"I..." Fei'er's heart ached, but she didn't dare to move, because Qin Zhao had a chill in her eyes that she had never encountered before, so she could only grit her teeth and let the cigarette butt stick to her delicate skin. His skin sizzled.

There was no tenderness in Qin Zhao's eyes, and he looked coldly at Fei'er, whose face was a little distorted due to the pain of her breasts being burned: "I'm really in a bad mood today. I didn’t even dare to let one go. I wanted to talk to Kaiser and the others to ease my mood, but who knew I would knock on your door, let alone you came to seduce me when I was most upset.”

"I, I can also chat with you." Fei'er really wanted to lift her perfectly flawless right leg knee, and put it firmly under the body of Kailinsi's husband, but Qin Zhao's eyes were like a wolf's. The look in her eyes made her wisely choose to endure the pain and smile. Gently took off the hand that was covering his mouth: "Sister, brother-in-law, I think what happened just now was just some misunderstanding. Just like you men always want to sleep with a beautiful woman, when I see a man I like , I also have this idea in my heart. I think it's just human nature, and there is no conspiracy in it at all."

After hearing what she said, Qin Zhao looked at her for a while without saying a word, then reached out and took off the cigarette butt stuck to his chest, and threw it on the ground: "You really think so? Okay, Then I'll tell you." Then he walked back to the sofa, as if he hadn't been rough on anyone just now, and looked directly at Fei'er who was still naked: "I don't like a woman, even if she Standing in front of me with her clothes off, at best I would treat her as a pig, and I've never been used to being nice to pigs."

"I see." Mayfair bent down to pick up the nightgown, and slowly put it on, feeling sorry for her proud figure for the first time in her heart. Because if she didn't want to rely on this charming body to seduce Qin Zhao, her chest would not have been left with a scar that would never disappear. This is a lesson, a lesson learned by swallowing the pain and guarding the pain.

"As long as it is a woman I like, even if she scolds me and bites me, I will still try to please her like a dog." Although he called himself a dog, there was no embarrassment on Qin Zhao's face , as naturally as Mayfair heard him call her a pig: "I love a woman and want her to be my wife, but her mother doesn't agree, and she also rejected my marriage proposal in person... Hehe, maybe in a few days God, she's going to marry another man."

"She, who is she?"

"You don't need to know who she is, that's all I want to tell you." Qin Zhao stood up, wiped her body and walked towards the door: "Hurry up and pack your things, and go to Mingzhu with Kaiser at five o'clock in the afternoon. "

"What about you? Aren't you going to Mingzhu?" After hearing that Qin Zhao's words did not mean going to Mingzhu, Fei'er asked quickly. If it wasn't for Qin's ferocious face just now, she would have been pestering him long ago.

"Fei'er, you came to Mingzhu to go to school, not to pester me to ask questions." Qin Zhao turned around, her face was completely the same laziness as before, and she was no longer so scared that she was almost paralyzed just now This made Mayfair wonder if he was possessed by a demon just now: "Of course, if you tell me what the real purpose of coming to Mingzhu is, then I might try to see you as Kailin Sister's cousin."

"Will you believe me when I tell you?"

"Maybe will."

"Well, let me tell you," Fei'er turned his back to Qin Zhao, and said with his invisible expression: "The patriarch of Guhan sent me to Mingzhu, just to let me find an opportunity to seduce you blatantly. If I succeed, I will find you again." Opportunities for the Rothschild family to gain greater profits in the development of the East China Sea oilfield project...Actually, I am a commercial spy."

"I'm afraid you are more than just a commercial spy," Qin Zhao sneered, "Just now I saw through you that you wanted to raise your right knee and hit me, but you are still smart, and it is not clear what I did to you." I'm not interested, so let's treat you as a commercial spy for the time being. But what I don't understand is that Kailins is my wife now, why doesn't Guhan let her do this? Wouldn't it be better?"

"Impossible, Kailinsi only has you in her eyes now, and even a blind person can see that she will definitely put your interests first in everything she does." Listening to Qin Zhao say what he wanted to do just now Finally, the corner of Mayfair's mouth twitched and turned around, her towering breasts trembling slightly with the inertia of turning around: "But I am different, I have been trained since I was a child to be a tool who would rather sacrifice everything for the benefit of the family, in my eyes Here, no one can be more important than family interests."

"Well, I believe you, I will give you a chance in the future, if you can make me like you." After Qin Zhao finished speaking, he slammed the door, leaving only Fei'er standing in the room blankly. Here, a sense of shame that she had never felt before made her raise her hand and slap herself hard...

It's been almost an hour since Qin Zhao got into the elevator, and Ying Xia is still guarding the cup of coffee that has cooled down a long time ago, slowly stirring it with a spoon.

The lobby manager who offered her a cup of hot coffee several times but was rejected by Ying Xia stood not far from her, waiting for her orders at any time. And Ying Xia, who was used to being served by others since she was a child, didn't think it was unnatural. It was only from the way she kept looking at her watch that she was a little anxious about waiting. Fortunately, when she looked down at the time for the sixth time, and was about to tell the lobby manager to check on the seventh floor, Qin Zhao walked out of the elevator.

"Is everything done?" Eyes lit up, Yingxia stood up quickly, and walked up quickly: "I should go up with you, it feels a little weird to be here alone."

"Silly girl, what's so weird here?" Qin Zhao patted the top of her head lovingly: "Everything is done, let them go back to Mingzhu first, I will go to Shuzhong with you, and we will go to the airport to take a plane. "After speaking, he thanked the lobby manager who had been standing there with a smile, and then walked out of the lobby holding Ying Xia's hand amidst her nonchalant remarks.

"Xiao Zhao, Miss Xiao Zhao sent me a text message just now." On the way to the airport in a taxi, Ying Xia took out her phone: "She said..."

"What did she say?" Qin Zhao's eyes twitched, but he didn't go to get his phone.

Zhan Zhao texted Ying Xia but not Qin Zhao, which meant that she didn't dare to face him, even on the phone.

"She said," Yingxia saw that Qin Zhao didn't take his mobile phone, so he had to read softly: "Yingxia, I just talked with my mother, and I'm going on a blind date tonight. The man is a colleague of my mother's company. To be honest, he is four years younger than me. If he can accept me, then we will get married this Sunday, hehe, bless me, I think I will be a happy bride...Xiao Zhao, today is Wednesday , four days until Sunday."

Qin Zhao didn't speak, but just grabbed the back of the driver's hand in front of him, and his veins popped up.

Ying Xia didn't say anything else, she knew that Qin Zhao must be feeling bad, but she didn't know what words to use to enlighten him. After secretly sighing in his heart, he turned his head to look at the scenery outside the car window, and arrived at Qingdao International Airport without saying a word.

"Xiao Zhao, do you think I'm a burden?" After boarding the plane to Shuzhong with the silent Qin Zhao, Ying Xia couldn't stand the silence anymore: "I see you are with other girls Sometimes, you talk and laugh, but when you are with me, you always like to keep your words in your heart. I know, you must be thinking about sister Xiao Zhao now. If it wasn’t because I was by your side, maybe tonight you I will elope with Miss Xiao Zhao."

"Ha!" Qin Zhaoqiang smiled: "Silly girl, you'll just think wildly. Elope with Xiao Zhao? Do I dare? Didn't you see how her mother wanted to kill me and feed her to the dogs?"

"Well, I think that's it."

"Don't think too much, the most important thing now is to see a doctor for you."

"Well," Yingxia said slowly leaning her head on his *, closing those eyes that Qin Zhao didn't dare to look at, "Actually, I understand your feelings for me very well. Compassion is much better than love." Times. The reason why you married me is to comfort me in this way, hoping that my illness can recover soon... You don't need to make excuses, although my brain has problems, but I can feel them. "

"Yingxia, what do you want to say?" Looking at the girl in his arms with strange eyes, Qin Zhao comforted her: "Why are you always thinking wildly? Now that you are my wife, you can just say whatever you want Well, I'm being polite when I'm with you because you're sick, and when you're well I'm sure I'll spank you if you don't behave any more."

"Little cousin..." Although Qin Zhao had promised not to call him that in the future, Yingxia still called her favorite title this time. After obviously feeling his body pause, her long eyelashes trembled, and she whispered: "I think, think you want me tonight."

I think you want me, only in this way can I really feel that you are my man, and I won't have to be troubled by this problem all the time, and it's possible that you don't have to be so polite to me anymore. Thinking this way in Yingxia's heart, she raised her hand and gently touched Qin Zhao's chin...

"Xiaoyue, what time is it and you still can't get up? I think you are getting lazy!" Xue Xinghan kicked Xue Haoyue's bedroom away, walked to the bedside and grabbed the blanket covering her head. Turned aside: "Hey, my Second Miss Xue, you have completely turned into a lazy pig after returning home from Mingzhu. Even if you can enjoy your vacation now, you still have to help the family with something. ?”

It is said that it is better to provoke a drunk than to provoke a sleepy man. This sentence means: If a person is disturbed when he is sleeping most soundly, he will definitely feel unhappy! Children would cry and look for their mother, men would lose their temper and throw things, and Second Miss Xue would curse at people with her eyes closed.

"Ouch, you dead woman, what are you doing?" Xue Haoyue, who was disturbed by Xue Xinghan, didn't even open her eyes, and grabbed the blanket back on her head with her backhand, cursing indistinctly. Said: "Even if you can't find the guy who hurt you, you shouldn't take your anger on me? Do things, do things, it's early in the morning, what can I do at home?"

"Who are you calling a dead woman?" Xue Xinghan blushed when he heard the name of the heartbroken man from his younger sister, and pushed the blanket aside again: "Your second young lady keeps her fingers sticky all day long, so naturally she has a job." I can't see you. But your sister, I have been busy since the morning. I am so tired that my waist is sore and my legs are hurting. Floor, mom called just now to say that we have guests coming today."

"Our family has your old lady sitting in town, who dares to come to visit us?" Xue Haoyue curled up, and turned over with her arms around her chest: "Go, go, I want to go first..."

"Stop talking to me!" Xue Xinghan has been chasing Xie Qingshang for several years without success. Almost everyone who knows her knows it, especially that Qin Zhao, who often uses this matter to make fun of the two of them. It made her feel very humiliated. However, the one who dares to guard Xue Xinghan and scold her old lady face to face is Xue Haoyue. If she is another person, if she doesn't tear her mouth apart, then she is not that mad woman who kicked out old Xie and hides everywhere. sub'.

"Can't you get up?" Seeing his sister turned over again and was about to fall asleep again, Xue Xinghan grabbed her arm, pulled it back violently, and then threw it out: "I'll let you sleep again!"

"Ouch, murder!" Xue Haoyue, who was thrown into the air by Xue Xinghan, screamed and performed a beautiful somersault, stood firmly on the floor, then raised her white right leg under the nightgown and kicked towards her sister. And Xue Xinghan, who was wronged by working alone, hugged his sister's leg, with a manly smile on his mouth, and opened his mouth to rub his sister's small but tall breasts...

Ding dong!

Just when the two sisters were making a fuss and filling the house, the doorbell of the living room outside the bedroom rang.

"No, stop making trouble, stop making trouble, my mother must have gone home." Panting heavily, Xue Haoyue broke out of her sister's arms, covered her important parts with her nightgown, and escaped Xue Xinghan by opening the door The 'Claws'. Running out of the bedroom and coming to the door, she opened the anti-theft door, her mouth pouted: "Mom, look at that old girl in your family, she always bullies you when you are not at home... ah!"

"This damn girl, she's still wearing a cartoon underwear at this age." Xue Xinghan picked up the underwear from the ground and dropped it on the ground, held it high in his hands, and walked towards the door with the corner of his mouth curled up. Just when he was about to laugh at his sister for not growing up, He heard Xue Haoyue at the door of the living room suddenly screamed, and then saw her running towards the bedroom like flying!

Although Xue Xinghan was agile enough, he was bumped into the door frame by the panicked Xue Haoyue.

"Ouch, are you going to die!?" Xue Xinghan touched his forehead that hurt from being hit by the door frame, turned around and jumped onto the bed, and immediately pulled the blanket over Xue Haoyue, cursing: "Look at you, have you seen the devil?" ?”

"Sister, sister, I really saw a ghost!" Xue Haoyue screamed under the blanket: "Go and see the door!"

"What are you going to see at the door?" Xue Xinghan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly walked out of the bedroom to the living room and looked at the door. At a glance, he saw a man with a big gift box in his hand, standing at the door with his head bowed in embarrassment. . Behind him, there is another girl covering her mouth and laughing...

Last night in a certain hotel in central Shu, Qin Zhao, who spent most of the night and said all his words, managed to get rid of Ying Xia's hug, "You want me tonight!" ' Thoughts. After getting up in the morning, he first called Xue's mother who opened a private clinic in the suburbs.

On the phone, Qin Zhao briefly introduced Yingxia's condition, and was told to wait at Xue's house first, and she would go home after finishing the matter at hand.

It is a serious matter to come to Shuzhong to ask Xue's family to see a doctor, so Qin Zhao led Yingxia to spend a lot of money in a big shopping mall. After buying a box of nutritional products suitable for all ages, Only then did he follow the route in his memory to the community where Xue's family lived.

After confirming the address of Xue's house with a cleaning aunt, he came to the door of Xue's house and rang the living room doorbell.

When he saw the door was opened, before Qin Zhao shyly saw who opened the door with a smile on his face, the other party's sound was enough to provoke a scream of an animal that only howled at the moon at night. It is inevitable that anyone who heard the scream suddenly felt so frightened that their calves trembled. After someone from Qin regained his composure and saw that the person in front of him was Miss Xue's family with disheveled clothes, he would His thick skin immediately turned red to the back of his neck.

"Hehe, little cousin, it seems that you have a lot of good fortune, but you are here to insult other girls." Yingxia, who was hiding behind Qin Zhao, ran away like a rabbit when she saw Xue Haoyue without closing the door. Entering the bedroom, he covered his mouth happily and giggled.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Qin Zhao turned his head and scolded her. When he turned his head, he saw Xue Xinghan with a stunned face, walking to the door with a cartoon in his hand: "I didn't read it. Wrong? You are Qin Laoqi."

"Hehe, yes, I'm Qin Zhao." Why are you showing off to me with your own Nene? Could it be that he wants to use this to distract the relationship between me and Lao Xie... Qin Zhao glanced at the cartoon Nene in Xue Xinghan's hand with some doubts, coughed, and pointed at the Nene in her hand: "Cough, Sister Xue, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing... Ah! Don't look at it!" After being reminded by Qin Zhao, Xue Xinghan realized that he was still holding his sister's Nene, and quickly hid it behind his back: "This is at my house. I can take it wherever I want." Where do you get it, what does it matter to you?"

"Yes, yes, you can get it wherever you want," Qin Zhaoda nodded, seeing Xue Xinghan's embarrassment, he quickly changed the subject, and pulled Yingxia behind him back: "Sister Xue, what is this?" It's one of my younger sisters. I brought her here today to ask Aunt Xue to see a doctor. Oh, I have already greeted Aunt Xue in the morning, and she asked me to come home and wait for her. "

"Sister Xue? Cut, Qin Laoqi, I can't tell that your mouth is getting sweeter." Xue Xinghan cut out: "No wonder my mother called me early in the morning and told me that I have a guest coming today. , so the guest was you? Hey, if I had known it was you, why would I have to get up so early to clean up? It’s all because my mother didn’t tell who came... It’s alright, alright, let’s lead you, my sister Come in, what are you doing stupidly standing at the door? Beggar? Ang? Give back your sister, you have so many sisters."

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a long time. Sister Xue, I will give you your eloquence." Qin Zhao could only deal with Xue Xinghan's sarcasm and sarcasm. At the same time, I also felt sad for Xie Qingshang to be entangled by such an eloquent woman, and couldn't help sighing secretly: Although I have many women, but none of them are sloppy. It seems that our fate is not so good.

"Qin Lao Qi, stop mocking me." Xue Xinghan let the two of them into the living room, and then closed the door behind him, "Everyone said that night owls come here for nothing, but you said that you came this time to see a doctor for your little sister. , but I think she's quite normal. I said you didn't come here for my Xiaoyue's idea, did you? If that's the case, then I advise you, put down what you're holding, and get out as soon as possible. Go as far as you want, my Xiaoyue is a bachelor, heh heh, she won't marry a playboy like you."

Watching Xue Xinghan's upper lip touch his lower lip, and spit out the vitriolic words continuously, Qin Zhao finally knew what a sharp mouth is. At this time, Xue Haoyue who was hiding in the bedroom yelled again: "Sister, tell him to get out of here quickly! Who cares about him coming to pursue me? I'm going to yell! Tell him to take the things he brought and go!"

We have come all the way to Shuzhong with great difficulty, if you run away with your head in your arms just because of a few words from you two sisters, then I will call Qing Island the most cheeky in vain!

After Qin Zhao heard that Xue sisters were rushing him to leave, the embarrassment of catching a glimpse of the girl's body just now disappeared, replaced by incomparable calmness. After putting the gift box on the coffee table, before anyone asked him to sit down, the old god pulled Ying Xia to sit on the sofa.

"Sister Xue, I'm here to ask for something." At Xue Xinghan's place, who told you to sit down! ', Qin Zhao picked up the cigarette on the coffee table and put it in his mouth: "If you don't believe me, you can look at my sister's eyes. Although you are also the kind of rotten wood that cannot be carved, but the one who is close to the vermilion Chi, I believe you have learned a little bit from Aunt Xue's fur... Hey, don't touch me, as the saying goes, men and women don't get along well. Also, I came from afar, so I belong to your family anyway. Guest, you'd better greet me with a smile on your face."

"Qin Laoqi, you can just let go of your fart, it's useless not to come with me!" If it wasn't because Xue Haoyue's panties were hidden behind his back, Xue Xinghan would have rewarded him with his mouth. Someone from Qin.

"Like I said, I came today to ask Aunt Xue to see a doctor for my younger sister." Qin Zhao stood up and pushed Yingxia to Xue Xinghan: "You can look at her eyes, according to your current attainments, you should be able to see Order something."

"Humph!" Xue Xinghan snorted, but Yingxia's pure look that made women feel sorry for her made her smile, and followed Qin Zhao's words to look into Yingxia's eyes.

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