"Go, go to that kind of small hotel?" Ye Qingling looked in the direction Qin Zhao pointed, and a small building appeared in front of the car on the right: "Going there is better than going home... Hehe, you Don't look at me with such strange eyes, I almost forgot that Yan Ruyu is still living at home, but our first time can't be in this kind of place, who knows what kind of chaos this kind of place will become, I think it's still Go ahead and find a star hotel.”

"Hey, you have a lot of things to do," Qin Zhao knocked on the car window: "What's wrong with the hotel? As long as there is a bed in it, how can it be safe to do this kind of thing? Hehe, I don't want to wait any longer, you must know, Waiting is the first old age in a person's life"

Under Qin Zhao's patient persuasion, Ye Qingling had no choice but to park the car slowly at the entrance of the Junzai Hotel. After the two got off, she stood at the door and looked into the brightly lit hall, thinking about what might happen in a while, There was sweat in the small hand held by Qin Zhao

After discovering her nervousness, someone knew that she was determined to be 'sincere' this time to fulfill herself, and he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. In order not to embarrass her too much, he deliberately didn't look at her again, and held her hand straight into the lobby

Although the interior decoration of Jun Zailai is good, but the mess in the hall can easily remind people of the three words 'not popular'

In fact, in terms of scale, the main customer base of this hotel run by Ji Lin is those working-class people who come to Qingdao City for business trips. The consumption is not high, and the environment is not bad. For Ye Qingling, who is used to going in and out of high-end villas and hotels, she can only describe it as barely enough, especially when there are some girls in the lobby who are very revealingly dressed, making fun of the guests with accents from all over the world.

"Xiao Zhao, the environment here is not good. Let's change to another one." As soon as Ye Qingling came in, she found that many people looked at her with amazement in their eyes. He wiped the corners of his mouth nonchalantly

"Hey, don't worry about it so much, I said this is where it is." For someone from Qin who has a brain and a sperm, as long as there is a bed, there is no need to care about the surrounding environment. Anyway, doing this does not require face

"But... well, Xiao Zhao, I, I want to have a cup of coffee," sighed helplessly, and after Qin Zhao went to the front desk to open a room and came back, Ye Qingling stirred her fingers together and laughed softly: "Why do I feel so nervous? It's as nervous as if I want to have an affair with you"

"It's okay, when I first dated a girl, I didn't even dare to lift my head, you are many times stronger than me, hehe"

"Fuck you, you are so thick-skinned that you don't even dare to lift your head?" Ye Qingling was teased by Qin Zhao, and she felt less nervous in her heart, especially when she thought of the misalignment between the two when they first met, Now that she is willing to come here to open a room, she feels that time can really change everything, including the heart that she can't even figure out.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Ye Qingling smiling, Qin Zhao bowed his head and said, "Are you thinking, are you being bewitched by me? Hehe, remember when we first met, you They withheld my ID card, and forced me to wear women's socks... Ye Qingling, Ye Qingling, you were so angry at that time that I wanted to rape you. Fortunately, I held back and finally waited. This day, which you are willing to do, can be regarded as the cloud opening and the bright moon appearing? Sigh, it’s not easy for me, it’s not easy”

"Cut," Ye Qingling pursed her lips and gave him a blank look, then smiled: "Xiao Zhao, think about the past, and look at the present, I didn't know that my impression of you would change so much... um, In this way, let's have a cup of coffee here first, and then go up, okay? Anyway, there is a lot of time tonight, and I don't care about this hour and a half."

"Silly boy, haven't you heard the saying that a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold?" Qin Zhao said so, but snapped his fingers to the waiter behind the stage: "Sister, bring us two cups of coffee... What? No? Oh, what about a bottle of red wine? Nothing? Shit, what do you drink here? You can drink two glasses at will.”

"Can't you speak more civilized in the future? You must know that you are not the same as before." With a narrow smile, Ye Qingling blamed Qin Zhao, and walked to a table in the corner of the hall: " It seems that this hotel has just opened, otherwise there would be no such things.”

"Well, I think so too." Qin Zhao glanced at the men who were still peeking at Ye Qingling: "Look, the cautious looks of those peeking at you are enough to prove that they have never seen a man as big as you." Beauty, hey, these guys are still watching, do you want to charge them ten yuan each for a visit? Damn, think of my wife as a monkey in the zoo, all of them are so attentive."

"You, you will talk nonsense." Ye Qingling knew that Qin Zhao's nonsense was to relieve her nervousness, but it was strange to say that after taking a look at the men who were peeking at her, she felt that she was not as good as her. It's nothing embarrassing for him to come here to open a room.

At this time, the waiter who didn't have anything but what the customer wanted came over with a set of tea sets, and explained to them apologetically: "Due to reasons such as the opening of the store, the supporting facilities have not been completed yet. In order to express my apologies to you two, The boss specially ordered me to present this pot of top-quality Tieguanyin as a gift, and please use it slowly.”

"Thank you." Ye Qingling thanked her with a smile. Just as she picked up the teacup, she saw three foreigners walking in. They were wearing short-sleeved shirts and had tattoos on their arms. kind

After the three foreigners sat down not far from Qin Zhao, they patted the table and asked for two bottles of vodka

Vodka? A place that doesn't even have coffee or wine, but vodka? Qin Zhao felt that these Russian-speaking foreigners were really funny, and when he was about to say 'No' in his heart to the waiter, he saw that the waiter took out two bottles of authentic vodka from behind the counter.

Oh, it turns out that people sell liquor and beer here. At this time, Qin Zhao noticed that the wine cabinet behind the stage was full of liquor and beer. He couldn't help but feel a little strange. Seeing that Ye Qingling took a sip of 'Extreme Tieguanyin', she put down her teacup, looked at him with a flushed face, her big eyes were full of shy anticipation

This little girl is looking forward to spring... Qin Zhao secretly smiled, coughed, and said sourly: "Cough, lady, why do I feel so boring after drinking this tea? Otherwise, let's stop drinking it and go back to the room early to rest. ?”

"Yeah..." Ye Qingling didn't make fun of him this time, she just hummed and stood up.

Just as they passed by the three Russian-speaking foreigners and were about to go upstairs, those three guys suddenly called Qin Zhao: "Hey, buddy, the guy next to you is not bad, can you give it to us? The price is negotiable”

"Hehe, I'll leave it to you? I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it. A few Russian devils dare to be arrogant here. I think you are getting impatient." Hearing those guys being so arrogant at the door of his house, Qin Zhao chuckled softly. , when she was about to turn around and walk over, Ye Qingling grabbed her and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't make trouble, these people don't look like serious people, let's ignore them"

Seeing that Qin Zhao just wanted to come over, the three foreigners were held back by Ye Qingling. They thought they were scared, so they laughed. One of them said something, and then they called the waiter over, but nothing happened. Making fun of Qin Zhao again, in fact, they should be thankful, if it weren't for Ye Qingling, this fat beating wouldn't be able to escape

Similarly, if it wasn't for rushing to do something with Ye Qingling, just based on what these foreigners said, Qin Zhao would have to beat up so much that their own mothers couldn't recognize him just because he was in a hurry to do that. , that's why he was gently tugged by Ye Qingling, like an old cow being led by a shepherd boy, obediently followed her up the stairs

Because the Junzai Lai Hotel has just opened, there is still a faint smell of methanol in the guest room

However, this is not the reason to prevent Qin Zhao from picking up Ye Qingling as soon as he closed the door. He bent down and picked up Ye Qingling who was screaming in his mouth. With a flick of his feet, the shoes flew directly under the bed, and then As soon as he turned around, he hugged her in front of his chest, and fell back, the two of them were already lying on the bed

"Ah, this is my room tonight," someone shouted happily

"Hehe, look at you...Xiao Zhao, I haven't taken a shower yet?" Although she was determined to hand herself over to someone from Qin tonight, Ye Qingling still unknowingly found out all kinds of reasons when things came to an end to delay

"Bath?" Qin Zhao turned over, pressed Ye Qingling under him, kicked off the high heels on her feet, and took them off for her, and then put a hand into her Inside the jacket: "What time is it, are you still taking a bath? Let's wash together when we're done, my husband, I'm impatient." He said, using his dexterous hands, he pulled off her coat with just a few strokes, revealing her bound skin. The stalwart with white silk*

"But..." As soon as Qin Zhao's hand touched the sensitive part of the woman, Ye Qingling immediately closed her mouth and tightly closed her eyes. She bit her lip with her snow-white teeth, and it could be seen that she was really very sad now. He was very nervous, and his body was trembling slightly. What he showed was completely different from the frivolity when he took the initiative to seduce him in the Qin's villa that day.

"I've said it ten thousand times, don't use this thing to replace the mask in the future, how troublesome is it to untie it? It's not such a shameful thing to be big. It's too late for others to envy it. Is it necessary to cover it up?" Qin Zhao Grabbing Bai Ling's head and pulling it lightly, a pair of snow-white towering legs jumped up like restless white rabbits. Those two cherries, which were shining attractive red, made someone have no demeanor at all. Yes, I put my head down and put it in my mouth

"Oh...itch..." As Qin Zhao licked his tongue back and forth, Ye Qingling froze, and then let out a soft moan that was even more heart-stirring than the melodious cry of a swan stretching its neck : "Yu, Xiao Zhao, don't eat anymore, eat, it's so uncomfortable"

"What kind of uncomfortable method?" After sucking for a full three minutes, until Ye Qingling's body twisted slightly, Qin Zhao raised his head in satisfaction, with a wicked smile on his face: "Uncomfortable You just call it, it will be more comfortable that way Hey, don’t be shy, what we do is protected by the law now Well, tell your husband how you feel now? Is this also a whisper in the boudoir? "

"I, I'm embarrassed to say" Ye Qingling hugged Qin Zhao's waist tightly, letting his generous breasts tightly press against her chest. Although she was embarrassed to say it, it was like talking in a dream The whispering voice completely exposed her psychology: "It feels like the whole person is so empty, I want, I want to fill it with you..."

"The little one will definitely meet your wishes. I'll do my best, and I'll die." Someone Qin proudly showed off his poor literature knowledge, rolled off her body in a flash, and put his hands on the belt of Ye Qingling's leather skirt: " Wife, I will make you feel full right now, and let you live to the fullest."

"Yeah." Ye Qingling opened her eyes, and looked at him with winking eyes: "Xiao Zhao, you have to be gentle, I'm still a little scared"

"Understood" You won't be afraid after more times, Qin Zhao said in his heart, untied the belt of the leather skirt, and then gently pulled it down... Ye Qingling's whole body, except for the last white panties, The whole body of flawless white jade, slightly pink with nervousness, was completely exposed in front of his eyes...

"Zhanju, the front is Junzai Hotel. Look at the cars parked at the door. There are quite a lot of people coming tonight." Wang Dapeng drove a commercial vehicle with a civilian license plate, and after parking on the side of the road, he turned his head and sat opposite each other. Zhan Zhao in the passenger seat said, "Should we just go straight in like this?"

Zhan Zhao, who was looking at the vehicles in front of the Junzai Hotel, nodded and said, "Well, later, you and Xiaolu will enter through the main entrance with me, Lao Li, and you three will guard the entrance, lest anyone escape from the second floor... Heh , I didn’t expect there to be a BMW parked here, when did the rich people in Qing Island learn to come to such a small place for fun?”

"The license plate belongs to our Jincheng District." At this time, Wang Dapeng also noticed the BMW parked in the middle of the Geely, Chery, and ordinary Santana. Because of the waiter? Hey, Xiaolu, didn’t you say that you saw a Russian woman coming in and out yesterday?”

"Yeah, I've seen two of them." Xiaolu nodded affirmatively, "Those bums who often hang out in this street know that there are foreign women here."

"Okay, just park the car here and get out of the car, Lao Li, you guys will guard the door according to my instructions." Zhan Zhao pinned the police officer's ID card on the left side, opened the door and jumped down first

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