Seeing the van slowly stop at the side of the road, Zhan Zhao slammed the steering wheel, slammed the Santana police car in front of the van, and then pushed the door to get out of the car. At this time, two of Konselov's companions had already opened the door Jumped down, with a sneer on your face that you are so stupid, standing in front of the car, shaking your body slightly, with your hands clasping your joints

Seeing that the two guys didn't look like they were going to pick something up, Zhan Zhao also took his hands off the handle of the gun, took a few steps forward, and suddenly jumped up without saying a word, and slammed his right leg fiercely at the person on the left* Mouth to go

Those two guys thought that Zhan Zhao would give a long-winded political education like the rest of the police, and they were ready to ignore her and beat her unconscious, who knew they just made a move In his posture, Zhan Zhao had already slammed his foot on the front of one of them, kicked him several meters away, and fell to the road with a thud.

I came out to check the ward when I had nothing to do, but it turned out that my sweetheart was renting a room with someone else... Zhan Yumao, who was sad, had to try his best to hide his frustration in front of a group of colleagues, but at this time, Kangshelov and the others were playing a game of stealing the car and running away Now that she has caught up, if she doesn't vent her anger into strength, then she won't be Zhan Zhao

After stomping over one of the guys, Zhan Zhao didn't wait for his body to fall to the ground, touched the ground with his toes, let out a low shout, and threw himself at the other guy, half-turning his body, bending his left elbow with his back to him. After pounding

The Russian didn't expect that this handsome and pretty policewoman would be so tough, she would overturn his companion in one sight, and now seeing her attacking him again, he didn't even have time to yell, so he hurriedly kicked her Blocking her elbow attack, and making full use of the advantage that European men are more airy than Chinese women, they started a close fight with her

However, what surprised this second-rate killer of vampire bats was that Zhan Zhao's punches and kicks were not like ordinary policemen at all, but rather like those first-rate killers in the organization, with a domineering short-sightedness to destroy everything in his ferociousness. In just ten seconds, he was hit several times. Fortunately, he was prepared in his heart and was not knocked down like his companions.

At this time, Konshelov also got out of the car. He didn't expect that the policewoman in front of him would be so tough. Not only did she knock over a companion when she came up, even the remaining companion was forced by her to dodge left and right. embarrassed

It seems that this female policeman is not an ordinary policeman. Even if we go together, we may not be able to please him. It is better to pull him down with a gun, and he will be killed if he is shot. Anyway, there are no vehicles on the road now. gun, and shouted to his companions: "Mark, get out of the way!"

Just when Konshelov drew out his gun and ordered his companions to move away, a whining car traveled 140 miles and arrived at the scene of the fight in the blink of an eye from far to near. The two snow-white headlights The beam of light illuminated all the people present, subconsciously covering their eyes with their hands.

Konselov, who had already pulled out his gun, was also dazzled by the sudden strong light, and looked back subconsciously. Before he understood what was going on, he felt his body jerk, and then he seemed to be separated from the earth. Like the attraction, he flew up suddenly, passed the Santana police car in front, and then fell to the road with a bang, clean and loud, and the gun in his hand slid far along the road.

"Boss" Mark watched Conselov fly up, thinking that he was performing some powerful tricks. Who would have thought that he jumped up, flew straight over Santana, and then fell hard on the road. The appearance of rolling back and forth in pain is not a prelude to performing a trick at all

Who is this so fierce, aren't you afraid of hitting people to death? After Mark turned around and saw the car parked in front of him, he realized that the boss flew up because he was hit by a car...

In the blink of an eye, the two companions were lying on the ground. Mark was really scared, so he decided to dig something out. But at this moment, there was a buzzing sound in the back of his head, and then the old man immediately collapsed on the ground with his eyes rolled. don't know anymore

Zhan Zhao is straightforward, but she is definitely not the kind of idiot who doesn't look at opportunities. Since Mark puts the back of his head in front of his fist, if he doesn't take the opportunity to punch him unconscious, then she doesn't deserve to be favored by Long Teng Yiyue Xiang Nantian and deliberately cultivated. the object of

In fact, Zhan Zhao was also taken aback by Kangshelov's sudden collision with a car, but immediately saw Qin Zhao walking out of the BMW.

I don't know what's going on, but when Zhan Zhao saw him coming, a warm current rose in Zhan Zhao's heart, but then he saw Mark put the back of his head in front of her eyes, making her look so glaring, if she didn't take this opportunity to give him a If you punch her, I'm afraid God will not forgive her

After knocking Mark down with a punch, Zhan Zhao took out the handcuffs and put them on him neatly, then walked up to the hunched guy who was still clutching his hands on the ground, stretched out his hand and pulled him up, grabbed his vest and slammed it on. As soon as it was torn hard, it was torn in two, ready to use this to bind people

"Wow, Xiao Zhao, your kung fu is really strong." Qin Zhao opened the door and got out of the car and came over. Although Zhan Zhao didn't pay attention to him, he still enthusiastically helped her tie up the guy with a broken vest. He took the initiative to walk over to the car, and picked up Kangshelov, who was neither dead nor alive at the moment.

"Sure enough, it's you who are lingering." Qin Zhao tore off Kangshelov's collar, reached out and grabbed a steel card, and then threw it to Zhan Zhao who stood up.

Raising his hand to grab the steel plate, Zhan Zhao confirmed that it was a special steel plate for Russian vampire bats with just one glance, then put it in his pocket, and still stood motionless in the middle of the road, watching Qin Zhao take the three poor of Russians crammed into a van

"Xiao Zhao, I don't think these three guys are here for you this time, because if they had come for you, their boss wouldn't have sent three worthless people here." After closing the door of the van, Qin Zhao walked up to Zhan Zhao Seeing that she was still silent, she just looked at him, smiled, and raised her chin: "What's the matter, are you really angry with me?"

"Take your hand away." Zhan Zhao opened Lao Qin's arm with a wave, turned his head to the side and said coldly, "Who are you to me? You're not in the hotel to accompany your little... Confidante, why come here to trouble yourself?"

"I'm not worried that something will happen to you"

"Even if I die, it's better than seeing Qin Zhao just now. You, do you know how disappointed I am with you?" Zhan Zhao turned his head away and stared fiercely at Qin Zhao, who was smiling. Someone: "There are already so many women around you, but you still do this kind of thing that humiliates all the women who love you...Qin Zhao, did I misunderstand you before? You are not only a hooligan, but also a low-level person." rogue"

"Hey, is my thought so impure? Is my character so low?" Qin Zhao sighed and said, "Xiao Zhao, things are not as you imagined, can you listen to my explanation? Let me tell you, The woman in the hotel room is none other than Ye Qingling, because my house was taken over by Yan Ruyu, so we just found a hotel to make do with one night, and who knew you were going to be the leader of the exhibition bureau, hey, hey, You also know that her skin is a little thinner than mine, and the subordinates guarding you at that time were embarrassed to show up, so they didn't recognize you."

"That girl is Ye Qingling?"

"Yes, it's Ye Qingling. If you don't believe me, you can ask your colleagues."

"Oh, let me tell you." The reason why Zhan Zhao looked at Qin Zhao coldly was because he thought that this guy would do such a thing as whoring. At this moment, after hearing him say that the woman hidden under the blanket was Ye Qingling, he felt angry. just a little bit smaller

She also knew that Sister Ye was thin-skinned. At that time, she must have been embarrassed to guard so many policemen to recognize her. In addition, she was worried about her safety when she saw Lao Qin rushing over. Although she still had a straight face, her eyes were soft. many

"Xiao Zhao, are you really going to marry someone else?"


"Then have you ever thought about how I feel?"

"Oh," Zhan Zhao sighed, and looked away: "Will I not think about it? But what if I think about it?"

"Then you shouldn't act recklessly like this." Qin Zhao looked at the sad Zhan Zhao with strange eyes, "Although Aunt Zhan doesn't agree with you being with me, we can find a way. Just find a man to marry."

Qin Zhao really wanted to tell her what happened with You Bin tonight, but he couldn't hold back.

"Xiao Zhao, this is my idea. It's my fault. If you want to blame it, you can only blame me, don't blame my mother." Zhan Zhao closed his eyes: "Actually, I also hate myself. I hate that I don't have Kailinsi. their kind of courage"

"I understand, it's not that you don't have the courage, it's just that you are afraid that Aunt Zhan can't accept this reality." Qin Zhao smiled: "Hehe, I didn't expect that you, who are usually careless, would be an obedient and good boy. Those colleagues should be arriving soon, and I have to go back to find Qingling, just like that.” He glanced into the distance, then lightly patted Zhan Zhao on the shoulder, and walked towards the BMW

"You, you left like this?" Zhan Zhao turned around suddenly, staring at Qin Zhao who opened the door with wide eyes, with endless sorrow in his voice: "I'm going to marry someone else soon, You left like this?"

"What can I do if I don't leave?" Qin Zhao said without turning his head: "Don't you dare to run away with me against your mother's words?"

"I, I..." Zhan Zhao clenched his fists tightly, looked up to the sky, and said, "I dare not, because I'm afraid my mother won't be able to stand her, and she has a heart attack."

"Then it's over?" Qin Zhao got into the car, poked his head out after closing the door, "If you dare not elope with me, wouldn't it be superfluous for me to be here?"

"Yes, you're right," Zhan Zhao said, taking a step forward, before the next words could be uttered, the BMW had already driven out like an arrow, and in the blink of an eye, there were only two blurred rear lights left

Looking at the direction the car was going, tears slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes, Zhan Zhao choked up and said in a low voice: "Actually, if you persist, I will definitely go with you. Why are you reluctant to say a word? Just because I said I want to marry someone else, do you treat me like this? You are not such a heartless person, why are you like this, what is going on?"

Zhan Zhao muttered to himself with tears in his eyes, and what answered her was not only the cool night wind, but also the sound of police sirens in the distance...

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