pistol out of the door with his right foot. Before he could react, his right hand was already like a poisonous snake. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the living room.

Because he didn't know how many people were inside, Qin Zhao didn't want to interrogate him now, let alone allow him to greet his companions, so he simply cut him down on the ground with his palm before and after pulling him closer.

After listening for a while, Qin Zhao finally dragged the unlucky tiger and the knife to the laundry room after confirming that no one was coming towards the door, and then tied them up with two ropes. , and then tore off a shirt that had just been washed and hadn't dried yet, and gagged their mouths tightly so that they wouldn't scream when they woke up.

After finishing all these neatly, Qin Zhao slowly walked to the door of the living room again. Now he was sure that no one had discovered that these two unlucky guys were tied up in the laundry room by him. To deal with this kind of guy who fell down with one palm, if he had another gun in his hand, it would be too high of them, so Qin Zhao walked in without even looking at the two guns that fell at the door. out of the living room.

In the living room on the first floor of the Qin family's villa, several rooms were used as guest rooms. At the beginning, Li Moyu, Kailins, and members of Jiaozi used to live in it. Now, when Qin Zhao pushed open the doors of these rooms, he saw that the inside was no longer as tidy as before, and there were even two rooms that were in a mess. It seemed that men lived in them.

There was no one else in the living room except the guy struggling in the laundry room. Qin Zhao, who even searched the kitchen and bathroom, slowly walked up to the second floor with doubts.

The room to the east is the house of Qin Tianhe and his wife, and it is still tidy and tidy inside, with no signs of people living in it at all. After excluding the east side, he checked the rooms where Ye Qingling and Jing Hongxue lived in one by one, but they all looked like no one had lived in them.

It's impossible for the two men to live in their own home, right? Feeling a little baffled, Qin Zhao put his ear to the door of his room, pushed the door lightly, and found that the door was locked.

Well, there are people in here. After confirming that someone was in his room, Qin Zhao went back to the living room to find a steel wire, went back to the door and fiddled a few times, the door lock made a slight click and opened.

After slowly pushing the door open a crack, Qin Zhao quickly dodges behind the wall.

There was no sound of people walking in the bedroom, but Qin Zhao heard a slight snore coming from the bed inside.

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